February 2021 Moms

PGAL Check In 31 August

This thread is for anyone who has experienced loss at any point in pregnancy or experienced the loss of a child. ((Please feel free to share your loss story if you haven’t already.))

How far along are you? 

How are you feeling (symptoms, mentally/emotionally)? 

Any upcoming appointments? 

GTKY: Favorite CD of all time? ((Yes I’m showing my age))

Re: PGAL Check In 31 August

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    How far along are you?
    18 weeks today. Baby is the size of an original Nintendo controller

    How are you feeling (symptoms, mentally/emotionally)? 
    Symptoms: the acid reflux is back for sure. The nausea is better but not over. 
    Mentally: I’m doing okay but baby hasn’t been moving as much since I woke up at 3 am so I’m hoping he picks up movements soon. It just makes me nervous.
    Emotionally: I’m doing okay but I still haven’t announced publicly or on social media so I’m trying to hide in my mask, hide my bump and not run into anyone I know in my hometown that’s not family 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I don’t know why I am so reluctant to announce this time but I am...

    Any upcoming appointments? Anatomy scan was moved to 8 September. 

    GTKY: Favorite CD of all time? NSync No Strings Attached. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
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    How far along are you? 17+2

    How are you feeling (symptoms, mentally/emotionally)? A lot more anxious this week. Restless legs and heartburn too. 

    Any upcoming appointments? Wednesday at the OB

    GTKY: Favorite CD of all time? ((Yes I’m showing my age)). Ummm honestly the “Now” series. Had different songs and exposed me to music I might not have otherwise listened to. 
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    I'm excited/nervous for the anatomy scan 9/15. I took the whole afternoon off work for it

    Favorite CD: tough one, Dierks Bentley's Up on the Ridge is really fun
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    How far along are you? 17+2

    How are you feeling (symptoms, mentally/emotionally)? My breasts are stiiiiiiilllllll sore. Frequently.

    Any upcoming appointments? General OB tomorrow 9/1. Anatomy Scan 9/22.

    GTKY: Favorite CD of all time? ((Yes I’m showing my age)) Of ALL time? I'd probably say the one CD I've had the longest and listened to most frequently [back when I still listened to CDs] was an anime OST called Sailormoon: Lunarock. Once upon a time, that was totally my jam, lol. 
    Me: 34 | DH: 46
    SD: 21 & SS: 17
    BFP #2 6/3/2020

    *Trigger Warning*
    TTC 6/13/2015 | BFP #1 5/14/2017 | MMC 7/28/2017 (Trisomy 18) | IL + D&C 8/4/2017

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    How far along are you? 17+5

    How are you feeling (symptoms, mentally/emotionally)? I was starting to feel more at ease but I wish I could feel consistent movement and then my mind would be more at ease. I think I will feel a lot better after the anatomy scan.

    fell down the last 3 steps of our basement stairs today. My husband freaked out and came running and wanted me to call my ob, but I’m like I fell on my back and it was only 3 steps. I have a nasty bruise on me elbow already ughh I’m so clumsy!

    Any upcoming appointments? Wednesday for regular ob checkup and then anatomy scan on the 15th.

    GTKY: Favorite CD of all time? ((Yes I’m showing my age)) this isn’t necessarily my favorite but my first and I wanted it SO bad...Hanson
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    @babymamadimo boo to the fall. I agree it’s probably not a big deal but maybe mention it Wednesday to just make sure. I feel the same
    way about movements and the anatomy scan. And Hansen! Love it 😂 Mmbop 
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    How far along are you? 16 weeks 1 day 

    How are you feeling (symptoms, mentally/emotionally)? Pretty good. There’s been a couple times when I thought ...could this be movement? ... but nothing anywhere near consistent and still not even sure so I’m ready for that to come! I did have my appointment yesterday so I heard the heartbeat so I feel pretty good. 

    Any upcoming appointments? Had one yesterday next one is Sept 28 for the anatomy scan. 

