March 2018 Moms

April Randoms

Schools in GA are officially closed for the rest of the year. This is all so crazy. I hope you guys are staying safe. @ashtuesday how are you doing in NY? From what I can tell it’s pretty wide spread there? 

Re: April Randoms

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    Michigan is too. My kids are heartbroken.
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    Really?? I hadn’t heard that yet. I’m so sorry for you both 😢
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    @megpeg I’m heartbroken too. I miss my kids 😭
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    @mccurleya are you having to do lessons online now? We are on spring break this week so no work is being sent which has been a nice break for us and I am sure the teachers trying to come up with new lesson plans. 
    My 6 year old is not doing very well with this at all. She is an extrovert. She needs people. We try to FaceTime and did zoom with her class but it’s just not the same.
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    @megpeg yes. I’ve been recording lessons, making plans, video chatting, etc. Next week is spring break so I kinda get a break, but I’ll be using it to plan for the next week. Online is so much harder than in person. As soon as all this is lifted I’m going to visit my kids. I only have 6, so it should be easy. Haha 
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    Things are okay here.  Haven't gone anywhere (outside of walks) since March 14 - my husband has done our few grocery store runs and has had to go check in on job sites a few times since he works with data centers, which are considered "essential."  There's a school a few doors down from us, and it's our main destination when we go for walks without the stroller: Nora can run there and get out her energy, there are no streets to cross, and there are lots of open fields for her to run around on once we arrive.  But the playground is all fenced off and there's this giant stone turtle she insists on hugging and kissing that we now won't let her see, so she cries every time we go.  We just got her a scooter as a new thing to do outside that isn't associated with all that, and so far, so good.

    There are a lot of things I like about teaching remotely, although it has it's challenges.  We're still scheduled to go back April 20, which obviously isn't happening - I expect we won't be back in school until September too.  How is working from home going for you all?  We're allowing SO much screentime just to make it possible to get anything done, and I hate it.  My husband is also horrible at balancing the two - if he has work to do, he is doing work and acting like N and M are in no way his responsiblility.  So I'm doing as much work as I can while they watch a show, shutting down work mode to play with them as often as I can, and then often catching up on schoolwork into the night after they're asleep.  My brain is dripping from my ears!
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    @ashtuesday same here. I finally cut Nate’s TV time down yesterday, but let it go again today because he’s in such a mood and I need a break. I also try to only work during nap and bedtime, but I have to be available for my students too. On top of trying to get my own homework done for my masters. It’s all too much. 
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    Hey guys.  I hope you all are doing ok.  We’ve been social distancing and quarantined for the last month.  It’s not ideal, but we are managing.  Dallas just extended it to May 20, so we’ll see.  I am not a homebody.

    sorry I haven’t been around.  I have had a pretty rough transition and recovery.  Doing better now.  
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    @DDRRT1982 I am a homebody, but not to this extent. It’s definitely too much! I’m so ready to go back to work. 
    I’m glad you’re doing better! So sorry you’ve had a rough time 😞 I hope baby is doing well. 
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    It’s a lot you’re all going through. Are your kids having a hard time too? M is just out of sorts from being out of routine for about 3 weeks and I’m just too tired. 
    @mccurleya do your Masters classes go year round or will you have a break in the summer to decompress a little?
    @DDRRT1982 hope you’re feeling better and feeling more in a groove. Hope you’re all doing well. 
    @ashtuesday I’ve kind of given up on Limited screen time. yay for Disney+  I need the noise so we switch between that, YouTube stuff and the news. Sometimes you just have to do what you can to get through is what I’m telling myself. 
    How is online lesson planning for you and @mccurleya? So much credit to you both for that. 
    @megpeg I’m sorry your 6 year old is struggling. It’s a lot of change and six seems an age to be really aware of it.

    I feel bad that I feel this experience has taught me I wouldn’t be a good SAHM. I’m not pleased with my lack of patience/ overall tiredness. Maybe it would be different if we could go do things, like the zoo or the aquarium or even walk on the boardwalk but none of that is possible. Just got to keep trying, I suppose. 

