August 2019 Moms

PGAL Check In w/o 2/18

This is my favorite thread, so I hope it's ok I keep starting it!  :#

1. How many weeks are you? 14 w today

2. Previous loss(es)? 2 MMCs, 5CPs

3. How are you feeling? much better--way less nausea and slightly more energy.  Plus, I got a doppler so that's been reassuring AND NIPT came back low risk and we're having another GIRL.  I finally feel like this is happening and my heart may explode from joy!!!

4. Any appointment updates? MFM appointment on 3/9 (they called and said "we have a spot for you at 8:15" and I said, "um...sounds great?"  It's nice because it's a weekend so no missing work and my in laws are thrilled to be coming up to watch DD). We'll get another level 1 ultrasound (number 7) and I'll be 16.5 weeks so we should get a good luck at her.  We're discussing me going off Lovenox and what the plan is to monitor for accreta. Regular ob appointment is 3/12

5. Just for fun- Have you bought anything for baby yet?  I bought DD and new baby matching unicorn swimsuits at Target yesterday and I bought baby girl a onesie that says "I'm new here" for photo announcements for DH's grandma and my aunt and uncle who live far away and will get super excited about the mail!  I know it's silly, but buying clothes was how I first bonded with DD--it really helped me imagine having a tiny human to put in the clothes and take home and snuggle.

Re: PGAL Check In w/o 2/18

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    mwmiller4mwmiller4 member
    edited February 2019
    I didn't see this so I thought I'd get us started!   Here's a copy and paste version.  GAH I AM SO EXCITED I CANT DO THE THINGS CORRECTLY

    1. How many weeks are you?

    2. Previous loss(es)?

    3. How are you feeling?

    4. Any appointment updates? 

    5. Just for fun- Have you bought anything for baby yet? 
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    @mwmiller4 Congratulations on your healthy girl! I think the combination of a good NIPT and knowing the sex make it seem more real. That onesie is cute! I def don't mind you getting things started either. 

    1. How many weeks are you? 12w6d

    2. Previous loss(es)? 4 first tri

    3. How are you feeling? Good. Aside from some fatigue (probably because I get up to pee all night and then sometimes can't go back to sleep) and a bit of RLP I have no symptoms. Oh, well also the sleep talking/crazy dreams. I've used the doppler several times now and it is really nice to have that reassurance. 

    4. Any appointment updates? Next appt is 2/25.

    5. Just for fun- Have you bought anything for baby yet? I bought one of those fabric wrap carriers that was on super sale when someone posted it a while back (it was like 60% off). My mom bought a little lovey, and I also have been hording a pair of little shoes for a long long time.
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    1. How many weeks are you? Somewhere in the 14 week range give or take a few days. 

    2. Previous loss(es)? NMC 9 weeks, CP, MMC 9.5 weeks 

    3. How are you feeling? Hit or miss. More energy, less nausea, more headaches. If I push myself on days that I feel good, I pay for it the nezt day. 

    4. Any appointment updates? Nothing for 1-2 weeks 

    5. Just for fun- Have you bought anything for baby yet? Only one gender neutral outfit from a local boutique. 
    11/2010 Diagnosed with PCOS 
    10/31/11 M/C at 9 weeks
    1/12/13 DD was born
    4/9/16 DS was born 
    9/17 CP 
    6/23/18 BFP EDD 3/4/19 

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    @mwmiller4 congrats on another healthy girl! Being team green will probably kill me because I can't buy clothes. 
    11/2010 Diagnosed with PCOS 
    10/31/11 M/C at 9 weeks
    1/12/13 DD was born
    4/9/16 DS was born 
    9/17 CP 
    6/23/18 BFP EDD 3/4/19 

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    @Allycat11 thank you! Being Team Green is SO much fun at delivery--I was beside myself when my SIL gave birth waiting to hear if we had a niece or a nephew!!  DH made a comment about how it was great we were having another girl because we had everything already.  And I just laughed because I'm sure I'll still buy stuff.  I'm very excited to dress a tiny person again as DD is SUPER picky now so it's either a princess dress, her green rudolph shirt, or some other toddler seasonally/situationally inappropriate choice.
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    @mwmiller4 I LOVE when little ones dress themselves! DD is very opinionated and wears what she wants...see below. I can not wait to dress a baby again! 
    11/2010 Diagnosed with PCOS 
    10/31/11 M/C at 9 weeks
    1/12/13 DD was born
    4/9/16 DS was born 
    9/17 CP 
    6/23/18 BFP EDD 3/4/19 

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    @mwmiller4 That’s absolutely not crazy that buying clothes helps you bond!  

    @zamora_spin While lack of symptoms can be difficult mentally, I’m glad this has been a relatively symptom free pregnancy for you!  

    @allycat11 Ha!  Looks like a picture of me as a child!  

