September 2020 Moms

Weekly check in - all weeks - 3/17

edited March 2020 in September 2020 Moms
We discussed doing an all weeks check in so let’s try it this week! Let us know what you think if you like/dislike it. 


Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: 

Baby is the size of a(n): 

Upcoming appointments:

How are you feeling? 



GTKY: What is one of your hobbies? 

Re: Weekly check in - all weeks - 3/17

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    EDD/weeks+days: 9/30/20; 11+6 

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out 4/2 electively as long as everything doesn’t close down. 

    Baby is the size of a(n): a Brussels sprout! 

    Upcoming appointments: 3/23 checkup, 3/27 FTS. 4/2 elective gender

    How are you feeling? Nausea still comes and goes. Tired some days and great others. I’m ready to be into the good days where I just feel good. 

    Raves/Rants: wish they would close my work, but trying to stay positive and be thankful for a paycheck. 


    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies? I like to do puzzles, but haven’t done any lately. I like to read too. 
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    EDD/weeks+days: 13+2

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out

    Baby is the size of a(n): lemon 🍋 

    Upcoming appointments: 4/8 regular 16 wk appt

    How are you feeling? Pretty normal. I definitely am always tired though. Feel like I could sleep all the time! But other than that I’ve been good. 

    Raves/Rants: trying to stay calm during everything. Still have to go to work but we are doing takeout/online/delivery only now. But guests can still come in to order so I’ll still be having contact with people. I’ve had the slightest sore throat for what it feels like weeks but no other symptoms. So I think it might be allergy related, still irritating though. I feel like my manager has been sick at least 4 times this season, like if you can’t take care of yourself to the point that you keep getting sick then you shouldn’t be in charge of a business. Because I’m tired of having to deal with it tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️ People are irresponsible.

    in happier news its H’s birthday tomorrow! I think I’m going to finally announce on social media and reference his birthday. Not sure how I’ll do it though.  

    Questions: do you guys think a baby announcement is a good idea during these crazy times, or do you think people are too busy freaking out and sharing memes and it will be out of place? 

    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies? 
    Definitely playing video games. H and I play on PC together. I also want to get animal crossing when it comes out later this week. 
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    EDD/weeks+days: 14+2

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: green!

    Baby is the size of a(n): beet 

    Upcoming appointments: 3/31 cervical length check 4/2 16 week appointment

    How are you feeling? I’m still feeling so awful. Nausea all the time and food doesn’t sound good. I’m eating but often feel miserable for hours after eating and now I’m having heartburn as an extra bonus. Also anxious because despite symptoms I keep feeling something is wrong.  

    Raves/Rants: rant is that my husband took a job that is out of state and will greatly increase stress but we need the money. Because of everything going on his start date is up in the air. Money is starting to be a big issue and it is definitely increasing my stress. I don’t want him to leave but we need him to work. I think I would feel better if we had a definite start date. 


    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies?  I love to read but don’t get to much because of school. My husband and I also really enjoy hiking. Nothing intense but we have lots of beautiful places around here to hike. 
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    @greyl my husbands birthday is today! I think a baby announcement is a good thing considering everything going on.  I would welcome something besides toilet paper memes. lol

     @ktholysz I think I may have felt baby once but not much since then. I also had an anterior placenta with my first and it took forever to feel movement. This one is in the back so I was hoping to feel it earlier. I think it would reduce my anxiety a little, but I know it is still early. 
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    @angbaby83 happy birthday to your H! 🎈 I’m sorry you’ve been having stress about him working! Money stress is the worst I can definitely relate to that. Ugh I hope all of this stuff blows over soon! & I think you’re right about it being a good distraction from the memes and other stuff. Now I just need to make a post! 
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    EDD/weeks+days:  14w4d

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: finding out (3 more weeks. I can't wait!)

    Baby is the size of a(n): peach

    Upcoming appointments: my appointment for tomorrow with my high risk doctor was changed to a tele-appointment

    How are you feeling? Not great. Sick, exhausted, anxious.

    Raves/Rants: I'm just so ready to not feel like crap


    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies? I love movies and watching all sorts of them
    Momma to 3 angels and two amazing children
    F born June 2018
    W born September 2020
    #3 due November 2022
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    @ktholysz I'm feeling baby move a little bit but not a crazy amount. Mostly when I'm laying down
    Momma to 3 angels and two amazing children
    F born June 2018
    W born September 2020
    #3 due November 2022
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    EDD/weeks+days: Due 9/7 and at 15 weeks and 1 day today. 

