April 2019 Moms

Week 3 Check in W/O 10/29

1. How far along are you this week?

2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week?

3. Questions for the group?

4. Any fun Halloween plans this week?

Re: Week 3 Check in W/O 10/29

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    1. How far along are you this week? 16w

    2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week? I'm already feeling kind of large and uncomfortable and it's just the beginning of belly growth. I know I will be laughing at myself for this in about 20w.

    3. Questions for the group? Anyone feeling movement yet?

    4. Any fun Halloween plans this week? I like to stay in on Halloween. We took DD trick or treating on Friday, and we usually spend Halloween passing out candy and watching Halloween-y things all cuddled up.
    BabyFetus Ticker image
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    1. How far along are you this week? 16 weeks

    2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week? Indigestion is the pits. But I think I'm mainly done with nausea and I seem to have a LITTLE more energy this week!

    3. Questions for the group? Nah. 

    4. Any fun Halloween plans this week? Taking DS to BILs house so he can ToT with his cousins. I'll sit and pass out candy with some hot cider.

    @wildcosmiclove - NO and I'm so bummed. I want to so bad. But I'm pretty sure I have anterior placenta again so it probably won't be for another month or so. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    sheknows6sheknows6 member
    edited October 2018
    1. How far along are you this week? 15 + 4

    2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week? ditto to you both @wildcosmiclove & @mrdcle ; I feel huge and uncomfortable already, but at least I seem to be done puking every five minutes. I got on a Pepcid prescription for the heartburn, it was too much. I think I've been feeling movement for a week now, but it could be random muscle spasms, or gas that I somehow incorrectly identified, etc. Who knows, and I'm a FTM with a supposed anterior placenta. *shrug*

    3. Questions for the group? Nope

    4. Any fun Halloween plans this week? I bought candy to give out to trick or treaters but I think my neighborhood is doing a trunk or treat this year. I don't have the details on it and I'm not planning on going since it's a work night for me. Kinda bummed but hoping I'll still get some door-knockers; we live in a pretty big neighborhood so I'd hope I didn't buy all this candy for nothing!

    Me: 32 / DH: 33
    DD born: 3/31/19


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    1. How far along are you this week? 15 + 4 today

    2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week? None really.  My energy is slowly coming back as is my tolerance for food... so no complaints!

    3. Questions for the group? None today!

    4. Any fun Halloween plans this week? My daughter's day care is doing a whole trunk or treat event.  I'm taking a half day to be class mom, which means helping all the infants get in their costumes and just go around to look at the cars.  I'm inordinately excited about it!

    @wildcosmiclove I think I have been feeling some movement in the last week or so!  It's subtle and sporadic (like, once every few days), but I'm pretty sure it's this LO swimming around in there.  This is about a month earlier than I really started to feel my daughter, so I'm excited!
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    @wildcosmiclove I think I did at my last OB appointment, but it was only when the NP was smooshing the doppler wand down directly on my uterus. I felt LO scoot out of the way, lol. I also heard the movement on the doppler and suddenly she lost the heartbeat that we were listening to.

    1. How far along are you this week?

    2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week? I am super bummed that none of my previous maternity clothes fit. I guess they lasted for two pregnancies and are pretty worn but now I have to get a whole new wardrobe for my final pregnancy. Kind of seems like a waste. I'm pretty much switched over to exclusively maternity now and my wardrobe is pretty limited. Time to go shopping, I guess.

    3. Questions for the group? None right now.

    4. Any fun Halloween plans this week? We will take the kiddos ToT-ing around the neighborhood. I will probably cut out early and let DH take them the rest of the night. Not like they need any more candy though. We went to "Boo at the Zoo" on Friday and DS's birthday was last night. We are well stocked on candy at the moment!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    1. How far along are you this week? 15w1d

    2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week? Happy for renewed energy, even went to a club on Saturday (though did have to leave at 11pm since my legs were killing me). And cleaning out closets. Still very little progress on the home improvements though.

