July 2019 Moms

Symptoms of the Week- 11/5


Re: Symptoms of the Week- 11/5

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    @literatureandink @mamanbebe Mine are too. *Embarrassing*  We have a big pitbull/bulldog mix who is King of Flatulence in our house .... last night I let several rip and DH hollered at the dog thinking it was him. The shame of having to admit "Ohhhh..... that was actually me." You should've seen the look on his face! 

    <3 Boden Gray 8-13-16
    <3 BB Girl Expected 7-10-19 

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    @mamahmh2 I’m glad I’m not the only one!!! 😆 
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    @mamahmh2 fingers crossed your spotting ends already! It’s so hard  keep checking, right?? Bring on the other symptoms I’ll take those over here! I go back for my next ultrasound on nov 26 and I am praying for smooth sailing til then for all of us!
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    My symptoms have been realllllly subtle this week so far, and I feel kinda worried by that, like “maybe it’s in my head and I’m actually not pregnant” even though pregnancy test and doc confirmed it over a week ago. 😿
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    Definite moodiness over here. Easy to get irritated. Nausea in the evenings the past few nights and around lunch time today. I think it’s when I need to eat but instead of feeling hungry I just feel sick. Goes away after eating. So weird. Was having some light cramping but that’s mostly subsided now. 
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    I am literally a helium balloon it's disgusting! Definitely lots of bloat and weird dreams too, last night was that my SIL, who is also pregnant, had the baby and it was a poodle. However, no one was saying omg she had a poodle - everyone was acting like nothing was wrong and I was dying on the inside to scream you gave birth to a poodle!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Nausea in the evenings has been intense. Yesterday the smell of browning meat and cumin really got to me, felt like my throat was closing on me lol. Other than that I’m a little bloated and mostly exhausted. Sometimes the fact that I don’t feel bad makes me worry
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    @gbud630 i'm dying laughin at your dream. that's hilarious!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Another here on major moodiness. I even cried this week at work, but was certain I wasn't pregnant because I didn't have any of the symptoms I had with my first pregnancy - no sore boobs, no funny tastes. The only other thing I could possibly contribute is that I'm constipated and tired, but we're also traveling atm, so no idea if that's due to the baby or not.
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    The nausea has started... blah
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    @asupernovablizzardstorm me too! I made it through my entire first pregnancy without it. I’m 4+5 today and threw up on the way to work today. Hoping it doesn’t become a common occurrence. 
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    Helloo lightheadedness and exhaustion. I probably took 100 steps today, I have no excuse. 
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    Today is 4+4 and so far this week it's been nausea in the morning and acid reflux after I eat. Plus peeing all the time and spotting but that's about it. Lol
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    Waking in the night to pee, very weird dreams. insane night sweats - this part feels different then my first pregnancy !
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    @anomasqrl I totally had weird dreams last night and woke up a few times to pee lol
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    I’m still breastfeeding my 9 month old, and holy hell the nips are sore! DD doesn’t even have teeth yet! My supply has definitely decreased since conceiving. I went from 8-10oz a day pumping to 2-4oz per day... I’m super sad my breastfeeding journey is coming to an end with DD. 
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    Is anyone else having cramping?? It’s so disconcerting to me because it feels similar to period cramping. :/ I’m 6 weeks, cramping, and some brown discharge (old blood from implantation?). Intellectually I know it’s common, but still concerned! 
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    nolemomma14nolemomma14 member
    edited November 2018
    @zaraanity I’ve had on and off cramping for about a week now. It always makes me anxious, even though I know some cramping is normal. When I feel crampy, I try and up my water intake that often helps. These first few weeks are so difficult. Hope your cramps subside!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    edited November 2018
    *Tmi ahead*
    So I've been having spotting since my period was supposed to be due on weds 11/7 but never anything serious. I've been testing on cheapies to track and they have gotten darker and now it's kinda stayed the same.
    I feel like I'm in a weird limbo cuz I worry it's a CP (I'm 5 weeks tomorrow) but the bleeding is only when I wipe and will be more noticeable after I do a #2. 
    Last night I had some clots come out but no ute cramping.
    This mornings test looks the same as yesterdays mornings, i feel a little nauseous and hungry as hell so I honestly have no idea what's going on. 
    Nothing happening currently besides very little amount of brown.
    DH wants us to continue to test and wait it out before we callthe doctor since it's not mc like bleeding (I've had a mc in may and a cp in august)
    Hoping it's just unrelated bleeding :(
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    @randomshoe I'm sorry you're experiencing that <3 I hope you find some answers soon and that everything is ok. 
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    I am 6weeks1day and do not really have any symptoms besides fatigue. Makes me slightly nervous but see the dr tomorrow for an ultrasound and blood work
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    nopegoatnopegoat member
    edited November 2018
    @randomshoe maybe SCH? I'm so sorry you are going through this. I hope everything is OK and you have answers soon! ❤️

    ETA @mom2b77373 keep us updated on your appt tomorrow  ❤️ 
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
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    @randomshoe I’ve done a lot of reading online about this because I’ve had some red spotting after BM too, and from what I’m reading, a lot of women spot and bleed during the first trimester and it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Apparently it’s fairly normal, especially if you are not having cramping associated and you are still noticing other symptoms. I hope this brings some comfort... I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you! 

