May 2020 Moms

STM+ Check-In: January

EDD/Weeks + Days: 

How old is/are your other kid(s)? 

How is/are your kiddo(s) doing?

Any questions/concerns?

Do you have anything special or fun planned for your kid(s) that you are excited about this month?  
TTC#1 July 2015 
  • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
  • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
TTC#2 April 2019 
  • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20


Re: STM+ Check-In: January

  • EDD/Weeks + Days: May 14 / 21+4

    How old is/are your other kid(s)? 3

    How is/are your kiddo(s) doing? She is great. I finally decided to night potty train as she is dry almost always. So she has been in underwear 100% since Friday and doing great! I think she may have some congestion, she has been waking up wanting to cough out the crud in her throat. We are still trying to teach her to blow her nose.

    Any questions/concerns? No questions, I am just wanting to get her bedroom done. I think it is a combo of nesting and wanting as much time between her new room and the birth (when the baby "takes" her current room).

    Do you have anything special or fun planned for your kid(s) that you are excited about this month?  I signed her up for parent/child gymnastics at the Y again. Last time we did it was June 2019. Really its just a 30 minute play time to use the equipment. DH has off some weekends this month so I am thinking we should take her bowling for the first time.
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

  • EDD/Weeks + Days: 5/24 - 20+1

    How old is/are your other kid(s)? 3 & 2

    How is/are your kiddo(s) doing? My 3 year old went through a few weeks of being just an absolute terror. Thankfully, as soon as you think you've hit your limit, they change a little bit. Still having tantrums, but he's more reflective about them and they are happening a little less often. 

    The 2 year old is having a language explosion which is my favorite. I love finally being able to communicate with my kids!! It's also SO fun listening to the boys talk to each other unprompted. 

    Any questions/concerns? Nope. But this new baby better be ready to sleep through a lot of noises... that's all I can say. 

    Do you have anything special or fun planned for your kid(s) that you are excited about this month?  We brought them to Disney on Ice yesterday! that was a lot of fun. A few birthday parties this month, and hopefully some outings to get out of the house on the weekends. I hate being cooped up. 

    @m6agua that's cool that your Y has gymnastics! we don't. But you're reminding me to sign the kids up for swim lessons. I think my 3 yr old can take lessons w/o me being in the pool which is wonderful. 
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  • @m6agua Congrats on your potty training success! That's such a big milestone!

    @mamaqdubu I love listening to my kids talk and play with each other. It's so much fun, especially as their vocabularies get bigger and bigger. FX your new baby is a great sleeper!

    EDD/Weeks + Days:  May 14/21+4

    How old is/are your other kid(s)? 5 and 3.5

    How is/are your kiddo(s) doing? Pretty good, for the most part. They are super excited for the babies. They've been crazy hyper lately and I'm hoping it's just the holidays. I'm getting too big and tired to deal with the madness.

    Any questions/concerns? Nope.

    Do you have anything special or fun planned for your kid(s) that you are excited about this month?  I promised them we would do some baking next weekend and DS gets to go to the children's museum with a friend on Friday, so that will be fun. We'll be traveling to the in-laws the first weekend in February, so they'll have a good time there, too.
  • EDD/Weeks + Days: May 25, 20 weeks today

    How old is/are your other kid(s)? DS is 7. DD will be 6 tomorrow

    How is/are your kiddo(s) doing? They're alternately thick as thieves and on each other's nerves because of winter break. They go back tomorrow, thank God. I've offered DS to move back to his room but he won't. DD's room is huge and he has a bed in there for when guests are here, but he hasn't moved back to his room in 9 months, save for illness. They're attached at the hip, thanks to the small age difference and their personalities, and it's detrimental to my patience at the moment.

    Any questions/concerns? Nope. It'll all be good again when they're back at school.

