June 2021 Moms

We can vent here


Re: We can vent here

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    @disgruntled_pelican omg, yes with the coffee!  Fortunately I haven't had an issue stomaching it, but I did stop for awhile in the first month or so of pregnancy.  Now that I'm back on it I'm having to ration myself every day!  I started cutting it with decaf just so I can drink more.  Hope you can start enjoying it again soon!
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    I hadn’t been able to drink coffee either since the thought made me sick to my stomach.  I just had my first cup this morning Gand it was so yummy on a cold morning.  Hoping that aversion stays far away from me.  I’m definitely a coffee gal! 
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    I really liked the Heineken 0.0 beer and it was very easy to find in store! It tasted exactly like regular Heineken which I was very surprised about! The Fre Cabernet was okay, not my favorite but I still made use of the bottle. I also tried an amazing NA beer from Germany that was a Hefeweizen, but go figure I could never find it again. I’ve had a big beer aversion since about week 8 so my little stockpile is just sitting in the fridge now  :/
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    @wendy838 love Clamato! Have you had a michelada? Also a big fan of those. 

    @akoros going to try that beer! I’ve had a couple of the Heineken 0.0 just to satisfy the boozy craving during some football games and also to mix with Clamato for a michelada (see above haha). I like citrus beers so excited to try

    @ashleyjillian15 yes! Just mentioned the Heineken above. It tastes just like the real thing
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    @ashleyjillian15 You're right, Heineken 0.0 is probably one of the better ones out there too, in that it tastes pretty close to the real thing. Europe's really hopped on the NA beer train, when I was in Poland in 2018 it was everywhere and most were quite good. Even got a free can while walking down the street in Warsaw, which was fantastic (beer was cold, it was the middle of a heat wave). It's harder to find good options in the US, but starting to get better. I've heard decent things about Athletic Brewing, and also HopTea (not beer, but a sparkling tea made from hops), but haven't found any to by myself yet since I don't want to jump for a 36-pack on Amazon straight out of the gate.
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    @kaw726 I’ve never had a michelada! I will have to try it because it sounds delicious 
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    @sgrn18 - I've been missing my cup of coffee too. I was able to drink some of DH's coffee a few days ago, so hopefully soon!

    My vent: Last week my sister was pretty ill with what we thought was food poisoning. We let her use the guest room while she was recovering so someone could keep an eye on her. It was a stomach bug. So the toddler and I caught it Sunday night and didn't sleep at all that night. Took me a whole day to recover and I still feel off. 
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    @marebear15 it was really nice of you to let her stay with you. I'm pretty cold to people (except my kids) when they tell me they are throwing up because I dont want to take any chances...Stay far far away from me for a week and I sanitize EVERYTHING like a crazy person.
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    @mrs_massie - I told my husband, never again. I'm the "mom" of my siblings, but next time they are sick, they can get their roommates to help them.
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    @sgrn18 I had a coffee aversion early on as well. When I was able to have my first cup of coffee, I swear I got chills. It was the best. 
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    Wanted to just echo the ladies with the coffee aversion. I miss it so much. I can’t even look at my nespresso machine without feeling nauseous. I was not expecting this. Hoping that this aversion goes away, I just want to curl up with a nice cup and read a book. Hot tea just isn’t the same for me. 

     BabyFruit Ticker
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    I’m checking my myriad account for updates daily. And it’s frustrating. That is all. Lol
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    I did the Natera Panorama test today hoping to get some answers why Baby B didn't survive. I really hope theres enough fetal DNA detected to show results and a part of me is soooo mad the other Dr. didn't let me do it 2 weeks ago when I first asked about it. I'm really hoping we didn't wait too long.
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    @angelz429 It took Myriad 8 business days for my results. Most people I've seen recently who have had it have gotten their results back in 7-8 business days. Fingers crossed you get them soon and all is well!!!
    TTC History- *TW* LC
    Me: 24 Dh: 46
    Married: 10.2018
    DS #1: 06.2014
    Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG), Emergency C-Section
    MC: 03.2017- 5 Weeks
    Rainbow DS #2: 07.2018
    HG, 19w Fetal Surgery, 24w PPROM, 33w Placental Abruption, Partial Uterine Rupture, Emergency C-Section
    NICU, Chronic Kidney Disease
    TTC #3: Medically Cleared 12.5.2019, had a bunch of problems and wonky cycles
    BFP 10.13.2020 EDD: 6.26.2021

