October 2018 Moms

Who's got twins or more?

muchwantedmuchwanted member
edited March 2018 in October 2018 Moms
I confirmed two heartbeats today, and I know there are others here expecting more than one. Who's got 'em? Let's talk! How are you feeling? How's your partner feeling? Anything you want to talk about? 
DD born April 2015 after many rounds of IVF and losses.

After much more of the same...

Re: Who's got twins or more?

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    FTM and I got twins.. Very worried about how I would/could cope with them. My parents are all-in and are just dying to help out. It'll be a big change. As happy as I am, very worried if I'd be STILL happy after making loads of sacrifices for the babies. Everyone tells me all your worries and stress will melt away when you see the baby but I'm like.. "Hmm.. Really?"
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    @dancingdogs I think I would rather have twins as a FTM than twins with a toddler or two already. I've never been a twin mom, so maybe I'm wrong, but my friends with twins say it's overwhelming and completely nuts, but it's all you ever know so you just get used to it. Yes, you're going to be horribly exhausted and sleep deprived for the first year or so, but otherwise it's - boom! Family making over and done! (Well, for many people, anyway.) Having your parents eager to help is huge.

    I'm mostly worrying about carrying to term with minimal complications. Two babies I'm sure we can handle, because many before me have, too, but what if I go from two to none? Or to one or more with serious developmental impacts from premature birth? That's what's going to keep me up at night.
    DD born April 2015 after many rounds of IVF and losses.

    After much more of the same...

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    ninji15ninji15 member
    edited March 2018
    STM here and I have fraternal twins (saw the heartbeats at 5w6d and 5w5d). I am currently 6w4d. VTS has me freaked out hard core but I am trying not to think about it. I am also worried about going from 2 to none @muchwanted.

    We will just have to see how it goes. DH is excited but also staying reserved about it. I am the worry wart. I am worried about how my daughter will react, shes a year and a half now. I am afraid instead of the close sibling relationship I want my kids to have she may see it as 2 against 1. If there are still healthy twins in there by 20-25 weeks I am going to need another vehicle too (just bought my CR-V). Ugh tears. And daycare is going to be astronomical, to the point we may need a second job or possibly one of us may have to take a break in our career and work opposite shifts at a grocery store or something instead. We make good money for the area (to the point we will never qualify for assistance, but barley which sucks because it leaves us stuck). There aren't a lot of job opportunities here. But I love them already and I am so excited, I am hoping for good outcomes all the way around. Besides that I have all the nausea. 
    ETA: I guess I should add I have also had some spotting. When I found out I had 2 sacs at 4w6d I went in for bright red spotting. I didn't have anything after that until these last few days I have had light pink spotting, no cramps. Talking to my Dr about it asap but from what I read online it may be somewhat normal?
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    @ninji15 - spotting is extremely common. I haven't had much yet in this pregnancy, but I've had it lots of other times, and it's rarely meant anything bad. They usually tell me to drink lots of water, avoid heavy lifting, and keep my feet up. Which is totally easy with a toddler.  ;)

    +1 on the financial worries. We will also need at least one new car. We have the Rav-4, and it's literally impossible to fit three seats in one of them, which is a pretty obnoxious design flaw. I actually think the CR-V is better. Have you looked at this?

    It wouldn't surprise me if there are programs around to help with daycare costs when you have a lot of kids. That sort of thing varies by area, so you'd have to research. Maybe call your county Dept of Social Services when you get closer? We actually do the thing where we work alternate schedules already, so, if nothing changes, both of us get to look forward to a lot of single parenting with three kids. We have no family in the area, so....yikes.

    DD born April 2015 after many rounds of IVF and losses.

    After much more of the same...

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    My aunt has twins. She said the best thing was keeping them on as much of a schedule as possible. She ended up staying home with them for the first 5 years.
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    I've heard the scheduling thing is vital for twins - like military-level enforcement.

    In other news, I just called and asked about the sexes transferred. There's always a slim possibility that one split into ID twins, and the other failed to implant, but barring that possibility, we're TEAM PURPLE!!!
    DD born April 2015 after many rounds of IVF and losses.

