April 2019 Moms

Week 2 Check in w/o 2/11

Due date: 

Any appointments? Questions? 


How are you feeling? 

Did you do anything to prep for baby this week? 

GTKY: What's the most annoying habit a person can have?

Re: Week 2 Check in w/o 2/11

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    Thanks @mrstmoose!

    Due date:  April 8

    Any appointments? Questions?   Regular OB appointment next week.

    Rants/Raves?   Had a great weekend in the mountains this weekend and I'm so bummed it's over.  H is in an awful mood today.  It started last night and his text replies are one word this morning.  Hopefully he's just tired and gets over it asap.

    How are you feeling?   Quite nauseous today.  I was up a couple times to run to the bathroom last night with gastro-intestinal issues so I'm not sure what's going on.  Yesterday I was breaking out into random sweats and couldn't stand to be in my winter coat in this -25 celsius weather which is not the norm for me.

    Did you do anything to prep for baby this week?  Ha NOPE!  I'm hoping to get on it now.  Waiting for our friend who is a painter to get us our paint and supplies to I can get that going, then need to go grab the new crib and mattress.  Other than that everything else will come in due time.

    GTKY: What's the most annoying habit a person can have?   That's a super tough question.  I feel like there are so many!  I personally hate when people sniffle and snort instead of wiping or blowing their nose.  Am I thinking pet peeve instead of habit?  Or are they similar?

    Me: 31
    H: 36
    L & N twin girls: 3yo. Born at 30 weeks. 2 month NICU stay
    BFP Aug 2018: EDD April 2019
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    Due date: 11-Apr-2019

    Any appointments? Questions? Regular check-up this Thursday. Has anyone heard from their doc that their baby has turned yet? I feel like sometimes this LO is gearing up to but is having too much fun treating my rib cage like the best jungle gym of all time.

    Rants/Raves? DH has just been a god damn ray of sunshine. We've definitely had a few curveballs thrown at us lately, and he has just been taking care of it (which is amazing since he can usually get really stressed if there are a few things on his plate). 

    How are you feeling? Ready for this baby to exist outside of my body.

    Did you do anything to prep for baby this week? I moved some of the baby stuff from a pile on the kitchen table to a pile in the nursery. Does that count??

    GTKY: What's the most annoying habit a person can have? When people are so self-involved that all they can talk/think about is themselves. You can usually know its coming by the phrase, "Well, I'm the kind of person who..." I feel like most people can ascertain the kind of person you are by talking to you and seeing your actions. If you need to qualify what kind of person you are in a conversation, chances are you've spent too much time thinking about yourself.

    @mermaidca I hope you stayed warm up in the mountains this weekend (and that you got some nice pre-newborn relaxation in!) 

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    @kate_e_nb My LO hasn't turned yet, and the midwife said it was perfectly normal. She said both of her own babies were breech until 34 weeks. I still hope he/she turns soon because it makes me anxious! LO's head has been in the same spot - to the left of my belly button - for awhile, although I think he/she moved a bit the other day and then went right back to that spot lol.

    Due date: 4/12/18

    Any appointments? Questions? None this week. Biweekly apt is next Monday.

    Rants/Raves? Raves: LO is kicking up a storm and rolling around like crazy. It's so cool. It comes in spurts, though. For awhile I didn't feel him/her that much and it was freaking me out, of course. Rants: I'm just emotionally all over the place and can't wait for pregnancy to be over. I just don't like it!

    How are you feeling? See above. Plus heartburn, fatigue, the usual.

    Did you do anything to prep for baby this week? Actually, I finally did. DH painted the nursery last weekend, so I washed all the clothes, crib sheets, burp clothes, etc, that we have thus far and started putting things away. It made me feel more excited and that this is actually happening!

    GTKY: What's the most annoying habit a person can have? Oh, I have soooo many. Honestly, I think it's when people don't greet you in the morning, whether they just pretend you're not there or they just go straight into a conversation without saying "hi" or "good morning." I don't know why but that drives me absolutely nuts.

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    @kate_e_nb funny enough the mountain town we stayed in was 10 degrees warmer than our city!!
    Me: 31
    H: 36
    L & N twin girls: 3yo. Born at 30 weeks. 2 month NICU stay
    BFP Aug 2018: EDD April 2019
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    @mermaidca I had a similar problem over the weekend, it was weird. I’m thinking it was a little stomach bug. 

    @kate_e_nb I couldn’t tell if that rave was going to be sarcastic or not, haha. Glad to hear that your H is being so supportive!

    @rennie1108 I really need to start washing stuff, but I aggressively hate doing laundry and am avoiding it like the plague. 

    Due date: 4/10

    Any appointments? Questions? Regular appointment this Thursday. I have a few questions about my heart rate issues and interesting things I’ve noticed - if I lift my arms anywhere over my heart, my heart rate immediately spikes to 140+. Other than that, no questions.

    Rants/Raves? I already ranted last night in randoms, I won’t do it again. I bought a Himalayan salt lamp for my little nursing corner for ambient light, and it was on sale! So I guess that’s a rave.

