July 2019 Moms

Glucose testing?


Re: Glucose testing?

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    I spent the whole time at mine wondering who else was there that was pregnant. I was only in first tri at my first one, so I wasn't obviously pregnant, but after an hour, it was pretty obvious who was there to do GTT. So then I made small talk with the other preggies. 
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    I passed mine! I took it first thing in the morning and ate some cheese beforehand. I got the results within a couple hours. I felt really tired for several hours after and then bounced back.
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    I just did my GD Test on Thursday. They had to poke me 3 times before the found a vein for blood... ugh, that’s the worst. Got my results today on the patient portal. Says it was at 144, and my OB said anything above 135 they usually re-test. So I’m not looking forward to doing a 3 hr where I have to be poked 3x at the LEAST! But they haven’t called me yet for that, probably waiting until Monday to give me the bad news. 
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    Passed but got dinged for apparent hypokalemia (low potassium).

    Supplementing with food for now, will still take that 10x over having to watch my whole diet/failing glucose part.
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    My test is today (fruit punch flavor drink wasn't too bad but so disgustingly sweet).  Waiting for the blood test now and wishing I could drink some water to get that sugary taste out of my mouth.
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    I just got my results back today and passed with a score of 96. 
    But daaaaang that thing was so full of sugar I felt sick and groggily all day 😔

    <3 Boden Gray 8-13-16
    <3 BB Girl Expected 7-10-19 

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    I'm here right now doing the 3-hour. Waiting on hour 2. 
    My right arm veins are really difficult but the guy insisted on switching arms. It was SO ouchy to do it on my right arm. The left one is just so easy, I never really think anything of it when they draw blood on that side, but he really insisted and I'm all.... good luck. He had to fish around quite a bit and I'm just sitting here saying, "I told you so." Ugh. 
    Fingers are crossed that I will pass this dang test. 
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    @hakele UGH. I am a known hard stick. My OB's phlebotomist is AWESOME, luckily, but I almost always bruise elsewhere. When I went to L&D triage they didn't even ask where I wanted/usually had it drawn from/IV placed and I had a half-dollar coin sized bruise for almost two weeks.
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    with how awful I feel after all of that... I'm sure I'm going to fail. I'm dragging terribly. I'm so dang tired and this will be the second day in a row I just feel like crashing at 3:30pm. Yesterday I crashed at 3:30 and slept for 3 hours. 
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    Ugh, failed my 1 hour... probably because I had coffee and ate a breakfast sandwich before... so I have to go back on a Thursday morning. Not happy about that. 

    @hakele I’m not looking forward to getting poked 3+ times... my veins are difficult as well, so I’m super thrilled about this. 
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    @hakele, I have an outer vein on my left arm too that’s gold. Once in a while they’ll go for the right though. Annoying 🙄. But you’re not out until they say so. Last time I had to do the 3 hour I felt the same and thought I was for sure screwed but passed by really good margins.
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    @hakele I always feel like I have a hangover afterwards and have only been diagnosed with GD once. 
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
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    I got the exact same score as my first 3-hour. The nurse actually laughed. She was like. Your numbers for each hour are exactly the same, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that. 
    This means I failed hour 2, but passed 1 and 3 which is technically a pass, so just continuing to watch my added sugars. I’m really relieved right now. 
    Drinking that flat soda is rough for someone who doesn’t drink soda. And I still hate the lime. Gag. 

    The worst part was that I had a meeting at 8am, so I had to wait until almost 9:30 to get there. And so I was doing my last draw at 12:39. I was ready to murder all the hospital staff who kept sitting near me and I could smell all of their dang food. But, I got a lot of work down. 
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    So I passed my glucose test! Yay! But they say I'm still anemic even though I've been taking an iron supplement every day! I usually take it with water. Anything else I can do to up my iron levels? Guess I need to eat more spinach lol! I've had to take iron with all 3 pregnancies,  but usually the supplement is enough.
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    @kingdommom I recently learned taking your iron supplement with a glass of OJ or two helps it absorb more? Crazy but it’s something about the vitamin C. That might help you a little! 
    I passed my glucose too but was told I needed to start on a iron supplement. I’ve always struggled in that area. 