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: waiting to find out on Thursday. Have a feeling on what it is but will be happy either way. 

    Baby is the size of a(n): size of pear. 

    Upcoming appointments:Thursday! Can't wait. These waits between monthly ultrasounds are a nightmare sometimes.

    How are you feeling? Hungry, all the time.Cannot stop eating. Also, back is killing me now and no side feels right to sleep on. I pee about a million times a day. But am thankful the nausea has passed mostly. Also a bit dizzy at times. 

    Raves/Rants: COVID-19 is a nightmare. Stores are empty. Being pregnant and more high risk, I was sent to work from home. Which sounds great, but is very isolating when work was your one contact with the human world other than my partner. Getting really nervous about the state of things, and hoping things turn around before the baby comes. Its getting scary out there and hope all you moms are keeping safe. 

    Questions: What do you do from not going crazy? I can only work, watch tv, and read so much in a day. I need another indoor thing to do that doesn't cost a lot.Trying to save for my maternity leave. 

    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies? Right now, nothing. Feeling restless. Suggestions? 
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    EDD/weeks+days: 9/20 (just changed from 9/27) / 13 weeks + 2 

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Green

    Baby is the size of a(n): Lemon

    Upcoming appointments: This Thursday for my 12 week appointment. 

    How are you feeling? The nausea is back after disappearing for a few weeks, which isn't fun. Other than that, I've been feeling pretty great. 

    Raves/Rants: One of my best friends just told me on Sunday that she is also pregnant and just 3 weeks behind me. I am so excited!

    Questions: Nope!

    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies? I love reading YA dystopian novels. I'm such a nerd like that. 
    Me: 36, H: 37 | Married: 10/15/16 | DS#1: 7/18/04 | DS#2: 4/18/19
    BFP: 1/26/20 | EDD: 9/20/20
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @firsttimeresq my husband and I are both stuck at home as well, and it's so hard not to get anxious and overwhelmed.  We decided to start on our baby room, we got a crib last week and DH wants to paint a mural or message on the wall for the baby so that will help fill time.  I've also been trying to get any little projects done, this gives me a deadline even though I don't know how long it'll go on for.  It makes it easier for me to know I'm being careful for the baby rather than just me. Hang in there, there's already some countries getting back on their feet so it will pass! 
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    EDD/weeks+days:  14w

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Green

    Baby is the size of a(n): peach

    Upcoming appointments:  3.5 weeks for checkup

    How are you feeling? I feel great for a few days and then sleep the next few and feel nauseous and all the old symptoms.  So hoping it gets more regular soon, can't wait to just feel good again all the time.

    Raves/Rants:  2nd trimester- yaayyy!  Rants is the covid-19, and people hoarding groceries!  I didn't feel well enough to go shopping earlier and now there's hardly anything left.

    Questions:  is it normal to feel the baby move lots and then not much for a few days? A week ago I was feeling it every day and now I haven't felt it for the last few days and trying not to get anxious, I know it's still early and tiny...?

    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies?  Puzzles, reading and organizing.  
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    EDD/weeks+days: Sept 2nd 15+6

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding Out

    Baby is the size of a(n): Avocado

    Upcoming appointments:4/9 for anatomy scan at MFM, 4/17 for reg OB

    How are you feeling? Constantly exhausted. I think it is a combo of pregnancy and Covid-19 stress. I miss beer.

    Raves/Rants: Rant - My Ob office scared the crap out of me yesterday. We played phone tag back and forth after they left a message telling me to contact them because they needed to go over some results that had come back. I had done bloodwork about 4hrs prior. They NEVER call about normal results and rarely call about abnormal results and just cover them at the next appointment. They had me all freaked out just to tell me my platelets had dropped to 101 which is neither concerning or surprising given my history and to keep my MFM appointment. *facepalm* Did I mention I miss beer? Rave - I got a university laptop assigned to me today and am all set up to start working from home tomorrow. 


