August 2021 Moms

Weekly Check-In 12/6

  • How ya feeling?
  • Any appointments coming up?
  • Rants/Raves:
  • GTKY: Last book you read?
Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 

Re: Weekly Check-In 12/6

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    • Lil bit more nauseous now. Everyone is annoying me so mood swings are definitely in full effect.
    • Might have to move my ultrasound that I was supposed to have Friday because DW has a big job interview and we don't have childcare that day
    • Finished all my work for my semester and now I get a couple weeks off of school. I'm even taking some time off work over the holidays - ready for my nap!
    • Just finished Children of Blood and Bone. Kind of a slog to get through but pretty good. It was just so dark! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    • How ya feeling?
    Really freaking grumpy. And I have zero patience for anything/anyone right now. I’m also bloaty/gassy. And SO insanely tired. I’m only four weeks today, and my symptoms have NEVER come on this fast in the past. 
    • Any appointments coming up?
    Not yet. I’ll call tomorrow.
    • Rants/Raves:
    Rave: I’m almost entirely done with Christmas shopping. And the presents I do have left are just some gift cards. 
    • GTKY: Last book you read?
    The Dutch House by Anne Patchett. I enjoyed it. Loved the setting. Got really invested in the characters. And then I kind of hated the ending...but it’s still worth a read! 
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    • How ya feeling?   Nervous.  I feel like I read so much into everything.  I'm not as tired as I was so of course now I feel like it's going to be bad news.  Ugh.  I wish I felt worse lol I was so tired the other day I could barely stay awake, but not so much anymore. I am pretty grouchy but that could also just be my anxiety.  Today is my wedding anniversary so I'm trying not to be awful.
    • Any appointments coming up?  Dec 28th is my first ultrasound appointment
    • Rants/Raves:  My son is a December baby so I'm trying to make sure I have all the presents done for both Christmas and his birthday, and I think I did it!  I'm also sad that we cant have a real party for him this year.  I told him when it gets warmer we will do a block party with a bounce house (so all the kids can get pink eye instead of COVID) and he's fine with that.. I just feel bad.  Mom guilt. 
    • GTKY: Last book you read?  I'm reading The Last House Guest right now.  So far so good!


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    @claireloSC remind me what you're in school for? Working and school is no joke, especially while growing a human!

    • How ya feeling? Anxious, tired, gassy. I didn't feel this bloated and gross with my loss, so that's helping!
    • Any appointments coming up? Jan 5
    • Rants/Raves: today is my birthday! Officially in my 30s, which feels pretty awesome.
    • GTKY: Last book you read? Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett. So good. I'm reading Untamed by Glennon Doyle (I know, everyone reads this book) right now and it's pretty awesome too.
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    Just introduced myself on the intro thread, so happy to be here!
    • How ya feeling? Weirdly positive and happy. Its making me nervous because I am not a positive person and I usually like to prepare myself for the worst-case scenario. But I'm gonna role with this sense of contentment I have for now. 
    • Any appointments coming up? Not yet. 
    • Rants/Raves: Rant = as always, I did not catch up on work as I planned to over the weekend, so its a rough Monday. Rave = In general though, I love Mondays, they kind of kick-start me back into life after a lazy weekend.
    • GTKY: Last book you read? I'm almost finished with Miracle Creek by Angie Kim. It is a very engaging page-turner, but idk if it was the best thing to read while TTC my first kid? Like, I think all the mom characters are supposed to be highly realistic and relatable in different ways, and if that's true... well shit. I'm now terrified of both becoming and having to hang out with these people. (Much of the book takes place in my area, which is also where the author lives, so it feels extra personal, lol.)
    Age 34 | TTC #1 
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    How ya feeling? Stressed. I feel stressed. These first few weeks are nerve-wracking. I don't want to wish away time, but I can't wait to be in the safe zone.

    Any appointments coming up? Nope. The VA hasn't even acknowledged my request for an appointment yet, which is adding to my stress. 

    Rants/Raves: Rant - I should not google things. It's scary. Raves - I am so thrilled to be pregnant. I feel very lucky.

    GTKY: I haven't done ANY pleasure reading since this semester started, which is tragic. The last thing I read for school that was a non-textbook was Just Mercy, which was sad and good and very honest.
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    • How ya feeling?
    Exhausted, sick, and cramps. The cramping is intense this time. We've had a lot of life changes this year any my kids have some big emotions. It's hard starting present when j just want to sleep.
    • Any appointments coming up? Not as of yet. My MW is going on maternity leave so it won't be until later this winter. 
    • Rants/Raves: I was awoken this morning by a helicopter checking on the power lines that are on the edge of the property. It was so loud! 
    • GTKY: Last book you read? With the kids we just finished Peter Nimble and then fantastic eyes. I just finished Holistic Herbal by David Hoffman. 

