April 2019 Moms

All Things Cloth Diapering

lyse01lyse01 member
edited January 2019 in April 2019 Moms
...plus whatever other cloth questions/products there are.

diaper product spotlight: https://forums.thebump.com/discussion/12738320/product-spotlight-diapers-and-wipes#latest

Other previous diaper discussion: https://forums.thebump.com/discussion/12734300/diapering-cloth-disposables-changing-table-what-are-your-plans

whatcha got by way of advice and questions, ladies?

Re: All Things Cloth Diapering

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    starting things off, who has used wool covers/pants and has a good resource for me for teaching laundering/explaining felting/getting it cheaper or used/discussing summer usage?
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    @lyse01, I'm not familiar with wool, but I'd be interested to hear other mamas advice on it too!

    As with any parenting thing, everyone is going to have different favorites and different advice, you gotta do what works for you.  If that means using disposables when you're out and about or at night (we had to at night with DS because he would get such bad diaper rash otherwise), or using all-in-ones with disposable liners, or going full cloth all the time, whatever works for your family!  Don't feel guilty about it either way.

    As far as diapers go, I think my favorite brands were Kawaii and BumGenius.  We used a newborn diaper rental (and will this time also) for the first three months since you don't want to have to buy newborn size cloth diapers unless you're planning on using them through multiple kids.

    Sunning is definitely the way to go, it works miracles on stains.  I did run into problems with some of my cloth diapers that they would smell no matter how much line drying I did, but I think that was because they were hand me downs who had been through at least two kids previously.  I also had enough of a stash that I probably only washed every third day, which may have attributed to the stank.

    I'm happy to answer any questions new mamas have, although I've only raised one kiddo with cloth so I'm sure other moms on here have better insight!  I love the idea of reducing waste in landfills and, bonus, cloth diapers just look so cute on baby bottoms :love:
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    OK. So I am 100% new to this. So far I have bought (off recs from friends) BumGenius pockets and BumGenius AIOs. So far, only preowned, so I know I need to wash and strip. But whenever I look at that one website it tells me to check my washer model? So basically...

    How do I strip? Once I've stripped these, how often do I strip?
    How do I wash? What detergent? How do I dry if I can't line dry? The washing is what really confuses me. I don't mind washing often, since with new twins I will be doing tons anyways, but can I wash with other things? 
    Should I buy some new diapers as well?
    How do I make sure they're fitting right?
    Some have velco and some have snaps? What the heck?

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    This has me about to bite  the bullet to buy some new ones on top of the preowned stash I've started. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    i love you.

    How do I strip? Once I've stripped these, how often do I strip?
    In theory, just once, and then a solid wash routine will keep them in good shape. In practice, as rarely as possible because it damages the fibers but as often as necessary to keep the tiny butts happy. I follow stripping directions on fluff love university’s website. 
    How do I wash? What detergent? Fluff love (they also have a fb group) has washing directions too, and lists of detergents that do/don’t work well. General guidelines include: nothing with fabric softener (it coats the absorbant fibers), free&clear is usually slightly less effective but also good for sensitive butts, homemade detergents often don’t clean well, do a prewash first to get rid of the worst of the bodily fluids then do a regular wash to really suds it up. Remember that there’s an optimal water/detergent/cloth ratio, and it’s worth bulking up your load to get things to rub against each other and get clean.

    How do I dry if I can't line dry? In the dryer. The high heat can damage the elastics and the PUL (waterproof lining), but over time. You may just need to replace slightly more often or get less money back when you resell.

    The washing is what really confuses me. I don't mind washing often, since with new twins I will be doing tons anyways, but can I wash with other things? 
    Sure. You’ll have plenty of other stuff (burp cloths, the rag that wiped yogurt off their faces, pee soaked changing pad covers) that could be used to bulk up a prewash. I always just then collected whatever other laundry was in the house to make up the regular wash.

    Should I buy some new diapers as well?
    your call. You’re going to need a lot with twins, so a mix is probably good. Throw some cloth on a registry.

    How do I make sure they're fitting right?
    i will find a fit video and get back to you.

