April 2019 Moms

Randoms 3/17


Re: Randoms 3/17

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    @elmich3 oh no! I’m so sorry. Worst timing ever! Feel better soon!
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    @elmich3 I hope you both get well soon!

    @lyse01 Eeeee! Best of luck!!

    Thanks for the sympathies about the loss of a bathroom. Thankfully the time element won’t be a big deal, it’ll just be a pain to waddle to the other floor constantly.

    Had a dude in an SUV flip me off and force me back onto the sidewalk (so I wouldn’t get hit) while I was using the crosswalk yesterday. Like.... congrats on pushing a pregnant lady off the road, big guy.
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    @lin0442 wow 😧 people seriously think they own the road. My mom was driving with my sister, niece and I in the car last week and some girl ran a stop sign causing us to almost hit her car. My mom hit the breaks and the horn. Both this girl AND her passenger flipped us off. This girl was 100% the one in the wrong. Made no sense.
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    @elmich3 oh no, I hope you recover quickly! 

    @lin0442 I work on a college campus that has a through-street that gets fairly busy. I’d say that people stop for me at the cross walk about 50% of the time. I’ve gotten VERY cautious. 

    Nothing very exciting to report here. The shower with my coworkers yesterday was very sweet and awkward, exactly as you’d expect from a bunch of professors. And I’m  Just plugging away at work and still feeling very motivated to clean / sort / organize my house. Last night I was planning to go to bed early (which I still did), but I was thinking about how my parents are coming to keep my son when I go into labor and I ended up getting back out of bed. I made a little guest-bathroom basket with soap, shampoo /conditioner, spare (wrapped) toothbrushes and floss, etc. Its pretty cute. 

    Today i I think I’m going to do a little organizing in one of our hallway closets. It’s not too bad, but could be better. 
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    Thank you. I've thrown up about 50 times today, very terrible experience with a 7lb baby rolling around in you! Sorry buddy. My husband and I are taking turns throwing up and running to the bathroom with diarrhea. My angel of a mom took our son for the day, I dont know what we would have done. We keep looking at each other, soaked in sweat and grossness saying.. if we can get through this, we can do anything lol 
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    Oh no @elmich3 stay hydrated and rest! 

    I rolled over this morning and heard/felt a large pop in my pubic bone. Luckily I called my PT and she was able to squeeze me in. She said it was a good thing I called because it was badly rotated that I would have been in severe pain all weekend. Weird thing is baby wasn’t moving much all morning until after I got fixed. I don’t know if she dropped in the night, causing my pubic bone to shift, and then got stuck?. PT did say a sudden change in baby’s positioning can cause the bone to shift , along with increased relaxin as labor gets near 
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    I keep thinking of that Bridesmaid's scene where they get food poisoning..lol. that is us.

    And bummed to miss my 38 week appointment today, dr. said stay home. Gotta wait till next Friday now
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    @elmich3, I hope it passes quickly, try to stay hydrated!

    @lin0442, ugh, it's drivers like that thay give me anxiety to go anywhere!  I've had two people run stop signs right in front of me without even looking.  I get that people can make mistakes, but both were near our college campus and crossing the main street downtown.  Pretty sure they knew there was a stop sign there.

    @blueberrymomma, glad your PT for you in!  That sounds miserable.  The day before I went into labor my pelvic pain was so much worse I was crying - I'm gonna assume because he dropped.  When is your due date again?

    Pretty sure I overdid it yesterday, but I needed to get out of the house.  Took the two boys to a library program, had lunch with my brother and parents, then spent a few hours in the sunshine at my parents house.  By the time I grabbed a few groceries and got home, my pelvis and hips were killing me.  Bleh.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @professormama so glad you have a provider who validates you! My little man is also running out. Of. Space!
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    Well I couldnt stop throwing up and was super dehydrated so I ended up at L&D at 4am. I got a few bags of fluids in me and the baby was in distress. He slowly calmed down. Right when I got there she said.. you do know you're having contractions every 2 minutes right? I'm in so much pain I had no clue. Last time I was dilated to fingertip so she checked me and I was at a 4. They gave me anti nausea meds and as I got hydrated the contractions slowed down so they sent me home. I'm now still on my death bed throwing up miserable even on Zofran for nausea. Not sure what to do..ugh. I literally feel like I got hit by a truck. My heart is pounding through my chest my nausea is so severe. Do i go back or tough it out? I just dont know
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    Eek @elmich3 sounds crazy! I'd definitely check in with the Dr periodically. 

    As for me... I've been having not painful contractions that start and stop all afternoon... Usually I have BH that go until I drink water or sit down and then stop. The cycling and measureability is making me wonder if this is different? They truly are not uncomfortable though. Maybe a little pressure but not anything to write home about.
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    @elmich3 I’d definitly go back in if you can’t keep fluids down. Also I agree with @kayceebaby1 call your doctor and check
    in. He/She will give you better advice on what to do. I’m so sorry you’re so miserable, hopefully it passes soon. 

