April 2019 Moms

Week 1 Check In w/o 10/22

This is for those due 4/1-4/7!

Due date/Weeks: 

Any appointments? Questions?


How are you feeling? 

GTKY: What’s something you miss from pre-pregnancy/kids?

Re: Week 1 Check In w/o 10/22

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    Due date/Weeks: 4/2 or 16+6

    Any appointments? Questions? U/s this week to measure cervical length. I think my progesterone shots are trying to be delivered, so hopefully one of those too. The joys of high risk intervention!


    Neither: DH suggested we have a third kid this morning. I laughed. We are not past the possibility of serious NICU time again (major stressor on our relationship) but okay, let’s look two years in the future :smiley:

    How are you feeling? Stretched out (stomach) and exhausted. Nipples are sore. Mostly just really really want a nap. 

    GTKY: What’s something you miss from pre-pregnancy/kids?

    Any measurable stretch of time to work/volunteer/organize without arranging childcare (even if just with DH running interference as I make a mess in order to clean it up).

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    This is for those due 4/1-4/7!

    Due date/Weeks: 4/7

    Any appointments? Questions? Next appointment is mid November

    Rants/Raves? I feel bad for H, as I have been extremely moody lately, but also.. don't really feel that bad for him cause he just ticks me off so bad! I'm trying really hard to control my emotions, it just don't work super well.. 

    How are you feeling? Better! Still suuuper tired but no nausea so thats a win. Lots of gas and constipation which is fabulous.

    GTKY: What’s something you miss from pre-pregnancy/kids? sleep.. not having any responsibilities except for me and H.. Just the free-ness of it all. But I wouldn't trade being a Mom-bie for anything :)

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    Due date/Weeks:  4/1/19, 17 weeks today 

    Any appointments? Questions? Next appt is 11/2, just a heartbeat check.  2 weeks later I’ll have my anatomy scan. 

    Rants/Raves? Not really anything to rant or rave about 

    How are you feeling? Pretty good, still tired at times, boobs still sore.  Other than that, no symptoms, haven’t felt the meatball move, and not showing yet thanks to being so overweight.  

    GTKY: What’s something you miss from pre-pregnancy/kids? Margaritas! 

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    Due April 2, 17 weeks

    Last appointment: Oct. 17 (16 weeks)

    Next Appointment: Nov 14 (20 weeks)

    Finding out the sex: Dec 8

    Rant: At my 12 week appointment, I was told to stop taking my thyroid medication and I had bloodwork done to see where my thyroid level was at. Pre-pregnancy, I was on medication to get it low enough to conceive. At my 16 week appointment the doctor said my thyroid level was too high and I was told very concerning problems that high thyroid levels could cause for me and the baby. I asked the doctor if there was anything I could do to lower my TSH, such as changing my diet and excercise, and she said No, it just is what it is. Finished the appointment with the glucola test and bloodwork to double check my thyroid. Two days later I got the results: glucola test came out great and my thyroid level is better than it's ever been and I was again told I don't need to continue taking levothyroxine. 🤷‍♀️

    I feel hungry all the time.

    What’s something you miss from pre-pregnancy? How great our marriage was before we found out. Pregnancy has added stress to our relationship but we can hardly wait for Baby to arrive!

    Random: The nickname we gave our baby at 8 weeks is Poptart. We'll use baby's real name once we know the sex.

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    Due date/Weeks: April 1, 2018

    Any appointments? Questions? Seeing my midwife on Friday, anatomy scan booked for next Monday. Fingers crossed my high AFP levels were a false positive and there are no neural tube defects/placenta issues.

    Rants/Raves? I made homemade tomato and roasted red pepper soup this weekend and have been eating it every night with grilled cheese and pickles. I think it is the best decision I have made in a long time.

    @lyse01 This is our first and my hubs keeps already talking about number 2 and I am like "Whoa there buddy. Let's get this out and surviving before you sign me up for number 2." I secretly have been thinking a lot that I might be one and done.  