    Some have velco and some have snaps? What the heck?
    and some have neither! Choose whatever you like.
    Velcro pros: adjustable to intermediate positions, easy to deal with at night/low light, easy to replace when worn out if crafty
    velcro cons: repeated washing takes a toll, you have to remember to close the Velcro before washing or it catches on everything else
    snap pros: adjustable to many positions, durable in washer/dryer, no extra pieces needed, resale value high
    snap cons: can be difficult in low light/wriggly baby situations
    snapless pros: infinitely adjustable, no wear and tear around snap grommets or in Velcro, resale value high
    snapless cons: need snappis or boingos (or I suppose safety pins if old school) to attach
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    Oh, and with twins, you can probably discount anyone who says to skip newborn sizing “because babies grow out of it too quickly”...we were in newborn and small foreverrrrrr (started cloth at 4.5 lbs). 
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    @lyse01 yes! I found a pretty nice sized NB lot on ebay not too long ago so I think we have close to 30? I assumed since they will be preemies we will be there for a while too. I'm reading and digesting all the info you gave me btw you are the BEST.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I second everything @lyse01 said, and I'll add my own personal recommendations.

    I preferred snap diapers, since as lyse01 mentioned, Velcro tended to catch on everything (plus the hand-me-down Velcro ones I had were at the end of their lifespan anyway).

    I used Grovia when loads were really stinky ( https://www.amazon.com/GroVia-Bubbles-Laundry-Treatment-Diapers/dp/B009LGDGX2 ) and washed with Rockin' Green detergent since we had hard water/a high efficiency washer ( https://www.amazon.com/Natural-Detergent-Rockin-Green-Unscented/dp/B005DL7LGM/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1547236206&sr=8-2-spons&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=rockin+green+laundry+detergent&psc=1 ).

    My washer didn't allow me to do this, but some websites suggest soaking in a SUPER hot prewash first if diapers are getting stinky.  Generally, normal rinse/wash/rinse/spin cycles and line drying if possible are sufficient.  We ended up using the dryer in the winter and line drying in the spring/summer.

    As with everything, if you can find a routine that works for you, you'll get faster at it with time.  I would do a load every other day or every third day, then usually stuff the diapers as I was watching TV/relaxing before bed that night so they would be ready for the changing table in the morning.  Also, if line drying and you have snap diapers, you don't even need clothes pins because you can just snap the diaper around the line.  I remember feeling like a genius when I figured that one out, haha :lol:.
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    I plan on pocket cloth diapering with at least two inserts per diaper (for just in case scenarios), and plenty of the reviews (buying new) for multiple fabric types had recommended boiling and pre-washing a rediculous amount of times beforr going on baby for maximizing absorbency. Is it really necessary to pre-wash & dry inserts 6-9 times?
    Also, I've heard from several moms that tide is best. Anyone have good experiences with using tide for their cloth diaper stash?
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    Cotton babies is an awesome resource for all things cloth diapering. 

    I had bumgenius inserts, which I loved. We had extra charcoal inserts but didn’t need to use anything more than the doubled up microfiber until baby was a little older (maybe like a year old?). For washing, I just used my regular unscented arm and hammer detergent. My washing routine was basically to just double wash with extra rinses. So i’d do a wash in hot water with detergent and 2 extra rinses, then just start it over and do the same a second time. It worked great. 

    @mighty_montgomery I’m gonna say no. You don’t need to wash your diapers more than once (at most twice) before you use them. For one thing, you do not need maximum absorbency when your baby is a month old. By the time your baby is peeing that much, you’ll have washed your diapers about a million times anyway. 