    How are you feeling? Physically, okay. Mentally/emotionally - not great, but I’ll get there  

    Did you do anything to prep for baby this week? Went to a “Baby U” class at the hospital with DH over the weekend. Got a refresher on infant cpr and tons of free stuff. It was short but worth it.

    GTKY: What's the most annoying habit a person can have? If we are talking pet peeves, oh boy. I’ll start with just one. I can’t stand when I’m walking in a hallway or store aisle and people are just standing in the middle of the hallway. And no matter how many times you say excuse me, they keep walking sooooo slowly or they just don’t move!!!

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    Due date: April 11th

    Any appointments? Questions? Ive got like 4 different appts this week. 3 are crammed in for tuesday though. I have one on valentines day too. Ive got lots of questions. Like wtf is up with this nipple pain and how do we stop it? Plus i wanna know what the heck is going on with the gender of my kid. Genetic blood testing said i was having a boy but sonos say girl so hopefully my baby is healthy, happy and whole. 

    Rants/Raves? Finally got a fire under my moms butt to get stuff going for the baby shower. Im not super thrilled about having one so late but im happy to get everyone together to celebrate this baby so im not gonna bitch outloud to the family about it. Ive realized now though that i dont know ANYONES address except for the people who still live in the same house they did before cell phones lol

    How are you feeling? Exhausted and pregnant. But in good spirits most days. 

    Did you do anything to prep for baby this week? We did a lot actually. We attended our CPR class over the weekend. I successfully resuscitated my dummy Carlos a few times and also saved Baby Betty from choking. Haha. This momma is prepared! We also set up cameras around the house to help me keep an eye on everyone. Which is heaven sent since my grandma is going through some toddler-like phases. Im starting to feel like i can handle this household and a newborn but im trying hard to not instill myself with too much false confidence. 

    GTKY: What's the most annoying habit a person can have? This is a hard one... I cant stand people who have a habit of lying. Growing up, i only ever got spanked if i lied to my dad and i can count on one hand how many times that happened! Lol. It was a value that always stuck with me.

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    @mermaidca ahh DH does that and I’m like “JUST GET A TISSUE!”
    @lilpotatomama add me to avoiding washing all DDs old baby clothes because I hate laundry. Bonus my mom with probably help with it since my back and pelvic floor are so bad

    Any appointments? Questions? 

    32 week appt tomorrow


    Rant: it took 2 weeks for PT to call me for an appointment after my doctor sent in the referral. Now it’s abother two weeks until they can get me in! That’s a whole month in pain every time I walk and me wondering how severe my SPD actually is. 

    Raves: I survived an entire swim season while pregnant 

    How are you feeling? 

    Exhausted, crotch pain, cramping. I wish I could hibernate for a week 

    Did you do anything to prep for baby this week? 

    I ordered new bunkbed mattresses for the kids rooms. I did make some burp cloths, bibs, and bandana bibs.

    GTKY: What's the most annoying habit a person can have?

    Ahhh soo many to choose from! One of my favorite quotes is “I don’t have pet peeves, I have whole kennels of irritation” -Whoopi

     It’s really annoying when someone is always canceling or changing plans at the last minute. I also can’t stand when people (ie DH) constantly bite their finger nails

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    @mermaidca , I hope you feel better soon and it was just a fluke thing!  And I hope your hubby gets out of his cranky mood soon too.

    @kate_e_nb , I think that's my biggest pet peeve also, narcissistic people who never try to listen.  I know I can go off about myself (or my kid/life) sometimes, but I really try to be an active listener in conversations.  Then there are people who just... don't :expressionless:.

    @rennie1108 , same here with babe being so head-up and squirming around like crazy!  I agree there's still time but anxious mama is anxious, lol.

    @lilpotatomama , hugs and I hope your appointment gives you some answers!

    @phoenix92885 , you guys had a busy weekend!  That's awesome :smile:.

    @blueberrymomma , ugh, that sucks so bad about the appointment!  Can you ask if they have any openings before then to fit you in?

    Due date: 4/10

    Any appointments? Questions? Checkup on Thursday.  My hospital tour tomorrow got rescheduled due to weather.  Hoping I can make the rescheduled time in two weeks and drag DH along too.

    Rants/Raves? Rave: I felt productive today, even though none of it was baby related (cleaned, picked up, made cakes for orders this week, came up with a fun lesson plan for work).  Rant: I'm so exhausted and mentally overwhelmed between my parents' health issues and a lot of their care falling on me, trying to finish the nursery, and worrying about doing this newborn thing all over again. 

    How are you feeling? See above.  Sciatica is better at least, but starting to be unable to breathe deeply or at all when doing anything active, haha.

    Did you do anything to prep for baby this week? My brother and DH finished the drywall and spackling in the nursery, yay! Hoping my DH can finish sanding this week so I can finally paint (and pick a paint color, ahhh!).  I love picking paint colors :lol:.