    1. How many weeks are you? 12+5

    2. Previous loss(es)? 3

    3. How are you feeling? I can’t beat this respiratory illness I’ve had for a few weeks now. I feel like it it would go away, I’d be feeling so much better!

    4. Any appointment updates? My first OB appt was Tuesday. Due to a SCH issue, I saw my RE an extra time last week. The OB was nice. I’ll stay on an every 2 week schedule for now & see MFM as well. One of my biggest worries was going to every month appointments. 

    5. Just for fun- Have you bought anything for baby yet? Yes. I had a few things from the first few months we were tying & I was hopeful. Also, I’ve had a few outfits & lovies from before Iet my husband that I had purchased traveling abroad. We bought a few items last pregnancy & still have those plus some from in between pregnancies. MH picked out several things at Target recently. I think all I have purchased this pregnancy is a new carrier. 

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    Hi ladies! Sorry I’ve been MIA! Last week I was at a meditation training and this week has been so busy playing catch up! Happy to be back connecting with you all now 😊

    1. How many weeks are you? 14 + 3

    2. Previous loss(es)? 1 MMC sept 2018

    3. How are you feeling? Pretty good! Definitely have a lot of my energy back and not feeling nearly as nauseous. Second trimester is 💣

    4. Any appointment updates?  My next one is 2/27. Just a standard appt where they will listen to the heart with the Doppler. Still excited. 

    5. Just for fun- Have you bought anything for baby yet? I started buying baby girl clothes here and there when I saw something super cute when my son was about 1 (he’ll be 3 next month) I figured, hopefully I’ll have a girl next and if not I can gift/sell these... just found out last night we are in fact having a baby girl 💗💗💗
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    Congrats on your baby girl @jmesue1030!
    11/2010 Diagnosed with PCOS 
    10/31/11 M/C at 9 weeks
    1/12/13 DD was born
    4/9/16 DS was born 
    9/17 CP 
    6/23/18 BFP EDD 3/4/19 

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    @zamora_spin I somehow didn't see your comment yesterday!   :s  Thank you SO much and I'm so glad your doppler is helping with the anxiety!  And teeny baby shoes are the BEST!  Are you team green?  I can't remember anything anymore...

    @Allycat11 that picture of your daughter's fashion made my day!

    @jrm_14 How do you still have a respiratory infection?!  That's AWFUL!  Hooray for appointments every two weeks, graduating from the RE, and finding an Ob that you like!

    @jmesue1030 glad you're back and YAYYYYY for your girl--the clothing is an adorable, slippery slope but so much fun!

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    @mwmiller4 YAY for your news. 

    @Allycat11 That outfit is AMAZING. It has flare. 

    @jrm_14 Sorry you're still not feeling well. 

    @jmesue1030 Mediation training? what kind of work do you do again? Sorry, I forget. Also, welcome back! 

    1. How many weeks are you? 15 weeks today

    2. Previous loss(es)? 1 mmc 2/2017

    3. How are you feeling? Energy is slowly coming back. Still gagging/dry heaving at extreme smells. I made myself coffee this morning and then had to leave it on the kurig, grab the baby, and high tail it out of the house this morning. Couldn't handle the smell. SO I went to starbs. 

    4. Any appointment updates? Nothing until my anatomy scan in march. 

    5. Just for fun- Have you bought anything for baby yet? I just bought a new diaper bag backpack, but was more for me. I hate switching from work, to home, to store, etc. I never know where my wallet is. So this one I'll carry as a purse. It was PRICEY so I better love it. 

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    @Allycat11 Love it. I was a kid in the 80's and your daughter may have missed her decade!
    @mwmiller4 I don't have the patience for team green - we are having a boy. I am not a big fan of super gendered clothes any way though. The shoes I have are green and look like little dinosaur feet - I bought them long ago.
    @jmesue1030 Congratulations on your healthy baby girl! 
    @jrm_14 I'm so sorry you are sick still! Ugh! I guess that's a mixed bag to have so much monitoring. I'm glad your LO is doing well. I have not loved the month between my first and second OB appts, that is really the thing that made me get the doppler. 
    @ash0625 Ooh, I'd love to see a pic of your new bag. I'm sorry the coffee smell is grossing you out. 
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    @ash0625 it was an iRest Yoga Nidra meditation training. I do mental health counseling (private practice) and also co-own a yoga studio so it was an awesome training for me to integrate into both businesses! I’ve been practicing daily and I feel soooo good. Which diaper backpack did you buy?? I want a new one!

    @Allycat11 @mwmiller4 @zamora_spin thank you! I’m thrilled! Would have been great to have another boy but super stoked about getting to have a mother/daughter relationship. And the girl already has a fab wardrobe 💁🏼‍♀️

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    @ash0625 another vote to see the bag!  I own 3 jujube backpacks and move my wallet in between them. I also can totally see myself buying more because I have a bag problem...
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