    The cloth diapering accessories I do recommend are a dirty diaper bag that has a zip bottom, and a sprayer attached to your toilet. I used a regular stainless trashcan lined with a zip bottom dirty diaper bag. Sprayed diapers out in the toilet using the sprayer before putting them in the hamper. 
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    @professormama do you have a specific dirty diaper bag brand in mind? I'm having a heck of a time trying to figure out the terms to search for to find that.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @MRDCle you'll also want a wet bag or two, just to keep in your diaper bag. I always switched my kiddo to a disposable when we were going places because i didn't really want to deal with cloth diapering out in public (storing a dirty diaper, etc). However, there were a few times I forgot to change him before we left and ended up needing to store a cloth diaper in my diaper bag. 
    Wet bags are also just nice to have if your kid spits up on clothing or has a blow out or whatever. 
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    @professormama I do have one wet bag we use for swim suits, but I'll probably grab another one to keep in the car in case of emergency! Thanks for the link :) 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I cloth diapered DD but she’s nearly six so I feel like I forgot absolutely everything. We got rid of everything except our wool pants, but I honestly don’t even know if I want to use them. They’re a pain in the ass to wash from what I remember. 
    I got so sick of stuffing the pockets and waiting all day for the AIO’s to dry so I’m just doing prefolds this time around. They work really well for washing your car and burp rags for when you’re done with them too  :D
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    @MRDCle excited to read that you're planning on using cloth diapers for your twins. Most people just look at me in disbelief when I mention cloth diapers and twins in the same sentence. I don't think it will be the same brands we find over here, and we will likely just do a bit of a mix between cloth and disposable, but I would like to give it a try! Just need to find a good model to start with that isn't too complicated. 
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    @honey_suckle yes!! It was one of the first things we decided with twins - I've asked in some twin groups and it doesn't sound too bad. We'll already be doing extra laundry so why not save some cash on disposables if we can? 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @MRDCle which type are you going with? Ones that have a shell with inserts or ones where you wash the whole thing?
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    @honey_suckle we got mostly BumGenius brand pocket diapers - so the shell with inserts. I got a good deal on some all-on-ones on a resale site so we have a handful of those as well! What about you?
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @honey_suckle Germany has some cute diaper covers, according to my friend who cloth diapered over there.
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    @MRDCle @lyse01 this seems to be one of the more popular brands over here ( https://imsevimse.se/produkt-kategori/blojor/page/3/ ) but we haven't bought anything yet, having a hard time deciding what to start with. Since it's our first kids we're new to all things diapers. No idea how many we need?! 
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    @honey_suckle I've read that bout 40-50 to start for twins should work. I bought 24 new and probably have around 30 used. Since about half our stash is used I want a buffer in case they turn out to be less than effective at holding everything, ha. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @MRDCle that sounds like a huge investment, or how much did you pay per diaper? 
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    For the used I paid around $5-$7 each and for the new ones I paid around $18 each. Overall I think I paid about $600-700. When I looked it up I saw that the average singleton uses around 2,500 per year, which would put those costs for one year at at least $1,000. So I bit the bullet and bought a ton. I'm hoping the resale market lets me sell at least the new ones once we're done in a few years (DS didn't PT till 3 so who knows how long these two will stay in diapers) for a little bit of the money back. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I started around 6 weeks with dd and used nearly exclusively cloth (except vacations and some nights) until she potty trained around 2.5yrs old. We decided to start st newborn this time and I just gotta stash of rumparooz newborn all in ones and found a great deal on g diaper newborns. We really liked gdiapers until baby started moving more and was bigger. They are less bulky under the tiny clothes. 

    As as far as using the dryer, we used it. At first i hung all the covers (we did mostly covers at first) then I needed more bulk so we did pockets too. Those took longer to dry and I ended up just throwing things in the dryer. To protect the elastics I was careful not to stretch them while they were still warm. And they are all fine after 2 years. 

    We we started with tide, but I switched to arm and hammer powder because it was so much cheaper and I’d say it worked just as well. Our water is not hard or soft so that also matters. 

    I like the absorbency of hemp and cotton the best, but use all sorts. I made a bunch out of old reviving blankets and plan on making several more for the newborn and small g-diapers. They are great for adding absorbancy later too. 

    The microfiber ones seem to get stinkier and loose ability to absorb faster. More leaks. But not as bulky. 

    Wetbags. Get a bunch, they are small and highly useful. We have about 5 good ones for day trips and such. And then A trash can with a lid and a wet bag in it in the bathroom for at home or dumping other wetbags into. 

    Wash routine:
    I try to wash every 2-4 days. Any longer and it’s too stinky for me. We have enough diapers that I can spend a day washing and restuffing without having to worry about running out of diapers. 

    I follow fluff love science on Facebook (need to rejoin, I think that’s the name??) and per their advice 
    I do a prewash with less soap and hot water and then the regular wash with full soap and I still use hot water. 

    Dry in dryer: usually I remove the covers and such after one dry and have to run it again because my liners and all in ones are still damp. But the dryer is working better now so we will see. 

    Stripping as needed and rarely. I plan on doing a strip soak with the liners from dd because I put them away clean but didn’t deep clean and especially the overnight diapers. 
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    Cooking up some prefolds today. I have the nesting itch! Also the bamboo/organic cotton prefolds from osocozy are insanely soft. I can’t stop touching them! 
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    Finally got started on our registry (aka shopping list) and definitely had some questions about cloth diapering (we're inheriting a bunch, so we're good on that front, I think).

    I'm curious about thoughts on storing dirties:
    Diaper pail vs. regular trashcan? Or just use the hanging bags? (like the one @professormama linked above)
    Seems like benefit of the diaper pails are that they are specialized for holding in odors, but given that cloth diapers are bulkier and just need to be washed every couple days, maybe it doesn't matter? But why not save on both and just have the hanging sack sans bin?
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    @mesweettea we stored dirty diapers in the washing machine, or overnight in a plastic laundry basket. Airflow is good for minimizing stench. We also did daily laundry.