    Do you have anything special or fun planned for your kid(s) that you are excited about this month?  Tomorrow is DD's birthday, so I need to start on her cake tonight. She's having a Barbie cake with a Barbie in it. Tomorrow is also my anatomy scan and only my mom is finding out the sex, so she's making a reveal cake for us (her idea, and she got DH on board with this against my wanting to be Team Green). There will be so much cake tomorrow. The kids are excited, and finally DD can stop her weeklong moping about it being January but not her birthday yet, lol.
  • I’m 21 weeks, and DD is 3.5. Someone just told me to take her shopping to pick out stuff for the baby and I’m so glad they did! She picked out a piggy sleeper and a dolly lovey. She is excited and it’s so sweet to see
  • EDD/Weeks + Days: 5/24/20+1

    How old is/are your other kid(s)? 6

    How is/are your kiddo(s) doing? Super excited now that he knows he is getting a brother lol. He wants to feel him kick but I think it will be a few more weeks since he is so low and currently kicking in my crotch.

    Any questions/concerns?

    Do you have anything special or fun planned for your kid(s) that you are excited about this month?  Well it is next month but we are going to a wrestling event and he is pumped! 
  • @m6agua Congrats on the potty training!

    @mamaqdubu We are just starting our language explosions, they are so fun! It's so nice to be able to communicate even just a little.

    @ruby696 What do you guys plan to bake? Sounds fun!

    @thepretzelchick that's so sweet your kids are so close!

    @mamaj1220 Congrats on your little boy!

    EDD/Weeks + Days: 21+5, 5/14

    How old is/are your other kid(s)? 20 months

    How is/are your kiddo(s) doing? He's been sick but is otherwise doing really well. He's really starting to communicate more and it is so much fun.

    Any questions/concerns? Nope

    Do you have anything special or fun planned for your kid(s) that you are excited about this month?  We signed up for swimming lessons next month but so far don't have anything too special planned this month. We go to LIttle Gym on Saturday's which he loves.
  • @m6agua the gymnastics sounds fun! I was just looking into gymnastics or tumbling for my 2 year old last week.  Unfortunately the gym I really want to take her to doesn't accept them until 3 so I think we'll just wait it out rather than starting somewhere else and having to switch.

    @mamaqdubu if you do ISR lessons your child can be in the pool without you as soon as they start (as early as 6 months).  My daughter started them at about 9 months, and it was amazing to watch her be able to roll over and float to save herself that early.  She went back this past summer at 1.5 to learn how to alternate between swimming and floating which was also crazy to see such a young child actually swim underwater (without any floatation devices etc).  It gives me a lot more peace of mind since we have a pool even though I'm still a little nervous and we have several alarms and locks between the house and pool.  I would recommend it to everyone!

    @Linsbins that's really good advice.  I think my daughter would like helping pick things out so we'll have to have a shopping day together soon!

    EDD/Weeks + Days: May 13/21+6

    How old is/are your other kid(s)? 2

    How is/are your kiddo(s) doing? she's doing well and finally starting to play on her own for a little longer which is amazing because I didn't think it was ever going to happen.  I agree with the others on the talking explosion.  She's always done really well speaking, but lately I'm realizing just how much she's actually picked up and it's nice to ask her about her day and actually getting some insight on who she played with at daycare and what she did.  

    Any questions/concerns? nope - so far so good

    Do you have anything special or fun planned for your kid(s) that you are excited about this month?  We're taking her to monster jam in a couple weeks which I think will be fun.  She is used to loud noises since our family drag races so I'm not too worried about that (and we'll have ear muffs also), but she loves playing with her monster trucks at home so I think she'll enjoy it hopefully and DH and I always enjoyed it ourselves when we've been in the past.
  • EDD/Weeks + Days: May 5 / 23 Weeks 

    How old is/are your other kid(s)? DS1 will be 7 in March and DS2 is 4. 

    How is/are your kiddo(s) doing? DS1 has had an interesting attitude lately. It’s unusual for him because I normally say he’s my easy going kid. DS2 fractured his tibia on Christmas and just got his splint removed. They decided to do a walking boot and skip the cast since toddler fractures tend to heal fast on their own, but he’s still refusing to walk. I’m hoping he gets over that soon because he’s too heavy to carry around. 

    Any questions/concerns?

