October 2018 Moms

Re: Symptoms 8/8

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    @sammierose464 I'm glad you get to work from home today! Hopefully you start feeling better soon or that the next 9 weeks fly by!
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    Had my midwife apt yesterday - she is convinced all the numbness/tingles/pain in my hands is carpal tunnel and gave me a few things to try so hopefully those help.

    It has been so hot this week and I am miserable in the heat at the best of times - being in the third trimester in the heat is so much worse. I will be so glad when fall and the rain kicks in!
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    I am so sorry you are still vomiting sammierosie, that seems so brutal on top of all the other third trimester woes. Nine weeks will fly by faster than you think!

    So is there like an extra surge of emotions at this point! I'm crying more than usual! My baby feels like she's already 8 pounds the way she flips and kicks in there! And I'm a soooooooo hungry all the time but with the gd all I'm eating these days is lettuce and chicken. 
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    31w 5d Heartburn, sore and stiff, belly is so heavy already, headaches, stuffy, emotional.  I barely have to do anything before I feel like I over did it.  Poor DH, I feel like all I do is complain.  
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    +1 to being over this. Heartburn starts around 6pm every night and sticks around till I eventually fall asleep. @sammierose464 right there with you on the nausea! I threw up twice the other day and again this morning. My eating can't seem to keep up with this kid.

    Had OB appt yesterday and I'm pretty sure this baby is a long one again. Head is down low and I'm getting kicks in my ribs now. I have a long torso too! Gonna feel like a sloooow 9 weeks...
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    I had to take a zantac before bed last night, it wasn't heartburn just uncomfortable and I'm sure it was reflux creeping up. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like all they do is complain about how they feel, although not good that there's a few of us who feel like crap. 

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    30+6; just feeling supremely irritated at everything. I think just all the emotions are hitting me. I feel like I need one of those spa masks and just turn out lights in my office, kick my feet up and listen to spa-like music. I'm getting overloaded.
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    It feels slow and fast at the same time. I'm focusing on key things: this weekend is our birth class sat/sun, the next is DH's diaper party and my shower, the next weekend we are going to Ren Fest, then it's labor day. September will probably take forever though...
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    @sammierose464 I've been purposely scheduling things for us to do the next 2 months to help the time go by faster. I know we will need free weekends to actually get stuff done for baby, but it's nice to have things to look forward to that are only one or two weeks away instead of 10. I'm with you on September most likely being slow though. I only have plans up until mid-September so I'm working on a "fall bucket list" for me and DD to work through to fill that last month of waiting.
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    30+5 and i get winded walking across the room or up the stairs.  My stomach is also getting so big/tight that its hard to find decent spots to do my twice daily injections (blood thinners) and it hurts more. So over these dang shots.  Really wishing they'd let me do them in thighs....i have way more fat there then I do on my stomach at this point.

    @hannaht8516 , that's actually a stellar idea, I might just have to do that too after the kids go to bed!!  Face mask, epsom salt bath and some peace and quiet!! Yas!
    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

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    29 weeks and insomnia and heartburn are what I'm going through!! And I'm always hot
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    I feel the same!!!! 
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    Huh, I feel like time is flying!! 
    Also I feel like my face is starting to round out a bit.. I notice it, dh claims I'm crazy.. 
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    @SawyerRichardson I feel the same way... 20 - 28 weeks flew! I’m currently 31+1 and I feel like since then and the next 8+ weeks are going to dragggg. 
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    @mamabearcj I feel like time is flying too! The past couple of weeks I have even forgotten to take my weekly bump picture until the very last day! 
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    pajamstagramspajamstagrams member
    edited August 2018

    +1 to time flying, but also +1 to time dragging. Can. Not. Deal. with 9 more weeks of not sleeping due to sciatica and back pain. HAAALP.

    ETA: Also, I'm very grumpy when I get home from work. Poor husband. I'm so ready to be done with work.
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    32 + 1

    I feel decent. I am not miserable as of yet. I am
    dealing with heartburn, and pelvic pain and pressure. I’ve also been really stressed so that’s made the pelvic isssue worse because I literally clench my pelvic floor and lower back muscles when I’m stressed. I havenotice and surge is emotion like others mentioned. For me I’ve been more irritated and impatient than usual. I also fucking exhausted!
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    +1 to heartburn and being hot! 