    Stay well everyone. And thank you all for still being here. It’s nice to still have this place. 
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    @shoretobe Nate loves having us home. He’s adjusted very well. Lesson planning has been fairly easy. And I’m taking 2 classes this summer so I can graduate in December. And I agree, this SAHM business is rough. 
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    @mccurleya very exciting about graduating in December!!
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    @shoretobe this is nowhere like being a SAHM. Don’t be too hard on yourself, I am used to being home but this is terrible. There’s no breaks. There’s no grocery runs to get away for a few minutes, there’s only your family and what’s in your house which is getting boring and stagnant. 

    I am hoping my older kids remember this as a time that we got to be together and make memories. Declan will have a rough time in the fall when the older kids have been home all this time. I am trying to do the best I can at teaching 6th grade, kindergarten and make sure Declan is getting what he needs. 
    Today I pulled out the bounce house because it’s nice and we needed a change of pace. 
    My DH is still working through this all. Nurses and doctors and begged them to stay open because they are working long shifts and need to be adjusted. They have seen quite a few new patients that would have gone to the er normally and patients from other offices because they are all closed.
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    @megpeg - thank you. 
    That’s really cool you have a bounce house! I was thinking about that today too - about going back into a more regular routine. I’m sure you’re doing great with teaching kindergarten and 6th and keeping up with everything. Hope your daughter has settled into this new normal and isn’t missing school as much. That’s very kind of your husband to stay open for the Doctors and Nurses. Hopefully just a few more weeks of this.  
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    @megpeg I’ve been teaching 6th grade for 2 years if you need any help! I teach special ed, but might be able to give you ideas if needed. 

    Hope everyone is staying well! I’m taking Nate for a car ride later to play car hide and seek with some other teachers. It’s like regular hide and seek but you play in cars around town. We can’t get out and socialize but it’s better than sitting at home! 
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    Happy Easter! We recreated our first Easter photo 😁
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    How sweet!!!! Happy Easter!
    so adorable. Hope you’re all doing well. 
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    Hi mamas - I have a what-would-you-do question!

    I had Murph's one-year check-up scheduled for this coming Friday.  We are right outside of NYC so things are pretty real by us right now.  I called to ask if her appointment has been changed to a televisit, and the woman I spoke with told me their office is actually still open, but exclusively for well visits for babies 15 months and younger.  We don't have the option of doing the appointment remotely - we go there or we postpone.

    I'm torn!  On one hand, we have been doing extreme social distancing and it seems silly too bring her to a doctor's office right now if it isn't crucially necessary.  On the other, she's due for some shots (MMR and chickenpox) that I don't want to delay forever.  She isn't saying any words intentionally yet (she'll pair words with gestures, like she'll say "Yay!" while clapping, but no mama, dada, etc.), and I'm worried about that, but she's hitting all her other milestones.  I'm also thinking, okay, we cancel this and just pick up at her 15-month: by that point, I'm sure restrictions will have lifted but the virus will still be out there - in a way, is it safer to just go now when the office is on lockdown?

    What do you all think?
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    @ashtuesday we went to Maeve’s 2 year last week (in NJ). 
    The doctors office was great. They actually rescheduled us to space the patients out more (they’re also only doing well visits in the office).  When we got there they put us right in the exam room and we waited there. The dr. and nurses wore scrubs, a cap and mask (usually doc wears regular clothes).  It was quick and easy; with actually very limited closeness/touching. We were able to discuss a few things I was wondering about and Maeve got her shots. I’d call back and find out if will they put you right in a room because if so, I’d probably just keep the appointment. 
    Disclaim are: To be fair, we’re not fully social distancing (if that’s the right way to say it) because H and I are both still working so Maeve is still going with my parents - we’re all just being as careful and cautious as we can. 

