April 2019 Moms

Week 1 Check-in 11/5

Due date/Weeks: 

Any appointments? Questions?


How are you feeling? 

GTKY: Would you rather have free wifi wherever you go or have free coffee where/whenever you want?

Re: Week 1 Check-in 11/5

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    Due date/Weeks: April 5, 18w + 3d

    Any appointments? Questions? Anatomy scan is tomorrow morning - today is the longest day ever!!! 

    Rants/Raves? I'm finally really feeling baby move - baby woke me up at 4am dancing on my bladder this morning. Are ya'll feeling baby?

    How are you feeling? Pretty good but I can no longer eat regular sized meals without being sick. 

    GTKY: Would you rather have free wifi wherever you go or have free coffee where/whenever you want? Free coffee 10000000%

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    Due date/Weeks: 

    Any appointments? Questions?

    I had an anatomy scan today. Little girl was squirmy and healthy with very long legs and arms.


    I am grateful to finally be feeling the full swing of second trimester energy. It is very much appreciated! I can get back to cooking and not gagging at the sight of veggies. Now to start working out again.

    How are you feeling?

    I guess see above. Feeling hopeful! Trucking along!

    GTKY: Would you rather have free wifi wherever you go or have free coffee where/whenever you want?

    Absolutely free wifi. I'm a take it or leave it coffee kind of gal.

    Married: 11/2011
    Sweet Angel Boy born too soon 12/17/17

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    s_montgomerys_montgomery member
    edited November 2018

    @gollygeeitsamy thanks for starting all the weeks updates! I always look forward to these being posted.

    Due date/Weeks: April 2

    Any appointments? Questions? Next appointment is Nov 14th

    Rants/Raves? Last week I thought y'all were just being nice not telling me I was overreacting with the leaking issue (thanks if that was the case) because I didn't notice any more fluid while using the nipple pads over the next few days. Then one morning I noticed I had wet the bed from a breast (so embarrassing). And I've noticed more random leaking in small amounts during the day. I don't self-stimulate or let DH touch so I called my doctor concerned something was wrong. She got back to me immediately and said if I don't look or feel infected then it's likely fine but she will check on it at my next appointment. That was really nice of her.

    How are you feeling? I have felt more pressure in my abdomen from baby. @gollygeeitsamy I have felt baby move multiple times a day every day for about the past week. I didn't expect it so soon but I am loving it. And my craving has changed from tacos to fried chicken with cheese. Not what I want for a healthy pregnancy but hey at least I'm eating something. 🤷‍♀️

    I would rather have free WiFi everywhere because I could benefit from one less bill and I don't often drink coffee. 

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    Due date/Weeks: April 1

    Any appointments? Questions? Going back for round 2 of my anatomy scan since the baby didn't cooperate and we couldn't get all the shots needed. 

    Rants/Raves? People keep asking us if we have a name, and then sharing their opinion on whether or not they like it when we provide the name. Um, I didn't ask for your opinion, you asked me what the name is. Now when folks ask I preface it with "Happy to share but as a heads up we aren't accepting opinions on it at this time."

    How are you feeling? Tired? I started anti-depressants which can make you drowsy so I think that might be it.

    GTKY: Would you rather have free wifi wherever you go or have free coffee where/whenever you want? Wifi all the way! I gave up caffeine a couple years ago (naturally anxious and caffeine makes it worse) so it is an easy choice for me.

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    @happymoni21 I have a fear of baby not cooperating at the next ultrasound bc s/he did not get in the right position at the NT scan! And we weren't given the opportunity to come back and try again.
    I'm glad they are having you come back in and I hope my ob will have me do the same if we run into that issue again.
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    @mighty_montgomery sending you all the good luck vibes for that baby getting into the right position for you on the first try :)
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    Due date/Weeks: 4/2 or 18+6

    Any appointments? Questions? Another week, another progesterone shot. Also I think the anatomy scan and a regular appt.

    Rants/Raves? Ow, shot, ow. Annoyed at DH for choosing to stay up late and be grumpy all day thereby forcing me to take DD to an appt where she tripped, bumped her head on the pavement, and got a lump. Annoyed at DD for being a toddler. Annoyed at me for weight gain. But yay MIL for the crock pot of soup.

    How are you feeling? Apparently annoyed. Also big. And tired.

    GTKY: Would you rather have free wifi wherever you go or have free coffee where/whenever you want?

    WiFi. Our house doesn’t have WiFi in the kitchen or den, and inconsistent in our bedroom. (I do not spend enough time in the laundry room to be grateful for the WiFi there.) consequently, we use way too much data/month. No internet bill and a much reduced cell bill would be awesome.

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    @gollygeeitsamy ps thanks for starting this week! Great GTKY. Not feeling baby much yet - I really need to remember to ask where the placenta is located during this week’s u/s. 

    @BarefootContessa hooray veggies and cooking!

    @mighty_montgomery re leaking: good call to mention to the ob and yay for their responsiveness. I certainly had colostrum in 2nd tri last time and have even had some during my pre-pregnancy days (for 1-2 days, probably near ovulation, a few drops appeared while clearing the nipple pores...if that makes sense. Happened maybe 4 times/lifetime), so I wouldn’t be particularly concerned in general but it does seem excessive when the bed is wet.
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    Due date/Weeks: 4/1, 19w0d

    Any appointments? Questions? Anatomy US tomorrow!

