July 2024 Moms

Hospital bags

I have been putting it off but I think I need to go ahead and get on this. I don’t want to take a bunch of stuff I won’t use, and it’s been 12 years since I had a kid. What is everyone’s must haves??? (I’m having a scheduled C-Section)
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Re: Hospital bags

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    I've been looking up lists but I don't want to go nuts. I had a CS but it was unplanned so I didn't have anything specific for it. 1 thing I wish I packed and ended up needing to send DH home to pick up is my pump. Breastfeeding didn't work out but my hospital was pushy about not giving us formula, so I pumped while I was there

    DH also ended up buying a pacifier from the gift shop. I hadn't thought to bring one and again hospital was being pushy since I said I would breastfeed and they preferred I use a gloved finger to soothe him
    Me: 28 | Him: 31
    Married: 11/12/16
    BFP: 02/09/17
    FTM | EDD: 10/13/17

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    I'm a first timer, but I'm thinking minimal.

    For me: Hygiene supplies like I would take to a hotel. My own hospital gown, 2 pairs pajamas, a comfy outfit to wear out.

    For hubs: 2 pairs pjs, 2 outfits, hygiene supplies

    For beeb: a nail file, 2 sleepers, 2 onesies
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    sph97sph97 member
    Minimal is definitely best!
    I need to pack mine while I make this list 😅

    For me: high waisted maternity biker shorts and a nursing bra (2x). This was advice given to me for my first and the biker shorts were so comfy but not too tight and held the mesh panties/pad up so well! A big T-shirt to go home in. Shampoo, Conditioner, DO, tooth brush + paste, and a towel from home (the hospital ones are the size of a kitchen hand towel!), phone charger, nipple balm, chapstick, hair brush and hair ties, and a small makeup pouch (I didn’t use with my first but just in case I want to feel put together). 

    For baby: 1 NB sleeper, 1 0-3m sleeper, 1 gown w/ hat (for announcement picture), and I want to bring my first borns swaddle blanket too. 🥺 Hospital door hanger + a sharpie (it’s a southern tradition lol!)

    For dad: a couple changes of pj/comfy clothes. DO, tooth brush.  Phone charger, towel, and I’ll let him pack his own snacks for the both of us. 
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    jhysmathjhysmath member
    @mixedqt21 the number one thing I'd say to pack is some sort of footwear that can have huge feet in it. I've had a scheduled C-section and my feet swelled so bad after my second that I couldn't even get my birks or sneakers on and I had to go home in just hospital socks. With my first my husband accidentally took my shoes home so I went home barefoot then too. 

    With my third which was a vbac labor went so fast I went from our bathroom to the truck to an ambulance to the ER and left my shoes in the truck. My husband brought them to me when he picked us up the next day but because he had the older kids he wasn't allowed inside so I had to put my shoes on at the door. Also had to carry the baby out because we didn't grab the car seat in all the hustle and bustle.

    Things I bring in my hospital bag (I'm pretty minimal) 

    1. 3 outfits for baby newborn, 0-3 months and 3 months. My second was 10 lbs so you never know what size they will need. 

    2. Portable sound machine because I can't sleep without one. 

    3. Dress to go home in because with a C-section scar pants don't feel too great even maternity ones. 

    4. A pillow because hospital ones just aren't comfy.

    5. A couple swaddles because I like to take pictures of baby in my pretty swaddles especially after my second was born ( spring 2020) and I was there alone after she was born for two days and needed to entertain myself. 

    6. Extra long phone charger. 

    7. A couple copies of your birth plan. 

    8. I packed boxers and a T-shirt for my husband when we had our first two because I thought he'd be there for awhile with me. 
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