    DD1 | Jan 2009
    DD2 | June 2011
    DS1 | Oct 2013
       ADD3 | Oct 2014 (April 2001)
    DS2 | June 2016
    DS3 | Dec 2018

    Due with baby blob August 2021

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    • How ya feeling? Heartburn is kicking in today... I hope this isn't a sign of what's to come.  
    • Any appointments coming up? My first ultrasound is Dec. 22nd! 
    • Rants/Raves: My husband finished painting my toddler's new room, and his bed delivered today.  So excited to decorate his toddler room!
    • GTKY: Last book you read? I just finished The Star Crossed Sisters of Tuscany. Don't let the cheesy title fool you, it's a good book! 
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    @BourbonBiscuits Happy Birthday!!
    I'm getting a Masters in Business, hopefully with a concentration in Economics and Finance. I'd have to take one extra class this summer but I really want that concentration because I work in financial technology and it would help me get more raises/promotions. I am a senior manager at a consumer financial tech startup, basically I work A LOT. I started this program when I had an easier job and now I'm just trying to GTFO before baby comes. It's hard enough doing it all with a almost 5 year old, no way I can do it with a baby.

    Totally agree @jaxbl, definitely eager to get into the 'safe zone'! In terms of appointments, I don't know if this helps or not, but I always tried to remember with DD that if something is wrong there's basically nothing they can do anyway right now so best thing is to take good care of myself and hope for the best. Sorry for the stress, hope they get back to you soon. 

    @hedgehoggin I would say there are some parents like Miracle Creek, but they tend to congregate in major cities like NYC and SF (I've lived both places) and also it's rare baby moms are like that - usually kicks in later - so don't stress too much. :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    @BourbonBiscuits - Happy Birthday!

    How ya feeling? 
    Good! A little bit nervous but generally just really excited :)

    Any appointments coming up? Nope. First appointment isn't until Jan 15. I get get my blood test results back this morning, definitely pregnant but my doctor doesn't see any more reason to do any more blood draws so I'm just waiting until mid-Jan to see my midwife.

    Rants/Raves: I'm pretty anxious for this semester to be over. Just a few big assignments to grade and then I'm done for a few weeks! My students have been great though, I know online learning is not everyone's cup of tea (it definitely wasn't mine when I was in school) but this has been one of the smoothest semesters I've had with online classes.

    GTKY: Last book you read? Losing You by Nicci French. It was okay, not great.The books I've been reading this year have been really hit or miss.
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    @dancingnarwhal I love online classes, works so much better for me! Especially for creative teachers, like this semester I have a prof who makes me record a video every week stating a position for an environmental economics problem and then gives individual feedback - it's been fun! Some profs suck at it though, doing basically only a bland pre-recorded lecture plus multiple choice tests with no other engagement. Those are not my fave! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    @claireloSC, I started my master’s last summer when DS was 18 months and DD was 3.5. And DH worked nights, so I was basically solo-parenting. I JUST finished last month, so I feel your pain! Hang in there! 
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    @claireloSC - Some students definitely thrive in online classes. The trickiest thing this semester (and next semester) is having so many students who don't do well in online classes and catering to their needs as well.

