March 2019 Moms

Random Weekend Chat 7/7

There seems to be quite a few people around and lurking today. Thought I would start a random feed so everyone can start chatting and getting to know each other. Dump any random thought here....pregnancy related or not! 

Re: Random Weekend Chat 7/7

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    I’ve tried to be productive today but after changing one load of laundry my arms felt like they may acctually fall off. So DD is getting Netflix and I’m megga Bump stalking for the 4th day in a row. (Everyone in the house getting a summer stomach bug plus being pregnant grants me permission to do this right?!?) 
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    @JLaVO888 oof, a house full of the stomach bug?  You take as much relaxing time as you want lady!

    I'm just waiting for DS to wake up from his nap so we can go to my sister's house for a birthday dinner. We are putting DS in a big brother shirt and seeing how long it takes them to notice. Hopefully my mom and my brother don't mind that we are hijacking their birthday celebration.  :D
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    @thedaint87 That sounds really fun! Let us know how long it takes them to notice. I'm sure they will both be thrilled you hijacked their bday celebration! 
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    I had goals of deep cleaning my room today, but Netflix sucked me in. I’m giving myself another half hour then forcing myself to shower. I always feel more productive after a shower.

    We have two sleeping beauties in heaven.
    Jack gained his wings on 09/02/2016. 
    Kali gained her wings on 07/28/2015.
    They will be forever missed. <3
       Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    navetenavete member
    @dtspmama “crappy time” eh?  :D I wish you luck! (Insert bicep emoji here)
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    @dtspmama Oh been there girl! I took on 100% of potty training with DD and then about halfway in he decided to throw in his opinions after she pooped in the park. It did not end well. Long story short, he backed off and let me finish what I had started. 
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    @dtspmama Oh man, I am dreading potty training!  Hope it went well today!

    Update on the baby reveal - My sister picked up on the shirt right away. I think it took a minute for it to sink in for everyone and then they were really excited. (Minus my mom griping about us not telling her first  :|. She got over it quickly at least.) Tomorrow we tell my in-laws at lunch!
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    @JLaVO888 boo about the stomach bug but yay for a fun summer drink! 

    @thedaint87 glad it went well! We did a reveal like that with DS2 and it took my dad over an hour to notice lol 

    @dtspmama potty training is the worst. Good luck!!

    We went to a hot air ballon festival today. Lots of walking around in the sun. Now I’m even more exhausted than usual these days. Also, progesterone is the worst. I mean I get that it’s making my ute a nice cozy home but I look like a teenager with all this acne  :s

    Me: 30 DH: 33 Married: 5.26.13
    DS1: 9.6.12**DS2: 12.22.14
    CP1: 6/17 @4w4d
    CP2: 9/17 @4w3d
    CP3: 2/18 @5w
    Rainbow Baby On Board
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    @dtspmama ugh I’m so avoiding potty training! I need to start soon cause DD is ready! Good luck to you!
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    Thanks everyone! The H and I had a date night tonight and the sitter had great success with *my* method so we'll see what tomorrow brings!

    @thedaint87 glad the reveal went well!!!
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    I had a bachelorette party last night. I did fake shots of water and drank virgin margaritas. I even stayed out until midnight. I think I played it well but who knows. I used to be the queen of shots so I’m sure someone was suspicious. I’m exhausted today though. I’ve been completely useless so far this morning but DH is being a champ with DS. Also my tail bone hurts. Wtf is that about?! I think we’re going to pick up a potty for DS and then head to the zoo. I’m going to need a small cup of coffee to get through this day. 
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    @JLaVO888 I'm super into summer mocktails right now too. I've been doing plain la Croix with a splash of juice ( cranberry w/ fresh lime, peach cocktail, white grape juice) YUM! I'm going to try flavored with a bit of fruit. 

    Always with crushed ice and a straw  B)

    Heading to the lake for the day trying to get tomorrow's beta blood work off my mind. I've had no symptoms so have convinced myself they're not doubling. 
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    @christac1010 How did you get water in the shot glasses without them noticing? 

    @nomangos23 Mmmm a splash of juice sounds amazing. Will be getting some juice at the store ASAP. Probably something exciting like a mango blueberry of sorts.
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    We went to a friends house last night and their 1 year old and our 1 year old played together. Like actually together not just parallel play and not because we encouraged it. It was seriously the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time. They were playing peek-a-boo in a tent and their belly laughs were adorable! We are definitely going to have to get them together again soon! Other than that we haven’t done much this weekend. We went to the store today and are going to the pool when the little guy gets up from his nap. 
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    @christac1010 I had a bachelorette party last night too! You sound like you did WAY better than me though. I just awkwardly blamed calorie counting and then bought a drink and dumped it down the toilet. 

    I had plans to get virgin drinks, but everyone was so close to me at the bar I knew they would hear. 
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    I went out of town to Louisville with a couple of close friends. I was able to hang in there with them through cocktails and lots of karaoke somehow!

    We just got back from an incredible brunch even without having a mimosa or Bloody Mary.

    Now, we are going to soak in some Vitamin D at the pool! 

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    @nomangos23 with my first pregnancy I didn’t have any symptoms until 10 weeks! This time around I had them before the test turned positive. It doesn’t mean anything. Keeping my fingers crossed for you for tomorrow! 
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    @JLaVO888 I got into the bar first because I told everyone I had to pee. They kept saying we were doing a shot at the next bar so I ran ahead and told the bartender to pour X amount of shots and to make one shot water (it was cheap plastic cups) - but make sure I still get a lemon. So when everyone came in, the shots were on the bar. I said I wanted to beat the rush. Then as the next girl ordered a round, I ran to the bathroom. I kept blaming driving after that. I’m not sure it was 100% convincing but everyone was pretty drunk. 
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    @christac1010 I'm sure no one even noticed or thought anything of it. With my first I didn't tell my mom right away because I saw her the same day we took our first test and we weren't ready to share the news yet. I made up some lame excuse for not having a beer or glass of wine (which I always have at least one!). I think I said something about being dehydrated and needing water. I thought for sure she would suspect but later when I asked her she had no clue. 
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