    Do you have anything special or fun planned for your kid(s) that you are excited about this month? Not particularly. The winter months are hard since DS1 is immunocompromised and GA currently has a huge outbreak of the flu going around. 
  • @mamaqdubu It is so fun when they start talking more! I need to bring DD to Disney on Ice sometime. Gymnastics at my Y isn't all that great, the space is really small. But it is good for a beginner thing for DD. Some of the other Y's in the area have a bigger area for gymnastics. I eventually want to put her in gymnastics at on of the actual gyms for it this summer. We've been doing swim lessons for DD and the last session was the first time without us in the pool, it was so nice to not have to get us all changed, dried and showered right before dinner and bedtime.

    @ruby696 Do you have any plans to what you will be baking?

    @thepretzelchick I hope the cakes go over well! Happy Birthday to your DD!

    @mamaj1220 I cannot wait until we start feeling kicks on the outside and see how it connects DD to the pregnancy more! I bet your son will love it!

    @rachelg777 Is this your first swimming lessons and is it parent child? I hope it goes well. DD has loved swimming lessons.

    @ieles2531 Wow that is a lot of extracurriculars! I hope she has fun. I think we are going to try and stick with gymnastics and soccer for DD if we can.

    @bananapanda Do they have a parent/child option or open gym time? The two big gymnastics gyms in my area have a P/C option for 2-3 and I think it functions more like an open gym time. Do you have local Y's, maybe they have something too? Thats where we are starting at, DD was 2.25 when we did the first P/C gymnastics at the Y.
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

  • @rachelg777 and @m6agua I told them we could make cupcakes. DS wants to decorate them like the cupcakes he had in Disneyland, with Mickey Mouse ears. That feels like it's outside my decorative abilities, so we'll see...
  • @m6agua It is our first lesson, I am excited! It will be parent/child.
  • @m6agua they do have some open gym times for toddlers, but most of them are weekday mornings and unfortunately for me I have a normal 8-5 job so that isn't going to work.  I'm not too worried though we'll just try it when she turns 3 and see how she likes it.
  • DD/Weeks + Days: May 7 / 22+6

    How old is/are your other kid(s)?  3

    How is/are your kiddo(s) doing?  Great!  I feel like he's coming out of the other side of a rough patch of temper tantrums.  He's expressing his feelings better and it's helping me communicate better with him, which he's responding pretty well to most of the time.  He has started to really start showing his silly side lately and tells us silly stories and says silly nonsensical things, and it cracks me up.  Just soaking in these last months of him being my only baby.  <3  

    Any questions/concerns?  What are you ladies planning to do about smaller toys for your bigger kiddos?  The puppy has helped force DS to keep his toys up off the floor, but now that he's over 3, many of his toys have small pieces and I find myself wondering how I'm going to manage that with a little one in the next year or so.  I'm thinking he can keep those toys in his room, but I also don't want that to become the only place where he can play with them.  I'm sure I'll figure it out and he can help me make sure the baby doesn't get a hold of smaller toys, but I find myself thinking about it regardless.  

    Do you have anything special or fun planned for your kid(s) that you are excited about this month?  Thinking of going to a big act show that comes around here every few years.  They were on America's Got Talent a while ago and we've seen their show before we had kids, but I think DS would really love it.
    Me: 35 | H: 40
    Married Sept. 2013
    DS1: Nov 11, 2016 <3
    MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
    CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
    BFP!  8/24/19
    DS2: May 10, 2020 <3

  • @shamrocandroll I'm wondering the same thing about DS's legos. I find them everywhere. I haven't really figured out what to do, other than only allow him to build at the table and to clean up all the pieces every time. 
  • @shamrocandroll I’m so excited about this weekend...DH only told me to prepare myself for a weekend of doing nothing but eating and getting pampered. 
    As far as toys with small kid is a little older than yours, so this may not work. I gave her special bins with tops and told her that if I found any small parts out, they were getting trashed immediately. We’re in the Barbie phase (ugh send help!!!) so she has a lot of accessories. So far so good. You could also try a special table if you have room, or tell him that only one toy out with small parts is the new rule. Honestly, he may want to keep those toys in his room anyway...DD has already asked for a baby gate to “keep my special things safe” 😂
  • @ieles2531 I guess the one advantage to having a bigger age gap than I had hoped for is he has a pretty good understanding of things like this if I explain them to him.  He's been really good about keeping his toys away from the puppy, so hopefully this will just be kind of like that.  
    Me: 35 | H: 40
    Married Sept. 2013
    DS1: Nov 11, 2016 <3
    MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
    CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
    BFP!  8/24/19
    DS2: May 10, 2020 <3

  • @ieles2531 my mom was born on the day of my aunt's 6th birthday party which had to be cancelled (though not her actual birthday) and my aunt held it against her to the point that we threw her a 6th birthday party one year when she was in her 40s. Thankfully, it's not likely you'll have the same situation with your LOs!