    3. Questions for the group? Anyone else experiencing body image issues over their new large and uncomfortable selves? I've never become a whole new shape before. None of my pants fit anymore, so I'm wearing my mom's which are too long and a little baggy so I roll the bottoms up and look like a teenage boy. My new bras that I just bought last month don't fit. Tell me I'm not the only one with weird feelings about their new shape.

    4. Any fun Halloween plans this week? The club had Halloween night with a costume contest, all kind of lame but sweet and we had a good time dancing (or as in my case, some dancing, some standing around being jealous of everyone else's ability to drink alcohol). Other than that, we'll be staying home, working, watching TV, and handing out candy to our 4 trick-or-treaters.

    @wildcosmiclove Yes! The movement kind of surprised me. First time was at 13w, next at 13.5w. But nothing since then. It was in the mornings when I'd stayed in bed, a little kick at the left side. 
    Me: 29 DW: 44
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    @eli_belle I had a similar experience with the Doppler and LO bumping it and moving away, haha. 

    I *think* I'm feeling some movement. Little squirms and pokes in there every now & then. It's definitely not a regular thing, maybe a handful of times over the past week.
    BabyFetus Ticker image
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    1. How far along are you this week? 16 weeks today :-)

    2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week? Nothing to report

    3. Questions for the group?STM- did you find it easier going from 1-2 kids rather than 0-1? A bit worried about the transition.  They will be 22 months apart.

    4. Any fun Halloween plans this week?trunk or treat with our local mom group tomorrow, dr appt on Wednesday morning, trick or treating in the afternoon and a playdate thursday.  Busy week!
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    1. How far along are you this week? 15+4

    2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week? I’m such a giant pregnant person. I promise I look the same as all my friends do at 40 weeks when I’m 15 weeks. I don’t really mind except that I have so much extra skin and belly that doesn’t go away like theirs does post partum. Crazy cause I was such a tiny person before kids  :'(
    On a happy note, I had my elective ultrasound last week and we are having our 3rd girl!!! House full of ladies and I’m so excited. It was a really fun experience as usual.

    3. Questions for the group? Nope

    4. Any fun Halloween plans this week? Trick or treating with friends. We did most of the other Halloween celebrations this past weekend.

    @wildcosmiclove I’ve been feeling movement since 12 weeks. DH was actually able to feel it the same time I did at first. Which is crazy cause every other time it took him forever to feel. This is my 3rd baby though. It’s like popcorn in my belly before bed usually lol.
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    1. How far along are you this week?
    15w 2d

    2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week?
    Had gender ultrasound today, it’s a BOY! We are so excited and blessed to have one of each. Also, still feeling nauseous what the heck! ☹️

    3. Questions for the group?
    Did you have your AS today?! 

    4. Any fun Halloween plans this week?
    The weather is super nice today, so we may do Boo at the zoo tonight. Otherwise, nope just handing out candy. 
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    1. How far along are you this week? 16w

    2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week? I haven’t felt baby move anymore but I’m not freaking out yet because 16w is still early to feel movement. I’m starting to get nauseous again which is really irritating especially since the migraines haven’t gone away. 

    3. Questions for the group?
    anyone a scientist that can figure out a way men can carry babies? I’m down for a 50/50 split. I’ll take the last twenty weeks and he can have the first 20. 

