November 2020 Moms

Fit Friday 03/27

Check in here if you want to discuss working out, eating healthy, or any other healthy habit you're working on!

1. What healthy habit(s) are you working on right now?

2. How did you do this past week?

3. What are you planning on doing this coming week to set yourself up for success?

Re: Fit Friday 03/27

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    1. What healthy habit(s) are you working on right now? None... but I need to start!!! I have got to stop eating junk food and start cooking more at home. Also, my "pelvic rest" will be up in a few days and I need to start being active again once I am allowed to.

    2. How did you do this past week? Terrible  :s  I am not having aversions or nausea, just super strong cravings. I have gained 5 pounds already.

    3. What are you planning on doing this coming week to set yourself up for success? Since I am working from home, I am going to spend my lunch hour taking my dogs for a nice walk for the whole hour. Trying to plan some meals and not keep junk food in the house so I am not so tempted.
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    1. What healthy habit(s) are you working on right now? Trying to stay active even though we have to stay home and keep eating healthy. I also want to eat less gluten as I had an almost hypothyroidism blood result and read that could help...

    2. How did you do this past week? I've been feeling more fatigue so working out has not been super frequent but I did one Pilates workout and have walked 30-60 min every day.

    3. What are you planning on doing this coming week to set yourself up for success? Setting days for 3 weights workouts per week.
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    Check in here if you want to discuss working out, eating healthy, or any other healthy habit you're working on!

    1. What healthy habit(s) are you working on right now? 
    Tracking my meals to maintain my weight (as much as possible) through the first trimester. Currently eating about 1800 calories a day (sedentary work) plus enough calories to make up for any exercise as well. 

    2. How did you do this past week?
    This week was good! I try not to get super obsessive; there was one day where I NEEDED a Reese's Egg (tis the season) and I didn't worry that that ended up putting me over for the day. It's a balance. The other days I've been pretty close and eating a balanced nutritious diet.

    Had to force feed myself some bean dip today ... had absolutely NO desire for it but gotta eat it before it goes bad! Dealing with rotten food is a complete no-fly zone for me right now.

    3. What are you planning on doing this coming week to set yourself up for success?
    Continue to buy snacks that I know I will want but that are relatively healthy. Plan for some new recipes :) 

    Grateful for this thread! Staying fit during this pregnancy is super important to me. 
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    1. What healthy habit(s) are you working on right now?  I just started a new BOD program, 10 Rounds.  It is (3) days of boxing and (2) lifting workouts, one legs and one upper body.  The program is awesome and I feel like I can modify if I need to.  

    2. How did you do this past week?  I did okayish...I worked out Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  But the nausea and headaches yesterday stopped me from getting in a workout.  I may try tonight if I feel up to it after DD goes to sleep.  I have been closing all (3) activity rings on my watch, so that makes me happy lol.

    3. What are you planning on doing this coming week to set yourself up for success?  I have noticed that if I eat a decent sized breakfast it helps my nausea.  My normal workouts when I have to go to the office are between 430-5am, which totally wouldn't work right now.  So I am glad that I can eat and then do some work and then get my workout in a little later.  I am hoping that I can make a workout everyday happen this week!
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    So I don't work out, like at all. Between 2 jobs and taking care of everything around d the house there was never time.
    Since everyone is home now, I'm easing myself into it. My kids and I started following Joe Wicks on YouTube and we are taking daily walks.

    Hopefully I'll have some progress to share and actually participate with next week's check in. Lol

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    ejj58ejj58 member
    Curious - has anyone been told not to do certain exercise or intensity or anything? I haven't had the energy to do anything crazy the past few weeks anyway, but I've just heard such mixed reports
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    @ejj58 I was told I could keep doing exactly what I’ve been doing since I’ve been so consistent prior to getting pregnant. Only thing my doc said was eventually certain exercises will have to be modified because I physically won’t be able to do them anymore, which makes sense.  
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