November 2019 Moms

Randoms w/o 4.22


Re: Randoms w/o 4.22

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    It's finally going to be nice today.. 75 and sunny, can't wait!
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    @creamcheeseplease it's been nice here too. I need to get the kids outside as much as possible. I have people coming to take pictures of our house to put it on the market this week, so I have been super busy doing stuff inside. Unfortunately, they have been watching way too much TV. 
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    @emeraldcity1214 yeah, I hear you on the screen time. It's tough when you have tasks that have to get done, like the stuff for putting your house on the market. I let my son watch tv a lot more on the weekend when I have work to do or even when I just want to work out.. I wish he would be a little more able to entertain himself but he is not quite there yet.
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    @creamcheeseplease I actually gave them little jobs to do along side me to help me clean. They did a great job. Now we are waiting for a friend to come over and hang out for a playdate. I am almost done with all my tasks I just need to vacuum and declutter upstairs. 

    We are also ordering pizza for lunch and I'm pretty excited about that. 
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    @emeraldcity1214 that sounds like a great day! Now I want to go out and get pizza though...mmmm

    My random is that my coworker just told me he's moving, but hoping to get to work remotely. We're only a 2 person team so it'll be pretty dramatic. I've already been on the fence about staying with my company...even before I got KU...but now I'm really feeling like leaving. I'd rather concentrate on finding something that I like and is closer to home after the baby is here. I'm lucky that we can swing it financially, but it's still a tough decision. 
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    yes pizza would be so good right now!

    @mvc003 maybe you can negotiate from home too, if your coworker is going to be able to do that? Even a couple days a week at home can make a big difference, IMO.
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    @creamcheeseplease I've thought about that. I know I want to quit though - remote or no remote - so I'd kind of rather just leave and rid myself of what's weighing me down and focus on other projects and initiatives that actually make me feel engaged and excited. It's more of a matter of when I'll do it....

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    So, while on bedrest I was scrolling FB and saw an ad for SneakPeek. I ended up buying it and sending in my sample last Friday. They ran the test and it said I'm having a boy. I'm just hoping I didn't contaminate my sample. 😂 I will be finding out the sex with my NIPT results so I'm not buying blue stuff until it gets confirmed. 
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    In the Maritimes, we're stuck with rain :(  It's been raining on and off for the last week!  Where's the sun??

    On another note, anyone watch GOT?  Can't wait for Sunday episode :D 
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    @emeraldcity1214 How fun! I didn't even know that was a thing! My husband is over here wanting to plan something special for us to do to find out and I'm just like can we open the dang envelope?? I haven't even picked it up yet because I'll open it if I do! Sometimes he is just way too patient!

    @christalfung I do but we are way behind and I'm just trying to avoid spoilers! We started binge watching recently so I'm near the end of Season 5!
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    @runningfortwo81 The only special thing I did was open the email while we were both walking down our hallway. 😂 The 6th pregnancy isn't quite as exciting I guess. 

    Anyone crying all the time? About everything? Please tell me I'm not the only one. I feel like an emotional wreck. 
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    I have a cold. I'm overly dramatic when I'm sick normally (think like stereotypical "man with a cold" and that's basically me). But I've been told I pretty much cant take anything to kill the symptoms, and I'm ready to scream. I actually called in sick to work yesterday for the first time ever (10 years of steady work for 3 different companies- I've ALWAYS showed up), and came home early today. Ugh. 

    @emeraldcity1214 you're definitely not the only one crying. I cry over everything. I was hysterical bawling on the couch a couple weeks ago watching Christopher Robin. I had to excuse myself from a big rodeo dinner last weekend because I started crying when they were talking about a director who passed away- whom I've never met in my life. I cry constantly and then get mad and cry worse. 
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    @emeraldcity1214 @angieeeeee +1 for crying all the time. We've been watching Our Planet on Netflix. I'm a complete mess each time.
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    @emeraldcity1214 @angieeeee so many tears here too... over literally everything. I've had to close my office door several times and cry for a bit at work over stuff that normally wouldn't phase me a bit.
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    @angieeeeee I got a cold too. Spent a night last weekend in hubs college town and picked up some horrible adolescent bug in the 14 hrs I was there. I don’t think I’ve had a cold in 15 years and I am not handling it well. 

    on a bright note, pizza for breakfast :) off to a good start!!!!
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    @cl4157 you're the second one to mention pizza on this thread in the last few days... Now I really want it..maybe for lunch tomorrow!
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    I'm glad I'm not the only one. My poor husband sat down next to me on the couch the other day and I just started bawling. He was at a total loss as to what in the world was happening. 😂
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    @creamcheeseplease follow your heart friend! 
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    @creamcheeseplease or you could just eat it for lunch today. 😁
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    Hahaha @emeraldcity1214 this is true... why put off to tomorrow what you can do today?
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    @angieeeeee i mentioned this in our weekly check in just now, but in case you don’t see it- I’ve read that diffusing eucalyptus oil can help relieve congestion. I asked my OB if I could diffuse it and he said yes. May want to call yours to ask if it makes you more comfortable to hear from them since I’m just an internet stranger and you don’t really know me or my OB. I think I’m gonna try it tonight because I’ve either got a cold as well or killer allergies blarg.