    EDD/Weeks + Days: May 15/21w5d

    How old is/are your other kid(s)? 3

    How is/are your kiddo(s) doing? She's doing great in terms of baby. Ever since the ultrasound last week (which she only got to be at because daycare wound up being cancelled for weather) she has started to lift my shirt and give baby brother a kiss. It's adorable. 
    That said, the threenager is strong. Not listening, tantrums over small thing, shriek-yelling at me when she doesn't get what she wants when she wants it. Ugh.

    Any questions/concerns? No

    Do you have anything special or fun planned for your kid(s) that you are excited about this month? She is super excited about my FIL's 70th birthday party on the 18th. Especially when she found out that there is going to be cake.

  • @lajoliedreamer That story just gave me a good laugh!  :lol:  And solidarity to the threenager phase.  It's so hard, but I'm promised it won't last forever!
    Me: 35 | H: 40
    Married Sept. 2013
    DS1: Nov 11, 2016 <3
    MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
    CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
    BFP!  8/24/19
    DS2: May 10, 2020 <3

  • @shamrocandroll with DS I have been really pressing the little toys need to be picked up and he does a pretty good job, he has also been asking for how he can keep his things safe from Jensen and I kind of giggle because he thinks the baby is coming out ready to play but we are going to gate off rooms for the baby and with Legos we are trying to get in the habit of they are done in the table.
  • @shamrocandroll @ruby696 We have a lot of small toys and keep a cousins babies fairly frequently. The boys do have a lego table in their room which helps cut down on legos on the floor and if they want to play with small stuff in a common area they either do it at the dining room table or they pick a designated area and I just keep the babies in a different area. DS1 was 2.5 when DS2 was born and already had a lot of
    little stuff, we honestly never had many issues, but I rarely let them out of my eye sight for the first year or so anyways for fear of DS1 being too rough.

    I go with the general rule of let the older kids play and if someone needs to be quarantined, it’s the baby. It seems more fair in my mind. 
  • just thought of a question - what are your thoughts on the pros/cons of moving DD1 to a new bedroom and keeping the nursery the same for DD2 vs creating a new nursery for DD2? 

    DD1 has only slept in her room a handful of times (still in a toddler bed in our room most of the time), so her room is really used more like a play room so I doubt she has any real attachment to it if that makes a difference.  I'm leaning towards just letting DD1 have input in decorating the spare room how she likes and making it her "big girl room", but then I feel guilty that DD2 is just getting leftovers which is all she'll get all her life haha

    MH is not on board with doing much of anything in the way of a new nursery since we still don't really use it, but I'm ready to start organizing and I need them to have their own bedrooms before I go insane so he'll just have to get his butt to work ASAP on painting on moving furniture.
  • m6aguam6agua member
    edited January 2020
    @bananapanda This was our plan the entire time since TTC #1. We have a 3 bedroom house, 2 rooms and a master. We did up the nursery all neutral with the plans that it will always stay the nursery and the other room is our office. The plan is to move DD into her big girl room (the office) and keep this baby in the nursery. Big difference between my situation and yours is that we've used the nursery since day 1. We've been talking to DD about it for a couple months, I was worried since she was very adamant about her room and her crib (without the front) and that we can just put the baby in front of the closet in his own crib. We bought a bedroom set, curtains/rods, and a comforter already. I bought another comforter/sheet set with Frozen on it and we gave it to her for Christmas. Since then she seems more excited about her new big girl room. We have yet to clear out all the office stuff and get started on it though. I do plan on letting her be a little involved in decorating, we will use the same light grey from the nursery and do an accent wall. I figured she can pick out the color for that, I know she will pick pink or purple so I plan on getting several swatches that I like (more pale or muted colors) and letting her choose between them. I may let her help pick out some wall art, a chair for herself and a few other things. But once again I will give her choices to pick from. DD is 3 if that helps.

