Trying to Get Pregnant

TWW Wednesday 6/6

**This is a thread that welcomes all regardless of where they are at in their TTC journeys. Please be mindful of topics that are discussed that could be hurtful to those going through tough times. Mention of children or pregnancies of others should have a TW and be in a spoiler if possible, and only be mentioned if it is extremely pertinent to the conversation. Thanks for keeping this a safe place for us all to engage!**




Typical LP length: 




GTKY: What is one thing you will never do again?
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::

Re: TWW Wednesday 6/6

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    Erinm278Erinm278 member
    edited June 2018

    Month/Cycle: 1/1

    CD/DPO: ??/10

    Timing: good

    Typical LP length: 13


    R/R: general complaint that I feel like I write too many damn reports for work.  Every time I turn around my boss wants another report.

    CS/Q: none

    GTKY: What is one thing you will never do again? Probably get another tattoo.  I love tattoos and I love that people express themselves with them, but I have 2 and I think that's good for me.

    *edited to remove something about testing.


    Baby girl #1 7/11/13

    Baby girl #2 4/30/15

    Baby Boy Due 2/16/19!


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    @Erinm278 I'd probably take out/put a tw on the part of your post regarding your test result. And just a reminder that it wouldn't go here if it were a positive.

    Month/Cycle: 3/3

    CD/DPO: 20/5

    Timing: -4, -1, +1

    Typical LP length: 10-11

    Testing: Probably this weekend because I have no patience, but definitely before DH leaves for a trip next Wednesday.

    R/R: I'm symptom spotting like crazy and I'm worried I'm setting myself up for a real let down.


    GTKY: What is one thing you will never do again? Take a job with extended time away from home. I used to sail on ships and I do not miss it at all.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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    Month/Cycle: 13/14 (4 benched)

    CD/DPO: 19/6

    Timing: -3, -1

    Typical LP length: 13

    Testing: Nope

    R/R: I just want the sunshine to come back already! We actually turned our heat on again last night it has been so damp and cold. 
    Rave: Got my appointment date set for the RE. It is a tough pill to swallow knowing that we are at this point, but it is a weight off knowing we are also moving forward. And considering it is a 8 month wait list to get in, I am happy that that time has now passed. 


    GTKY: What is one thing you will never do again? Hmm.... Go back on birth control. Can't think of anything crazy or fun atm. 
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    @meggyme sorry I took it out.


    Baby girl #1 7/11/13

    Baby girl #2 4/30/15

    Baby Boy Due 2/16/19!


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    meggymemeggyme member
    edited June 2018
    @Erinm278 no worries. I've been thinking about getting another tattoo, but I haven't had anything speak to me enough to entertain the idea.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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    yeah @meggyme same..I always admire them on others.  Mine are really small and I love the ornate colorful ones.


    Baby girl #1 7/11/13

    Baby girl #2 4/30/15

    Baby Boy Due 2/16/19!


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    @Erinm278 I completely understand about the reports, but my job is pretty much living and breathing Excel so it's just part of my job. I wish we had a reliable platform that could export the reports for me. You had already edited your post about testing when I'm seeing this, but FX and if you think you saw something just try again in a few days.

    @nitnat007 I agree with you about bc. Part of me thinks the issue all along was the IUD I had.

    Month/Cycle: 13/13

    CD/DPO: 22/4

    Timing: -4, -1, +1

    Typical LP length: 11-13

    Testing: maybe next week

    R/R: I'm usually a pretty bad symptom spotter and I try to hide it from DH. But this time I have nothing. Absolutely nothing and it's driving me crazy. Is it different this time because it worked? Is it that my mind is finally catching up with whats been happening? There's no telling. Part of me doesn't even want to test next week so I don't waste sticks, but I'm sure I will end up at some point.


    GTKY: What is one thing you will never do again?
    Move far away from family and friends alone. I did it for my last 2 years of college and as much as I think it was a good learning experience for me, it was very hard on me at the same time. I would like to think that at least I won't ever do any move alone again because of DH being along.
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    @Erinm278 That sucks about the paperwork. It can feel like you never get anything of substance done because of the mounds of paper. I hope you can come up for air soon.