    @kangstadt my due date is April 9. I hope it means she dropped because that was my issue with DS. He wouldn’t ever engage and so my cervix wouldn’t thin out. Today was my birthday, so I went out shopping (alone lol) for like 4 hours and had very minimal pain, so that’s good
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    It’s 4AM and I’ve been up for about an hour, hour and a half. We went to bed before 10 and I got like 4 hours of very solid sleep so I guess I’m just awake now. I’ve already emptied the dishwasher, re-loaded it because our sink was overflowing, and am running it because it couldn’t wake DH if I tried. Trash is out, coffee table cupboard with games has been reorganized, front closet has had some reorganization done, and I’ve been getting on my birthing ball whenever I need a minute to recover. Next up I’m tackling the kitchen counters. 

    Finally found some energy to nest and I’m sure it won’t come back to bite me later today (complete sarcasm). 
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    @jlklec19 sounds like a productive early morning! I'm planning to do some organizing and birthing ball time today too! My cats decided to sneak into their snack closet at 4am and have a fiesta! It was loud enough for both my husband and I to wake up. They ripped open multiple treat bags and were chomping away. No wonder they're such tubby boys  :D
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    @kayceebaby1 my stepmom was like “oh did you get a burst of energy - that’s a good sign”. I said “I mean I just didn’t see the point in tossing and turning when my kitchen counters were gross.” 😂

    I did sneak in a few more hours of sleep around 7am. DH got 12 uninterrupted hours and never noticed I was out of bed for half the night. 🙄
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    @jlklec19 yay for nesting energy! Although I bet you’re pretty exhausted now. 

    im pretty exhausted and cranky right now myself. We actually had a really great day. We spent over an hour at a massive garden store this morning and $350 later we have enough pretty shade plants to landscape the huge, very shady, front garden that’s been bare dirt for about a year now. It’s going to look great when it’s in. I’m just overtired and physically done at this point. 
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    @professormama Yay for new plants, hope you took a good nap afterwards.I always get antsy this time of year because I want to buy plants and flowers for the summer but I know it’s still too early for our climate. We’ve had some snow flurries today and it was 60 degree two days ago!

    My rant for the weekend: We let my BIL and SIL borrow our extra car seat base when they had their baby 2 years ago. Well BIL finally brought it to work to give to DH and he tells DH that he will need to wash it. I thought maybe just dusty from storage, no, it was filthy! Like food and stuff spilled on it and they never cleaned it. How rude is that? I would never borrow something from someone and return it in that condition. Since it’s just the plastic base it wasnt hard to clean but it still pissed me off since SIL isn’t a nice person to begin with. 
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    @blueberrymomma same here on the weather. Beautiful 2 days ago which is nice because i can still fit in my light fleece jacket.  Then sleet and 2 inches of snow yesterday.  My winter down coat doesn't close anymore so it was chilly when playing outside with DD.  Summer needs to hurry up and get here.
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    @blueberrymomma that’s super rude to return the base dirty. Geeze. I’ll never understand ppl who are so thoughtless. Re the garden, being in the south /southwest, planting starts around now. I’m glad the front garden got done before baby arrives. But I have a feeling once baby is here me and baby will spend a lot of time sitting outside in a lawn chair or hammock while my husband and 4 year old do more. My husband has a massive veggie garden planned and our house is taken over with various seedlings. He even has grow lights in the front room getting peppers and eggplants started - if you didn’t know better you’d think we were running an entirely different kind of growing operation. Lol

    @saucentoss I wonder if there’s any actual research that walking can start labor.... if so, maybe I’ll schedule a hike for next weekend ;) 
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    I didn’t look for research but figured it was a better way to engage a baby than laying in bed. I did start spotting but did not go into labor. Back to sitting in my yoga ball while working from home today. 
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    DH got a Man Cold yesterday, so between the both of us we didn’t really get much done. I really want to get our wildflower seeds in the ground, but it’s not happening until Saturday at the earliest.

    I’m trying not to take it too hard, because healthily pregnant, but I’m on track to gain 45-50 lbs by the end of this pregnancy, which just feels like a huge number for being 5’1”. I feel so giant and get kind of worried that it won’t come off. I’m grateful this has been a smooth pregnancy, but it’s tough to reconcile the number. A small concern, everything considered, but it makes me feel kinda crummy.
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    Congrats to @elmich3 !! Sounds like an awful way to start the birthing process but I'm glad everything seems like it's ok now. I admit the whole weekend I was checking back here to see if you & the little one were ok.

    Also congrats to @sheknows6! :smile:

    As for "walking the baby out" -- I know there's some evidence that walking during labor helps; I don't remember exactly what aspects, maybe speeding it up but also maybe just managing discomfort... Either way, I am starting to think that I'll try everything, regardless of how much/little evidence there is for it to try to get this baby out when the time comes.

    @lin0442 I know you've probably heard stuff like this a million times and it might not help: but I know a bunch of people who gained a lot of weight (50lbs for sure) during pregnancy and I could never have been able to tell after. It sucks now, but it's probably temporary. Also, even though things are otherwise going smoothly, pregnancy is still hard and you can let yourself acknowledge that!
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    Ahhh I just read the 3 birth announcements! Congrats to @lyse01 , @elmich3 , and @sheknows6 !!! Soooo exciting to have so many of our babies being born <3 
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    Congrats ladies @elmich3 @lyse01, and @sheknows6 !!

    @thatbaintforbetty DH has been major nesting; cleaning and finishing a bunch of random projects. He’s incapable of sitting still. 

    Heres a picture of my “labor smoothie” my mom made me. It’s dates, pineapple, banana, and red raspberry leaf tea.  Even if it doesn’t work, it’s delicious!

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