September 2018 Moms

Ten Things Tuesday | May 29th

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Re: Ten Things Tuesday | May 29th

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    1. Mostly had a low-key holiday weekend and, while we still didn't finish moving everything around, we made huge progress, and I feel like the rest will be practically easy!
    2. Baby is kicking and wriggling up a storm in there!  So fun.
    3.  Enjoying some of the most amazing dog-snuggles all weekend... (before the big guy is no longer allowed upstairs  :'( )
    4.  I'm scheduled 15 min later than usual the next two days, which gives me a little extra time to get to work, and couldn't have been better timed! since they are doing roadwork on the main road out from my house.
    5.  Got four loads of laundry done yesterday, which makes it so much easier to get dressed in the morning...
    6.  Made a big pot of homemade chicken soup yesterday that is bangin'
    7.  Caught up on the phone with my brother and my mom.
    8.  Grateful for the next few little more calm weeks between appointments.
    9.  Grateful for DHs help getting the rooms ready.  He is already in nesting mode, and I can only imagine what he'll be like as we get closer! Lol
    10.  It's a short work week!!!!!
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    1. New furniture for the business (hopefully) arrives today.
    2. We ordered the crib! It's one of the last big pieces of the nursery.
    3. We enjoyed our first three day weekend at home together. Due to his old job's unique schedule, we'd never done that before. 
    4. It's not super hot here today, which is perfect because I have outside work to do.
    5. We slept in yesterday and it was glorious.
    6. We leave for vacation in just two weeks! 
    7. Grateful for a slightly slower work week.
    8. LO is already so loved. We probably won't need to buy this kid clothes for years because my family keeps doing that for us. 
    9. It's watermelon season. Yas! 
    10. We had a lovely anniversary.
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    1. Dog is out of jail, and only on house arrest!
    2. finally got our big window AC unit installed.
    3. My mom is here to help and visit.
    4. I can fit a car in my garage finally!
    5. Cucumbers!
    6. My in laws finally brought us my husband's desk that they promised us in October, so he in finally able to unpack the rest of his crap!
    7. I've stopped being constantly hungry, so hopefully I'll stop putting on 3-4 lbs per week. 
    8. I got a free bag of maternity clothes from a friend, so now I have a couple of shirts to replace the maternity shirts from last pregnancy that I've outgrown this time.
    9. We have most of our minor projects that we need done before my son's birthday here done-it's in a little less than 2 weeks!
    10. More time to get stuff done now that I've lost shifts at work.
    Me: 33
    DH: 32
    Married 7/18/15
    1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
    Team green turned BLUE!
    2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 
    Team green turned PINK!
    Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    1. Successful camping weekend trip, no major tension from dh, we usually have a tiff at some point of the journey. 

    2. Dd is napping again! Probably due to the lack of sleeping she did all weekend combined w the now warm temps wearing her out faster. 

    3. I got laundry out on the clothesline! A personal fav thing of summer for me. 

    4. I found a ton of rogue romaine growing in the garden we are not planting this year! Fresh, safe, and yummy! 

    5. I’m still grateful for dh’s sister sharing her maternity clothes. So much. I think I can avoid shopping altogether this round, as long as my butt doesn’t get any bigger... 

    6. Dh’s sister was also easy going about adjusting her daughter’s 1st birthday party to accommodate us... that sounds super judge-worthy, I know, but hear me out- she wanted us all to drive half an hour away(an hour for us as we live farther out), hike out to a pond, and have birthday snacks by the pond, at 3 in the afternoon on a Sunday. Dh has to work that am, dd usually naps 2-4/3-5ish, and by afternoon I am spent. I can do the hike, and dd would behave near the water, but all the elements combined were just a recipe for disaster. There is no picnic table up there, so it would have been food either spread on a blanket w the dog walking all over or handing around bags of chips for everyone to dig into. Plus, the birthday girl and younger baby cousin would have to be held pretty much the entire time, then strapped back in the packs to go down again. I just couldn’t, we blamed the pregnancy and she offered to have it at the famoly cabin w a big screened-in house instead. Yes please! 

    7. It’s delicious ice cream season

    8. My friend spoiled my dog better than I do while we were gone camping, and will again when we go in July. 

    9.  We had an off night last night and dd rolled well with it and has kept it together today rather than being a hot mess. 

    10. I made a salad w my lunch and it was delicious! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    bfp#1-10/29/12,EDD: 7/3/13. nothing found @ 1st u/s, natural mc 12/10/12. "Bean"

    bfp#2-5/10/13! EDD: 1/18/14. "Peanut" Arrived 1/13/14. Diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis

    bfp#3- 9/26/14. EDD: 5/7/15. no heartbeat found @ 1st u/s, natural mc 10/23/14. "Little Bug"

    **Psalm 139:16**

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    1. DH has been so great lately.
    2. Our loud neighbors moved this weekend.
    3. The fridge is stocked up with fruit.
    4. DH's coworker gave us an unused crib the other day.
    5. Another of DH's coworkers is giving us a bassinet this evening. 
    6. Finally gaining some weight.. Belly button looks like it could pop out any day now.
    7. DH and I were able to have a fun weekend together. His first three day weekend in a couple of years, even though he was on call yesterday, no pages.
    8. DH felt Polly move the other day. 
    9. Polly is already spoiled rotten. Our shower is in about two weeks and most have already declined and sent something. We live so far away from family and friends that I kind of figured most couldn't come but we are opening their gifts at the shower and sending pics of us opening them. 
    10. Max is starting to spend more time with DH instead of being right on top of me all of the time. 

    @BusinessWife that soup sounds amazing. 
    Me: 33 DH: 31 Baby: 9/2/2018 BabyFruit Ticker

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