    We only do 10 minute mini lectures in my class, just highlighting key stuff for the week. Nothing is worse than having to sit through a 60+ minute recorded lecture.
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    • How ya feeling? Morning sickness has hit a lot harder this week. I started feeling pretty bad on Saturday and then yesterday wasn't great. Today I'm at work and trying to be intentional about keeping something in my tummy at all times. I also had a tiny bit of brown spotting, which has been making me feel anxious, even though I know it's okay. 
    • Any appointments coming up? I mentioned this in the PGAIF thread, but I called the midwife I want to use and tried to proactively schedule an appointment for after I graduate from the RE in January. But she wants to see me sooner, so I am going next Friday 12/18 for an ultrasound and appointment. 
    • Rants/Raves: I am NOT a cold-weather fan, and it's already a struggle to get me motivated to do much of anything in the winter. Add on not feeling great from morning sickness, and I can just not be bothered. I know I should be exercising a little and I definitely have plenty to do, but it's hard to get up and go!
    • GTKY: Last book you read? I don't read a lot of fiction, so my last book was one on emotional regulation in children called The Explosive Child. It's a helpful book, but probably not very interesting unless you're struggling with a child with behavioral issues or in the mental health field. 
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    @BourbonBiscuits Happy Birthday! Welcome to your 30s! It's pretty alright up in here. ;)
    @claireloSC What is YW interviewing for? I know you said what she does for a living, but I can't remember exactly right now. Would this be a big change for you all if she gets it?
    @jaxbl I'm sorry for the VA frustrations! That's so awful. 
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    • How ya feeling? No major symptoms. That is what is making me crazy. My smell might be heightened and I was really tired around 5-6 this afternoon. But nothing else really. 
    • Any appointments coming up? Just my US on 12/23
    • Rants/Raves: Rants- I LOVE Christmas and my birthday (12/20).  I can't seem to get in the season due to this pregnancy. I am so worried that it will end in a miscarriage again. I don't have the same feelings like I do with my miscarriage. I just can't relax and enjoy this time of the year. 
    • GTKY: Last book you read? 5 level of leadership. Great book. Taught me alot. 
    34 Mother of 4 year old and 2 Labs. Happily Married to my Hubs of 6 years.
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    • How ya feeling? Feeling ok. My boobs hurt and feel huge. Also food is tasting a bit off. Not necessarily MS unpleasant, just flavors are really intense. I don’t remember having this with my first pregnancy.
    • Any appointments coming up? No, unfortunately. I’m waiting on a call back to schedule. I’m really annoyed that I can’t make the appt myself through the portal or by calling. Waiting for a call back seems like an unnecessary step. 
    • Rants/raves: Nothing right now!
    • GTKY: Last book you read? Quarantine did weird things to my reading choices. I needed books that were more fun than substance. I just finished HP series for the millionth time. I also read The Other Boleyn Girl which was a great distraction from life. I’m hoping Santa brings me President Obama’s new memoir. We recently got new deck furniture and curling up with a blanket and a good book in the cool weather sound glorious right now. 
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    How ya feeling? Surprisingly good??? I am an IVFer and this is my 1st cycle that's worked so far :smile:
    I'll be 6w on Friday. The lack of symptoms other than tired and sore-ish boobs have me nervous, but such is the life of an IVFer. A constant state of anxiety...any tricks for that?

    Any appointments coming up? My 1st US is Thursday, 12.10 and I'm so anxious about last pregnancy in July was ectopic so it's hard to stay positive when everything in that pregnancy was going smoothly as well. 
    @jaxbl I feel the same way as you regarding wanting to be in "the safe zone"...only 6 more weeks!

    Rants/Raves: We're hoping to surprise our parents with the baby news AND a gender reveal on XMas Eve...bc we did IVF, we are able to find out the gender as soon as we want! I'm really excited about that, and just hope and pray that my US Thursday looks good so we'll be able to give everyone a HUGE xmas gift!

    GTKY: Last book you read? I just finished "The Wives" by Tarryn read. Currently reading "The Family Upstairs"....interesting so far.
    Me: 36     DH: 37
    TTC #1 since 2017
    Dx: MFI + Mild PCOS (AMH 6.9)

    IVF Journey:
    ER #1: 6/18/19; 15R/11M/9F/6 FROZEN 👶🏼 un-tested
    FET 1: 8/01/19, Beta 8/14 = 9...Chemical pregnancy (transferred 2)
    FET 2: 12/19/19...Negative Beta 12/30 (transferred 1)

    Changed Clinics
    FET 3: 3/9/20, Beta #1, 37, Beta #2, 26, Beta #3 51 - Chemical pregnancy (transferred 2)

    ER #2: 6/2/2020; 31R/26M/18F/13 sent for PGS Testing
    6 PGS Normal Embryos - 3 girls👶🏼 + 3 boys👶🏼
    FET 4: 7/30/20, Beta 1:66    Beta 2: 110...Ectopic pregnancy @ 6 weeks with Male (transferred 1)
    FET 5: 11/18/20, Beta 1: 97 Beta 2: 384 Beta 3: 1010....Miscarriage @ 7 weeks with Female (transferred 1)
    FET 6: 3/9/21 - Canceled due to poor lining response
    FET 6.5: 7/28/21 - Beta 1: 21.5  Beta 2: 31.4   Beta 3:  28 - Chemical pregnancy, Female (transferred 1)
    FET 7: 12/8/21 - Beta 1: 9   Beta 2:        - Chemical pregnancy, Male+? (transferred 2)
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    @shoogapoff I hate the spotting.  I spotted with my daughter for the entire first trimester.  It was a nightmare. But she was totally fine, so it is normal. I have been checking and I think I had a little bit of slightly pink colored cervical fluid, but nothing since.  I don't know if I would have noticed it if I wasn't studying the paper every time I pee.  I wish I could just stop checking!

