May 2019 Moms

Mental Health November


Re: Mental Health November

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    edited November 2018
    @chloe97 I'm in a legal state, so this oil does contain THC (they actually don't sell anything there that is just CBD) but it's a minimal amount compared to the CBD contents. After doing a lot of research, I'm not convinced this is more dangerous than the drugs she wanted to prescribe either. It honestly depends on what you read. I had a hard time finding unbiased research that wasn't telling me one hit off a joint would kill us both. But I was finally able to find unbiased research (I guess maybe there was a little bias toward its use but it was written by a doctor who sincerely wanted more information on it), and I felt much more comfortable with her research. It contained some of what I'd already read and picked apart the research and compared it to other studies. She looked into every single thing they say could be an issue and ended with "do not use in excess, continuously reevaluate why you're using it, it may cause lower birth weight." That was basically the only real risk factor she could find. My mom smoked cigarettes and weed and I was almost 9lbs 😂 but I read into that more too, it reduces weight by .8 of a pound on average. 

    I feel comfortable with this right now, but as the article read suggested, I will continually reevaluate my reason for use and not use it in excess. 
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    @eatinwatermelonseeds ah okay, I wasn't sure if since it is legal where you are and there are medicinal uses if they could help you out with that. So glad you are feeling better!

    @chloe97 I so get the ethical issues of doing studies on pregnant women but I wonder why they don't do more of like, "hey are you taking this or that, and if so will you let us observe what happens?" with an amnesty clause. Or maybe they do and I'm just unaware.

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    @DuchessOfCambridge Yep that is what they do- observational studies, but since it’s really hard to get pregnant women to take drugs that haven’t been studied in pregnancy, it’s hard to get a large enough sample size for all but the most common of drugs- like OTC drugs and SSRIs that have been on the market a long time. It’s a Catch-22.I’m on Zoloft which is one of the most studied drugs in pregnancy and the SSRI my Drs feel most comfortable prescribing, but still class c. With DD, I was on ambien and Trazadone for sleep and also given Ativan a few times for serious crisis panic attacks- that is Class D and I was warned if I took it too often, DD could have cleft palate. 
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    @eatinwatermelonseeds I’m so glad the CBD oil is helping you! I was previously taking it for my anxiety and chronic pain (degenerative discs) until I ran out. It was seriously a life changer for me! I couldn’t believe the difference it made in me. 
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    has anybody read this? Today I have cleaned 2 rooms, showered, done yoga (I've never done this during this pregnancy 😂), I'm thinking I'll read a bit of this and then read another book. 
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    Yay for good days! @chloe97 Can I ask you some questions about trazodone? It's the only medication I take that my OB has had hesitation about. In her opinion, she would have me taper off of it by the 3rd trimester and then use benadryl for a sleep aid. I'm nervous to 'rock the boat' and change any of my meds, especially while pregnant. Have any of your physicians said anything like this to you? After doing my own research, I will most likely stay on the trazodone, but am curious to hear other opinions. 
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    @megstevens92 I can only speak from my own experience, but I took it from when Ambien stopped working for me around 19 weeks until 6 weeks PP when I was finally able to fall asleep on my own again!! It got me 6 hours of sleep a night and I do t remember any side effects. Benedryl and unisom were worthless to me. I even tried the max doses and it did nothing for me. Now it knocks me out. I have no idea why my body was so averse to sleep in that pregnancy. Because in this one, I sleep great and rarely need to use a benedryl.

    I saw a psychiatrist who was an expert in pregnancy and psychiatric drugs, so I 100% trusted her judgement. But in my case, my severe sleep deprivation made me suicidal, so she made the judgement as a risk versus benefit scenario. If you can see a psychiatrist who specializes in pregnancy between now and the 3rd trimester, I would recommend it just for peace of mind. 