    How are you feeling? Meh. The nausea and fatigue are much better so that is a win. The hemorrhoids and never-ending yeast infection aren't my favorite. 

    GTKY: What’s something you miss from pre-pregnancy/kids? A dirty gin martini and oysters!

    Sidenote: Someone tried to tell me I should treat myself and just have the martini and oysters. I am pretty relaxed with food stuff, have had some sip of wine here and there, and am planning a small glass on wine at Xmas. However,  even I think having hard liquor and raw oysters is really pushing it for a pregnant lady. I am more than happy to wait until after the baby is here to indulge in those.

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    @happymoni21 I had raw oysters at 8 weeks ish. Yummmmmmm. But I knew exactly where they came from (my family’s oyster farm a quarter of a mile from the party) and was confident I’d be fine. Also, I think we’re on track for 4 kids if we can get them out safely. It was just quite the flip from the fear of a 2nd after the 1st spent so much time in the NICU.

    @mighty_montgomery I love Poptart. And i feel for you with all the conflicting interpretations of labs!
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    happymoni21happymoni21 member
    edited October 2018
    @lyse01See I am in a major urban, land locked city, so any oysters come from far away and while there are plenty of reputable distributors/restaurants, there are so many steps between me and the oysters that I don't feel comfortable. If I had access to a familial oyster farm I would make the exception for that too! Does your family want to adopt another pregnant lady who loves oysters? ;)

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    @happymoni21 my family adopts a lot of people, formally and informally. Come on over to the sea!
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    Progesterone shot delivered and administered. BALLS, this hurts. 
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    @lyse01 I am so sorry they hurt, but I hope they help.

    Due date/Weeks: 4/2/19, 17 weeks!

    Any appointments? Questions? Nothing until 11/5.

    Rants/Raves? DH and I had a much needed date night on Saturday night. I've been feeling extremely disconnected from him lately and it was so great to have uninterrupted conversation and quality time together.

    How are you feeling? I am FINALLY feeling like a normal (pregnant) human. It's refreshing.

    GTKY: What’s something you miss from pre-pregnancy/kids? Sleep. The ability to work out after work without having to worry about childcare.

    Married: 11/2011
    Sweet Angel Boy born too soon 12/17/17

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    @mighty_montgomery That's such a strange story regarding your TSH...but for your peace of mind, it's most pressing to have your TSH at a good level during first trimester because that's where the major developments happen. As such, if your TSH is uncontrollably high in first trimester, your risk of miscarriage is high so it's good your doctor waited until 12 weeks to get you off of levo. From then on, you still have to keep it at a good level but it shouldn't affect your baby's development. I would still get it checked at some point to make sure you don't rely on your baby's thyroid production, I just don't know what that would look like for an otherwise healthy person. This is info my endocrinologist provided to me.
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    Due date/Weeks: April 7, 16 weeks

    Any appointments? Had a 16 week appointment yesterday, heartbeat's good...kind of scared I've gained too much weight, mostly because my mom almost had gestational diabetes with me. Will have diagnostic u/s on Nov 10 and 20 week appointment Nov 20

    Rants/Raves? I think I felt a few kicks! None consistent, very sporadic, but it's very exciting to think I felt something. Have heard of at least 2 10-pound babies born this week and a friend of mine who just failed her glucose test, hence my comment above....Otherwise, too much school :(

    How are you feeling? Pretty alright, finally getting some control over my queasiness. Just need to cut back on the sugar. Only thing that sucks right now is sleeping on my side :/ need to get me one of those pregnancy pillows

    GTKY: What’s something you miss from pre-pregnancy/kids? WINE

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    @aggie0812 yeah, I feel you on fear of gaining too much weight. Rationally I know that weight fluctuates significantly over the course of the day, so I should only use the a consistent measurement (like my naked, pre-breakfast weighing that I normally do), but the scale’s battery terminals have corroded in the past two weeks and the scale no longer works, and suddenly I’ve gained 5 lbs at the dr’s office. I need to get that fixed because I usually use my weight as a course correction for the day (like, let’s amp up veggies and tone down bread). 
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    Due date/Weeks: 4/5 16 weeks

    Any appointments? Questions? Anatomy scan coming up on Nov 6 - we're super excited to take DD to see baby.