    @ashleyhj29 I just said yesterday I wish I felt worse.  It would make me feel better.  


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    @surrenderdorothy my HP reads are probably up there, too. It will always be a favorite.
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    edited December 2020
    @shoogapoff I actually own that book. 🤦🏻‍♀️ My first (18 and no longer living with me) has ODD, ADHD, and intermittent explosive disorder. He gave me all my gray hair and wrinkles. 😆

    @surrenderdorothy I feel like I can taste individual salt granules when I’m pregnant. It’s definitely a pregnancy thing for me and I hate it. 

    How ya feeling? Pretty good so far. All the symptoms that I have had seem to come and go randomly. I had some intense cramping on my left side yesterday. So I drank a ton of water and laid down for awhile and they went away. So I guess I’m going to be guzzling water.

    Any appointments coming up? I can’t decide where I want to go for prenatal care. Do I want to go to the OB that’s at the hospital and deal with the COVID red tape every time I have an appointment or go to a more laid back birthing center. I have delivered 3 of my 6 med free so I’m not worried about pain medications. Plus, a lot can happen between now and August because my state just got 32,000 doses of the vaccine. So that should get distributed soon. The positive about the OB is that they are in the same hospital that my husband works in so if I were to go into labor while he was working he would be able to walk over to L&D instead of driving across town. DH says to just use the OB. Which is likely what I will do. 

    Rants/Raves: We got our tree up yesterday. I didn’t put many ornaments on it though. Mainly because I have a dog that chews everything. He started chewing the grout from between my tiles on the kitchen floor the other day. 🤨 I have even caught him chewing the walls. Plus we are visiting the in-laws the week of Christmas and the cat will be left alone with the tree. I don’t trust him not to chew either. He likes to chew cords. 

    GTKY: Last book you read? I homeschool so I’m always reading books about that. The last one I read was we “Know and Tell.” It’s about using dictation with your kids and how that can eventually grow into composition. 

    Edit: fix the wall of text; for some reason it doesn’t want to add spaces so I tried to bold the questions. Sorry if none of that worked. 
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    @shoogapoff College professor, so yeah we may need to move if it works out - we'll see!
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    Are you a CM homeschooler? We were for many years but are probably more eclectic than hard core CM. Narration is a beautiful thing!

    DD1 | Jan 2009
    DD2 | June 2011
    DS1 | Oct 2013
       ADD3 | Oct 2014 (April 2001)
    DS2 | June 2016
    DS3 | Dec 2018

    Due with baby blob August 2021

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @emeraldcity1214 I hope you are able to figure it out soon re: where to go for care. Both seem like good options!

    I am in a similar boat with deciding what path I want to take with prenatal care. My last pregnancy, I went through the alternate birthing center at my hospital and had a fantastic experience. I would like to use them again, however I do not know if I'll be a candidate since I ended up having complications last time (emergency pre-e, an emergency c-section, and now some digestive issues) that will likely make me high risk throughout my pregnancy. If they will see me, I'd still like to go to the birthing center. It is in the hospital on the same wing as L&D so you get the best of both worlds- being in a formal medical setting (DH's requirement) while having midwives that are much more holistic in their approach to prenatal care and labor. On the other hand, I switched OBGYNs and I like my new doc a million times more than my prior OBGYN so I won't be the end of the world if I don't qualify this time around for the birthing center. We'll see how it plays out. Also, I'd really, really, really like to have a vbac this time! Midwives are supportive of this, and my new OBGYN is as well so fingers crossed.
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    @surrenderdorothy @emeraldcity1214 I'm planning on using a nurse midwife, but she has privileges at a really good hospital, so I have the option of home birth or hospital birth with her. I've worked in pediatric hospitals for years, and have seen enough bad things that I'm a little nervous about not being near an OR or NICU at home. But if covid stays crazy, I might be swayed to do home birth, as long as things seem to be going well for me. 
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    @Gwyneddlesliegrace Yes, I am a pretty hardcore CM homeschooler. I even have a pretty incredible Morning Basket. My 6 yo knows so much poetry. She walks around reciting it randomly and I love it. I have been homeschooling for almost 10 years because I started when my oldest was in the 4th grade. I was eclectic back then with a sprinkle of CM. Now I’m full blown CM and I love it. For my oldest it was really me just finding the right fit for him. He was dyslexic and he had an IEP when he was in public school. So I basically tailored all of his school to help him be successful in the areas he struggled. 

