February 2019 Moms

Weekly random 1/14 -1/30

shellperryshellperry member
edited January 2019 in February 2019 Moms
ladys I’m so happy to see that some of you already have you little one with you and the rest will being netting them soon we are in the end game now!!

Re: Weekly random 1/14 -1/30

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    @shellperry looks like we had the same thought with a new weekly randoms thread!
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    Yay! Almost there!

    Is anyone else feeling the achy/pain type in the lower abdomen where your normal menstrual cramps occur? I don't know the proper terminology. Seems like every night when I toss and turn it hurts. Or, when I stand up after sitting for too long... I work in the healthcare industry and one of the nurses told me today that he's probably pushing his way down into the birth canal. He's already head down and in position. I have my first cervical check on Thursday, but I was just wondering if anyone else was experiencing this.
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    @kenishi yes, quite frequently. My LO is head down and already very low so any adjustments she makes are super painful. Especially if she happens to get my cervix. Holy crap!
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    @kenishi I have sporadically but I don't know his positioning or anything

    I miss sleeping through the night! Anyone still working out? I've been going to Barre and I feel like it's getting harder and harder but I'm able to do less and less
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    Anyone needing some advice from someone who is trying to correct mistakes made from the first baby?
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    @disneybaby84 sure- that'd be helpful
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    @kenishi the cramp feeling is how my whole "labor" started both times. It got stronger during the day until it changed to contractions.
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    What do you think your mistakes were?
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    I would also make sure you have bottle dish soap, bottles, and a drying rack set up. Pull out the boppy pillow, put a cover on it. Pull out size 1 diapers, put them in all places you might change a diaper. If you think baby will be in master bedroom and nursery, have a changing pad in both. If you are using a diaper pail, put in a trash bag. 
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    Today just sucks.  I've been awake since 4 am with bad period-like cramps very, very low.  I swear her head is going to fall out when I stand up.  But only 1 contraction to speak of.  I'm so miserable and tired.  And her movement is insane!  She is bouncing around everywhere which I didn't even think was possible anymore!  She keeps rolling her back out right under my belly button.  I can actually watch her practicing her breathing.  I keep telling her that if she's ready to just go ahead and come out already but she's not listening. :smile:
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    A few other STM+ suggestions for before baby comes:

    If you're using anything with batteries, either stock up or get rechargables!  The swings saved our sanity with the twins but went through batteries SO fast.
    If you're going to share middle of the night duties with anyone else, I recommend a dry erase board or something to put notes on.  That way the next person will know when baby got up, how much he/she ate, etc. without having to wake up the other one.  When we were swapping off twins it helped to keep track so we knew who did what for which baby and when.
    We keep 2 bins on our countertop for dishes - one labeled "wash" and one labeled "clean".  That way we could throw pacifiers, bottles, etc. that needed washed in one bin and anyone that needed to grab something would know what was clean and what wasn't.
    If you have kiddos that are going to daycare/school, I highly recommend having them change into a new, clean outfit when they get home.  Also wash hands (duh).  I think a lot of people wash hands but the amount of germs they drag home on their clothes is amazing.  This is my second flu season baby and we did this with the last one.  The twins couldn't go near their little brother until they were in clean clothes with clean hands.  None of us got sick that year, even though it was a terrible flu season.

    I'll keep trying to think of anything else that was helpful to realize after having the first kiddo (or in my case, kiddos!).
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    @bellebaby221 @jgrodo @whattalife525415 - whew, thank you ladies! I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling them! They seem to be getting stronger, last night rolling over and moving was tough! I did have a contraction last night, it wasn't super strong but I'm starting to feel like my body is definitely getting ready!
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    @disneybaby84 & @bellebaby221 - thank you so much - All of your tips are super helpful! I wouldn't have thought about much of those suggestions so I know what I'll be doing this evening :)
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    I guess this is nesting! I literally switched my day off because I couldn’t stop thinking about cleaning the lazy susan. 
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    @nataliezbrungart I finally started nesting and my husband couldn’t be happier
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    @bellebaby221 and @disneybaby84 All great advice and even as a STM, there were a few things you guys mentioned that I have not done yet, so thx for the reminders!!
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    @disneybaby84 and @bellebaby221 thanks so much! Those are great tips have to working on!
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    Does anyone one know what the procedure code is for getting a child birth class covered by insurance?