    ETA: This is our last kid. Eventually we will get new furniture for the nursery and change it into DS big boy room and will have him help with it in a similar manner.
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

  • @bananapanda For me, it was mostly that DS's room is very much still a "baby room" with his crib converted to a toddler bed, changing table dresser, etc.  It's also really small.  We decided to move him to the bigger room so he could choose how to decorate it and be excited, and not feel like the baby is taking away his room, and also because he has a lot of smaller toys that would be a choking hazard for a baby/young toddler, and this will give him more space to store then and play with them outside of the common play area.  When the baby gets old enough to have a strong opinion about the drastic difference in room sizes, we'll either consider knocking down the wall in between the two room and making them more equal, or they can share the bigger room and the nursery can be spare space.  
    Me: 35 | H: 40
    Married Sept. 2013
    DS1: Nov 11, 2016 <3
    MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
    CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
    BFP!  8/24/19
    DS2: May 10, 2020 <3

  • EDD/Weeks + Days: 19+3, 6/6

    How old is/are your other kid(s)? 3.5 and 16 months.

    How is/are your kiddo(s) doing? The constant string of colds from first winter in preschool overlapping with pregnancy and a young sibling at home has been killer. Oldest has been day trained since mid October I think and done great. He keeps asking about sleeping in underwear, but isn't really dry in mornings. Now, that being said, he wants to wake up and play around and avoid getting diaper off and he's always been the kid who will just go in a diaper or pull up if there is one-he won't try toilet at all. So we're waiting until later this week as my husband will be home to help overnight, we'll put small potty in his room, and hope for the best. He keeps pooping in his diaper first thing in the morning, which he then hates being cleaned up, so I'm ready to just ditch this. I don't think he'll poop in his underwear-he hates that feeling. Crossing fingers. Our 16 month old has 1 word, 1.5 signs (one she doesn't use correctly mostly), and is not walking. I have bad SPD so trying to just take care of her has been hard,carrying hurts even just across the room, and constant huge tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants, but can't even tell me what she wants. It's not been easy. Hoping for a breakthrough soon. Our schedule between awful preschool timing, toddler nap, having to feed two separate lunches, and daddy coming home from work at 5 means that squeezing in any therapy appointments would be awful. So I'm hoping she just decides to start working on this stuff. My oldest was in speech therapy from 20 months until 3 years, from 4 months pregnant to until she was 9 months old, and even without him in school, it was complete disaster chaos every single week-causing missed naps, off routines, me not being able to participate because I was trying to settle my unhappy baby, or just hurting so much getting down on floor to work with him. So, avoiding it for now unless her doctor really pushes.

    Any questions/concerns? Not really. I have no idea how to continue to keep house together as things get harder around here, but I don't think there is an answer.

    Do you have anything special or fun planned for your kid(s) that you are excited about this month? I wish! But we're so broke, weather is awful, and they're continuously sick and miserable. We have one parent day at end of the month to go to indoor play space with the preschool class, so hoping we can manage that. But my husband has been gone half the days of this month, and my pelvis is busted up, leaving me having a very hard time doing any activities that involve walking, especially with my non-walker. 
    Me: 33
    DH: 32
    Married 7/18/15
    1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
    Team green turned BLUE!
    2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 
    Team green turned PINK!
    Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @shamrocandroll I literally just made MH take apart the crib and move it out of the nursery to put a full size bed on the floor within the last few weeks so my other concern is if I make him take it back in there and put it together he miiiiiiiight murder me  :D but I mean I'm growing him a whole new kid so he's getting off easy if all he has to do is move a few pieces of furniture and paint...right? haha
  • EDD/Weeks + Days: May 13/22w6d

    How old is/are your other kid(s)? DD is 2

    How is/are your kiddo(s) doing? It's been hard for her to go back to school since being on Christmas break. Today her daycare teacher texted me that she was kind of emotional for no apparent reason yesterday and today, which is out of character for her. H and I asked her tonight why she got sad at school, and she said, "I wanted to go home." :'(

    Any questions/concerns? Not at the moment

    Do you have anything special or fun planned for your kid(s) that you are excited about this month? We have a 3-day weekend coming up at the end of this week, so hopefully we'll go for an easy hike or something fun.
  • EDD/Weeks + Days: 22w4d

    How old is/are your other kid(s)? 4 and 2

    How is/are your kiddo(s) doing? My 2 year old is so sweet and chill, my 4 year old is an extreme ball of energy, emotion and defiance lol. 