    GTKY: Favorite CD of all time? ((Yes I’m showing my age)) @babymamadimo I still like Hanson, they had so many good songs outside of mmmbop. @mdfarmchick ooh that’s a good choice. I’m going to go with my all time forever diva queen Mariah and say Daydream but now it’s the Christmas album and the Essentials playlist on Apple Music. 
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    I was having a ton of anxiety the past week and today i woke up feeling not pregnant. I don’t know if it was leftover from a dream or what but it was unsettling. Luckily I had an OB appt at lunch and heard the heartbeat. Definitely eased a lot of that anxiety.  Now to make it the next two weeks until the anatomy scan. 
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    @moguippy I can relate. I feel baby moving around some and am still terrifies that at my anatomy scan on Tuesday there won’t be a heartbeat. I have no real reason to think that but it’s constantly running through my head. 😕
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    This week I was carrying around the girls and thought I overdid it and was feeling weird.... I think they just shifted things around and I had to go to the bathroom

    PSA: if you feel weird, try going to the bathroom before panicking
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    I have tons of moments like these. @jumpy57

    overdid it or have to use the restroom or just need water 
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    WildMageletWildMagelet member
    edited September 2020
    Had a new OB at my 17 week appointment and man do I have feelings about it.

    1. Place was packed. Their lobby was so overflowing at the clinic that it was hard to socially distance while just waiting to check in.
    2. I lost another 5 lbs since my last appt (yay?). This time they didn't ask about my weight loss.
    3. My BP was high (not surprisingly). I told them I expected it to be high at this appointment and why. [More on that later]
    4. I had to explain about my conversation with the NIPT company's genetic counselor for a 3rd AND 4th time, and then the OB clearly did not like that I disagreed with him on whether I should do further testing and when. I also had to explain my disdain for their partner MFM again.
    5. I got a 4th completely different opinion on my blood sugar logs in terms of what is acceptable and what's not. That will likely be the last time I take them to the regular OB appts. Ya'll referred me to a Registered Dietician at Maternal-Fetal Medicine who monitors them weekly. If you want to know how I'm doing with it talk to her.
    6. Ordered a bunch of blood tests for that day, a week worth of self-monitoring, a urine protein test, another set of blood tests when I turn in the protein sample, and a follow-up in a week for the high BP (which, of course, has been perfect ever since).
    7. New OB INSISTS that I have to have duplicate ultrasounds at their office at the exact same intervals as MFM because their computer systems don't talk to each other. Excuse me, say what? You, the professionals, can't communicate correctly so you expect me to subject myself and my baby to back-to-back ultrasounds at 20, 28, 32, 34, 36, 37, 38, & 39?! Completely disregarding the fact that my insurance probably isn't going to pay for it, I DON'T WANT TO. That literally makes 0 sense and is beyond an inconvenience, regardless of how one may or may not feel about that many U/S in general. You referred me to MFM for a reason. In fact, I resisted and your office insisted that I go see them. Let them do their jobs. If you don't trust the Department Chief of the MFM department who YOU DID YOUR RESIDENCY UNDER to do a thorough job and report back to you, then what is the point of me even seeing MFM in the first place?! If that's the case I might as well just skip MFM altogether and have all of my appointments in the regular OB office.  

    By the time I got home I was so frustrated I was in tears. When they took my BP again at the end of the visit it was actually higher than when I had first arrived. Needless to say, I'm thrilled that my next regular OB appointment is scheduled with the doctor I had last visit - the one who gave me her medical opinions first, was 100% supportive and listened when I was discussing my wants & needs, and only then gave me her personal "what would I do?" opinion afterwards.
    Me: 34 | DH: 46
    SD: 21 & SS: 17
    BFP #2 6/3/2020

    *Trigger Warning*
    TTC 6/13/2015 | BFP #1 5/14/2017 | MMC 7/28/2017 (Trisomy 18) | IL + D&C 8/4/2017

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    @WildMagelet that is A LOT. can you request not to see that dr again? Also, the dr can read the report from the MFM ultrasound... it’s absurd they want to do their own.
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    @WildMagelet um all of that makes me go WTF 😑
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    @WildMagelet 😳 that was stressful just to read. I hope you can see the good OB next time
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    @moguippy @mdfarmchick @jumpy57 - Thanks for the support and re-assurances that I'm not crazy, lol

    I have the follow-up for my blood pressure with him tomorrow, but have every intention of avoiding him when scheduling in the future. Not a fan in the slightest.
    Me: 34 | DH: 46
    SD: 21 & SS: 17
    BFP #2 6/3/2020

    *Trigger Warning*
    TTC 6/13/2015 | BFP #1 5/14/2017 | MMC 7/28/2017 (Trisomy 18) | IL + D&C 8/4/2017

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