    Totally random but just have to get it off my chest- my MIL texted me to tell me she got the Tdap and that my FIL had it done in 2017, just have to work on my SIL. Great you did it! No reason it had to be suchsuc issue for the past 8 months, harumph.  Just cranky with how she has to handle everything.
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    @jgrodo I have too MIL my H was adopted but has a relationship with both. My general rule with IL is it’s your issue you deal and when it comes to my kids it’s my way or just don’t come over we’re on are 4 they get the picture.
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    @shellperry 2!?! 1 is hard enough hehe. Thats a good rule. I've been trying to go with that type of rule it's just there is a lot of people ush back from my mil and H tendsto back her or just back down from what we agree to, I'm hoping with having our first that will change.Thats great that yours have gotten it!
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    @jgrodo That would drive me nuts to have drama about that. Luckily, before my DS1, all the grands were very easy about the various inoculations.
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    @sjnsjnsjn right, it totally has been. It's weird bc I don't think they're antivaxers just self-centered. 

    Random? If you Walked into the dresser in the middle of the night and bopped your bump but seem ok would call the doctor or nah?
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    sjnsjnsjnsjnsjnsjn member
    edited January 2019
    @jgrodo Ha no, not unless you were running at it at the speed of light or something ;)
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    @sjnsjnsjn haha nah just half sleep after peeing for the zillionth time -phew hehe
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    hahahaha @oftcfo same here!
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    @oftcfo My belly catches food, too!

    This week I can sometimes see my baby girl breathing in my belly! Anyone else experience this? I had to google it because I thought I was crazy  :D
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    @glitterbug6 yes I can see her breathing a lot. When I had my growth scan the other week we could see it on u/s and through my bump. It was really cool. 
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    Here's another funny one.  We just moved (super fun when pregnant), and I had to get a new license.  They put your current weight on it, no matter how many months pregnant for "identification purposes." 

    So now I'm officially this weight until 2027!!
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    I had a weekly appt last monday and another one next wednesday, i'm constantly flooded with paranoia....i'm so crampy and baby has dropped but I JUST DON'T KNOW! I finally packaged my bags 2 nights ago - just in case! My OB has said the baby dropped and could come anytime, i just feel like I don't know when i'll know "for sure" - but maybe when the time comes maybe i'll be more sure.

    I've had two big baby showers in the last week, i need some sleep. 

    Does anyone else have a significant other waking up to every groan/grumble you make in the middle of the night? My husband is on high alert! LMAO. 
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    @bhou My LO has dropped big time since last week. My fundal height was 3 cm lower yesterday than my previous appointment. She is currently grinding some pointy body part off of my hip bone. I'm guessing either elbows or knees. I swear she's just going to fall out one of these times I stand up! Bag is packed and ready to go. DH has been sleeping elsewhere for awhile after my pillow fort took over the bed so he'll only know something happens in the middle of the night if I go tell him!
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    @disneybaby84 That is great advice.  When I had my first, we even lived in an apt with no dishwasher and did not go the paper plate route, and it was a nightmare!
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    I grew up with these and use them all the time with flimsy paper plates. They only get washed when necessary. I thought this was a staple in everyone’s household, but people come over they are always in awe over them. My granny didn’t understand when I declined her offer to buy fancy china. When we get fancy we use fiesta ware. Haha.

    I just thought of another to do...get rid of dishes to make room for bottles in the cabinets. Oh no!!!
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    @mydogclimbstree you poor thing, I can not imagine a move at this time! We just redid our floors, my hubby luckyily did all of the furniture scooting around, but still it was enough to have me stressed out.

    Next move come to Texas... we don’t have to put our weight down. Hahah I’m pretty sure I would lie about it anyway! Laugh out loud 
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    @bhou @bellebaby221 Two days ago my hubby said I looked lower and now we are on high alert :pensive:

    It's a little stressful because our shower isn't until the 27th so we don't have a lot of things for the baby yet  :o

    @disneybaby84 Thanks for the paper plates tip!
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    @glitterbug6 I keep my fingers crossed that you last through your shower! I hear if it is your first, it could still be weeks after you drop till labor. At any rate, you can always buy the bare necessities (car seat, diapers, place to sleep, some swaddles) and feel better prepared just in case. 

    Where I'm from, if you miss having a shower for whatever reason, you hold a Sip'n'see after the first round of vaccines. Some one brings drinks, and your friends all come over to see the baby. That's what I'll be doing, since my shower (at work) was cancelled when I went on bed rest. 
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