April 2019 Moms

Week 2 Check In w/o 12/26

Due date: 

Any appointments? Questions? 


How are you feeling? 

GTKY: Do you have any resolutions for the New Year?

Re: Week 2 Check In w/o 12/26

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    Due date: 4/8

    Any appointments? Questions? Next appointment isn't until January 14th when I'll be 28 weeks!! They are going to be testing my iron for sure so I'm working on making sure that gets up, they recommended Hemiplex, anyone have good luck with that supplement?

    Rants/Raves? Rant is that I'm back at work bright and early today and of course I overslept by 30 minutes so it was a rush this morning, plus I work Saturday so that's a downer as well. Not too much in the rave category, just waiting to get done with the holidays

    How are you feeling? Overall pretty good but I've been waking up the last few nights with pain in my throat and having trouble making it go away....I realized this morning that it's heartburn/acid reflux acting up so looks like that lovely symptom has shown up and I need to buy tums for the bedside. I thought I had a few more weeks.

    GTKY: Do you have any resolutions for the New Year? Cliche but working out 3x a week especially with this little one, I need to start doing my prenatal yoga videos again.

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    Due date: April 11

    Any appointments? Questions? 

    Next appointment is January 21st, I will be 28.5 weeks.  


    Rant—how much weight I’m gaining, despite the fact that I’m working out. My whole body is expanding. Trying to be really upbeat and realistic about it, but I worked my ass off to get back in shap after the first 3 kids and this one was a total surprise, so it’s just stressing me out knowing I’ll be doing that all over again.

    How are you feeling? 

    Good. Only issue is that I get really tired and sore in the afternoon/at night.

    GTKY: Do you have any resolutions for the New Year?

    Just to be better about staying in touch and doing things with extended family and friends.

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    @angelob88, if you have any good yoga video recommendations, I would love to hear them!  Boo for going back to work so early.  My DH had to this morning also, it sucks.

    @catherineclaire78, right there with you on the body struggles.  I feel like a balloon and I'm stressing about how much work it'll be to get back into shape with not just one but two kiddos at home this time.  You can definitely do it though, you got this!

    Due date: April 10th

    Any appointments? Questions? End of January for my glucose test/bloodwork/etc at 28 weeks.

    Rants/Raves? Rant: the holidays go by so fast, plus I always have a hard time emotionally and mentally that it's a rough time of year for me.  Rave: my kiddo was adorable with all of his presents, and I'm so thankful to have such a loving family even if we fight like cats and dogs sometimes.

    How are you feeling? Sleeping on my parent's futon has taken a toll on my hip/low back pain this week.  Hoping to get a workout in today and maybe that will shake things out a bit.

    GTKY: Do you have any resolutions for the New Year? I always try to choose a word to focus on for the year, although I haven't thought of one yet for 2019.  I used "humble," before when I was expecting DS1, and I have a feeling I'll need a word like that this year to refocus on when I'm feeling overwhelmed with all the changes and transitions coming up!  Going from a family of three to four is gonna be a big change.

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    Due date: April 13th

    Any appointments? Questions?: No appointments until next Friday, although I did call my doctor's office this morning and request that my glucose test (the one hour) be done the same day as my next regular OB check-up to avoid having to take off more time from work another day. 

    Rants/Raves?: Rant: It's silly, but my dad spent two days annoying me by starting to call our son "Junior". My dad is very excited that we're having a boy (he really wanted a boy and I'm his only kid so obviously that wish fell short) and we know 100% that the baby's middle name will be James (after my dad). So when we announced that we're pretty sure the baby's name will be Theodore (nn Theo), my dad opted to stand out from the rest of the family and start calling the baby Junior. I know he's doing it to annoy me, but I'm also annoyed that it's working. 

    Rave: A number of our friends/family have announced that they are expecting in the last couple months since we announced. I keep joking that we kicked off baby mania and this morning DH said "it's baby boy mania" because we saw two Christmas announcements that two more baby boys will be added to our family and friend groups!!

    How are you feeling?: Exhausted, but loving all the little movements that I'm feeling now. Baby boy is active and I'm convinced that he either doesn't ever rest or thrashes around in his sleep like his mommy. 

    GTKY: Do you have any resolutions for the New Year?: I honestly haven't really thought about it, but I think I want to resolve to cut back on screen time, especially at night after work. 

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    @kangstadt I caved and paid for a membership with beach body on demand for 3 months. I really enjoyed the prenatal series they have on there and didn't find anything free on youtube that compared. My only qualm is that I can't find the time with DD to knock them out, it was easier when I was gone for 12 days because I was bored. I'm bound and determined to do my 30 min work out today after work before I pick her up from daycare.

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    Due date: 

    Any appointments? Questions? 

