August 2019 Moms

Weekly Randoms 1/14/18

Heyo!  Weekend full of inlaws for me over here.  So busy I barely got in here to see what everyone has been up to!!

I leave for the Bahamas in a week, on Sunday! So excited for some relaxation time before adding a new baby to the mix.  
Anyone want to sub for my Monday randoms on 1/21??  

Me 32 <3 H 33
TTC#1 January 2016  BFP 5/16/2016  DD Born 1/27/17

TFAS: BFP 11/26/2018 Estimated due date: 8/2/2019


Re: Weekly Randoms 1/14/18

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    Thanks @deecherise you’re the best!

    Me 32 <3 H 33
    TTC#1 January 2016  BFP 5/16/2016  DD Born 1/27/17

    TFAS: BFP 11/26/2018 Estimated due date: 8/2/2019

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    @deecherise I’m a big proponent of self-Care, so if you need a little getaway to relax, I say DO IT. Relaxation will be hard to come by come August... 
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    @moon1417 have fun on your trip!

    @deecherise if you can swing it financially, I say go! I wish I would have taken more time off when I was in grad school and during my post doc but there never seemed to be “a good time to leave”, or so I told myself.

    I have to fill out my self-evaluation for work this week and I am terrible when it comes to talking about myself. I feel like my mind blanks every time I try to think of something I did that was “above and beyond”, etc. This is going to take me a while :#

    Me: 31  DH:35
    Started TTC in June 2014
    Started seeing RE in June 2015
    HSG in July 2015 = normal, started Clomid/Ovidrel/IUI cycle in August 2015
    Cycle #3 in October afforded 1st month of mature follicles - underwent IUI
    BFP on 10/27/15 - EDD 7/8/16
    DD#1 born on 7/1/16

    TTC #2 in September 2018
    BFP on 12/2/18 - EDD 8/16/19
    Team Green!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    My prenatal vitamins come in a pack of 60 for 30 days, meaning I take 2 a day.  I'm somehow left with 1 extra and I'm so intrigued by what happened.  Poor QA? I randomly only took 1?  IT'S A MYSTERY. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
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    I started wearing sea bands yesterday and I am in love. I feel so much better!
    Me 31  <3  DH 34
    TTC #1 5/13 BFP #3 5/2/14 DD born 1/19/15
    NTNP #2 8/17 BFP 12/13/18 ED 8/21/19
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @EmilyA724 I am glad you found something that works for you! Maybe I will try those. My friend recommended vitamin B6, but my ob recommends it in 25 mg doses, and I can only find 100 mg, which I am hesitant to take...but I am feeling desperate to feel better and actually function at work. 

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    @moon1417 have a great time on vacation! 

    @deecherise I am always pro-getaway. even if it is something small. sometimes you just need to get out of your daily routine and relax. Do it!

    TTC#1 10/2016
    TTC/IF:included medicated cycles, IUIs and 2 rounds of IVF with 1 embryo each. 
    BFP finally in 12/2018

    TTC#2 06/2021
    planning FET

    "Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks,
    some doors are open, some roads are blocked" 

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    @EmilyA724 ADDED. TO. CART. 
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
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    Incoming rant:

    I just left one of the FB pregnancy groups I follow because they gave me a temporary ban after posting a link (mind you, posting links is against one of their rules) to a research article published by NIH. I'm irritated because one of their other rules was not to be rude, but the OP was being rude af to everyone who happened to offer a dissenting opinion...they didn't ban her. I'm mostly irritated because OP was suggesting an unsafe supplement for heartburn relief that could potentially induce labor...and this is why I shouldn't participate in FB groups. End rant.
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    @deecherise it sounds a little wacky that it is against their rules to post links.  Sounds like they don't like actual evidence and science.  Lame. 

    Me 32 <3 H 33
    TTC#1 January 2016  BFP 5/16/2016  DD Born 1/27/17

    TFAS: BFP 11/26/2018 Estimated due date: 8/2/2019

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    so I don't know if this is a weekly random or a FFFC, but @cato99 and @catpants you have very similar usernames, and while your profile pics aren't that close in the tiny thumbnail they come across as they are. (colorful letters on a white or black background). And it took me longer than I would like to admit to realize that you were 2 different people, at first I was very confused every time I saw a post by one of you, I'd be like wait wasn't their background white/black?

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    feeling kinda like a rock star based on my red and white blood cell counts  :D
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 
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    @heml, thank you because that makes me feel better. 

    *Live, Love, Laugh, Learn*

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    @lilmamabebe3 It's so good to read that things seem to be improving with your HG! I hope this trend continues!
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    @lilmamabebe3 It's so good to read that things seem to be improving with your HG! I hope this trend continues!
    Thank you!! I hope so too! 
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    At dinner last night talking w/DH about a friend's baby shower and he very seriously asked me how much of a shower he was responsible for. I told him nothing, you're the parent. I've never seen such relief on the man's face! (I think he was a bit confused bc friend's DH was at her shower and my DH has never been near a baby shower.)