    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies? Making spreadsheets for every part of my life. I love excel. Also reading every drop of information regarding Public Service Loan Forgiveness. I swear I am cooler than my hobbies.  :D 
    Pregnancy TickerDS1 8/15
    DS2 5/17
    #3 Due 9/20
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    ktholysz In the evenings while lying flat I think I am feeling things which seems way earlier than I have before. 
    @greyl I announced this morning on social media and based on the overwhelming response I think people are clinging to anything that is positive and not virus related. I wouldn't let the craziness of the current state of things stop you.
    @firsttimeresq Getting outside has been helpful. Also going for a car ride with good music. Something to get me out, but still not with people beyond my immediate family. Although we are not fully quarantined as we still see my parents frequently.
    Pregnancy TickerDS1 8/15
    DS2 5/17
    #3 Due 9/20
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    @louise_belcher Aw nice that’s awesome! How did you end up announcing? 
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    @Louise_Belcher cute! Yeah I’m not planning on doing anything too fancy. I wanted to post a picture with me and H since it will be his birthday but he LOATHES pics so that will be a hard pass so I might have to use an old one 😂 if I don’t mention his birthday I have an 0-3 mo outfit I can use. I’m just so nervous for some reason! 
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    @readytobemama You won't feel the baby regularly until well over 20 weeks (sometimes even later) - until then it's very hit or miss. I've done this three times already and even I sometimes can't tell if it's baby or gas :)

    EDD/weeks+days: Coming up on 14!

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green:  TEAM PINK!!! My first girl! DH jokingly says I just needed to upgrade husbands to get my girl :)

    Baby is the size of a(n): Yikes I don't know. Lemon maybe!

    Upcoming appointments: Early April, and then anatomy scan in early May

    How are you feeling? Super great!  But of course, every time I have the slightest scratchy throat or sniffle I assume I have COVID 19



    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies? I love cooking!  I always forget to list cooking in a hobbies list though, because to so many people it feels like a chore. Not me! I count down until it's time to start dinner. I LOVE to cook, and DH says I'm good at it!

    I also love horse riding but it's expensive and obviously not highly recommended while pregnant!
    DS1 2009
    DS2 2010
    DS3 2014
    DD born 8/24/2020!
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    @dontcallmeshirley1 thanks that's such a relief! 
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    @greyl I think now is a good time for good news. I’m still not sure what I’m doing about telling people. My county has shut down almost everything and already has talks about extending social distancing longer. I’ve joked that I’ll just have the baby and show everyone come September to let them know what I was doing in isolation.

    @readytobemama and @firsttimeresq I have been making a list of projects for while I’m at home. I’m cleaning out closets and putting together donations. Reorganizing furniture to make it a better set up for my boys. I’m trying to do little things that fill time and my mind. 
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    EDD/weeks+days: 14+1

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: pink based on nipt

    Baby is the size of a(n): troll doll

    Upcoming appointments: 4/2

    How are you feeling? I’m starting to feel human again. Still exhausted, but that might be from being stuck at home, but we’ve been doing lots of walks to get out.

    Raves/Rants: Day 7 of isolation with my two boys. H still has to go into work so he is our outside world connection. I need to figure out a way to have alone time while not leaving.

    Questions: Those who have had virtual visits, what is it like? I’m not sure what they are going to consider non-essential appointments.

    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies? I like baking, especially fun royal icing sugar cookies. I love the decorating part.
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    EDD/weeks+days: 14+2

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Blue!

    Baby is the size of a(n): peach

    Upcoming appointments:April 2nd for a quick check up but with a GP as my doctor will be out of the office all week and April 22nd for my anatomy scan with my high risk doctor

    How are you feeling? Sick and exhausted 

    Raves/Rants: We have had houseguests for a little over a week and I love them but I am so ready for a little time to recharge my poor introvert batteries and get this toddler back to his normal schedule.
    Also if I could have about an hour or so per day with zero mention of Covid-19 that would really be great for my mental health. I know that is a pretty privileged and selfish feeling when there are people who are sick and dying and lo


    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies? I really love researching names. I have a little just for fun blog of name lists. 
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    16 weeks 

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: 
    finding out— 3.5 weeks to go! My friend officially has the envelope! 