    I’ve also heard that second children often are less talkative because the older sibling talks for them a lot of the time - or maybe Murph is just more the observant type. All things I’m sure you’ve considered/thought of...but I also know talking things over with the dr. can makes me feel better about things. 

    It’s not an easy decision, especially given how nerve wracking it must be up by NYC - just sharing what we did. 
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    @ashtuesday we only have 5 cases where I live but we rescheduled and he’s also due for shots. I just didn’t want to risk it. But we also only have 2 doctors offices unless you go to the nearest big city. So I didn’t know who was going to the regular doctor and then tested positive. I know they sanitize and all that, but I just couldn’t and the doctor said he’d be completely fine waiting on his shots. 

    on a side note - we transitioned to a toddler bed yesterday because he just would not sleep when I moved his mattress to the floor because of climbing. He did so good! I think because he was very excited about his “new” bed. 
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    Very exciting about the transition! 
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    My app totally changed and I had to search for this 😞
    @mccurleya toddler bed still going well? Is early/mid June still the start of summer break there? Your summer classes are still on? 
    @ashtuesday what did you end up doing about the rooms and the drs. appt? 
    @DDRRT1982 how are you doing? I imagine this is all a lot with a new baby and the way things are right now. 
    @megpeg how is home school going? how’s DH’s practice? When do you guys get out of school? 
    Thinking of you all. 
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    @shoretobe mine did too and I had a mini freak out trying to find this. Haha 

    summer starts May 15th here for schools. Masters is done next week for the semester. Then my classes start up again sometime in June. 

    Nate’s bed is still going well!! He slept in the bed with us last night because of the storm, but otherwise all by himself. He’s so proud of it too, showing everyone his “new bed.” 
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    I hate this new setup I keep losing where to find the group.
    @mccurleya how awesome that he is liking the new bed. Declan is still in our bed most nights.
      schooling is going ok. Most days are good, others are a bit of a fight. Declan throws a wrench in it all because he thinks everyone should just play with him. We are going through the end of May. 
    I have gotten a lot done around the house though. I have repainted my entryway, bathroom and vanity and put in a new sink and faucet, and painted my kitchen and am working on painting my kitchen cabinets. New hardware is coming Thursday. 
      DH’s office is only seeing a third of the number of people as usual but with most of the staff laid off are still doing ok.
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    Thank you ladies!  I'm still torn - the "why risk it" is heavy on my mind like you said, @mccurleya, but your positive experience really helps, @shoretobe.  I'm leaning towards keeping the appointment right now - I do want to talk to the doctor about her language development and use my time home with her as proactively as possible.

    @shoretobe The girls started sharing a room on Easter and it has gone MUCH better than I expected.  Nighttime has been unbelievably easy.  Murph's woken up crying two or three times in the night (teething) - the first two times, Nora woke up too but they were both very good about going right back to bed.  Last night, N slept right through it!  Day time has been a little harder - we pushed Murph's nap later and Nora's earlier so they're comfortably in sync.  Took some adjustment, but I think they're both used to it now.

    @mccurleya Yay to Nate's toddler bed transition!  That is so dang cute that he keeps showing it off.  And that is awesome that you are so close to summer break!  We go until the end of June  :s

    @megpeg I am FLOORED with how much you've gotten done while all of your kids home - you go!!!!  I printed out a declutter challenge in the first week of April aaaaaand that's how far I've gotten with that lol.

    I've been feeling the mom guilt HEAVY lately.  I am a person who needs to focus on one thing at a time, and it's just not possible working from home.  I hate giving the girls less than my full attention.  I've been trying to compartmentalize my day, but it's been easier said than done.