    28week appt Jan 14 and I have to do my glucose screening before that. Really hoping this time I don’t have to do the 3 hour because my veins always collapse and I get sick from it


    Rants: I’m tired of being sick because it means I have no energy for my other kiddos and I haven’t been able to workout for a month!

    Also I’m super annoyed with my BIL and SIL. They made a huge deal about how they are on a budget this Christmas and not wanting to do family gifts. Meanwhile they’re building a $500,000 house and are leaving tomorrow for a 10 day vacation to Florida. The house and vacay wouldn’t bother me if they weren’t constantly telling me about their “budget” the past two months

    Raves: had an appt on Christmas Eve and thankfully I don’t have SPD yet, just bad pelvic girdle pain. Also baby girl is going great!

    How are you feeling? 

    Blah....hopefully getting over this sinus infection and upper respiratory infection. However the flu reports in my area are super high and therefore turning me into a germaphobe 

    GTKY: Do you have any resolutions for the New Year?

    Less screen time and more quality family time. 

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    Due date: April 11th

    Any appointments? Questions? No appts for the rest of the year but I think it's finally my turn to do the glucose test soon. Im pretty sure that I'll be doing that on the 2nd. 


    Rant - My boyfriend has a serious man cold right now. The same cold I managed to get through twice while pregnant. I swear if I hear him claim he's going to die one more time and hes not peeing on himself from coughing fits or adding heartburn from Satan on top of being sick, then I will kill him myself!

    Rave - I'm getting to housesit for my cousins for a few days. It's a pain having to drive back home to care for my grandma but my cousin's have a HUGE bathtub that my boyfriend and I enjoy taking advantage of. Its the closest I'm gonna get to a babymoon so I'm enjoying it. 

    How are you feeling?

    I'm getting over he tail end of my cold and trying to rejuvenate myself from the holiday festivities. Still have new years to face but thankfully that's one holiday I'm not hosting. Baby girl is growing and making me rounder by the day. 

    GTKY: Do you have any resolutions for the New Year?

    I do. I've struggled with continuing marijuana thru this pregnancy and have plans to be done after the new year. Probably should have made this an fffc But it fits here too. I stopped everything after my positive pregnancy test. No more alcohol, vaping or excess caffeine. I know you ladies probably think I'm horrible but my baby girl has been growing and developing as expected. I know my OB tests for it and had said nothing about it so far. I want her to keep developing well though so I hope I can kick this soon. 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    Due date: 4/14

    Any appointments? Questions? monthly appointment this Friday.

    Rants/Raves? Rant is I wish I didn't have to come back to work already  :( Rave: Glad the holidays are basically over, that much closer to meeting baby!

    How are you feeling? I feel pretty good! Seem to have gotten over the cold from hell...finally. The only thing is my stomach is so large already!!! I don't remember being this big with my previous 2 pregnancies until 30+ weeks.

    GTKY: Do you have any resolutions for the New Year? 

    Yes! I come up with a couple every year and do my best to stick with them. First off, I've noticed how angry I get over the stupidest drama or things that don't even concern me, my first resolution is to stop caring/getting so angry over things that have nothing to do with me or that I cannot control. Basically purge myself of unnecessary drama. 

    Secondly, I want to cut screen time. I already deleted my Facebook a few months ago and its actually been heaven.

    Lastly, I want to try the whole 30 diet after I have baby. I've always wanted to try it and finally feel like I could 100% commit after baby.

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    Due date: April 12

    Any appointments? Questions? Jan 14 for my monthly check up - I'll be doing my glucose test at that time as well (I think I'll be 27 1/2 weeks at that point). I have a question: When do they decide to do a 3 hour glucose test vs 1 hour? I'm not complaining, though, b/c the 3 hour sounds way worse!

    Rants/Raves? Rants: I know this is petty - especially because she's 17 and the only person who's said anything like this thus far - but my step daughter keeps mentioning how big I'm getting. Honestly I'm not very big at all! I know she doesn't mean it in a bad way, and I'm sure she's not around pregnant women very often, but damn, stop telling me I'm getting huge! 

    Raves: The kicking is pretty amazing. Last week when I was in the tub, I finally saw the kicking, too! It felt like right out of an alien movie lol.

    How are you feeling? I don't feel too bad - just tired and I have reflux quite a bit. So much burping. Not too many aches and pains so I'm grateful for that....while knowing it can all change on a dime.

    GTKY: Do you have any resolutions for the New Year? Nope, don't do 'em :) 

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    @rennie1108 generally they decide to do the 3 hour if you fail the one hour. Sometimes if you have many risk factors or have had GD before you skip right to the 3 hour. I failed the 1 hour with my third, but passed the three hour. Fingers crossed this time. 
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    @snowhite12 I’m with you on the Facebook thing. I deleted mine a while ago and it’s so freeing! I don’t miss it at all!