    Baby is the size of a(n): 

    Upcoming appointments:
    Should’ve had one tomorrow but my doctor “had something come up.” He’s going to order my labs and then it sounds like I may just wait for my anatomy scan appt in 3 weeks. Does anyone think that’s a horrible idea and that I should see a nurse practitioner (that was their offer to me in the mean time)..... 

    How are you feeling? Physically I’m fine. Headaches are still awful and my back is starting to ache sometimes. 

    Mentally I’m really struggling the last couple of days with everything going on. I’m sad for my kids and feel bad that I’m not being entirely transparent with them in regards to school. They’re currently confident they’re going back after Spring Break and unfortunately that’s looking highly unlikely. I’m trying my best to remain calm as to not work myself up, but I don’t know what the best approach is. I’m also scared for myself and want to stay healthy. I haven’t left my home since Friday and don’t have any intentions to anytime soon, but my husband is working and will be for the long haul (he works for a significant food producer)... 

    Just this whole virus thing. It’s really shaking me up. My big 2 have birthdays coming and likely won’t get to celebrate with friends. Ugh. My raves though are that I’m truly loving this extra time with my kids. It’s not a burden at all to me and I’m soaking it all up. 

    Who is still going to regular appts? Our clinic is reschedule all non-essential appts. I’m wondering if that’s not actually why my appt was canceled? They said my A/S is crucial though and as long as nothing further changes that will still be on. 

    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies? 
    I don’t honestly have any hobbies beyond watching my kids in sports. Ha! Maybe taking pictures of my kids?... I enjoy making their birthday decor and going all out each year (just in decor, nothing else wild haha)... 
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    @chasingroygbiv If you feel like you really need to see the NP, of course you should, but honestly, I think you're fine with just labs and not being seen. The second trimester appointments don't do much - sometimes you get a doppler which is reassuring but not medically necessary.  I think you're okay on the pregnancy front! Hang in there!
    DS1 2009
    DS2 2010
    DS3 2014
    DD born 8/24/2020!
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    My doctor gave me sick leave until at least my next appointment (April 3) and then the OB will reassess. He sounded so sorry for me when I was describing my nausea and anxiety
    Momma to 3 angels and two amazing children
    F born June 2018
    W born September 2020
    #3 due November 2022
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    @chasingroygbiv I just had my 16w appointment on Monday and it was such a nothing appointment. The only things that happened were heartbeat, weight, and blood pressure and I believe it could have been a phone call. As of Monday ours had not cancelled all non-essential, but it did sound like they were cancelling non-essential over a certain age at their facility. I believe it is coming and that my regular appointment in April is likely to be cancelled. I feel you on getting extra time with the kids. While I am still working away from them I do get a lot more time on the days that I am home and it is so nice. Is there a reason that you are not being totally transparent with them regarding their school schedule and what is happening? Mine are younger so I am sure the situation is different. The older one is the only one that is currently "getting it" and even that is very likely an imperfect understanding. 
    Pregnancy TickerDS1 8/15
    DS2 5/17
    #3 Due 9/20
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    EDD/weeks+days: 15 weeks, 9/9, but will be here 9/4 or sooner

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: she’s a she!

    Baby is the size of a(n): navel orange

    Upcoming appointments: 3/26

    How are you feeling?  SO much better!

    Raves/Rants: I’m a bit nervous, I haven’t gained ANY weight so far this pregnancy, and with my first 3, I was up about 10 pounds by now. Not complaining really, it’s just DIFFERENT. 

    Questions: I asked in the great questions thread as well, but has anyone been told they have a phone in appointment now with the COVID going around? 

    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies? I used to do hot yoga a few times a week and LOVED it! Once I got KU I stopped. I miss it, but given the current pandemic, I won’t be doing it anytime soon...
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    @beaandthebabes I feel you on the constant chatter being too much. Everyone at work is talking about it so much I literally freaked out at my employees this morning. They were complaining about us being open (like I get it) but I really don’t want to be there either so I just told them there’s no use complaining about it So much and if they want to leave then they can just leave. I was so stressed this morning I lost it 😫 

    The hospital called me this morning to tell me my April 8th group appointment is canceled but that my midwife can still see me individually. If it gets moved to a virtual appointment I have a BP monitor so the only thing I would be worried about is not being able to hear the baby’s heartbeat. 
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    EDD/weeks+days: 14w0d , 9/17

    Baby is the size of a(n): peach

    Upcoming appointments: none soon

    How are you feeling? Sick! The past two weeks have been the worst morning sickness of this pregnancy. After last week, they put me on zofran in addition to the other anti-nausea med I have already been on. It's only been two days now that I've really been able to keep anything down that isn't soup.

