March 2020 Moms

Group 3 (3/17-3/24) Check-in w/o 9/23


Team finding out/pink/blue/green

Baby is the size of a(n)

Upcoming appts

How are you feeling?: 



GTKY: Happy Fall! What's your favorite autumn activity? 

Re: Group 3 (3/17-3/24) Check-in w/o 9/23

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    EDD/W+D: 3/18. The difference between first and second pregnancy is I always have to check the app to see how many weeks I am, lol. 14 + 5.

    Team finding out/pink/blue/green: we’re having a girl!

    Baby is the size of a(n):  beet!

    Upcoming appts: eep. I can’t remember. I think Oct 2?

    How are you feeling?: Decent. I feel bad complaining about second tri cos it’s so much nicer than first. But I generally wake up with a dull headache and only really feel awake between 10 am and 5 pm. My belly is aching here and there as it balloons outward, but I don’t really mind that. 

    Cravings/Aversions: aversions to meat, but we don’t eat much of that to begin with. I eat one tuna melt per week when I’m at work (from the hospital cafeteria) and I always reeeeeallllly look forward to it. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions: my daughter is 18 months old tomorrow! I was so proud of her earlier when I told her to let me know when she was ready for me to go into the kitchen and make steamed apples and quesadillas for lunch (she’d just sternly resisted the idea) and after a few more minutes of playing she said “mama, apple, dinner, cook.” She proceeded to play and read by herself for twenty minutes! ❤️

    GTKY: Happy Fall! What's your favorite autumn activity? Fall is one of my favorite seasons to be outside doing anything. Hiking, gardening, staring at the forest behind the house while my kid plays in the sandbox, etc. I love how the air smells. 
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    EDD/W+D: 3/20, 14w3d (I also have to check my app @orbmaker haha)

    Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Finding out on Saturday!  Pretty sure I saw a penis during our NT scan last week though lol.  That would make me 3/3 for boys.

    Baby is the size of a(n): troll doll :lol:

    Upcoming appts: Elective ultrasound 9/28, midwife checkup 10/11, anatomy scan 11/5

    How are you feeling?: My nausea is much more swingy now than it was before - I'll have good days then pretty bad days.  Still pretty exhausted too.  Occasional back pain or RLP.  Feeling generally big for only 14w as well.

    Cravings/Aversions:  Most things are still aversions for me.  Not too much in the way of cravings - I have been enjoying pizza subs and the occasional pickle.  Someone here mentioned pop tarts so I've been eating those now too - I hadn't had them in a while!

    Rants/Raves/Questions: My main rant is that I'm having a really hard time nursing DS2 at this point in my pregnancy.  Latching is very painful and my supply is tanked.  He basically just nurses to sleep but he has been asking for "booboo" over and over all night long lately.  I was hoping he'd wean on his own like DS1 did when I was pregnant with DS2, but if anything he's asking for it more.  I think I need to try and force it at this point because I'm pretty miserable at night, but it makes me sad thinking about doing that too because DS2 is going to be so upset by that process.  Blah.

    GTKY: Happy Fall! What's your favorite autumn activity? Fall and winter are my favorite seasons!  I love the cooler weather and all the holidays/birthdays at this time of year.  Doing Halloween activities with the kids is a lot of fun this time of year, and I love Thanksgiving foods!
    DS1 07/2015
    DS2 10/2017
    DS3 due 03/2020
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    EDD/W+D: 3/18, 14w5d

    Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Finding out 10/27

    Baby is the size of a(n): maple leaf 🍁 

    Upcoming appts: 10/3, ob apt 

    How are you feeling?: Great! Much more energy. Just went to the gym for the first time in months. 

    Cravings/Aversions: It depends on my mood but currently a maruchan cup of soup

    Rants/Raves/Questions: my mind is blank right now lol. I’m just happy and feeling good! 

    GTKY: Happy Fall! What's your favorite autumn activity? Driving or hiking around to look at the foliage.

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    @orbmaker a tuna melt sounds SO good. Omg.

     EDD/W+D: 3/20 I am 14+3

     Team finding out/pink/blue/green: Pink, we think!

     Baby is the size of a(n): peach

     Upcoming appts: Honestly can’t remember.

    How are you feeling?: Good but tired!

    Cravings/Aversions: Craving almost everything. Sweets, chicken, pasta, peanut butter, bagels....Not many aversions but I’m not too into red meat lately. 

     Rants/Raves/Questions: I’m just annoyed with people at work right now, but I’ll get over it. 

     GTKY: Happy Fall! What's your favorite autumn activity? Apple picking, taking DD to the pumpkin patch, decorating for Halloween, mulled cider....all the things!
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    EDD/W+D: I’m posting here since group 4 is pretty much dead. 3/26, 13w4d 

    Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out Friday! Yay!

    Baby is the size of a(n): Lemon 

    Upcoming appts: Elective ultrasound Friday. I
    think my next OB appt is October 11th. 

    How are you feeling?: I’m feeling pretty good. Waves of nausea but nothing too bad. 

    food is weird lately. Lots of aversions and I’m very specific and picky with what I want and that seems to change by the hour. Sometimes nothing sounds good but when I do find something that sounds good I can’t stop eating. 

    My rant is the cold I’m currently dealing with. 

