April 2019 Moms

Randoms 3/17


Re: Randoms 3/17

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    @professormama Thank you! Even small little remarks like that make me feel better. I wish DH knew how to talk to me like that!

    @lyse01 That would drive me nuts. It sounds like your MIL means well, but it makes me anxious when other people are more anxious than I am about something that mainly affects me! I mean, my best friend keeps asking how far along I am - and guessing farther along than I really am - and I just want her to put a cork in it! She told me she's just dying to know if I'm having a boy or girl. Settle down, woman! If I can handle not knowing, you can, too! Lol.
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    @rennie1108 it really bothered me earlier in the pregnancy when she asked incessantly about our sleeping arrangements (really, DH and I are the only ones that need to be concerned about that!). But I’ve been trying to remember my advice to my best friend when HER MIL (basically the same person as my MIL) was all about creating a nursery in a house BFF expected to spend like 2 nights/year in: there’s no harm in letting her be excited. Just humor her. Half the things won’t actually happen.
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    @lyse01 I'm glad your husband is nesting, that's adorable. Mine is starting to feel a bit of a press on his projects as well, but he's mostly hung up on getting his garden ready. lol. Also, my mother created a nursery in her house for my baby, she spent a ton of money on a gorgeous crib (way more than I spent on ours) and fabulous decorations. My kid did spend a ton of time at her house since she kept him a lot when we lived in the same town, but he's never spent the night in that crib. At most, he napped in it a few times. When he sleeps overnight at my parents house, he ends up sleeping in bed with me and my husband if we are there, or in bed with them if we are not there! lol. But really it didn't hurt for her to do it, and she had a great time and it was meaningful to her - so what do I care? 

    @mrstmoose thanks. I'm kind of sad that I'm left behind and not making the facebook transition, but I've been trying to wean myself off facebook with the intention of eventually deleting it all together. I don't think it's a very healthy forum for me, and since I've limited myself to checking it for just a few minutes only once a day (or twice, at most), I've been much happier. I do spend a ton of time on instagram, but obviously that's a totally different style platform and not conducive to the kinds of conversations that happen here or even on facebook.

    @rennie1108  not to traffic in stereotypes here, but men tend not to be raised with as much emotional intelligence as women (plus there's actual research backing that up). They also tend to want to "fix" everything. Sometimes my husband's first instinct is just to tell me "you shouldn't feel that way" - like when I was feeling really guilty about having a healthy pregnancy. Of course I shouldn't feel guilty over that, but it doesn't change my feelings. Saying "that's a dumb feeling and you shouldn't feel that way" just isn't helpful. Plus, I don't think that almost ANYONE who hasn't been through the onslaught of pregnancy and postpartum hormones can fully understand just how much they f*** with your brain and emotions. 
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    @loveanddatadriven Oh my goodness you're almost there!  

    I have been reading here but not feeling chatty because I feel ick-o.  I'm trying to find little spots of joy since this is definitely my last pregnancy.  

    Anyone want to remind me of the pros and cons of membrane sweeping?  I am likely going to have to make a decision on that on Thursday.  (Also due on 4/1).  Would you do it?  The latest they will let me go is 4/4.  
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    I started WFH today until this kid decides to make his debut (I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow). I'm super relieved to be at this part because it's the first day that I haven't felt like I'm in constant pelvic pain from walking to the train and then to my office. I need to make sure that DH and I are getting walks in at night, but those ones never bother me as much because I don't have to feel rushed. And my workload has lightened a lot so I'm just working on some independent projects that are low stress. 

    Now if I could just feel like I've actually done a good job of prepping our apartment for this baby. We have everything that we really need, but we have yet to do any of the multiple deep cleans that I have planned on doing because I haven't had the energy. Hoping that with work easing up a little, I'll have more energy in the evenings to finish everything. 
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    @professormama my doctors and I are hoping for a natural labor too. My BP has been good the past few weeks despite my increased anxiety. Happy thoughts and fingers crosssed for both of us!
    @lyse01 your MIL makes me anxious just reading that. 
    My mom thinks the baby is coming any day now. I’ve been feeling really off the past few days. Random nausea, extra tired, increased sense of smell, increased pressure in cervix and tailbone, and cramping(not contractions)
    No real plans for this weekend. Hopefully it’s nice to be outside and walk.
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    @blueberrymomma yeah, I’m getting better at not letting her million thoughts per minute stress me out, but it’s a work in progress. I’m much more deliberate in speech and discussion. Meanwhile, she’s constantly running through her mental to-do list to keep track of everything. It used to be pretty useless info to us, but it’s proven helpful in reorienting FIL to what day it is and what she’s doing when he hangs out with us, so I listen more attentatively now. 

    Meanwhile your random nausea reminds me that i that I had to take a break mid-dental cleaning yesterday to let nausea pass. It was the oddest thing, since I thought I’d be taking a break to pee!

    @saucentoss membrane sweeping: potentially painful or uncomfortable, potentially not. Could jumpstart labor, or not. Can’t be done if you aren’t a leeetle bit dialated already. I will probably opt out unless I’m at/past my due date and they’re talking induction anyway. 