    Due Date: 11-Apr-2018

    Appts/Questions: Not this week! I have my glucose challenge and a regular appt in early Jan. Not looking forward to the glucose challenge. I’m so bad at drinking anything quickly... in particular if it’s gross...

    Rants/Raves: I’m getting really sick of people telling me how big I’m getting. Trust me, I know. On the rave side though, my husband is being so great. He rubs oil on my belly every night, zips up my boots for me, is doing pretty much all the cooking/cleaning. He’s a freakin angel.

    How are you feeling? Honestly, just so big. My torso is REALLY short, so there’s just no room for the baby in there, but yet... she grows... she’s already up in my ribs! Other than that, feeling pretty good!

    GTKY: Mostly, just working to pay off some debt. Also, working on making some headway on my thesis work. I’m on course to finish up by May of 2020, but I’d like to take the time off I’ll get for Mat leave to get some serious work done on it!

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    Due date: 4/8

    Any appointments? Questions? next appt is 1/11. no questions. I so badly wish my state didn't get rid of their midwifery program :( I REALLY don't like the fact that my doctor's solution to everything I mention is a pill of some kind. this isn't a criticism against anyone who takes a pill for whatever ailment they have. but when my maternity care provider asks me how things are going, and I am honest about how it's going, I'm not looking for a solution. I know that most of what I'm going thru is completely normal. I'm just venting. and if I was looking for a solution, I'd prefer something more natural. my midwife during my first pregnancy actually recommended a glass of wine to me after I came in w/ high blood pressure. 

    Rants/Raves? see above

    How are you feeling? see above

    GTKY: Do you have any resolutions for the New Year? to actually wake up when my alarm goes off instead of hitting the snooze 15 times, to be better about meal planning, including breakfast, to stop eating out, to stop throwing out food, and husband & I have a goal to pay off a shit load of debt in preparation for renovating/remodeling our rental. 

    I've thought about deleting my fb from my phone, but I am in a few groups (babywearing, breastfeeding, etc) that I rely on more than keeping up w/ "friends." I also find community events via facebook, so those are the things that keep me from deleting it. :neutral:

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    @batmama31 That sucks about not having the midwifery program. Why did your state get rid of it? Where I live, we have a similar problem, in that the gov only legislated that Midwives were legally allowed to practice a few years ago, but provided absolutely no infrastructure to support it. Now the only midwife program is a "pilot project" in the capital city, so most people in my province aren't able to access it (myself included). 

    That's awesome that you've been able to find some good info groups on FB! I know for me, it just ended up being an excuse to not do things I should be doing! I'm working F/T and in grad school, so when I knew I should be writing, I'd find myself scrolling through FB... it just made sense to get rid of it and lose the procrastination temptation altogether haha!
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    @catherineclaire78 Thank you for the info! Makes sense. I hope we all pass! :smile:
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    @rennie1108 maybe ask your DH to casually mention to her that you shouldn’t comment on the size of pregnant women
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    @blueberrymomma Good idea! I know if I said something she would feel terrible, but DH can handle it way better than me.
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    @kangstadt I’m totally stealing your word idea for 2019! I absolutely love this idea!! I was reflecting on what I want my resolutions to be and I always either completely end up falling flat or creating a negative feeling towards my goals because of what I choose to make as a resolution. So instead, for 2019, I’m going to focus on being more mindful. This will hopefully let me find a more positive relationship with my goals instead of focusing on the negative  (for example, be more mindful of my health vs. lose weight). So thank you! 
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    @jlklec19, you're welcome!  I stole it from a website, I think, and even though it was originally meant as a religious alternative to resolutions, I love the idea as well.  It definitely has popped up in funny ways.  I think I chose "perspective," as my word for 2013, when I found out I was (unexpectedly) pregnant.  It definitely put a lot of things into perspective!

    I may steal your word for myself also, I've spent this year trying to be a more compassionate parent, although I feel like I've fallen short on that.  Perhaps choosing mindful will help me refocus at times I'm losing my cool.
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    Due date: 4/14

    Any appointments? Questions? Had my follow up with mfm doctor, gd test, and 24 week on appt. Baby looked fantastic. I will now be having growth scans every 4 weeks due to my age. Guess I will gets lots of pics of this babe! 

    Rants/Raves? Babies abdomen is a little bigger than last time so they are suspecting GD. I took the one hour test on Wednesday but haven’t heard results. I’m very nervous. 

    How are you feeling? Overwhelmed by possible GD but other than that feel great! 

    GTKY: Do you have any resolutions for the New Year? Bring a healthy baby into this world :smile:

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