    4. Any fun Halloween plans this week? Just taking DD trick or treating. 
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    @lbush109 I found that 1-2 almost killed me. I think it depends on your kids though. My first was super easy and a great sleeper. My second was a terrible sleeper and woke every 2 hours for months and months. And months. I didn’t think I was going to survive in the beginning but here I am! Mine are 17 months apart. My youngest just started sleeping through the night (with a little sleep training) 3 months ago when she turned 1
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    @sheepshepherdess I’m having horrible body image issues. Mostly about my breasts. I’ve always been harassed for having large boobs so 2 years ago I had a reduction and then got my nipples pierced this year. I fell in love with my chest for the first time in my life. I ended up having to take the barbels out recently because they were irritating me and my boobs have gone back to the pre surgery size. I hate looking at myself in the mirror. It doesn’t help that nearly everyone has started making comments about my chest again. I knew they would grow but I didn’t think they would basically erase the surgery. 
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    @harveyisaboysname I'm so with you there. I've always been teased etc for having large boobs, somehow managed to embrace them a few years ago after getting my nipples pierced. But the piercings didn't heal after a year, so I took them out and have been pretty uncomfortable with my boobs ever since. They are shaped weird with odd colorings as well. And now they are almost as big as balloons. I'm so sorry your reduction has essentially been cancelled out by this pregnancy, that's really frustrating. What kind of expense and recovery time was the surgery?
    Me: 29 DW: 44
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    @sheepshepherdess it only cost me $100 because my insurance covered it. I guess I fit the criteria. Recovery was absolute hell. It only took two weeks but I was on oxy the whole time from the pain. Definitely not something I could ever go through again. I had to rely on DH for basically everything because the sight of my own blood makes me pass out. 
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    @harveyisaboysname Let’s be real, I don’t think men could handle pregnancy! They can barely handle a cold! LOL
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    @harveyisaboysname I can definitely understand why you wouldn't want to go through that again! Makes me wary about it too, I can't even take oxy as it makes me barf. But it's definitely on my radar as an option. 
    Me: 29 DW: 44
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    @wildcosmiclove yes! I can’t wait to laugh at myself in a few months that i thought this was huge! @sheepshepherdess yeah... after so many years obsessing over and hating my stomach, it’s hard to celebrate my growing belly

    1. How far along are you this week? 15 + 6

    2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week? Woke up in the middle of the night with a mouth full of stomach acid. That was new and unpleasant. Hoping it was last night’s dinner, and not a common occurrence. 

    3. Questions for the group? Nope

    4. Any fun Halloween plans this week? Bought some candy so I hope we get a few trick or treaters 
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    1. How far along are you this week? 15+3

    2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week? I woke up yesterday with a pinched nerve in my neck. Luckily, I can at least move my neck today. 

    3. Questions for the group? TMI question: Anyone else experiencing an increase in discharge already? I remember this happening in third tri with my first but not this early! 

    4. Any fun Halloween plans this week? ToT with DD to like, 5 houses and then passing out candy. 
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    @mrstmoose SO. MUCH. DISCHARGE. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @mrstmoose @MRDCle took the words right out of my mouth!  It is ASTOUNDING.  And disturbing.  And scary - it's been happening since really early on for me, and there were times I assumed I was bleeding (before I could get to the bathroom).  I'm mostly used to it by now, but dear God, there are still some days it's outrageous.
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    @mrstmoose UGH. YES. So much discharge since pretty much the day I got a positive test. SO MUCH.
    BabyFetus Ticker image
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    @ashtuesday yeeeees. Ever since my bleeding scare any time I feel less than dry I'm like, on high alert.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    1. How far along are you this week? 15w 4d

    2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week? I’m wearing my first maternity dress of the pregnancy and feeling a bit self conscious about it. 

    3. Questions for the group? Nope

    4. Any fun Halloween plans this week?
    trunk or treating at my husband’s work tonight - we weren’t planning to go, but it’s supposed to rain and we want to make sure the 4 year old gets plenty of Halloween fun. And tomorrow trick or treating with friends, assuming the weather holds... we will see

    @wildcosmiclove yes to movement! I started feeling a few little bubbles about a week ago, and now it’s getting distinct and more frequent. I’m 15 weeks and 4 days. I felt movement really early with my first too though, so I knew what to look for. 

    @mrstmoose ugh yes. The discharge situation is so gross. 