    @professormama back to your original question about plans: we have a St Patrick’s Parade in town this weekend, and our friends live on the parade route and host an annual potluck for it. So, barring labor, we’ll probably head over there and enjoy some bagpipes and Irish food. I might try to make some brown bread to share, but hot stew or shepherd’s pie would be so much better if it turns out to be cold or rainy. Ooh, or shortbread maybe. Not sure. What’s everyone’s fave Irish food to share?
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    I just had an old lady push aside my quilted vest (that doesn’t close), find my waist, and declare I’m having a boy because I’m carrying in front. She also told me if the heart rate is 140 it’s a boy, 120 it’s a girl. I wonder what 130 is? #teamgreen
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    @lyse01 that’s funny about the heart rate. My MIL and her mother always tell me above 140 is a girl and below 140 is a boy. DD and DS were both above 140 and this girl is usually between 130-140
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    I was just doing my random nightly research(oddly it relaxes me and helps my anxiety). Am I the only one who didn’t know your mucus plug can be yellowish in color? I always thought it was brown/pink/red. Now I’m positive I’ve been losing my mucus plug for a few weeks now because ****TMI**** sometimes when I wipe there are globs of yellow stuff
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    Guys, I’m watching Amy Schumer’s special “growing,” or whatever it is - the one where she’s pregnant. It’s absolutely hilarious. 

    @kangstadt yay for going home!! 

    @blueberrymomma I did not know that. I’ve never been in labor naturally, and I’m honestly a little worried - will I know when I’m in labor? I mean... at some point I will obviously. But... I dunno. 
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    @professormama I’m in the same boat. With two inductions under my belt, I’ve never gone into labor naturally either. Sometimes I feel like a first time mom. Also I want to watch Amy’s special. She’s hilarious 
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    I'm checked into the hospital to deliver my LO. Pitocin drip is in. Hoping to avoid magnesium. Preeclampsia was diagnosed today at 6pm and I was told to go in to L&D right away.
    Due Date is 4.2
    Oh wow! Good luck - pre-e is scary but it sounds like you are in the right place. Keep us in the loop.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @mighty_montgomery oh man, pre-e sucks, but I hope your labor goes well! Keep us posted!!! ❤️
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    @mighty_montgomery good luck! Will keep you in my thoughts!! 
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    Good luck. I hope things go smoothly for you all.
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    Good luck @mighty_montgomery!

    I'm 35 weeks with no indications for early labor (other than DD came at 37+6). My dad, howerever, is ready to move in with us March 31st when I'm not due til April 25th.  I know he just wants to help us out since our hospital is on flu restrictions so we can't take DD but the parents constantly asking for updates when I have no info is driving me nuts!
    Now i have a headache 😞
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    mesweetteamesweettea member
    edited March 2019
    @mighty_montgomery Keeping you in my thoughts! Hope everything is going well.

    @saucentoss re: membrane sweeping -- pretty much what @lyse01 said. I don't have personal experience, but from what I've read and learned from talking to doulas and my midwives, I've gathered that the worst downside is that it's pretty uncomfortable and not guaranteed effective. That said, compared to other non-drug methods to start labor, it's probably most effective; also it might be better to start there and be able to move to Pitocin later if need be. I am not 100% sure that we even know exactly how membrane sweeping really starts labor; but I'm guessing that it's a slightly different pathway than the oxytocin hormone trigger, and I've heard/read that oxytocin receptors can be overloaded, so diversifying might be a better option. I'm really getting a bit into speculations here, though, so I'll sum up by saying: if I were facing an induction anyway, I'd probably give it a go. 
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    @blueberrymomma Yeah, I just lost my whole plug at once this week and it was yellowish/clear.. very thick feeling like jelly. I was induced with my first so this was new this time around. I had no idea it might not be bloody or brown! Dr said it's very normal. I was real confused lol

    @professormama lol! My husband and I just watched it last night, we laughed so hard! I never know what to expect from her, but seeing it was a pregnancy thing I had to see it, definitely didnt disappoint lol

    I'm 37 weeks and feeling on the brink of labor every day. Baby boy is measuring 3 weeks ahead and my dr. says hes already a big boy so she doesnt want me going too much past 40/41 weeks. I was induced last time at 41 weeks and swore I'd never do it again because it was so awful but it might be a tricky situation if his size is going to be an issue. Not sure what to think! Trying to think of baby & I's best interests and not be too pushed to induce by the doctor if we dont have to. 

    But man, my pelvic pain is on a new level. I cant lay any way anymore without tears in my eyes it's so bad. Thus, why I dont sleep and I'm on here at 5am lol
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    @mighty_montgomery that’s a speedy response by the docs! Hope the induction is successful and labor is smooth and we’ll be welcoming a new baby soon!
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    @blueberrymomma I’ve assumed it would look like when I have stringy discharge, but more globs than strings, if that makes sense. Really no idea from last time - I suspect it came out when my water broke with DD, and my reaction to THAT was “wtf is happening, did my bladder just burst? Why are muscles not controlling my pee?” Literally, water breaking was not an option that occurred to me until after I talked to a L&D nurse.

