TTC After a Loss

TW Bleeding

Ok my wonder peeps... so we all know I'm on MC #5 but I've got a question for you all.  My first MC was a D&C. The other 3 were earlier than this one.
I have been 'bleeding' since last Tuesday around 6pm. 

This may get TMI, so if you're squeamish... stop now.

Last warning....

So, most of the bleeding from last Tuesday 6pm until this past weekend was a dark rust kinda color.  You know, like older dried up blood. 
Not concerned.
On Saturday/Sunday it started to change over to like red blood. Like period blood. 
Also wasn't concerned.
It started to pick up flow Sunday and I'm all like, Cool... so the older dried up stuff was prolly the baby and this is probably the lining shedding like AF and all is hunky dory.
Cept it's now Thursday and I'm still bleeding bright red blood like a stuck pig. Not an alarming amount, but like heavy AF amounts, but like... days and days of it.

Should I be concerned?  Like, how much / how long is too long to be bleeding after your MC?

I know I know... it all depends and everyone is different.
I'm not freaking out.

I'm just all like... if this doesn't stop, at what point do I call my seemingly clueless OB-GYN nursing staff and say "Um... I think I'm bleeding to death here?"

Re: TW Bleeding

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    Ugh @dpchickens I’m sorry you are going through this.  I have no advice for you all of mine were d & cs.  It just sucks that you have to continue to go through this 
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    @dpchickens my boss said when she had her MC (which was natural) she bled for 3 weeks straight. I'm not sure quite how heavy it was. But she said she felt like it was never going to end. I'm sorry your going through this again and I'm sorry that you nursing staff is useless.
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    Thanks guys. Yeah, my first was D&C and my others were all earlier than this, so I am unsure what's happening. Like I said, I figured the old blood was MC part and then fresher blood was shedding endometrium part... but usually my AF is like some spotting/light, picks up for 2-3 days as heavy, a day or so of medium, and then dwindles down to nothing again.  So to be bleeding heavily for like 4+ days already is sorta like... hmm..... 

    But it's also not really enough to 'soak 1 or more pads an hour' that they say to go off of. 

    Just frustrating...
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    I mean, the emotional aspect alone is gutting but then to have to be bleeding constantly and for an unknown amount of time, frustrating isnt even the right word. 
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    @dpchickens With my first loss, I think I bled for like two solid weeks. I don't remember what it looked liked (2013), but I remember feeling like it would never end.
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    @dpchickens all 3 of my natural losses I bled for at least 2 weeks, one was for 3. 
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    @dpchickens sorry you are going through this. With my loss now in September it was 2 to almost 3 weeks. It started light then picked up with major clots then more or less was very light again thinking it was all over, then boom even more with more clots. So it really depends. I was between 8-9 wks and *TW* once all the major "item's" passed the bleeding more or less tapered off. Again i thought it would never end. I found for some reason a massage helped. It sped up the process for me.
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    @dpchickens I have only had D and C’s so no experience but just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you and sending you hugs  <3
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    @dpchickens sorry, I don’t have any personal experience with this. I know from my first D&C the body can be all over the place. I was doing acupuncture when I had a natural MC and then this recent D&C and that really helped in getting my cycle back to normal. Lots of hugs to you, our bodies are so frustrating sometimes...
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    @dpchickens I’m sorry, not what you need when you’re already dealing with the emotional part of it. Two of my losses were earlier, and the other two were done medically so I don’t have any advice. I just hope it stops soon and you speak to someone less clueless if you do decide to call. 
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    I have no advice, my loss was followed up by a D&C. I'm sorry you are bleeding so much. Hopefully it will end soon. Hugs! 
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    It doesnt sound unusual what you are describing.  I think a lot of women bleed around 2-3 weeks.  My bleeding slowed down and picked back up again many times.  I also went to the hospital for very heavy bleeding (soaked through a pad in 30 seconds) and the doctor was most concerned about my iron levels, which turned out to be just fine.

    Unless you're soaking through pads in a half hour or continue on for a long time, you probably have nothing to worry about.  Has your doctor scheduled a followup ultrasound to make sure you're clear?

    I am sorry you're going through this.  It is so tough when it drags on.  
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    Thanks everyone. It did slow down again over the weekend, but I definitely spent a few days at the end there feeling very faint and dizzy and headachey.  *sigh*  Still 'bleeding'/spotting...  This just all sucks.

    Miraculously I'm not feeling as emotionally bad as I did after the 4th. I don't know if it's my decision to take higher pain pills. Or if it's the new anti-anxiety and upped levels of happy pills. Or if I'm just resolute on the adoption thing instead... but I'm taking this one rather well all things considered... which in itself sorta scares me.
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    @dpchickens whatever it is, I’m glad to hear that you are doing well considering everything. Good luck with adoption, that is so exciting! That’s the route my sister went and it is just so wonderful! 
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    char245  Yeah, just gotta get DH on board :expressionless:
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    @dpchickens I truly hope you can get DH on board. I'm glad that you are doing well though, even if it is due to medication. We do what we need to to get through.
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    @dpchickens I’m glad you are feeling better.  I hope you get DH on board for adoption.  My friend just finished her first classes to become foster parents.  They have no children, no losses just could never get pregnant.  So they are also completing necessary paperwork to adopt through fostering.  It’s so exciting.  I’m also considering this route.  FX that it works out the way you want it to.  
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    @dpchickens I'm glad you're doing okay and I so hope you can get YH on board with adoption. I have a friend who is an adoption attorney and it really is such a wonderful thing. <3
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    Enjoy those happy pills! I'm glad that you are coping well. I hope your DH comes around to the idea of adoption. I have a friend who is fostering to adopt and it has been a huge blessing in their lives. 
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    @dpchickens after the first 5 years of our infertility journey we decided to take the adoption route. I always wanted to but didn't realize it would be because we had to. TW its been 11 years since we brought our DD home *end TW 
    It is a great thing, I hope your hubby will see that! 
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    I know I'm a bit late to this thread but somehow stumbled upon it as I've been wondering how bad/different this mc will be for me. Yesterday would have been 11 weeks and just started spotting this morning. My first 3 losses were much earlier (between 5 and 7w5d). Anyway, as I was reading this thread, it brought so many emotions and tears to my eyes. Damn hormones. But also because DH and I are realizing that adoption may be our future. From the time I was a little kid I always thought I would adopt. But like @rowedking6 I always figured it would be a choice of wanting to. I know this won't be an easy decision @dpchickens and there will be heartache in this journey as well. But damn it, being old and grey and childless is not the future I have planned. 
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    40momma Right!?!?  Stupid hormones. It's all overly emotional and like you said... being at this age (even though I'm younger than you by a bit) and childless with so many losses is just awful. A random doctor asked me the other about MC and me being done and I'm like, look... In 4 years of trying, not to mention the year+ of NTNP where we never even got PG,  all I've ended up with is being fat, depressed, anxiety issues, PTSD from the whole experience, a broken down body, and 5 dead babies... yeah... I'm done.
    I guess we're both hopefully on to the adoption thing at some point?  Good luck getting through this MC.  It's even harder when your loss is later than the others and looked so hopeful. :(
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