    October 2020 TTGP Signature Challenge: Pets in Costumes

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    dogmom5dogmom5 member
    edited December 2020
    @mrs_massie I hope you get the answers you are looking for
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    @mrs_massie I hope you get some answers. I've had 3 early unexplained losses and it's hard not to have answers. Fx for you
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    @mrs_massie I hope you get some answers. I totally understand wanting to find a reason, I was grasping for anything after my second loss, and it still bothers me that the doctors call it "unexplained" (they found a blood clotting issue, but aren't sure that's what caused it).
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    @mrs_massie totally ok to want that. Other people can be so negative sometimes. 
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    I'm annoyed that I can't enjoy all the Christmas cookies and candy and treats without throwing them all up afterwards... What's the point!?!
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    @megggosaurusrex I feel ya there. I see it as, I’m getting rid of those unwanted calories after at least tasting them 😂
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    Lmao! @dogmom5 you are such an optimist!  I had no desire to even eat cookies this year when usually I love them!  I’m actually sad because I know I’ll want some come February and I’ll end up making a ton of Christmas cookies and eating them myself lol
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    @sgrn18 nothing wrong with that! Especially in February when our appetites will probably be higher 😂
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    I'm at the OB and there are so many people here it's giving me anxiety. I know my blood pressure is going to be elevated when I get back there
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I need to vent. 

    Checked the litter box (empty) and came upstairs, after about 30 or so minutes the house started to reek of cat pee. We have the Breeze box, so you scoop poop daily and change the pee pad weekly (though we're not always great with that), I figured I jostled it and the pad needed to be changed. I have NEVER seen so much pee. Pad was totally full, tray was full, and it was leaking out the sides.  I swear I did it a week ago, but maybe I didn't? Her water intake hasn't changed, so if she really peed that much in the past few days I have no idea where it's coming from. Regardless, pee everywhere, pee on me, entire house stinks even after I finished scrubbing.

    Got pee on my clothes and shoes, so dumped them in the washer, came upstairs, and THE FRONT DOOR IS OPEN. Not unlocked, OPEN. My husband went for a run and didn't f'ing close it! 

    Went up to the bedroom to put clean clothes on and I'm totally out of comfy pants.

    Came back down to my desk and I'm locked out of my work computer because the exemption allowing me to use a network password rather than my PIV card has expired. IT is taking forever to respond, and no I'm not done with my work today. 

    The house still stinks like pee, I have to wear awkward pants, I'm scared about my cat, and frustrated about my computer. I haven't wanted a drink this badly in ages...
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    @akoros that is a full on shit day. I hope your evening got better. 
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    @kristah2 And it all happened in under an hour! (or so, I think...) Broke out the paint-by-number I finally got delivered and my husband just informed me we're getting Chinese takeout for dinner, so things are looking up

    Last night was the poop event, which my husband was teasing me is "good practice". Basically the cat had diarrhea (she always gets it from wet food, but refuses to eat her dry food), must have wiped her butt on the side of the box so wound up getting smears of poo on her back, side, and feet (she stepped in it too....I discovered this after she sat in my lap, btw). Hopefully she gives me a break for a bit....
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    @akoros wow what a day - but it sounds like things got better tonight! I would've lost it at the work computer part, IT issues are the worst
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    I need to vent too. I kinked my neck sleeping last night and my neck is f-ing killing me 😫 It really hurts to even move my head from side to side or up and down and it pulls down my back. I've got a pounding headache because of it and its making me not feel well. I swear it was getting worse and getting more and more stiff throughout the day at work. I just want it to go away so I can have some relief. 😢 
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    @mindyb2019 this happens to me and I can’t turn my head for days. I usually take Advil which we can’t have. So I suggest Tylenol and a heat pack. The heat makes things come more lose and it helps. And if you can swing it get in to a massage therapist ASAP. It will make a work of difference for you. 
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    @mindyb2019 I woke up with the same problem this morning. I keep trying to stretch my neck in hopes of loosening things up and getting rid of the headache.

    Also, DH is being annoying because it’s snowing today and I am at work. I am supporting my AVP who is over our vaccine clinics. All evening he kept telling me I needed to tell him when I would be home so he could go ride the ATV in the snow. And asking why I was even going if there roads were going to be covered in the morning. I kept saying, I am not committing to staying home or coming home at a certain time since we live in the south and the weather predictions can be wrong. Sure enough, DC was closed today but when we woke up the roads were wet and there was only a dusting on the grass. Then he was mad when I said if the roads stay like this I am staying at work most of the day. He is home with a potty training DD and grumpy with me that he can’t just go play in the snow when he chooses. 