    As for DD, she had no birth defects and she’s extremely bright, exceeding milestones and talking in sentences at 16 months. Obviously, there could be issues down the line, but I continue to be amazed she’s doing  okay despite my Class C drug use. I really think it’s more of a crap shoot than we know.
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    @chloe97 thanks for the info. I haven't ever come across anyone who is on it so I appreciated your story! I okayed all my meds with my psychiatrist over the phone, but I think I'll make an appointment to discuss it a little more thoroughly. 
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    @eatinwatermelonseeds I am very interested after reading how great you felt after using only a little bit. I have been wondering for quite a while if it would help my depression and anxiety more than the meds I take daily. Marijuana was just legalized in my state last week so I'm planning on giving it a whirl once baby is born. No mom guilt to you though. It's no different than me taking the Class C drugs I'm taking now....the oil is probably safer actually! 
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    @babynurse1114 it's been 3 days now. I am out of the black hole I fell into and while each day has its own challenges (headaches 😭 vomiting 😭), I don't feel so dark and hopeless. I saw no hope of getting out of that, and I definitely didn't expect it to happen so quickly. I'm not 100% and it's still taking effort, but it's giving me the ability to get up, exercise, take my prenatals, drink enough water. All sounds so basic, but I was completely neglecting myself and all other responsibilities. It wasn't healthy for the baby or me. I'm beyond grateful. I got a call from my doctor's office that she will talk to me on Monday about my med stuff and I'm thinking about telling her I somehow got myself out of this. A little peeved if I hadn't gotten the CBD oil I would still be suffering thinking about dark things for another week. 

    This sounds stupid, but I'm so happy for Thanksgiving and the baby and finding out what we're having and if I'm totally honest, I wasn't just a few days ago. I was dreading having to drive 2 hours and deal with my mil and having to force myself to be happy there and be excited at my ultrasound. I feel genuinely happy now and it's a huge relief. 
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    My neighbors smoke weed every. Single.  Weekend.  It's a wonder I don't get contact and feel as good as you did @eatinwatermelonseeds

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    @expandcontract 😂😂 it's a beautiful life when weed is involved lol. I'm kidding. Well, kind of. I'm not smoking it, and I'm not getting high at all. They're probably way happier than even I am 😂
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    So glad we have this thread. I have been diagnosed with mild depression and had bad PPD when DS was born. I went on 50mg of Sertraline, and it really helped. 1.5 years later I tried to wean off of it, but then I got pregnant. Doctors said it was safe to be on, but I wanted to wean off. Last appointment I scored “mildly depressed” on the mental health survey and they suggested to increase my dose back to 50 mg. I don’t like taking antidepressants, and I am worried about the side effects. However, doctors are more worried about side effects of me being depressed. I don’t have all the answers. Just sending a hug. I didn’t want to be taking medication while pregnant, but this is where I am at right now. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    I've managed to get by with no meds and minimal drops of CBD. Maybe 2 a week? Still have low days, but nothing like it was before I started the CBD. Most of my issues now are because I physically don't feel well. But I have high hopes for after this move. I think being more active will help but I just don't have the time. 
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    @guitarra1614 I’m on 25 mg of Sertraline a day. I know for a fact that I and baby are far better off with me taking these meds than not. I struggle a lot with my anxiety and depression when not on meds and I fear what would happen without them.
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    @eatinwatermelonseeds I don't know if this helps at all, but I have a friend who smoked weed everyday before getting pregnant (and smoked cigarettes, too) . When she got pregnant, she was able to quit smoking, but couldn't give up weed. 
    Although she was high risk for to a severely shortened cervix, her doctor said that he'd rather her smoke 1x/day or less if she was doing ok than the potential issues she would have by going cold turkey. This was a little over 8 years ago. Again, I'm not a doctor, and I'm going by what she told me, but it seems like one of the big concerns is to make sure momma is doing OK.
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    @knarlytaurus thank you for sharing that ♥️ I don't think I could I could bring myself to smoke or take edibles that would make me high. I don't think I could feel good being high while pregnant, but that's a personal preference. The CBD oil has a massively different effect than weed does, it doesn't alter my awareness at all. However, I read an article about a community in the 70s where EVERYONE smoked weed daily, including pregnant women. The doctor who wrote the article sent surveys to see how the now adults who were born with their mothers smoking weed daily were doing. The instances of mental health disorders weren't any higher, many of them had very successful careers, no increased substance abuse. There were hundreds of adults surveyed, as well. It was a very interesting article. 
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