    @tmblickley I totally sympathize with the overeager parents. Chill, peeps, I’ll let you know when you need to know.
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    @mighty_montgomery thinking of you!

    @saucentoss I will be getting a membrane sweep if I can help it. Since they don’t want me to go past EDD with the GD, and I’d rather avoid pitocin, I’m gonna try. I did with DD. Hurt a lot, and I had cramps for two days before labor started, and a really slow labor (two days of little progression), but I mean it worked.
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    Good luck @mighty_montgomery! Hopefully it all goes smoothly!!

    I had a membrane sweep and went into labor 2 days later. Uncomfortable but otherwise fine. (I was trying to go into labor on my own before my induction) 

    Im all for having it done again, for the same reason, if I can this time. 
    this is my backup acct.
    prevously helloblueeyes

    Me:32 DH:33 Married:04/2012 DD:07/2014 
     BFP 8/14/2018 #2 due 4/18/2019
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @mighty_montgomery good luck!!!!!

    i had my membranes sweeped on my due date with DS. I was already 2cm dilated but he hadn’t dropped yet(2nd pregnancy), no Braxton Hicks. Nothing. Only indication of impeding labor was 2cm dilated. It was very quick and painless for me. Had my son 5hrs later. I personally think it worked for me and I will be getting it again if my doctor offers at 40 weeks 
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    @mighty_montgomery thinking of you!!!

    Sorry I've been quiet! Things have been pretty chill here. Planning to stop working after next week so that I don't have to worry about going into labor kinda far from home/hubby/hospital. 

    I'm off to a friend's baby shower today and I'm already dreading the small talk with strangers about how the baby could come any minute! On the other hand, I am looking forward to the food!

    My whole pregnancy I've been watching birth vlogs on YouTube to prep myself for a bunch of scenarios. People who vlog their birth are an interesting breed of human... I can't imagine myself putting on more makeup while laboring. At the same time I'm grateful that they exist because I've definitely learned some things!
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    Ugh. I’m so freaking sad and tried today, for absolutely no reason. I feel like I should get up and do things, but all I have energy for is laying in bed and looking at Instagram and feeling guilty for being lazy.  
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    @professormama I know it’s easier said than done but I’ve had to tell myself not to feel guilty about listening to my body and having lazy days when I need to. 

    Glad I’m not the only one who thought mucus plug were suppose to more brown/pink
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    mesweetteamesweettea member
    edited March 2019
    @professormama 100% what @blueberrymomma said. It's hard to not feel guilty, but if you need the break and can take it, you definitely should. I didn't go to work on Wednesday -- told myself I'd work from home, but basically all I did was nap.

    I think I made myself feel a little less anxious/guilty by doing one or two small computer-based tasks while in bed (I don't even remember what they were? paying bills or responding to some long overdue personal emails maybe) and that might be something that you can do if you're just in an Instagram binge-guilt loop.
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    @mighty_montgomery congrats - she’s absolutely BEAUTIFUL! 
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    @mighty_montgomery beautiful baby!!! Congrats!!! 

    @kangstadt I just read your full birth story and it made me tear up. Beautiful ❤️

    Thanks for the support @blueberrymomma and @mesweettea - I ended up taking a 2 hour nap and it helped enormously, at least emotionally. Physically I still feel kind of crappy, but I think at this point in pregnancy that’s probably just the norm. Hah
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    @mighty_montgomery congratulations!!
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    Congratulations @mighty_montgomery !!!! 
    this is my backup acct.
    prevously helloblueeyes

    Me:32 DH:33 Married:04/2012 DD:07/2014 
     BFP 8/14/2018 #2 due 4/18/2019
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @kayceebaby1 I had no idea that there was such a thing as birth vlogs on YouTube.  I'm just going to sit here for a moment and try to figure out how I feel about that.

    @professormama I hope you start feeling more upbeat soon.  I've definitely noticed my emotions are more on a rollercoaster this last week.

    @mighty_montgomery Congrats!!!

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    Finally read all of these. 
    Congrats and yay mucus! Haha. 
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    kangstadtkangstadt member
    edited March 2019
    @mighty_montgomery, congratulations mama!  You're a rock star pushing for two hours.

    A friend mentioned that we should really be treated like goddesses because we literally create human life.  I totally agree with her (especially if it means I get served dinner in bed)! :wink:
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Just a rant..  I've felt really great these past weeks but the past 4 days, I've been super irritable, I have period like cramps all day, I'm nauseous and all I want to do is sleep and lay down. So long, nesting energy! Yesterday I literally got up and had to go back to bed and slept until noon. I woke up still exhausted. Today, I woke up running to the bathroom with terrible nausea and I'm in bed yet again feeling dizzy and off. My husband and DS are at church without me which bums me out. My body is feeling a million things right now I'm just getting real over it :( 
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    And Congratulations @kangstadt and @mighty_montgomery !! Seeing your precious little ones gives me motivation to get back on the saddle lol I hope you are recovering well and enjoying those snuggles!
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