May 2021 Moms

UO 🥗🍊🍇

It’s been a while since we’ve had an Unpopular Opinion thread. It is time to share your UO!

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Re: UO 🥗🍊🍇

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    @asf0613 every experience and person is definitely different! There is nothing wrong with wanting pain meds 👍

    My UO: I don’t like name alliteration. It bothers me. Idk why. 

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    edited January 2021
    @asf0613 I think I've always thought I would want drug free. But after my C-section, I felt, I already have the baby, what does it matter to have the drugs. So I realized it wasn't as important as I thought. But I believe strongly that drugs and interventions can strongly influence outcomes and I am seriously VBAC focused. So I feel that I have no choice for this pregnancy. I am willing to have a terribly painful birth in order to have a VBAC. 

    @yellingbanana I also dislike name alliterations. My husband wanted our son to be JJ. It took me months, I hated it so much, just because it was an alliteration. He chose names just based on them starting with a J. 
    But now I've calmed a little and it is easier just to type the 2 letters than his full name.

    I guess my UO is pet names/names of endearment for your kids. I call my poor son so many things that I'm surprised he can associate himself with them. He has 3 official names, one for each language, plus the alliteration, then I get lazy and he gets J and Jo. And forget about the endearing terms, I'm sure I have more than 10. Poor kid. 

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    Paper plates. I do not understand grown adults who use paper plates (outside of something like a 4th of July BBQ). My friend posted a picture of her dinner last night, and it was on a paper plate. Like, why?!
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    @nsk489 omg i am like queen of using disposables when it comes to anything besides dinner.  dinner always on dishware, but lunches and snacks always paper plates!  as it is with just DH and me, i have to run my dishwasher just about daily because we go through so much !!

    @mrosek91 i dont mind this opinion---still one of my favorites either way and i eat equal portions of candy vs cookies so it doesnt affect how many i eat in one sitting lol

    @littlelibelula and @yellingbanana i dont know that this bothers me too too much, but it definitely depends on the specific letters/sounds.  my last name starts with an F so i knew right away we were excluding any names with an "f" or "ph" in them.  however, i don't find JJ to be bothersome.  so it depends!
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    @nsk489 I used paper plates depending on what I'm eating! lol  Pizza, hotdogs, and sandwiches always go on a paper plate!  Those are both quick easy meals that go hand and hand with quick easy clean up!
    *Loss 8/2014*
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    *Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
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    @asf0613 paper plates for lunch or snacks doesn't bother me as much (especially if your lunch is like a sandwich or something, and not last night's leftovers). I think its specifically the paper plates for dinner that drives me crazy
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    @nsk489 very fair assessment! and TBH if i did decide to put dinner on a paper plate, i definitely wouldn't photograph it!!
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    @nsk489 we use paper plates. I also thought it was weird before I got married, but DH grew up in a much more laid back family, and when our dishwasher broke he convinced me it was preferable to washing dishes for a family of 5. Now even with a working dishwasher we still use them a lot because habit. (and we keep forgetting to run the dishwasher.)
    @asf0613 don't get me wrong, I like Twix and I eat them. But if I ask you to bring me chocolate, it better be something it is mostly chocolate.
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    And... you put those paper plates in the garbage after one use? 😭 I have to stand with @nsk489 here. 😅
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    You guys can get chinet plates and throw them in the yard waste bin! Along with your food scraps! Compostable 😉
    I’m with @mimser (see, I’d make a great Canadian!)

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    I stand with @mimser, throwing away something after one use? I just can't do it. If its a picnic or a group event, like a party, I'll do it. But if its at my house close to a supply of water for washing, I'd rather put together a dishwashing brigade. 

    I'm definitely the opposite. We wash and reuse plastic cutlery. Less now that I'm married, but growing up, all the time. 
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    @littlelibelula growing up, my grandparents always hosted a lot of summer get togethers (they have a swimming pool so my family and all my cousins were there all the time!). We would get in so much trouble if we threw out the plastic cutlery since they reused it 😂
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    You all and your paper plates 😂 it would have never crossed my mind to use paper plates on a regular basis but I will use a real plate and just rinse it off, set it on the counter & save it for later because it doesn’t feel like I used it enough to put it in the dishwasher. I also use the same glass for water for like 5 days straight so 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    Big paper plate fam here lol! But I agree about the dinner comment. *mostly* that goes on real plates. 

    We use a lot of paper plates because with three kids I swear I run the dishwasher once every day, and always have one side of the sink full. It drives me CRAZY 😜 
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    @brynn_mamaof4 at least you have 3 kids as an excuse--i literally fill the dishwasher each day with jsut the two of us eeeeeeeeek

    maybe that should be a FFFC
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    Lol! I run the dishwasher at least twice a day... with my environmentally friendly dishwasher detergent 😉 I’ll just go ahead and label myself the group hippie ✅

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    mimsermimser member
    edited January 2021
    @yellingbanana fellow hippie here 🙋‍♀️ 
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    When I used to work in an office, I bought myself a plastic plate and bowl (like the kind that a kid would use) to leave at work bc I couldn't stand how many paper plates/bowls I was using a week!

    @caroduke I'm with you on this--I get annoyed when people make a big deal about dog poop near wooded trails, but don't seem bothered by horse poop ON the trails. I always make sure to follow the pack it in/pack it out rule and clean up after my dog, but at the same time if my dog poops well off the trail, is it really a big deal?
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    @caroduke I was curious so I googled it 😜 you’d think they could set out some poop bags though. 

    “As it turns out, not all animal poop is equal. The waste left behind by wild animals is actually beneficial to the ecosystem because those animals consume resources and nutrients from the ecosystem. Those same resources and nutrients are then returned to the ecosystem in their waste.

    This is not the case with dogs and other pets, which typically eat nutrient-dense commercial pet foods. When your dog poops in the preserves, or anywhere for that matter, they are leaving behind waste with high quantities of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus that can cause imbalances in the ecosystem. “

    Also the bacteria and worms end up in our water system!

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    In our "What is Poop?" book, it explains that dog poop doesn't break down the same as animal poop  :D I'm sure it's for the reason @ckmb_1250 mentioned!  Also, @yellingbanana we use environmentally friendly detergent as well! 
    *Loss 8/2014*
    *Rainbow 8/2015*
    *Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
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    mkc3888mkc3888 member
    edited January 2021
    We only use paper plates and cutlery when we have a lot of people over.  meaning I don'y have enough dishes for that.  However after those gatherings, I do use them for sandwiches and quick/easy meals or snacks.  I'm not typically a big environmentally aware person.  However using cloth diapers has opened up so much stuff to me.  I use cloth menstrual products, because if I can clean cloth diapers why not. This is when I found out they are much more comfortable.  I also now have a bidet, which is amazing.  I won some cloth wipes in a giveaway and now I prefer them over tp to dry off after using the bidet.  I've thought about investing in cloth paper towels, but some things are just better for disposable paper towels, like cleaning vomit 🤢 

    TTC #1 since August 2015
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    Felicity Joy, born September 2, 2016
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    TTC #2 Since August 2020
    BFP #2 September 11, 2020
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    @mkc3888 I recently started using cloth paper towels and napkins, but still keep a roll of regular paper towels around for certain things (bacon grease, animal messes, cleaning bathrooms)
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    @nsk489 same here!
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