    I really like hanging things on walls to get them off the floor, though.
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    We did a metal pail, if I did laundry every 2-3 days the small isn’t bad and in general it never smelled like diapers in the room. If I let it go longer it was stinky. 
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    Thanks for all the helpful information @kbirchtree
    @harveyisaboysname I'm glad to see you are liking your prefolds already! I have osocozy prefolds on my registry so it is nice to see that I will most likely find them worthwhile! And I love the cost :-) 
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    @kbirchtree Thanks for the heads up in the Hospital Bag thread. I talked to DH this morning and he wants to have Newborn size cloth diapers. You said you like Gdiapers and Rumparooz AIO, any experience with Newborn size Alvababy?
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    kaitykinskaitykins member
    edited January 2019
    @kbirchtree Thanks for the heads up in the Hospital Bag thread. I talked to DH this morning and he wants to have Newborn size cloth diapers. You said you like Gdiapers and Rumparooz AIO, any experience with Newborn size Alvababy?
    No, but I have used Alva baby OS and while they leak faster with heavy wetters they do great otherwise. So with the barely wet of a newborn I bet they would do fine. 
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    @mesweettea we used the pail liner I linked inside of a regular stainless steal trashcan with a lid. Doing diaper laundry every 2-3 days was usually enough to keep smells down. While laundry was washing we would air out the trash can and spray the plastic parts down with 7th generation multipurpose cleaner (which smells great). 
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    I liked gdiaper small and medium the best, because they aren’t as bulky on the littler ones. I have the newborn ones to try this time because they are tiny and I got a really good deal
    used with them. I highly recommend search your local b/s/t groups and mama sell groups for cloth. Newborn diapers are gently used usually and it’s not hard to find them for $1-3
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    s_montgomerys_montgomery member
    edited January 2019
    I didn't like that the gdiapers seem to need to be used with their inserts only, which are disposable - the flushable/compostable liners. It seems like the sling would work as a double gusset but I wouldn't like to try it out with prefolds or cloth inserts to find out that it leaks if not used with their disposable absorbent liners. Have you experimented with not getting their disposable liners and just using prefolds, flats, or inserts instead?
    I found several used Newborn CD for sale on offer up (none on local Craigslist and I don't have FB), but they were generally $5-$10 each, at which point I might as well buy new. I did see a handful of offers around $4/diaper shippable from out-of-state. $1-$3/diaper is an awesome deal! Is b/s/t only found on Facebook? Also, what did you use once your baby was out of the newborn size since Alva OS leaks?

    My number 1 reason for cloth diapering my LO is to save money.
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    Is Primary just pulling my leg (say it ain't so!) or will I need CD friendly pants?

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Eh, super slim cut pants don’t fit over cloth diapers well. We just “grew out of” some brands faster than others.
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    we used whatever inserts fit.  I have tons of random ones and prefolds fit, basically as far as the small and up the standard size of insert fits. Pretty well, some need to be folded down some. I cut up and sewed a bunch of old recieving blankets to be tiny newborn inserts. It was super fast. Anyway, we only used a few of the disposable variety that are made for gdiaper, because I got some form free. 

    I have some of the prefold inserts and they fit fine. I can also double the microfiber onesfrom flip or thirsties or whatnot. in the gdiaper sling. 

    We used a random selection of diapers. 
    Here are my thoughts on brands 

    Flip covers and thirsties covers are useful and if it wasn’t a heavy pee you can just switch the inside and reuse the cover. Flips are a bit larger and didn’t fit well until about 13lbs. 

    Rumoaroos covers have a double gusset, fit sooner as OS and still fit her at 2T-3T pants size. But they seemed to get peed on faster (on the binding) and I couldn’t use them twice in a row as often but I like them a lot. they also when bought new, lasted the full 2.5 yrs with little wear or stretching. 

    All in ones are great and rarely leaked but they took longer to dry. 

    Pockets. All of the pocket diapers seem to leak sooner than covers. Alva baby is great and cheap and we did have to change her a little more often but they were fine otherwise. We tended to do covers and Liners in town and pockets at home. 

    Fitted/fitted hybrids are awesome once baby can skip diaper changes at night they can hold 12 hrs of pee. We ended up using disposable diapers at night for 6-8m until I discovered fitteds and we bought some used ones ($10-$20) and I loved them. I am hoping to get some small ones and be able to use them at night from the start, anyway we got nighttime covers with Velcro for those and they were fantastic. I’ll go grab some amazon links and make a new post with those. 
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