    @shoogapoff My husband keeps talking about a home birth. He delivered one of our babies already plus a handful of other babies while at work so he knows what he is doing. My MIL is also a midwife. The COVID stuff is where I’m having difficulties deciding. My hope is that it will be a different world by August. 
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    I scheduled my first appt with the Birthing Center for 12/29. Dating scan to follow on 1/4. So excited! :) If I went with my reg OBGYN, I would have the dating scan (but no doc appt to read the scan) and bloodwork but I wouldn't see the doctor until I was in the second tri. I couldn't believe that when the scheduler told me over the phone. Especially after my concerns about complications. 
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    @surrenderdorothy That is insane. So they would just leave you hanging until the second trimester? 
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    edited December 2020
    @surrenderdorothy That is insane. So they would just leave you hanging until the second trimester? 

    Apparently. I couldn't believe it. 
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    claireloSCclaireloSC member
    edited December 2020
    As someone who had an unexpected postpartum hemorrhage with my first, home births completely terrify me so I will definitely be in a hospital, especially because now I'm at risk of having one again. I'm hoping covid will be more controlled by then so there is less risk.
    Both me and my daughter almost died during childbirth, it was a really terrifying experience where a lot of things went wrong so I just can't imagine being anywhere but a full hospital. I had to get a blood transfusion, several bags. I also had a hematoma in my vagina which burst all of my was really bad. 

    This was in a birthing center but they also had a surgical unit for c-sections. So if everything went well you got a midwife and if not you got a doctor. I wish I could have that again but it doesn't exist where I live now. So I'm unfortunately going to opt for the fully medicalized experience.

    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    @claireloSC That sounds so painful. That is a pretty traumatic experience. Hopefully nothing like that happens again. 
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    Gosh, that is very scary. Thank God everything turned out okay.  


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    Thank you! Yeah, definitely hopeful this time will be completely uneventful! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    I'm a home birth momma and midwife student who experienced horrid birth trauma in a hospital. I'd love to answer any homebirth questions for you all. 

    Birthing my babies at home has been the most healing, peaceful, and supernatural experiences of my life. Plus, the care from a CPM is unmatched. I typically have NINE postpartum visits, prentals that are 1-2 hours long, and connecting with incredible women who become apart of my family. Clearly, I'm a fan. Lol

    DD1 | Jan 2009
    DD2 | June 2011
    DS1 | Oct 2013
       ADD3 | Oct 2014 (April 2001)
    DS2 | June 2016
    DS3 | Dec 2018

    Due with baby blob August 2021

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @claireloSC that sounds horrific. I'm glad you and your daughter are ok. I can understand how that would be so traumatizing.

    @Gwyneddlesliegrace It's wonderful you found something you are so passionate about (and had great experience with) to turn into a career to help others. I'm definitely not a home birth kind of girl for my own deliveries, but I can understand the intimacy and freedom to labor and birth YOUR way that it provides. I'm in awe of mamas that can do it!
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    @clairelosc Yeeeeaahhh.... that's exactly the kind of thing I've witnessed that makes me nervous. Ugh. Idk. I wish we could just have it all- the freedom and security. 
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    @claireloSC, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I’ve heard amazing stories of home births, but (TW) also have a family member who experienced an awful tragedy during a home birth. I’m definitely a “to each their own” type of person, but personally feel more comfortable with the security offered with a birthing center/hospital birth. 
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    claireloSCclaireloSC member
    edited December 2020
    @shoogapoff if I had been home it would have ended very badly. Very glad I was in a hospital . Personally I don't think HB is a good option for first time moms. Makes more sense once you know how you do with birth. I know too many bad stories! 

    Also we don't have a good infrastructure here in the US for home birth. In many states licensing is not to the same standard of care as you would see outside of the US where HB is popular. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    I'm late to post, but it's still this week and I just joined the group yesterday... lol

    How ya feeling? Super gross, nauseous, I feel like I'm already getting RLP, which makes ZERO sense when I'm not even 4 weeks.  BUT, pregnancy has helped my anxiety (and I'm excited for another baby!), so I'll take all of the crappy symptoms with joy!

    Any appointments coming up? Nope.  Probably not until January since im not even 4 weeks yet and my midwives won't see me until 8 weeks.

    Rants/Raves: rants: I NEED my favorite maternity jeans  and I can't find them.  I may have cried getting dressed this morning. I've got some intense bloat going on.
    Raves: still just the anxiety going away.  I feel like I'm finally myself again for the first time since March.  Also, my purple mattress is LIFE right now.

    GTKY: Last book you read? About to finish The Witch Elm by Tana French.  Fun fact: this is first book I've read for pleasure since 2014.
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