    @jemmerjams I’m  with ya.. I’m super annoyed with work and just ready to be done but I also have so much to do and 2 new staff that have to start and I have to train before my leave (one is my replacement in my current position and the other will be covering me in my new position while I’m on leave) ..poor hubby it’s getting the brunt of it plus by the time I get Home I’m barely able to make dinner and then I’m useless for the rest of the night. My 3 year old isn’t giving me much of a break either lol
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    So, +1 for complaining constantly, sciatica and hip pain, and of course...peeing.

    But something really fascinating happened last night. Bagheera likes to curl up and sleep in my hip/side stomach nook every night. Last night when she laid down, reflux came up my throat immediately! So gross. This also happened every time I flipped over to give my hips relief. Everything is terrible!
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    I have started having BH when I drive more than 20 or so minutes at a time. My commute to work is 30-60 min depending on traffic. I'm going to start paying attention to if this is all the time or not and talk to my dr if it is.
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    @sammierose464 have you tried adjusting your seat to a different position to see if it still happens? That's weird that's when you notice them is driving
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    I try and make sure I'm leaned back and not sitting up right.
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    edited August 2018
    @sammierose464 We’ve traveled a lot this summer and I’ve noticed i get BH when I sit in the car a long time too.

    Here is and odd symptom. The last two days, I keep getting warm sensations in my toes. Anyone?
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    I also have an issue with driving.  Hubs is driving me 2 days a week and starting next week I think we will up it to 3 days.  Soon he will have to drive me every day so I know that will be a pain for him but its only temporary as I keep reminding myself!
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    Unfortunately, that's not even remotely feasible for us. DH and I work in complete opposite directions, we live in the middle. We both drive 30ish minutes either north or south of home. He does drive everywhere else though.
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    If im not the one driving I get so nauseous! Dh hates it because he loves driving and says I'm a bad driver (multiple people disagree with him lol) but he's been really good about letting me drive most places and if I'm too tired or dont feel like it we switch. The only time he gives me a hard time about driving is on the way to the inlaws because we take the Interstate and he thinks he's a nascar driver and wants to go fast *eyeroll* 
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    @cdepperschmidt I get warm sensations in areas of my foot and tingling at the bottom of my left foot when I bend down... a nerve is getting pinched somewhere, it's really obnoxious! I had my first trip to L&D yesterday... I went in to my OB for my 2 week ultrasound and apt to check my cervix. Cervix looks good now, but BP was elevated so off to the hospital! Thankfully they only kept me a couple hours and all my labs and urine came back good. I figured my BP would start going up in the 3rd tri... but didn't figure it would be within the first week!
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    @cagncoo12 glad it all checked out alright!
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    @cagncoo12 my BP was a little higher at my 30 week appt last week. Still not in their "high" range but close. Higher than it has been. Doc didn't say anything about, but now I'm going to be worried every time I go to the doctor that if it gets any higher they'll send me to L&D. 
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    I am really getting tired of the under boob sweat!! I knew my boobs would grow but holy smokes!! I can’t even imagine what they are going to look like once my milk comes in!
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    Ugh something seems to have changed/shifted today and is feeling much more uncomfortable all of a sudden. Feeling much more crampy today than I have been lately, and just overall feeling an increase in pressure. Baby’s still moving a ton, but I just wish some of this pressure would ease up - it’s getting really hard to sit at my desk at work and walk around. 
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    @cagncoo12 glad everything turned out ok!

    @mamabearcj I swear my SO thinks I'm making up the nausea just so I can drive! Lol he hates my driving (for no reason) but I literally cannot be the passenger anymore. With DS i would literally  get sick in the car when I wasnt driving. You'd think he'd learn this time around. Haha 
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    @nmadjeski DH thought I was messing around at first so I started getting dramatic and breathing really heavy like I was trying not to through up.. he got the hint quick. Doesn't want me vomiting in his new car
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    @hannaht8516 that’s pretty much what happened with me. My only advice is watch your salt and caffeine intake and watch for swelling. Thankfully I have barely been swelling so I was pretty confident it was just my normal hypertension and not PreE, but it definitely makes me nervous now going to my appts! 
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    I can't remember if I posted that my fingers felt slightly swollen the other night. All was well in the morning but I'll be keeping an eye on that 
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    @cagncoo12 Thanks for the advice. I think it's just kind of normal for me to be higher every time I go to the doc. Because I haven't been swollen at all either. So hopefully it doesn't creep up anymore. I definitely am getting the hospital bag ready though.
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    Got my tdap today, didn’t hurt at all. I also tried the hand behind the back trick @jennybean80 mentioned. My ob hadn’t heard of it but was intrigued and told me to tell her if it helped! 
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