July 2019 Moms

Prental vitamins??

Hi I'm 35 and this will be my first child! I was curious to what others take as a prental vitamin.  I started taking NatureMade and it was giving me (not to be gross) diaherrea.  I switched to a gummy because I've been told they are easier on your stomach: vitafusion gummies with folate and dha. However, I do notice it doesnt have iron and calcium.

Re: Prental vitamins??

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    I take the vitafusion gummies as well. Calcium has never been a problem for me, but the iron has and I take an iron supplement to compensate per my OB's instruction. Just a word of caution, if you do have to take an iron supplement I would definitely suggest asking your Dr about a stool softener as well as iron supplements will make you extremely constipated quickly. 
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
  • I take Prenate Chewables (chocolate flavored). They are the only vitamins that don’t make me nauseous
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  • I used to take gummies but I keep being steered away from them by my naturopaths. Now taking Garden of Life once daily prenatal that has iron and methylfolate (regular folic can be harder to break down for some). They are also food based which tends to be easier to digest.  I get my calcium from almond milk and other foods. Make sure to take iron and calcium separate because calcium inhibits iron absorption. 
  • I take Jamieson prenatals. I did with DD too. They work for me:)
  • I too have enjoyed the gummies for their lack of effects on my digestive system. However, I was anemic later in pregnancy and had to take EXTRA iron in addition to switching to a prenatal that had some. Citrus juice (I loved orange/pineapple) is supposed to help when you're taking an iron-containing pill. 

    Good luck!
  • I take the prenatal gummies from Costco. They are delish! My doc told me to take an extra vitamin d as well, not based on anything particular to my history or bloodwork. Have to pick those up, has anyone else been told that? Didn’t have to do that with my other pregnancies!
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  • I’ve been taking Garden of Life gummies for months and like them alright, but I just got a bottle of Upspring prenatal gummies... do NOT like. As soon as this bottle is gone, I’m back to G of L! I can’t do large pills and I have to have folate vs folic acid (MTHFR mutation) so my options are more limited :( 
  • I am taking Garden of Life VitaCode RAW but I have heard good things about the New Chapter ones too. 
    Ritual just came out with a prenatal I want to ask my OB about.
  • I was taking rainbow lite but with my current nausea, i'm on nothing. I think I should look into some gummies.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • edited November 2018
    I'm taking PregVit folic5  which is basically a pink pill before breakfast and then a blue one before dinner . Yum
  • I take smartypants from target
  • No help here as I take NatureMade and haven't had issues, but I am hearing that Ritual may be coming out with a prenatal, kinda hoping as I've been wanting to try them.
  • CVS brand. They go on sale a lot. 
  • My midwife recommended Garden of Life with my first pregnancy and they worked well for me. I had to have a gummy because I developed an intense gag reflex with my last pregnancy and could not swallow pills. Pregnancy is weird.
  • I took NatureMade for my first three babies. This time around I just ordered Thorne, they have methylfolate, which I appreciate as I have the gene that doesn’t break down folic acid well. I looked into Ritual prenatal, but wasn’t impressed with the limited vitamin/mineral content. I’m a pharmacist, for what that’s worth. ;) 
  • @sunshine525 my friend ordered Thorne. She took them for 3 days and dry heaved and had constipation in that short amount of time. Likely due to the iron. We are both nurse practitioners. She went back to the smartypants gummy. I hope thorne works better for you as I was intrigued.
  • I am taking the target brand vitamins with dha and also taking a folic acid supplement.  However  the past week or so I have thrown up every morning so I don't know how much I'm actually getting. I'm going to start taking them at night to see if that helps. If not, I'll be switching to something else. I'm following for suggestions.
  • @Tippy05 I had a lot of nausea with my first pregnancy and switching to taking the prenatals at night made a huge difference!
    DD March 2015
    Baby #2 due April 2017

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  • @sunshine525 my friend ordered Thorne. She took them for 3 days and dry heaved and had constipation in that short amount of time. Likely due to the iron. We are both nurse practitioners. She went back to the smartypants gummy. I hope thorne works better for you as I was intrigued.
    Yikes!! It’s funny how different people react to different things; I bet you’re right on the iron!
  • One a Day here. Always done me well! But I do take them at night for tummy issues.
  • I use the One a Day women prenatal vitamins. It's a dual pack that has folic acid and iron (and way more stuff in it). Comes in a 60 day package and found at basically any store. I used it last time, and it was great. 
  • I use Rainbow Light One a day :) 
  • I also do Rainbow Light 1x day...and the Nordic DHA supplement too. I take them in the morning first thing and haven't had any problems. 
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