November 2019 Moms


This thread is a safe place for those who are pregnant after a loss. (PGAL). If you have suffered a loss please feel free to answer the questions below and keep things going throughout the week as a continuing conversation.  

If you haven’t suffered a loss, please refrain from answering the questions, but know we welcome anyone who wants to come in and support the PGAL ladies and their milestones with encouragement or love tits! Thank you!  

1. How many weeks are you? 

2. Previous loss(es)? 

3. How are you feeling? Emotionally and physically? 

4. Any appointment updates? 

5. Rants/Raves/Questions? 

6. Any milestones coming up? 

GTKY:  What “group” did you hang out in during high school?  Ex: cheerleader, band, etc. 

Re: July PGAL

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    This thread has been quiet. Which is a good thing if we have all been free from lots of fear and anxiety. I just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. 
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    I havent been free from worries and anxiousness, but just havent been posting as much. Im still struggling with am I feeling enough movement, is baby ok, is this really going to happen for us. The anatomy scan helped a lot to see baby moving and growing and no concerning markers or noticeable stuff. And I am actually surprised that my next check up is in less than a week. This 4 week period flew by. Counting down to viability and once I hit that I start counting to 30 weeks, then 32, then 34, etc. My SIL who is also pregnant was talking about how when we see each other in 5 months for Christmas we will both have new babies and how weird that is and I totally agree. Can not believe in less than 19 weeks I will have another new person to love so completely. 
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    @purplefan1 I have had less anxiety due to more frequent movement. I feel him most of the day and that gives me comfort. I haven’t even used my Doppler in weeks. Although, I’m at the point kicks are more important than hearing the HB. I don’t want false security from the Doppler. 

    Please don't ever hold back posting here if you need the support. I haven’t been doing weekly threads because I felt like we haven’t been as busy on this thread but let me know if you want this thread to be weekly instead of monthly. 
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    Nah, lets keep with monthly. I agree with you, the kicks and movement are so much reassurance. And even with an anterior placenta, i feel this ones movement better than last one (at least, as far as I can remember).
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    It is 5am and I am up with anxiety. The last three days I have had less feeling of movement.  The first of those days I had my follow up anatomy scan, so I know everything was fine that day - I saw baby moving plenty and I wasn't feeling it. I have had movement, just not the same pattern I had been.  I have also had my toddler home with the stomach flu so i haven't had time to sit or lie down for a few moments and concentrate on the kicking. I know that things are probably fine, baby has likely moved into a position that with the anterior placenta I am not feeling the kicks as much and I haven't been able to really focus on the kicks/movement. I haven't been able to sit quietly when it happens and notice the kicks. I just really want some movement now to reassure myself.  It had fallen into a nice consistent pattern and the last few days that pattern has been off.  It is hard at these moments to not be scared, you know?
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    @drama_llama I know exactly what you are talking about. For me, even if I felt movement earlier in the day, if I dont feel it at least once before I go to sleep I cant sleep. Instead I googled everything under the sun. We have to keep remembering we are still early in the pregnancies and kick counts arent recommended until week 28. I had the same thing with my anatomy scan where baby was moving nonstop but I didnt feel any of it. So I try holding on to this and just recognizing there is probably a lot of movement that I just dont feel yet and the anterior placentas suck.

    Sorry about the sick toddler and I desperately hope you dont get it. Do you have some time today to drink some OJ or coffee and just relax and feel baby? What times of the day had been the best times for you to previously feel baby? 

    I did notice a change in movement where I wasnt seeming to feel as much and then within days a surge of movement where I started getting a TON! I hope that happens for you. Keep us updated.
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    @purplefan1. Thanks so much for the reassurance!  I did finally get a big series of kicks after drinking some really cold water.  With the GD I can't do the OJ trick, which us a shame it really is effective.   Toddler woke up cheery this morning and so far (knock on wood) the adults of our household haven't gotten sick. Let's hope it stays that way. 
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    @drama_llama I feel way more movement when I’m sitting down throughout the day. When I’m busy all day with the kids or doing stuff around the house, I don’t feel him until I sit and sometimes not until I’m headed to bed. I know the anxiety you’re feeling. I get the same thing. I don’t think our PGAL brain turns off until we are holding our babies in our arms. Then, if you’re like me, you are consumed with other anxieties associated with the baby. 