    I, on the other hand, am working on what will likely be a day filled with people calling and emailing me wondering if we are still doing vaccines today and tomorrow or canceling their appointments. Oh, and whether I am at home or at work I get to end my day by manually cross checking 200 vaccine recipients for tomorrow to confirm if they are scheduled for their 2nd dose or 1st dose and whether or not they have registered with the state. Look at excel spreadsheet, type recipient name in state system, confirm registered or not, confirm 1st or 2nd dose. 
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    @klj0228 What kind work do you do again?  I actually just applied to CVS to be a nurse vaccinator and Covid tester.  Looking to get away from the bedside for a while and destress before this baby comes.  
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    Damn!! That’s crazy!  I do like to be busy though! 
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    sgrn18 said:
    Damn!! That’s crazy!  I do like to be busy though! 
    Me too! I would much rather be busy. Plus, I like being able to prove I am capable of doing many different things. 
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    @klj0228 sorry this happened to you this morning. Hopefully your neck feels better later and your headache goes away. 
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    @akoros just getting in here- I hope your house doesn't smell like cat pee anymore! 
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    @_orchid_ Nope! Now it smells like the eucalyptus I bought for a floral arrangement, didn't realize how pungent that stuff is. But so far no more pee/poo explosions, just working on transitioning her to the prescription food (she's not that enthused) 
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    I just need to have a venting pity party.  :(

    I had my 17w appointment yesterday (I'm a week off the regular schedule) and left just feeling super upset for the first time this pregnancy. I know there are bigger issues in the world but right now I'm just super pissed off and over all things Covid. I will preface this by saying my delivery with DS was a c-section for failure to progress on my own after my water started leaking, and then the induction didn't work.

    My OB office has two midwives (A & B). I normally see A, but occasionally see B. I like them both equally, and respect both their opinions. I've already chatted with midwife A about her thoughts on delivery, specifically having a repeat c-section vs VBAC. She was with me for my delivery of DS, and is of the mindset that a repeat c-section is probably the best option for me based on my previous failure to progress. She said if it was a case where I'd progressed to pushing but there was some sort of emergency that required surgery that would be different than my body just not progressing on it's own. She also knows how miserable my recovery was after 2 days of no sleep, an induction, c-section, etc....and knows I absolutely DO NOT want to go through that again. 

    Yesterday I saw midwife B, she brought up delivery and I decided to get her opinion. I gave her the rundown of my delivery with DS, and she's of the mindset that we could just "wait and see". That by 35w+ when they start doing checks if my body seems to be progressing I could still be a candidate for a VBAC. At this point I was pretty sure I was going to go with a repeat c-section but yesterday's talk with her had me second guessing it....until we started talking about the hospital visitor policy. 

    She was honest in that she thinks it highly unlikely it will change by June, and that they will still be allowing only one support person and they must stay the whole time. Y'all, I love my husband dearly but he is the LAST person you'd want as your support person. He is absolutely terrified of medical things, blood, guts, etc. He's the kind of person who just goes into frozen-mode in those kinds of situations. With DS I had him, my sister (who is young - she was 19 at the time - she's 21 now, but really wanted to be there), and my friend close who is a fellow photographer to capture the birth. When it was time for my epidural DH and my sister bolted, and my friend stayed with me. It honestly wasn't a big deal and we still laugh about it because she and I are very close, and I know DH just can't handle that stuff. But I was in tears yesterday thinking about how if I could have an additional person in the room I'd seriously consider trying for a VBAC. But obviously that won't happen.

    It's not even a matter of him just "sucking it up". I think people are either just not bothered by medical things or they just don't do well with it. And he is definitely the one who doesn't do well with it. With DS I didn't know how he would be because it was our first kid. I knew it might be hard for him because medical stuff makes him very very nervous, but I also knew my friend would be there for additional support so I didn't worry about it. Reflecting back on the whole thing I obviously know what to expect and I know it would be hard to do a VBAC with just him as my support person. Even just writing this out I'm in tears thinking about it. It just makes me mad. It's not like I even want someone there the whole time or want to have a stream of visitors...I just wish it was possible to have an additional support person.
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