    GTKY: What's the most annoying habit a person can have? Talking over you in a conversation or never allowing a breath for you to speak.

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    Due date: 4/14

    Any appointments? Questions? No appt this week 

    Rants/Raves? Passed the second GD test. I am in shock. Baby has a big abdomen and I have high fluid. Both signs of GD. Its like I have every sign except for the high blood sugar part- its odd. 

    How are you feeling? Vagina pain like all the time now! Other than that I am still feeling pretty good. 

    Did you do anything to prep for baby this week? Furniture has been delivered but not put together yet. Waiting for carpet cleaning first. Starting preparing a final list to purchase. Also made my preadmittance appt at the hospital. 

    GTKY: What's the most annoying habit a person can have? I have a really hard time with people who are always late. I find it incredibly selfish to think their time is more important than mine. 

    Right now though my husband eating is probably the thing is grating on my nerves the most. I know its a pregnant thing but its driving me batty! Hes so loud!

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    Due date: April 13th

    Any appointments? Questions? I had a regular OB check-up today and met with one of the other OBs in the office (they have a group practice and my normal OB wants me to meet everyone so that a stranger isn't delivering my baby). Everything looks fine except I had to talk once again with a doctor about how LO is measuring big and it's starting to really stress me out. 

    Rants/Raves? Honestly, I'm just really overwhelmed. I'm a FTM and DH is probably the more levelheaded of the two of us and he can't come to OB appointments anymore because he got a new job. So I'm stuck listening to doctors talk to me about how my baby is too big and I don't have diabetes, but I may be insulin resistant or I may just have the genetics for a big baby. Today this doctor that I've never met before was talking about how she would like me to have two more growth scans so they can determine at the 38 week one if they want to offer me a c-section. I don't have a birth plan or anything, but I really wasn't thinking about having a c-section. I'm just very overwhelmed at this particular moment and wish that I got more than 5 minutes with my doctors so they could actually talk to me about my options and not just throw "he's big and that could be a problem" at me. 

    How are you feeling? Aside from overwhelmed, I'm just tired. My rib pain has been flaring up again today and my cough that I thought had gone away has been back with a vengeance the past few days.  

    Did you do anything to prep for baby this week? Not really. Between helping out with my dad (who is doing much better after his heart attack) and trying to catch up on work, I haven't had much time to do baby stuff. My plan is to do laundry and wash his bedding and some other things that people have sent us. Our baby shower is this weekend so I'm hoping that DH and I can start tackling some baby prep during the weeknights in upcoming weeks because our weekends are booked for like the next month. 

    GTKY: What's the most annoying habit a person can have? I'm not sure this is the most annoying thing that any person can do, but it's definitely up there: chewing with their mouth open. I love my DH, but there are times where I just stop and stare at him and have to ask "were you raised in a barn?" because he chews so loud that it reminds me of cows. It drives me bonkers. 

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    @jlklec19 first, I'm glad your dad is doing better. I remember how overwhelmed I felt as a FTM during my appointments. I started making a list of questions I had in between my appointments, and I had no problem whipping my phone out and going down the list of questions and making sure I understood what my doctor was saying. I highly recommend doing the same. Don't panic about a c-section. I didn't plan for one either (who does as a FTM?) but I needed to have one with DD and it all turned out fine. Deep breaths.
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    @jlklec19 My baby is measuring big as well. It is really bothering me but they have now tested me for GD twice. There really isn't anything else we can do at this point but hope. My doctor is doing a growth scan every 4 weeks to keep an eye on it. Although she hasn't said it exactly I think my doctor is thinking we may induce early rather than go the csection route. But at this point it is just a waiting game. Hang in there! 
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    @kangstadt yes they put me on a cancellation list. So fingers crossed I can get in sooner. Walking thru the grocery store was so painful yesterday that I’m worried I won’t be able to go to Ikea in March 
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    @mrstmoose @jayhawkmom4 thank you both. I mostly get overwhelmed just on doctor appointment days. I talked to my mom for like an hour today to vent and she said all that mattered is we get the baby out as safely as possible for both of us. That’s what I’m trying to focus on now. It makes me feel better to know that I’m not alone. 

    @mrstmoose that’s a great idea about writing my questions down. I always end up forgetting them by the time I go to my appointment because I feel so rushed. I did that while my dad was in the hospital and it definitely helped me process everything better. 
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    @kangstadt I don't know why, but for some reason today I've been super anxious about baby still being breech. Maybe it's because I'm 32 weeks today, and I read that most babies are head down at this point. I think talking with my midwife next week will be comforting. I know she said both of her own babies were breech until 34 weeks. I'm just freaking out today.
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    @rennie1108, I feel a bit better after talking to my OB.  She couldn't tell exactly what position baby boy is in either, but she reassured me that if we still aren't sure by 36 weeks, we'll do an ultrasound to check.  And remember babies can flip right up until labor!  Try not to worry.  (I know, easier said than done.)
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    Thanks, @kangstadt! I know worrying is pointless, but sometimes it gets the best of me :smile:
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