    TTC#1 10/2016
    TTC/IF:included medicated cycles, IUIs and 2 rounds of IVF with 1 embryo each. 
    BFP finally in 12/2018

    TTC#2 06/2021
    planning FET

    "Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks,
    some doors are open, some roads are blocked" 

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    @Amdogger82 If you can find a 50mg or 100 mg tablet you could cut them up. Taking 100 mg more than once a day would be a lot of B6 which can cause nerve damage in high doses. 
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    @WinchesterGirl I’m really nervous to tell my best friend because of this too. It took them a while to get pregnant and I knew she was pregnant—we went for sushi and she ordered orange chicken, we went for drinks and she got soda, they took a random weekend vacation, I just knew. And on Christmas she shared that she had MMC. I need to tell her and I’m so scared I’m going to hurt her feelings. I can’t decide if I want to send a hand written card so she can respond when she’s ready or if I should tell her face to face. It’s been a big stressor for me lately. 
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    Also, I started telling people at work today because of my HG I had to, and someone overheard and ran to tell my VP. I’m so pissed and angry and upset that she told him instead of letting me do it. He was visibly shocked and I could tell he was upset that it didn’t come from me. I had a 3pm meeting with him today and she overheard me at 2:50. Then he walked by and she yelled out, “We were just congratulating her on her pregnancy!”

    are you fucking kidding me?? I started crying. At work. And tried to explain that I was planning to tell him in about ten minutes and I was shocked and sorry that someone else did, and the woman that did didn’t even apologize to me! I’m furious. 
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    @lilmamabebe3 :open_mouth::o:open_mouth: that might be HR report worthy.
    Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!
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    @lilmamabebe3 oh no, that's awful. Some people need to learn pregnancy news is YOUR news to share and at least ask before telling other people for you.

    I told my boss on Monday about my pregnancy and two other people that sit next to me at work. Yesterday, we had a work birthday lunch and my coworker that knew leaned over and asked if everyone knew yet and I told her not yet. She clinked her forks together and said "Someone has an announcement!" and motioned towards now everyone in my group knows. Gee, thanks for "helping" me tell everyone.  :/

    Me: 31  DH:35
    Started TTC in June 2014
    Started seeing RE in June 2015
    HSG in July 2015 = normal, started Clomid/Ovidrel/IUI cycle in August 2015
    Cycle #3 in October afforded 1st month of mature follicles - underwent IUI
    BFP on 10/27/15 - EDD 7/8/16
    DD#1 born on 7/1/16

    TTC #2 in September 2018
    BFP on 12/2/18 - EDD 8/16/19
    Team Green!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Thanks everyone. My VP was actually very understanding and said, "Oh... Hyperemesis... Oh! Like Princess Kate!" I laughed so hard. He reacted the opposite of what I was expecting and was very kind, but still, upset that it didn't come from me. I sent an email to HR explaining what happened and they said they will speak with her. So, so rude.

    In other news, I feel super cute today because our 22 year old nanny told me my outfit was "popping" today, hahah!
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    @lilmamabebe3 you could consider sending her a text at a time you know she might be home... that way she can process it and respond when she is ready... Sometimes the in person thing can be hard. some people are OK with it and others struggle to mask their emotions with the person there. I am so sorry that lady outed you like that at work... that is crazy ridiculous behavior. My first pregnancy was outed to the whole staff by my boss when things were still super early. TW.. it ended in a loss and that was so hard, I wasn't ready for everyone to know then they did, then there wasn't anything to know... end TW** glad you said something to HR
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    Just sent this to my husband trying to explain my never ending nausea/hunger cycle. Maybe you gals will enjoy!

    This is how my brain is working right now:

    Non-pregnant side of brain (NPSB): “ugh, I feel awful, why did I eat so much lunch?”
    Pregnant side of brain (PSB): “but it feels soooo goooood when we’re eating!”
    NPSB: “must learn when to stop”
    PSB: “why don’t you eat more food, you’re probably just hungry”
    NPSB: “WHAT is wrong with you?!?”
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    @lilmamabebe3 - My husband said "hey! I mean, if you've gotta puke all the time, at least you can say you're just like Kate Middleton!" (bc we are weirdly very into the royal fam...) I don't want to be like her THIS WAY!!!! 

    I'm sorry your coworker did that. Glad HR will talk to her though! I was almost outed on FB by a family member of my BIL ... why they were told, I don't know... Luckily I deleted the comment but I'm sure *somebody* saw it. 

    My random is that the HG makes me a zombie most of the time and it's sad my child is just starting to string words together and the first time regarding me was "Mom sick" today. Boo. However despite the sickness, I've held down cherry 7 Up today, so I guess I'll be living off of that for the foreseeable future. It's delicious. I don't even miss my Diet Mountain Dew. 

    Also, other random. Add me to the Marie Kondo bandwagon. I did all of my clothing yesterday. I usually purge every year/twice a year anyways since I mostly thrift shop so it's not like it's a huge loss to re-donate or trash. But the actual re-organizing made it feel different this time. Now if I could get DH to do it, since he still has high school clothes and triple the amount I own....
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    The bump website only let's me "love" things every now and then and its very annoying.
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    I got my home fetal Doppler today! This Friday is finally looking up after a day full of boring lab stuff. After I test that baby out, I'm getting tacos with one of my friends and going to a pole dance show at the gay bar. Gotta get it all out while I still can!
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    @deecherise we have a home fetal Doppler. I want to break it out. I'm gonna try to convince H to help me out tonight
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    @aevan011 I was digging tidying up on Netflix, but it was starting to depress me that I'm too sick to do any of it. I have decided to finish it & start my tidying once I feel better in second tri!
    Rainbow baby Dean is due 2/17/17!
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    @WinchesterGirl that’s why I only did my clothes. It took me all day with lots of breaks and I didnt have that much. I’m not even attempting any other steps! 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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