    Im glad movement picked up for you. If you’re ever scared, it never hurts to call your OB. They can bring you in for a doppler check. 
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    @drama_llama yay for movement! And yes, the GD sucks for quick tricks. My last pregnancy I would drink an ice cold diet dew (I never drank coffee until my toddler hit todderhood!) and that worked most of the time. I also just had to remind myself that baby sleeps and some times baby doesnt want to do things on my schedule (how rude).

    Also, you are inching closer and closer to 24 weeks viability!! Thats my next goal in sight and I have two weeks left to hit it. Then I start counting down from there. 28 weeks for third tri....get to 30 weeks. 32 weeks is amazing. 34 weeks, we got this. 36 weeks and we are good to go. 38 weeks and we can rock out any time! When I start breaking it down like that the weeks really start to flow for me.

    Glad your little sweetie is feeling better. Still sending germ away vibes to you!
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    How is everyone? The last few days I have felt movement but they have been more like flutters than actual kicks. Which sent me spiraling for a bit. He started kicking again this morning so I feel better about that. 
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    @emeraldcity1214 I had a day like that earlier this week too, just turned out she was really low and seemed to be facing my spine.  She’s back to moving a lot yesterday and today so that makes me feel better.  I had some period like cramps earlier which I haven’t felt yet, just a lot of Braxton Hicks, so that made me nervous but they stopped after an hour or so.

    I’ve been quiet on here lately but I’ve been catching up this week. I’m really itching to get to 24 weeks at this point, it’s so close (22 today!).  I keep hoping with each milestone I’ll feel better, but as we get closer to the end I find my self super anxious about birth.  My son’s delivery was so scary, I’m terrified something like that will happen again.  My midwife said it’s highly unlikely, but it would be just my luck.  However, good news is that I’ve been more energetic this week and happy to get a lot done around the house, which has certainly helped with all the anxiety I have going on.  How are you?  
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    @rogro118 I had a traumatic delivery with my second. All my others haven’t been anything like that one. They went very smooth and the last one was literally a textbook labor and delivery, except much shorter. I have found that I need to only think positive thoughts about labor and delivery. It just helps me have the right mindset going into it. 
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    I actually downloaded a kick tracker this afternoon because I was getting weirded out that I thought I was feeling less kicks.

    I also think Im might have bronchitis and now and worried if I am getting less oxygen then so is baby.

    @rogro118 both my pregnancies have had end of the month EDD and I get super jealous when I see people earlier in the month hit milestones before me. So the viability post and 100 day countdown has me jealous. I know I will get there eventually but I also always worry that I wont. Last pregnancy I literally sobbed when people started delivering because I was so sure that I would never make it home with a living baby. 

    Can we all just hybernate until L&D time?
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    @emeraldcity1214 thank you, that makes me feel better!  

    @purplefan1 I am all for hibernating!  My son was a 9/27 due date so I’ve been in the end of the month club too.  I need to put a countdown in my phone calendar but I want to wait a few more weeks before even counting the days.  
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    I haven’t ever even thought to count down the days. I barely ever go into my pregnancy app. I have been keeping myself so busy lately I just haven’t thought about it. 
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    The period tracker I use as my daily calendar has a countdown. Im at 122 days now. Im actually surprised at that because with my first full term pregnancy I didnt think I would EVER get down to 100. I dont usually check it but occassionally I go look at it and I do feel like this time is flying by. Im looking forward to being under 90 days.  :-)
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     I have 116 days left. 😳 I’m not gonna lie, I’m super excited. Plus DD1 keeps asking when the baby is coming out. Anytime I leave and come back home she asks where the baby is. 😂 It’s cute. She is getting old enough that she has started “mothering” her younger siblings so I can see her being a big help when this baby is born. 
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    I plan to start our new thread tomorrow but since it is Wednesday, I wanted to just check in and see how everyone is doing. 
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