    GTKY: Happy Fall! What's your favorite autumn activity? 
    Fall is my jam! I love everything about it. I love, love, love cool and rainy weather. I love baking, the pumpkin patch, decorating. I love it all. 
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    @mommytimesfour Aw looks like our next appt. are on the same day! We'll get a 16w anatomy scan on that date, too--nothing elective inbetween.

    @kantobean Isn't it funny how the mere mention/suggestion of something can make you instantly want it?

    @kailanae I hate that anyone else is feeling the on & off nausea, but at the same time it feels good to know i'm not alone. I hope yours (AND MINE) dissipate, like, now. 

    @orbmaker I wish it truly smelt like fall around here--it's like 90+ degrees out still today again though and staying hot/hotter over the next week. UGH. Real fall, I miss you.

    : 3/21 14w3d

    Team finding out/pink/blue/green: we know--not telling.

    Baby is the size of a(n): credit card?

    Upcoming appts: 10/11

    How are you feeling?: On and off terrible. And when not terrible, not great. 

    Cravings/Aversions: Doughnuts, berries, fruits, popsicles. Aversion to all things with strong/rich flavors, esp. spicy and garlicky food. Yuck.

    Rants/Raves/Questions: I just ranted over in PGAL my main rant, so trying to think of something else for Group 3..... I guess I just wish I enjoyed being pregnant. I always felt like I would. But instead I feel like either complete trash or mostly trash or some trash. I know second tri JUST started for me, but I just want to get to that neutral place where I have a day when I DON'T feel like any kind of trash.

    GTKY: Happy Fall! What's your favorite autumn activity? We have a lot of great festivals coming up in our area, so attending those! 
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    @kagesstarshroom I don’t think I really enjoyed being pregnant too much last time. And I don’t feel pregnant this time even though I am showing a bit. Last time I kinda enjoyed parts of the second tri when I felt good and was really showing and could wear cute bump clothes. But also I had some aches so bleh.

    @orbmaker ah your DD sounds like she is so advanced. My son is 17 months and he does not have all those words.

    EDD/W+D: 3/18, 14w6d

    Team finding out/pink/blue/green: finding out

    Baby is the size of a(n): house mouse

    Upcoming appts: 10/22 

    How are you feeling?: so full right now. I was so hungry at lunch and ate too much and still feel full 5 hours later. Sigh. At least I’m not nauseous anymore!

    Cravings/Aversions: so specific at specific moments

    Rants/Raves/Questions: I’m really tired right now. I did a stroller fitness class and felt SO good and was so happy abt it (since I almost passed out last stroller fit class), but a few hours later and I am ready for bed. And so full. I wanna eat dinner bc I didn’t yday and was starving, but so full. I feel like I complain a lot when pregnant  :D

    GTKY: Happy Fall! What's your favorite autumn activity? Hm. I am looking forward to dressing our family up this year. I’m excited to finish making my son’s outfit and I just wanna see the excitement on his face when we do cute Halloween events.
    Me: 32 | DH: 35
    Married: 8/22/15
    BFP #1: 8/22/17 | DS: 4/20/18 
    BFP #2: 7/14/19 | EDD: 3/18/20
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

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    EDD/W+D: 3/24, 14w1d HELLO 2nd Tri!

    Team finding out/pink/blue/green: found out yesterday, we are having a BABY GIRL!!!!!

    Baby is the size of a(n): peach 

    Upcoming appts: oct 14? 

    How are you feeling?: Still nauseous in the afternoons and evenings, but the fatigue seems to be lifting.

    Cravings/Aversions: Food aversions seem to be lifting a bit. But strangely I still can’t fathom eating home cooked meals which sucks bc all I eat for dinner has been fast food. Cravings? I wish. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions: We just booked our babymoon to New York, I’ll be 20wks. Not very relaxing but I’m not going to risk Zika plus hubby said we will just do whatever I feel up to and I’m excited to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child!!! 

    GTKY: Happy Fall! What's your favorite autumn activity? All things Halloween!!! Pumpkin grub and fall attire!
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    Well our blood test was wrong my baby is not a girl! I saw his penis on ultrasound today!!!
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    EDD/W+D: 3/18, 15+1

    Team finding out/pink/blue/green: blue according to our progenity results 

    Baby is the size of a(n): eggo waffle 

    Upcoming appts: just had one today, heard the heartbeat 💙. Anatomy scan is 10/21. 

    How are you feeling?: Just fine. My main symptoms are headaches, vertigo, and random eczema. 

    Cravings/Aversions: cravings is just to eat, mainly proteins and salad. Don’t really have any aversions. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions: raves I love feeling small baby movements, can’t wait until they happen all the time. Also my bff had her third baby yesterday and it is a boy! So excited for our sons to grow up together. DD does not have any blood relatives her age and probably won’t do our friends’ kids are her cousins. 

    GTKY: Happy Fall! What's your favorite autumn activity? Everything!!!! Pumpkin patch visits, apple picking, bonfires, corn mazes. I wish fall was longer! 
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @silverhope I think she is a bit "wordy" for her age, but variation is so normal right now. And even the difference between 17 and 18 months, word-wise, for her is so vast. Seems to reach some critical mass and then vocab increases exponentially.
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