    Any questions/concerns? My concern this week has been car seat configuration, mostly having to move one of the older ones to the back row. Neither are close to being able to buckle themselves so I’m worried how difficult this is gonna make it for me. 

    Do you have anything special or fun planned for your kid(s) that you are excited about this month?  Ugh not really, maybe need to work on that. 
  • @bananapanda how old is your first? We moved DS1 into a new big boy room and kept DS2 in the nursery. I re-did and decorated the entire thing without him knowing and made it a surprise. I think the impact of him seeing fun/cool new decorations and some familiar things like night lights, his animals, a few toys, etc made it feel like his immediately. We showed it to him in the morning on the weekend so he could play & feel comfortable in it all day as he pleased, and by nighttime was excited to stay in his new big boy room. 

  • @mamaqdubu she is 2.  I think this route will probably make the most sense for us.  So now I guess the challenge is just actually getting her out of our room and into her own room lol.  I'm just being a lazy slacker because our master is on the main level and the other bedrooms are upstairs so if she wakes up in the middle of the night I have to go all the way upstairs to get her or lay with her instead of just reaching over without even leaving my bed haha.  Maybe I can convince MH to tend to her in the night if she would allow that lol she's a momma's girl at night though.
  • @allywat My kids will be almost 4 and almost 2. My older one can at least get straps over his arms and get chest buckled, but I have to do crotch buckles and tighten. What we're going to do (I watched a friend do it for her third!) is move both of them to the third row (which leaves a little space between them for on sanity!) and if it's too hard to get my big rear end back there to buckle, then put out one of our second row seats (captains chairs), and put baby in the remaining one. This leaves space for me to get back and help, and also increases floor for cargo space, as always have third row occupied shrinks cargo capacity too. Just an idea for you!
    Me: 33
    DH: 32
    Married 7/18/15
    1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
    Team green turned BLUE!
    2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 
    Team green turned PINK!
    Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @pourmeanothermocktail this is exactly what we plan on doing in our SUV too! Will leave room to climb my butt into the back to buckle them. Also a good space to literally throw them in the car when in a parking lot so they don’t start running away (which is my biggest TTM fear) 
  • That is one of the options I’m considering! I also have a 13 year old stepson who is fine sitting in the front seat if I need to transport the four of them by myself it just gets trickier if DH is going too. 
  • @mamaqdubu my four year old is a runner, I’m really getting nervous about having three of them and him running away. 
  • allywat said:
    @mamaqdubu my four year old is a runner, I’m really getting nervous about having three of them and him running away. 
    No shame in either backpack style or wrist to wrist kid leashes. 

    Also, would your bonus son fit between Seats in the third row? I would have when I was 13, but I get that all kids are different shapes.

    Depending on your car (I have the Traverse), sometimes the captains seats just fold forward super nice too, so if I needed that seat present sometimes, but normally out of the way, I can just leave it folded forward most of the time, and that still leaves plenty of space for me to get to back. 

    So many options nowadays!
    Me: 33
    DH: 32
    Married 7/18/15
    1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
    Team green turned BLUE!
    2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 
    Team green turned PINK!
    Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @pourmeanothermocktail We’re doing the exact same configuration for our three. It makes the most sense to have two in the third row together and the baby the closest since the infant seat is awkward to try to move around in a car. Our captains chairs come up easy, so if we needed it, we could just pull it up after the kids are situated to allow someone to sit in it. 
  • So my mom said to me today, that she thinks DS1 is going to have a really hard time when DS2 gets here. She said that because him and I do pretty much everything together and he is super attached to me she thinks he is going to be really jealous. I had already planned on "dates" just him and I but now I wondering if there is more I should be doing.
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