    Rants/Raves? My husband is semi-actively looking for a new job.  His current position is significantly underpaid (at least 20-30%) and they keep saying they'll get him a certification and a raise - blah, blah, blah. It's all talk but no action and my husband does all of the job responsibilities without compensation. He has two job interviews this week.  One is contract with potential to hire but we wouldn't have to move.  The other is full time but we'd have to move to a new city and I would need to ask my job if I can be remote because the commute would be 90 minutes (at least). I'm not sure if the remote option would be approved, I'd need to find a new OB, find a new day care, we'd have to do work on our house (flooring/paint) and put it up for sale, and find a new place all before baby comes.  The thought of that really stresses me out.  I've told DH this a few weeks ago but I think I need to bring it up again. We would be moving toward family and friends so it wouldn't be too crazy of a move and it'd probably be better for DH in the long run - plus a raise would be amazing for us. So there are benefits as well. 

    How are you feeling? I feel like I have a perpetual headache but the intensity changes daily from a dull ache to cant get out of bed. I usually have 1 day a week that I can barely function.  I'll be bringing it up at my next appointment. 

    GTKY: What’s something you miss from pre-pregnancy/kids? Sleep. My daughter sleeps well now that she's older but I miss sleeping in on weekends and there always seems to be some type of sleeping issue lately with pee accidents, nightmares, or sometimes the train coming by and waking her up. 

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    Due date/Weeks: 4/4; 17 Weeks

    Any appointments? Questions? No Appointments till 11/12 (Anatomy Scan) & 11/14 (20 Week Visit)

    Rants/Raves? Rant - Had a meltdown at work when someone practically announced to the entire breakroom I was pregnant. I'm not fully ready for everyone at work to know so I was really upset and extra emotional.

    How are you feeling? Ok physically, Emotionally I'm a mess. I know that postpartum depression exists but is there such things as prenatal depression? I guess I feel like I haven't gotten over my loss in March of this year and its impacting my happiness for this one and I feel like a horrible person. I'm so scared all the time. But I think this too deep for a check in but any suggestions will be helpful.

    GTKY: What’s something you miss from pre-pregnancy/kids? Nothing

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    @abbikakez I’m told PGAL brain can mess with you for a long time. Anxiety and depression are very common. I highly recommend talking to your Doc about this as they might be able to recommend treatment options, and to give them a heads up that you should be watched closely for PPD. There are also definitely other ladies on this board who can’t quite let go of their anxiety because of late losses - try mentioning it in the Symptoms thread and you’ll get a wider response. The PGAL Check In might even be resurrected.
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    Thank you. I will definitely talk to my doctor; I'm also considering counseling. I'm going to make a post in the symptoms discussions hopefully that will be helpful. Thanks again it means a lot that you took the time to respond. Big hugs to you.
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    @abbikakez I am not sure if prenatal depression is the technical term for it but my understanding is that you are at a higher risk for depression and other mental health challenges during pregnancy, especially if you have a previous history or have been struggling with grief/trauma.

    I have been seeing a therapist while I wait to get in to see a psychiatrist who specializes in reproductive mental health. For me it's so tough because while I have moments of excitement mostly I am struggling and then I feel guilty because I know my depression isn't good for the baby. Which then makes me feel worse. That being said, just talking to someone about it has been helpful to me.

    I am sorry to hear about your loss, hugs. I don't think you should feel any guilt about still mourning but I understand that is much easier said than done.
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