    @meggyme I am struggling with testing too. I still have 10 more days to go :sweat: I feel like our timing was good and that this cycle is our best yet. That is probably what I say to myself every month. Fx for you!

    @nitnat007 I am with you on the birth control! I can't imagine getting another IUD. AF and the cramping was enough to put me off. It was convenient, but I don't think I could go back after this long.

    Month/Cycle: 17/14

    CD/DPO: 19/5

    Timing: -3, O, +1

    Typical LP length: 14-15 days

    Testing: No.

    R/R: Nothing really. I am glad I managed to get through the day yesterday without murdering anyone. We had some friends over for a barbecue which was a nice end to the day even though I wasn't particularly engaging. I told MF what I was angry about and he asked if I wanted to talk. He was so meek when asking; it was sweet. My big burly man with biceps as big as my thigh sounding like a little boy in trouble. We talked for a few minutes about the financial stuff and the wedding. I was pretty tired so we didn't get fully into it, but it helped.

    CS/Q: - 

    GTKY: What is one thing you will never do again? Teach. I love the kids and I would consider becoming an EA, but the way our educational system is heading in Nova Scotia makes me want to home school my kids. I probably would if it weren't for the social development aspect.
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    @meri-mac we live in Texas, but DH and I go back and fourth all the time about home school. We're currently zoned for a good school district, but the actual schools our kids would go to just aren't the best. We have several years before we have to think about schools though and I have a feeling we'll have moved again by then.
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    Month/Cycle: 7/8

    CD/DPO: 14/2

    Timing: -2,-1,O,+1

    Typical LP length: 13-14

    Testing: 11 dpo-ish unless RE changes things

    R/R: Rant: I woke up this morning convinced it was Friday.  So, there's that.

    CS/Q:  Temp was further up today, so I'm confident in 2dpo, should get the CH tomorrow.  FFWC: I love looking at charts, so I usually put mine in here in hopes others will do the same.   :D

    GTKY: What is one thing you will never do again?  Try an oyster.  Blech.

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    meggymemeggyme member
    edited June 2018
    @Sparty18 I am an avid chart stalker too. Nice timing!

    Here's mine for stalking.

    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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    @sparty18 You read my mind on GTKY! I will never, EVER again eat a raw oyster. The cooked ones aren't bad but raw? Who wants to eat a salty, cold booger? Ugh!

    Month/Cycle: 2/1

    CD/DPO: CD28; DPO?? If based off my previous cycle, I'm DPO4.

    Timing: -1, O, +1 if I'm right about my ovulation date; if not, well...frequently :D

    Typical LP length: Right now, unknown. I haven't been tracking myself closely for any true length of time and haven't yet employed any other methods so...

    Testing: Planning to test the weekend of June 15.

    R/R: I feel so new and inexperienced with this whole process! All you ladies seem to be so on top of it.

    GTKY: What is one thing you will never do again? Eat a raw oyster!

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    @Swiftlet haha, right?!  So gross.  Also, in response to your R/R, I totally get what you are saying but feeling new and inexperienced in all of this is a great place to be and I hope you don't ever have to feel experienced.   <3
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    @Sparty18 An excellent point and well-taken <3
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    @Swiftlet this is a great place to learn about tracking your cycle. When I first started TTC I lurked for months and just didn't join until about a month a go, and have only been posting for a few weeks. But I learned a lot and I personally was already overwhelmed in the beginning with frustration. I've gotten to a point mentally where I'm handling everything much better.
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    @thrgirlwhowaited @meri-mac I had an IUD for just under a year, not sure that it cause me issues related to now, but a close friend had an IUD for many years and it put her into premature menopause. It took them months to figure out what the issue was though. She had given up on having kids and everything. She was only 36 at the time. Horrible things. 
    @Sparty18 When do you go in to see the RE? Is this your first visit? Sorry if you have talked about this before and I missed it. 
    @general_organa Sorry for the BFN, but it is still super early. You never know. But this is why I never test unless AF is late. The disappointment is too hard on the heart. *hugs*
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    @thrgirlwhowaited You’re exactly right- I’ve already learned so much just by lurking! You all are a great bunch of ladies and I love the sense of community here, which is why I started posting :) 
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    @nitnat007 thank you. I really shouldn't have tested today! Waiting until AF is due is definitely the way to go, and I totally knew better. But that brand new pack of 25 wondfos was calling to me. 
    Image result for box of shame gif