    @shoretobe How are you doing getting ready for baby #2?!
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    Glad I’m not the only one having trouble finding this. I was like “nooooo!!!!! I’m not ready to lose this!” 
    @megpeg I’m in awe of you!! @ashtuesday I have grand plans and am itching to get organized and tackle things like @megpeg has but my energy is zero. I’m really not sleeping much this pregnancy and therefore not functioning at my best. I also never realized how much I like going to the store to pick things like curtains and picture frames - but slowly getting the nursery redone and Maeve’s big girl room finished. Then I tackle the kitchen set up. 
    @megpeg - I’m sure it will be a long month to May, but you are almost there. I’m feeling like maybe these kiddos are just as confused/over it as we are - no matter how fun and normal we try to make it, it’s just not. I’m glad to hear your husbands’ practice is doing ok in all this. How are you besides keeping so busy with all the projects? Oh and how did you do your cabinets? I have such grand plans and so little follow through. 
    @mccurleya - love it that Nate’s so proud of his bed. Like @megpeg you’re close to the end of the year...must be weird to be finishing this way. Sounds like you’ll get a small break before your summer class starts which I bet will be nice. How are your classes going. I remember hitting a rut in the middle of mine; but I was also out of my league with what I studied. 
    @ashtuesday so happy to hear the girls are doing so well sharing. I’m sure they’ll even be a comfort to each other as they get older in the middle of the night. I 100% hear you on the mom guilt. I keep thinking I have this opportunity to spend extra time with Maeve (because when I work from home it’s a little more flexible) yet I’m just tired, disorganized and blah. I think we just keep doing our best and I would bet if they could really explain what they think - they’d let us know they just love being around us. I forget - would your dr. do a phone call just about the speech concerns or do you have to go in for that? Might be a compromise? 
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    @ashtuesday do you guys start later like in September? We start around the first of August. 

    @megpeg that’s awesome work! DH and I are trying to get house plans together to build next year. 

    @shoretobe my classes went well! I have 2 this summer that should hopefully go well since they’re short ones. Then off to graduation in December! 
    Also like you said, I bet our kids just enjoy being with us! I know Nate does. All he wants to do is snuggle. 
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    What time are you kiddos going to bed? 
    We’ve been putting Maeve in at 7:30 since she was like 1ish; but since she’s figured out she can climb out of the bed she’s been gets out at least 4 times a night. Wondering if we should maybe put her down later - so just seeing where everyone else is at.  
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    10-10:30. He will not go to sleep before then. 
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    thanks @megpeg. You have a night owl! Now I’m curious - what time does he wake?  
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    @mccurleya Yeah, we start after Labor Day, so at least there is that!

    @shoretobe Nora goes to bed aroud 7:30 too.  She's still in a crib though, so we're not experiencing what you are.  I just heard about this the other day and wonder if it might be helpful:  You tell your kid the red light means they still have to sleep and the green light means it's okay to get out of bed, and then you set a certain time for the green light to go off.  I don't know what percentage of kids would actually abide by it, but it's a clever idea!

    @megpeg He really is a nightowl!  I loved having the girls stay up late like that when they were little babies, but couldn't imagine it now that they're toddlers - mama needs five seconds of peace and quiet!  Knowing his late bed time, I give you even more credit for the projects you accomplished!

    I wound up taking Murph to her 12-month appointment.  It went just like you described Maeve's, @shoretobe - I felt really safe and good about my decision to go.  The doctor said we might want to call early intervention since she wasn't speaking yet, just to get her evaluated more thoroughly - but then she started saying "Mom" last night!
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    He likes to have us to himself for a bit after the other kids go to bed at 9-9:30. He usually sleeps until 8:30-9:30. 
    Is anyone else having nap issues? Lately it takes forever to get him to calm down and then he sleeps for 45 minutes to an hour then wets and wakes up. 
    We are trying to work more on potty training without pushing it too much. He has started standing up to pee and thinks he’s big stuff. 
      Today was a rough one all around. He wouldn’t nap, my oldest was playing video games and toggling back and forth when he was supposed to be doing school work and I caught him, and my middle is having a hard time feeling isolated from her friends and is having emotional issues. This is so hard. Tomorrow is a new day and all I can try to do is make it better than today.
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    @ashtuesday that’s so awesome she said mom! It has to make you feel so much better.
    I don’t sleep enough lately and that’s how I get stuff done. I Probably don’t sleep enough on a normal basis let alone when I am stressed and worried. I didn’t go to bed until 2-3 am quite a few nights the last couple weeks and am up by 8 to get DHs lunch and coffee made(I love doing this for him) and then get breakfast around for everyone. 
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    @ashtuesday I’ve heard of that and was planning on getting something (that one is so cute! I didn’t even know they made Sesame ones!)  when I order things for the baby. I think like Declan she likes the time with us - and I realized tonight I’m partly to blame for indulging it because her world has changed so much the last month and will shift again in about two months. 
    I’m so glad the appointment went well! That’s awesome she started saying mom!! Will you still reach out to early intervention? 