    We have homemade pizza planned for Friday night and now I’m wishing I had it now!
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    I cried this morning because my husband is frustrated at me that I haven't asked for a raise at work that I genuinely do think I deserve (my quarterly review described me as outstanding and invaluable to the company) but I just don't feel right about it knowing that I'm going to tell my boss I'm pregnant in a couple of weeks. 

    Also, it's our 3rd wedding anniversary today. 😂 Luckily, we patched it up before we left the house.
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    I had the WEIRDEST dream last night. Squirrels or hamsters or something were born premature and their mom left them and I happened to be at the hospital for a friend so they asked me to nurse the animals so they had a chance of life. I did and it seemed to get better but I left and it died. I cried in my dream and the nurse laughed at me because it was just an animal but I had bonded to it...I woke up traumatized.
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    @runningfortwo81 girl ask for it! I know it’s totally easier said than done on my end BUT if you deserve it based on the work you are currently doing, being pregnant has nothing to do with it. You won’t go on maternity leave until November. If you don't feel like now is a good time to ask, you probably won’t feel like after you announce is a good time or right after maternity leave. So you could be going a full year before getting a raise you deserve! You still have 6 months of working for them before maternity leave, it doesn’t seem right to be paid less than you deserve all that time.  
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    @emeraldcity1214 I’m crying at the drop of a hat!

    Ladies, I’m waiting for my NIPT results and it’s driving me crazy!!! 
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    @runningfortwo81 I'd ask for it too. Especially if you plan to return to work after maternity leave, which it sounds like you do. The worst that can happen is that they say no.
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    I will definitely be asking for it soon. Our yearly review is very soon and I think with our company culture I will be much more likely to be able to leverage that for a larger than usual raise then. I do plan to return. I love my job and know I have a good future here and it's a company that's very supportive of women getting promoted and working Moms. It just feels like weird timing right now.
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    @emralcliffe I am in the same boat!! I am literally going crazy. I used Natera Panorama and have been checking compulsively. I'm also checking my doctor's patient portal and NOTHING. 

    I had the draw last Tuesday...I know it takes a while, but I saw other people getting their results already even though we took it on the same day. WAAAAAAAAAAA

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    edited April 2019
    I think I have decided what my big splurge will be this pregnancy. I have fallen in love with moses baskets and I definitely need one for my living room when baby arrives. 
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    @mvc003 @emralcliffe I had mine done last week and got half the blood work back on Monday and still nothing on the nipt. I did materniT21 and I’m starting to crack a little! The teaser of the partial results from the other tests on Monday destroyed me!!
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    Soooo.... I cried today because of the fact that I called in sick Monday and went home early last night. I have sick time,  theres nothing wrong with calling in. But I cried cause I've never once in my life called in sick to work.

    I'm about over this emotional crap.
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    I think we need a thread titled "Why my pregnant self is crying." 😂 Anyone feel free to start it! 
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    @cl4157 I feel you!!! I had my draw last Tuesday from 2 separate labs bc my insurance won't cover the NIPT. I got the blood work for the non-NIPT results (other chromosomal screenings) back yesterday, but haven't gotten the NIPT results yet. It makes me want to throw things across the room lol 

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    @mvc003 I did the Panorama too! So, today I was working from home due to a doctor’s appt and I told my husband I was going crazy and wanted to go to a private ultrasound place to see if they could tell us the gender (I’m a nutty, compulsive person obvi). My son was also home bc of spring break. So, the three of us went to the ultrasound place and after a lot of struggling to get the baby in the right position, the tech said she was ready - “Congratulations, I think you’re having a little boy” - no joke, at THAT moment, laying on the ultrasound table, my phone rang and it was the doctor with the NIPT results - all good with chromosomal stuff and “it’s a boy!” 😂😂😂 

    Here’s hoping you get your results VERY soon!
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    @emeraldcity1214 YES! I commented about this the other day but then I started overthinking it, like what if someone was crying about some legitimate things and I offended them? But I totally think it would be a hilarious thread!
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    @emeraldcity1214 @runningfortwo81 that was my EXACT thought as I was writing that earlier- "we need a thread for this" 
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    @emralcliffe LOL no!!! That’s the funniest story!! I’m so happy for you and your little boy though! And the the screening risks came back as low. 💕 

    I’m def giving my office a call today. 
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    Awww, @emralcliffe that's a funny story! Congrats on a little boy!!
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    I just went down to the cafeteria here at work and they had their amazing mac n cheese and I helped myself to a pretty generous portion and then still ate the sandwich I packed for myself..I'm so full and happy right now.
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    @creamcheeseplease Mac and cheese has been life to me lately!

    Had some potential drama this morning that thankfully all worked out! I was supposed to go to the doctor Friday and the appointment was made a month ago. My husband must have written it down wrong and thought it was Thursday so he agreed this week to take his Mom to the doctor Friday for hernia surgery. His Mom was super frazzled about the whole thing and apparently couldn't move her appointment. Thank goodness they were able to mine to Thursday afternoon!
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