    Me: 31 Him: 32

    BFP #1 12/30/15 - CP

    BFP #2 3/11/16 - DD born 11/16

    TFAS since April 2018

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    @general_organa No need to hide in a box :P We all do it. You are not out. Fx!!

    @Swiftlet It is a lot to absorb, but go slow. Ask questions and take part in the various methods you feel comfortable with. These ladies are excellent fonts of knowledge!

    @nitnat007 That is awful. Mine wasn't a Mirena or other hormone IUD so I am unsure if that makes a difference. I had the plain copper one which has no adverse side effects to fertility.
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    @general_organa Sorry for the BFN.  :(  Hugs.

    @nitnat007 My appt is on Tuesday!  Initially I couldn't get in until the end of August but they called with a cancellation opening.  Yes, this will be my first time there.  I had my SHG at my OB's office last week which indicated a blocked right tube.  They were planning to monitor my follies next cycle, but I'd much rather just get right into a RE now.  They did confirm I'm ovulating from my good side this cycle, so we have a shot.  

    They mentioned that it is likely the tube has been blocked for a while and *could* be why it took us 9 cycles to conceive our first, but who knows.  I know it's not possible for them to know that, so I am anxious to talk to a RE about all of the possibilities.  I also had an interesting "blob" in my ute postpartum that was monitored for months last year.  It got smaller and smaller and eventually went away but now I'm very curious if it could at all be related.

    When is your appt scheduled for?

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    I had the Nexplanon. The ineffectiveness of IUD's scared me, as well as all the other side effects like migrating. I liked my bc where I could see it, in my arm.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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    @general_organa Totally get it lol. Those cheapies can be tempting!

    @meri-mac I had the Jaydess, which is supposed to have the least amount of hormones as I didn't want the copper one. I was foolish enough to not want to have my period. Oh regrets. 

    @Sparty18 Yes, totally remember now. Sorry, my memory is just awful. So sorry to hear about your blocked tube, but it is really great that you are still ovulating from the other side though and that it seems strong. I will definitely be crossing everything for you in hopes that this was the one. And you will have to update us on how things go with the RE. It would be great if they are able to give you some more info and possibly confirm if your tube has been blocked for a while, and what your "blob" was all about. GL!
    My appt is only for July 7th. I have been on the wait list since Oct though, so another month doesn't seem that long now. There is only one RE clinic in our province so wait times are insane. Off to the OB tomorrow though in hopes that they will be able to give me an official dx, but not holding my breath either. There is a lot of uncertainty on this journey. 
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    Stuck at work until my co-worker finishes with a client. Boredom is causing me to start spiraling. I have been googling HPTs and when I can test. I'm only 5 DPO. I'm going BSC.
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    vl_16vl_16 member
    @meri-mac i get the spiraling when bored. Wishing you all the best! I hope a fun event or outing comes up to keep you busy over the weekend. Not sure if you'd be into it, but I got into the Facebook locals app just to find anything at all to stay busy. Even considering joining a DnD group. 
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    meggymemeggyme member
    edited June 2018
    @meri-mac i’m right there with you. 5dpo and having to tell myself “even if that weird cramping was implantation, you won’t have enough hcg to turn a test, so don’t bother...” I’ll be lucky if I can wait until Sunday, and even that is really early.

    ETA: I gave in because I’m a masochist, but also I got the cheapies so when I’m going nuts with SS I can tell myself “if they’re pregnancy symptoms you’ll turn a test.” Hi, my name is Meg and I’m a POAS addict...
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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