    <3 Boden Gray 8-13-16
    <3 BB Girl Expected 7-10-19 

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    I had HG horribly with my first pregnancy (like I’d throw up between 12-20 times a day, every day starting at week 9 or so and it even continued through labor) 
    and I just threw up for the first time with this one today. I’m trying to embrace that this is a positive sign of symptoms increasing.... but I’m also sooooo dreading getting so sick again! 

    <3 Boden Gray 8-13-16
    <3 BB Girl Expected 7-10-19 

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    @randomshoe @mamahmh2 I also had some spotting too. I think I bumped my cervix with progesterone suppositories and ended up with pink spotting and weird red gritty residue this morning.  
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    @mamanbebe I think it definitely has to do with a sensitive cervix from what I’ve been reading. At least that’s what I’m telling myself ;) 

    <3 Boden Gray 8-13-16
    <3 BB Girl Expected 7-10-19 

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    @randomshoe maybe you could go in to get bloodwork done to see where your HCG levels are to help ease your mind? But if the lines on your tests are the same color or getting darker thats a good sign ;) Sorry you're stressing mama XOXO
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    Sore boobs on and off, a little more tired than normal (definitely going to bed earlier and napping a lot), and light cramping throughout the day. The worst thing for me right now is that I am RAVENOUS at night. I try drinking a TON of water to make sure I'm not just dehydrated but I still just feel this burning pit of hunger in my stomach lol!
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    I got hit with symptoms at week 3. Sore breasts, constipation, cramping and off and on nausea! Haha nothing like just starting early:)
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    I need to rant for a minute about waking up in the middle of the night to pee - yeah, the sleep interruption is no fun, but having a full bladder HURTS. Even after I'm done peeing, I have to lay in bed for a few minutes and take deep breaths until the pain goes away.  :'(
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    My mum called me today and was asking about my symptoms, I said I wasn't feeling anything today but a bit of nausea. She said that's good you are feeling nausea because it means your hormones are high in your body and your pregnancy is more secure :/ now I'm paranoid that Im not really feeling symptoms.. help
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    I'm on the cusp of real nausea right now. Everything sounds sickening except simple carbs and tomato based things, neither of which I should eat. Constipation is terrible, but I knew this was coming. I woke up at 1:30am and couldn't go back to sleep so I moved to the couch and tossed and turned the rest of the night, dreaming of BEING Andy Samberg looking for Garry Shandling. WT actual F. 
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    @thebabynumberone that’s exactly how I’m feeling! I’m only 5 weeks but I have no symptoms. I had symptoms before my postitive test with my last two boys. I don’t have an appt until December 13. My friend said she had all the symptoms with her boy but none with her little girl. So I’m hoping it’s jusg a different pregnancy 
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    @bartonolivia I'm 5 weeks and 3 days, I felt some earlier in the week but not like crazy strong or anything like a lot of people on here that are struggling with food etc. 

    My appointment is this Friday, but just with my family doctor to tell him I'm pregnant and then we will go from there. Because I had an early MC last year I'm hoping he may let me go for an early ultrasound so we can just make sure everything is ok.
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    Can I just say that exhausted as I am, I’m loving this excuse for an 8:30 bedtime 😎
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    I’m so tired. First trimester with a toddler is for the birds. 
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    @randomshoe I second the suggestion to get betas done. If you’ve had a prior loss your OB should be more than willing to do them.  That being said, HPT lines will eventually stop getting darker, and not everyone will see lines that are darker than the control line. You’ll drive yourself crazy analyzing those lines, getting betas will at least tell you what’s going on either way. 
    Me: 35  H: 35
    Married: 4/5/13

    "You know that place between sleep and awake, 
    that place where you can still remember dreaming?
    That's where I will always love you.  
    That's where I'll be waiting."
    ~Peter Pan 

    BFP #1: 11/12/12  EDD 7/25/13 Baby boy: 7/27/13
    BFP #2: 10/29/17   MMC dx @ 9 weeks
    BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
    BFP #4: 3/2/18  MC 3/9/18
    RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
    BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl  :'(
    Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28
    BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19  <3  Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19 
    BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022 
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