    <3 Boden Gray 8-13-16
    <3 BB Girl Expected 7-10-19 

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    I’m officially bruised on BOTH arms from all the pokes today! She did okay, but definitely missed once on my right and it’s now bruised. So 5 pokes total, I believe. FX I pass this one. The first 20 mins were brutal, but after that I felt better. 
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    My turn today...in France they only do the 2 hour test (no idea why! Maybe that will be something to google while waiting...). Chose the lemon flavor and feeling gross while baby is going insane ...i know this is important to do but man is it not fun!!!
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    @frenchbaby18 Good luck today! It’ll be okay! You can do it! 
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    @jenniferjoy37 thanks :) passed it so that’s good! Just forgot from DD that it is actually impossible to work or use your brain while your body processes that drink!! 
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    @frenchbaby18 yay for passing! I just saw my results and everything was within range, so I’m pretty sure I passed this too! 
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    @jenniferjoy37 yay! Just read your ffcf and laughed pretty hard...totally would have done that but couldn’t eat anything sweet the rest of the day because the taste of the drink stuck with me!!
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    My test is on Thursday, and I'm so nervous about it! I'm freaked out and have convinced myself that I have all the diabetes symptoms: I'm thirsty all the time, pee a lot, am tired a lot (even during 2nd trimester). Plus I have been eating sugar a lot more during pregnancy to either make things palatable, or because I'm tired and not making everything from scratch anymore so eating lots of processed and fast foods. 
    Also, maybe I should go ahead and believe that I've got gestational diabetes so if I get the news that I am, I won't cry about it. Haha!
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    @fromcatstokids thirst, frequent urination and exhaustion are all regular pregnancy symptoms too, try not to stress too much! 
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    @fromcatstokids did you also check your iron levels? I was super surprised to find out I was anemic at my last appointment because I hadn’t even realized that my exhaustion level was potentially abnormal!! 3 weeks into additional iron supplements and I feel like a new person...
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    @frenchbaby18 I didn't even think about that. I go on Thursday, so I'll ask my Dr to check that too. Thanks!
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    geoduck21geoduck21 member
    edited May 2019
    So I passed my glucose test! Yay! But they say I'm still anemic even though I've been taking an iron supplement every day! I usually take it with water. Anything else I can do to up my iron levels? Guess I need to eat more spinach lol! I've had to take iron with all 3 pregnancies,  but usually the supplement is enough.
    My iron levels are really low (low enough that I can't deliver at home as planned unless I can get it up). I've been supplementing with high quality iron supplements and eating a moderately iron-rich (lacto ovo pescatarian) diet. I've added spirulina (chlorophyll can increase absorption) and increased B-12 (can be a barrier to absorption), as well as a vitamin c supplement if I'm not taking the iron with high vit C foods. I haven't re-tested after these changes (in place for two weeks), but mw feels confident this should do the trick.

    I failed the screening (but had ms that morning and vomited right after my carefully-timed low carb/high protein breakfast), was dehydrated and chewed gum all day b/c of the grossness. I didn't realize that would interfere with the screening. 
    Had the 2-hour glucose test earlier this week and felt terrible during and all day after, but passed fine. I don't have my actual numbers, yet. I was able to drink as much water as I wanted during the test. 
    With my first child I had a private room (like a small dentist room) where I read and waited peacefully during the test, but this time it was a tiny, crowded waiting room with lots of coughing people and they wanted me to wait in there, but I waited in my car instead. 
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    I feel like I’m the last one to do the glucose test. But I’m finally doing it today!
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    @samanthak46 good luck today!
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
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    @samanthak46 you’re not the only one. I just did my 1hr on Thursday and failed. My glucose was 151 and it had to be under 140. So I’m here doing the three hour today. Just drank the orange drink and got my pre-glucose fasting blood drawn. 50 minutes until the next one. 
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    @nopegoat thank you!
    @leylea89 good luck today, fingers crossed for you!
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    I had mine today and thankfully passed (5.9 where the cut off is 7.8 for having to do the 3 hour). Not sure what it says about my palate but I didn’t find it bad at all - it tasted like an extra sweet version of the McDonalds orange drink they always used to serve from those big red coolers at elementary school sporting days haha.
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    CbeanzCbeanz member
    @finnflan I don't mind the taste either! I never understood why people had such aversions to it. I know some pregnant ladies who would chug a 32oz Mt Dew by choice but when it came to 8oz of orange glucose drink suddenly it was torture..? *shrugs*
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    @finnflan @cbeanz +1 for not minding it at all. Finn that's a good description of it, I called it flat Fanta or Gatorade someone put too much powder in...
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    It reminds me of when we’d make koolaid and only put exactly enough water (and I mean a cup or less) to melt the sugar and powder together. Basically it tastes like childhood. Lol
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    I passed the 3 hour! Yay! I really would have a hard time letting go of pasta.
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    I passed the 3 hour! Yay! I really would have a hard time letting go of pasta.
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    I passed mine! And thank goodness because I've had rye toast for breakfast for two weeks in a row!
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    Congrats @samanthak46 ! I passed mine too
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