    @sheepshepherdess I have major body image issues at the moment, and I did with my first during this same phase of pregnancy. I didn’t mind later in pregnancy when my belly was huge - because then I really looked pregnant. It’s this small bump stage that I hate the most because clothes don’t fit properly and I constantly feel uncomfortable and aware of my shape - aware that people are wondering if I’m pregnant or just have a belly, that kind of thing. I’m not sure if it will get better for you, but at least for me, I feel more confident once I look more visibly pregnant. 
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    So my appointment didn’t go as planned. I’m being sent to a neurologist for my migraines since I don’t have a history of them and I haven’t changed caffeine consumption. They have basically been constant for the last two weeks. 
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    @professormama Thank you, that explanation was so perfect. I've always been bigger, but never fat. Suddenly over a few months I've gained so much weight. I'm really thinking I'll feel better when more folks know for sure that I'm pregnant. Here's hoping.

    @harveyisaboysname That's so scary, I really hope the neurologist can tell you what's going on. It also doesn't sound like fun to have constant migraines.
    Me: 29 DW: 44
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    @harveyisaboysname please keep us updated. Do you know when the appointment is?
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    @harveyisaboysname That sounds really scary.  Fingers crossed the neurologist gives you answers and an easy fix.  Keep us posted!
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    Keep us posted @harveyisaboysname. Thinking of you!
    BabyFetus Ticker image
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    +1, keep us posted @harveyisaboysname!

    Me: 32 / DH: 33
    DD born: 3/31/19


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    @harveyisaboysname I hope everything turns out okay!

    @wildcosmiclove yup I started feeling movement at 13w which shocked me because with my DD I had an anterior placenta and didn't feel anything until 22w

    @sheepshepherdess ugh yes u feel so big and ugly and awkward
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    1. How far along are you this week? 15w6d

    2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week?
    I hate feeling exhausted all the time. There is so much to do and get done, not to mention trying to keep up with my 4yo.

    3. Questions for the group?
    Anyone dealing with hormonal rage? I'm not an angry person but I feel so angry all the time lately

    4. Any fun Halloween plans this week?
    Just trck or treating. Halloween is not a big deal to me
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    1. How far along are you this week? 16 weeks today. 

    2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week? MorningAll-day sickness has returned, and it's worse than it was during the first trimester. I had a few weeks of feeling normal, but I've been nauseous for a week straight now. :(

    3. Questions for the group? I don't know what to ask at this point. 

    4. Any fun Halloween plans this week? DD's daycare class had a trick or treating trip to a local extended care home and she woke up at 4:30 am because she was SO EXCITED to dress up. Then last night we went trick or treating down our street and came back to hand out candy. No other plans. But now that November is here I can't wait to start decorating for Christmas. 

    @booksandlace Yes to the hormonal rage. I've always been a pretty chill, laid back person but lately I can't keep my cool and have zero tolerance for stupidity. 
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    1. How far along are you this week? 15w 4d

    2. Pregnancy-related AW/vents/randoms for this week?
    Just trying to figure out parental leave plans this week. Since we work in different countries (Sweden and Denmark) + the fact that we're having twins it's a bit tricky how the days will get split etc, but it does seem like we will get to stay home together for the fist bit which will be a relief (not sure how to manage breastfeeding two babies without having someone there to help me).

    3. Questions for the group?
    Nothing specific at the moment. 

    4. Any fun Halloween plans this week?
    We made a pumpkin themed pregnancy reveal yesterday, and it's fun to get everyone's commments!
    We wrote: "Trick or treat? I guess we'll find out in April!"  and posted a photo of us as two large carved pumpkins and the babies as two screaming carved persimmons. 

    @sheepshepherdess I also find this new shape of mine quite weird. I would love to have more of a round belly, but it feels like I'm growing sideways instead  :( I had also just managed to loose some weight before getting pregnant, so it feels like three steps backwards again. Hoping I will look more obiously pregnant soon! 
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    @honey_suckle I'm definitely going out wider than I'd like, but currently the boys are laying side by side, one on my left and one on my right. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @MRDCle yeah, maybe that's why! I won't be able to know until we have our next US on the 27th though...  :/ patience is not my strong side lol. Pregnancy is so much waiting, I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas! 
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