September 2020 Moms

GTKY 4/24 - Furry Friday!

Inspired by guest appearances in the HDBD thread this week. Show us your pets! Furry, spiky, scaly, feathery - whatever critters you've got!

Re: GTKY 4/24 - Furry Friday!

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    Since I guess I'm not sleeping anymore today, I'll get this started! 

    Here are our two adopted brother/sister kitties we've had for about 1.5 years. Pumpkin and Pickle. I love them and they can be total a-holes 😍.

    Like true siblings they don't always get along like this, but they are cutest when they do. 

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    Older picture, but these are my 2 fur baby's. Oliver the dog is 12 years old and mostly blind. He was rescued from a puppy mill and then came to me when he was a year and a half old with no knowledge on how to play so we had to teach him.
    Echo is my dumb cat. He's seriously one of the dumbest cats lol. He regularly fails his jumps and falls off of places. He likes to be a shoulder cat but gets his claws stuck in your shirt. He also likes to come and meow at us for no reason and runs to hide as soon someone comes in the door.

    Momma to 3 angels and two amazing children
    F born June 2018
    W born September 2020
    #3 due November 2022
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    These are my two. Frank and Mimsy. They are 10yo. We got them a few months apart as kittens and they act like siblings. As I mentioned in hdbd Mimsy is an asshole to outsiders and Frank is sweet but very scared of kids. I want to have some of mimsy’s unearned confidence! :D  For about 9 years she has licked the fur off her stomach to the point of sores. We have tried every treatment many times with minimal results and side effects are worse than just being weirdly naked and treating when sores are bad. 

    Pregnancy TickerDS1 8/15
    DS2 5/17
    #3 Due 9/20
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    This is Lord Byron the nearly 11 year old English Bull Terrier. He is part cranky old man and part toddler in a dog suit. We rescued him 5.5 years ago. He is allergic to EVERYTHING. All grains and grasses. Special foods, daily allergy pills/eye drops/eye cleanings. He sunburns. He has incredibly sensitive skin and is prone to growing benign lumps and bumps. He loves to go out and about but doesn’t like to walk anymore so we push him around in a wagon. He loves fruits and veggies and will take you down for a bell pepper. He is really high maintenance, really spoiled, and really really well loved.
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    My SO and I have a sweet blue heeler named Princess! She's very sweet, already getting protective, but has a nasty habit of chewing on wires. We thought we'd kicked it but the other night she chewed up my type C phone charger and it looks like she's beginning to regress now that we're both working full time 😕

    And this is Milla! He's an asshole but a sweet asshole that drools when you rub your chin against the top of his head during snuggle time and he's especially enjoying climbing on top of my chest and upper tummy for snuggles more often since the second trimester hit!

    At my mum's house, baby will be spoiled by three rescue kittens, an energetic possibly somewhat autistic black cat, and my precious perfect grumpy Cookie.

    So to start, the three rescue kittens are a little girl named Chip and her two brothers Forrest and Tuna. Chip came to us first shortly after we had to make a heartbreaking decision to put down our family dog of eight and a half years and I strongly suspect Ginger played a role in her rescue. Too much of a coincidence, my mum brought home her ashes just a day or two later. Then came Forrest a couple of weeks later (chip was abandoned by momma to die we think, she was so little and barely able to eat solids, runt of the litter) and then finally Tuna who had to be coaxed by canned tuna. 

    Forrest is in the very back, with Chip in the middle and Tuna front and center. They're a handful but my mum adores them and would dismiss a family member living there before she got rid of any of her cats. I assure you. My older brother made that mistake of threatening to get rid of them all if she didn't.

    Next up is Bagheera, but we love calling him bagsy because he's obsessed with paper bags and boxes. He's The one who might be somewhat autistic and we only say so because he's very particular about touch and is an absolute whore for blankets and goes pap pap and he's literally stood on his hind legs before and tapped be on the shoulder. I looked behind me expecting to see a human. (Fun fact, he was a present for Cookie the Christmas after we got her- she went feral for a week)

    And this gorgeous girl is my pride and joy, the sunshine of my life, Cookie. We got her in 2015 from a shelter program and it took her actual months to be comfortable around us. Is still somewhat skittish but she's happy at my mom's and it's still rare for her to ask anyone for attention so when she does, she best get it. Rather than meow, she kind of trills. She bullies the kittens and enjoys laying in sunny spots and looking out the windows at what the neighbors are doing in her free time. 
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    This is Lentil. He's a five year old shihtzu who loves to cuddle and sleep with his tongue out 😋

    He's generally a very passive coward. I knew I was pregnant when he started barking at everyone around me and growling at the wind.

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    These are my rescue pups Roxy and Max. Roxy we found outside when we lived near DC. She was abandoned tied to a pole in the snow. She is such a sweetheart. Max (pit) was a puppy when we found him as a stray. Super long story with him, but basically we took him in as a foster, he got adopted for a year, and they returned him all kinds of screwed up. We had to do so much work with him. He still couldn’t get adopted so eventually we gave in. We are apparently the only crazy ones who can handle him.  And we also have a black cat named Guinness that my friend rescued as a feral kitten. He is the sweetest thing who wants you to rub his belly for hours on end. 

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    @balletnerd Guinness is a perfect name for a black cat!! So sweet! 
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