    @megpeg I feel you on naps. We have no consistent routine but in a pandemic is there such a thing? Some days we’re a half hour nap; others it’s two hours  I would bet he’s so excited to have everyone home and doesn’t want to miss out by napping. Can you do pull ups or something for nap time or does that backtrack potty training? (We haven’t started that yet). I’m sorry today was a rough day. Maybe things will ease up a little soon so your middle could have an outside play date to see some friends. You really have a great attitude about it all - some days just suck but at least we get to try again tomorrow. P.S. I’m super impressed / slightly jealous of your energy. If I stayed up until 2 I’d want sleep until at least 10 and would be cranky if I was awake at 8. 

    I’m feeling that after a little more than a month of this and all the uncertainty of moving forward, plus the weather getting nice — it’s just a lot for everyone right now. Guess we take the little victories and keep moving. (The end of this post bought to you by pregnancy insomnia 😂) Thank you for being here, ladies 💜
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    @megpeg I'm sorry it was a rough day.  I personally feel like every day I'm in survival mode, and then I say "But tomorrow will be better!" aaaaand then we're back in survival mode lol.  I say that not to be negative, but to empathize!  I really hope today is better for you.  Nora was fighting naps (I chalked it up to her routine changing so drastically when my husband and I started working from home), but she's been better since Murph moved into her room.  They nap together, so I think it's created the everyone-is-napping-now vibe from day care.  We also want to move towards potty training, but Nora is not into it.  But diaper changes have become nightmarish, so... soon!  And I'm the opposite of you - when I'm stressed out, I need to just shut down and sleep.  ...which is why nothing is getting done around my house lol.  Have been trying to stay up later!

    @shoretobe Because I'm neurotic type A, I called early intervention the minute I got home from her doctor's appointment.  They have us set for an eval on Monday (I was FLOORED at how quickly NJ moved on this!).  I'm probably going to cancel, but going to talk to our pediatrician first to make sure she agrees with that choice.  And oh, the pregnancy insomnia!!!  Hang tough!!!
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    @ashtuesday being a special needs teacher, I’d take her anyway. I think you’d be more at ease knowing nothing is wrong or be able to move forward this early with any needed intervention. Early intervention really is key to a child’s success if there is something. 

    @shoretobe Nate goes to bed around 7-7:30 but wakes up at 6:30. It used to be 8-8:30 but he’s gotten really fussy so we pushed it up. 

    @megpeg we got lucky with a good napper. But he’s up for about 5-6 hours before nap and he’s the only child so we play hard to make him tired. He’s also on a “new bed” high if you will. He’s obsessed with it so that probably helps. 
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    @shoretobe he is in a diaper during nap time but pees so much at a time. I change him before his nap and then he pees through his diaper and is so wet that he wakes up. Nighttime diapers don’t help because he pees through them too.
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    @ashtuesday we got through a couple hours before things went sideways so that’s better than yesterday and I actually got to shower. 
    And I totally understand what you were saying about survival mode. We had a long talk with my oldest about it last night.
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    @megpeg we try to stop his liquid intake an hour before nap or bed to prevent that. Nate pees a lot too. 
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    @mccurleya Our pediatrician said to go through with the eval too.  So it's on for Monday!
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