    Rants/Raves? Rant - Irritated that "2nd trimester energy" does not equal "not pregnant energy". It just means I feel better than the first or third trimester. Rave - REALLY loving the baby flip flops that I can now feel multiple times per day. I have an anterior placenta so I thought I wouldn't be able to feel anything for a while!

    How are you feeling? I thought I was feeling better, but then randomly felt really bad yesterday afternoon and had to lay down for a long time. Not nauseous, just a powerful need to lay down... Maybe low blood pressure? It didn't impact my ability to sleep through the night. I'm feeling more normal today.

    GTKY: Would you rather have free wifi wherever you go or have free coffee where/whenever you want?

    Absolutely WiFi. Not even a question. I almost never drink coffee.

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    Due date/Weeks: 4/1, 19 weeks today.  Almost 1/2 way there! 

    Any appointments? Questions? I need to call to schedule my anatomy scan, trying to figure out DH's work travel schedule so that he can be there.  It will be end of this week or next week sometime.   I went to the doctor on Friday, DH couldn't go because of a work emergency, so I brought my mom.  She got to hear the heartbeat.  Our little meatball is doing great.  Hoping I start to feel him move around soon! 

    Rants/Raves?  Rants: this gestational diabetes thing sucks.  I feel like I'm constantly eating or testing my blood- I'm sure I eat more carbs now than I did before the diagnosis.  I am are supposed to eat x amount of carbs every 2-3 hours.  Well, sometimes I'm not hungry when I'm supposed to eat.  And then there are times that I'm freaking STARVING and I've already eaten, and it's not anywhere close to time to eat again.  My sugars have not been consistent, I'm still high sometimes.  So, I don't know if I'm eating too many carbs, or if I just haven't figured out what my body can tolerate?  Uggh, I hate this!  

    How are you feeling? So, other than the diabetes thing, I feel great.  Occasionally I want to nap, and my boobs are still sore, but other than that, I'm good. 

    GTKY: Would you rather have free wifi wherever you go or have free coffee where/whenever you want?  Free wifi- I despise coffee.  The smell makes me gag, even not pregnant.  DH drinks several cups of coffee a day, and I won't kiss him if he's drinking coffee.  

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    Due date/Weeks: April 7, 18 weeks+3 days

    Any appointments? Questions? Have the anatomy scan on Saturday

    Rants/Raves? Feeling generally great and feeling a few light kicks here and there. I do think pregnancy brain has officially kicked in--have definitely said my fair share of nonsensical things with my classmates. Have also been more snappy/cranky but not bad. Also my mom bought me a bunch of maternity clothes I desperately needed this week, which was super nice

    How are you feeling? See above :smile:

    GTKY: Would you rather have free wifi wherever you go or have free coffee where/whenever you want? Free coffee, except when I'm pregnant, then free wifi. All my classmates at the lab poured themselves a cup of amazing-smelling coffee and well...I went for a hot chocolate.

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    I'm the only coffee drinker in this week so far  :D Our anatomy scan went great yesterday, baby is almost 1 lb! And we are super excited that it's a boy!

    @happymoni21 I like your response to the name thing, we didn't really have that with DD but I have a feeling we will once we decide on this baby. I already have people giving me opinions and we don't even have a name picked out at all. 

    @loveanddatadriven Amen. I wish 2nd tri energy meant pre-pregnancy as well.  Sure, I don't feel like laying on the couch 24/7 anymore but I don't exactly feel like doing all. the. things. like I normally do.  I've already told family I'm not hosting Christmas this year. 
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    Due date/Weeks: 19w1day

    Any appointments? Questions? Next appt is anatomy scan on Tue 13th... pretty excited!

    Rants/Raves? Sorry if this is tmi but I have had notable leakage- not from my breasts but from my bladder... it started a couple of weeks ago and seems to be getting worse.. basically if I sneeze or laugh too hard I pee a little bit... my husband thinks it is hilarious. I do not. Working on pelvic floor exercises to see if that will help, but they are not much fun to do. 

    How are you feeling? I’m with you guys that  more energetic but def not 100%. My sons school auction took place on Saturday and I left pretty early. And last night had invited to some election parties but decided to watch returns at home in my PJs instead. Def not feeling like my usual sociable self.

    GTKY: Would you rather have free wifi wherever you go or have free coffee where/whenever you want? If it’s really good quality coffee then I’d take that.

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    @laurainoakland That is super common and thank you for reminding me to rededicate to doing my Kegels. There's good evidence that pelvic floor exercises help substantially!

    Also, are you in Oakland, California? If you are, stay out of the smoke from the Chico wildfire! It's pretty choking and I'm even farther south than you.
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    @loveanddatadriven Thanks- yeah the smoke is horrible. My son has asthma and has been affected. We just got back from a long weekend in Yosemite (to celebrate my birthday!) where the air was much clearer. So escaped it for a few days but back to smoke today... I’m mainly staying indoors. Feel so badly
    for all the people affected more directly though. 
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