    Raves/Rants: we don't have a car to go to the store, and now people who never need grocery delivery have taken all the time slots, so we are having a hell of a time trying to get fresh food like milk fir the toddler into the house. I've had to ask for so many favors and I hate it

    Questions: STM here. Am I feeling baby kick or move occasionally at 14 weeks, or am I imagining it?

    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies? I do watercolor paint along tutorials sometimes
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    @pghren I hope this period of morning sickness lessens for you soon. I hope you are able to keep things down. Also that sucks about all the time slots being snatched up. I imagine there has been such a rush on that service.
    Pregnancy TickerDS1 8/15
    DS2 5/17
    #3 Due 9/20
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    EDD/weeks+days: 14 weeks

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out

    Baby is the size of a(n): peach

    Upcoming appointments: in a few weeks 
    If it doesn’t get cancelled due to virus concerns

    How are you feeling? pregnancy wise fine. Much less bloat, no nausea. Just sick with a cough

    Raves/Rants: already tired of being home and I know it’s going to be awhile till we can leave. Extrovert problems

    Questions: none 

    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies? None really now since I have a toddler. But I used to read books and scrapbook
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    EDD/weeks+days:  14w+4

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Green

    Baby is the size of a(n): peach

    Upcoming appointments:  April 3rd - 16 weeks (if they keep my appointment)

    How are you feeling? Feeling pretty good. Still always exhausted (but working from home full time now with 2 small children can do that). Also starting with heartburn pretty bad!

    Raves/Rants:  Covid-19 - not sure how to feel about all of this. This is my last baby and I really wanted to enjoy every piece of it. I just feel like I'm confined, scared and have so much anxiety. 

    Questions:  has your OB changed their office guidelines? Mine sent out a message saying you will be getting a phone call this week from one of the providers to go through your individual status and determine the best plan of action for you as they will be trying to eliminate any unnecessary in person visits. They will have tele-appointments available. Also you can only come into the office with 1 significant other and they're asking children to stay home. You will also have to wait in your car until an exam room is open. I appreciate all of this being done, just wondering if your situation is similar

    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies?  Home decor and flipping/rehabbing houses. We have an instagram account if you'd like to see :) JARagonese is our name
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    @almiller86 they are going forward with all pregnancy appointments at my office but canceling all annuals. They did ask we don’t bring anyone with us who is not absolutely needed. 
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    @almiller86 I loveeee your style!!! Super jealous! 
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    queenie_tqueenie_t member
    edited March 2020
    EDD/weeks+days: 15w+1d

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: idk yet

    Baby is the size of a(n): navel orange!

    Upcoming appointments: 4/1 hope it doesn’t get cancelled 

    How are you feeling? I’ve been so fatigued the last two days. I thought I was done with that. Little bit of nausea here and there. 

    Raves/Rants: Fortunate that I am 1. Stick able to work and 2. Work at home during this crisis 

    Questions: I’m feeling random pains sometimes in my abdominal area wondering if this is that round ligament pain?

    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies? Dancing when I’m at home alone 
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    @queenie_t sounds like it could probably be round ligament pain
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    EDD/weeks+days: September 3, 16+5

    Team Finding Out/Pink/Blue/Green: Finding out, but nobody besides a select few get to know!

    Baby is the size of a(n): 🥑 Avocado!

    Upcoming appointments: 4-10 for... Something, maybe just a normal checkup maybe anatomy, I never have any idea lol and 4/17 to meet with genetic counselors for a final check up and to ease the last of my concerns

    How are you feeling? Pretty okay, cannot get comfortable sometimes at night, but I can mostly eat again and I still sleep way more than I used to. I like sleep so I'm not complaining lol 

    Raves/Rants: My work has its first confirmed case of the virus and I just want us to shut down but I know we won't 🙃


    GTKY: What is one of your hobbies? 
    I love to write but never have time for it, jigsaw puzzles but dog and cat plus tiny house so can't, and budgeting. Budgeting is such a stress reliever 😌
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