    After much more of the same...

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    @muchwanted Oh yes I can totes relax with my toddler HA.

    I plan to definitely look into options! It breaks my heart to have to work while my littles are, well little but this area is pathetically small and I REALLY lucked into my position currently in my field. I don't want to screw anything up there either when I would like to be able to continue gaining experience there. Plus I can't afford to not work, no matter what which sucks so I want to make the most out of it. Daycare is a drag because of germs/sickness all the time but otherwise DD loves it! I am unsure if my area offers much as far as daycare help  but I do plan to look! 

    I am so glad you posted that link! It gives me hope to keep my current vehicle. Only downside I see is the lack of bucket seat options.. which may mean waking them to move them every time. Plus maybe baby carrying one then figuring out something with the other plus a toddler? Stroller for newborns that don't use the car seat? No clue. Maybe I just won't leave the house again despite appointments and daycare. Oh darn, looks like I get to use amazon prime for what I need now more than ever. :wink:
    Other groceries will have to wait on the weekend when there are two of us.
    DH goes to college classes right now so I actually have LO alone in the evenings during the week, probably still less than what you guys do working opposite shifts! That's tough you guys are rocking it already.  

    Team purple is so exciting! I am weak. I plan to find out as soon as I can haha.
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    @ninji15 - I haven't started researching twin gear much, but this site was my go-to for #1, and I see they have a whole section for twins, including info on strollers:

    I'll definitely be looking into babywearing options for both, but man....I have no idea how anyone can leave the house outnumbered 3:1, especially once they're walking.
    DD born April 2015 after many rounds of IVF and losses.

    After much more of the same...

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    @muchwanted Right?? Its crazy. I plan to hold off on really looking soon but my brain like to plan so I will be stowing that link away for later! 
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    I’m only expecting one this time, but I have twins.  You ladies can do it!  I highly recommend looking up your local Mothers of Multiples Club.  You’ll meet other moms who get it because they have been through it and get lots of opinions about strollers, high chairs, pack & plays, etc. 

    As for the strict schedule, some swear by it and some weren’t super strict.  We didn’t have a strict schedule, just when one ate, the other ate too and they napped at the same time.  Whoever said “don’t wake a sleeping baby” never had multiples. That’s the thing every mom of multiples I’ve ever talked to says - when one wakes up at night to eat, wake the other one up too or you will never sleep.

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    I have twin brothers, they were #3 and #4 for my parents. My Mum actually said she found the first few months with twins very easy. The twins co-slept in same bassinet and always had each other for entertainment. Best of luck to all you moms of multiples!
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    @muchwanted Yup this is my FET baby too.. So I really understand your worries. I'm scared about being too excited too. But it's the first time my family ever saw a positive so they are all over the place. Up until week 7, I got kept blowing up at my family for being too positive. From week 8, I started to really see myself as "pregnant" and be happy with that. Still worried, but getting more confident that "me and my gummy bears" can make it. Your babies are sticking with you to the end!!! So yes, we need to stack up on some twin gear! Yae shopping fun!
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    This is my second time in this rodeo. I have an almost 7yo singleton (boy) and 4yo b/g twins. All our pregnancies are via IVF. This one was a single embryo transfer that split! So we’re having identical twins to put the exclamation point on our family. 
    Confirmed Thursday through ultrasound, both measuring right on track, but they look to be mono-mono twins, which puts us into the highest risk category. I’m still a little shell shocked, and we’re looking at having to do some significant home Reno’s to make it work...
    That is AMAZING! And so exciting! I am hoping for the very best for you! 
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    So just wondering. When do you guys plan to announce..? I keep going back and forth on this. Part of me wants to announce at 16 weeks(ish) after I see them in there at least one more time, possibly get the results of genetic testing if we go that route. The other part of me wants to wait until 20+ weeks when things are possibly "safer" or maybe not even announce at all.. So far some people at work know I am expecting, only 2 people know its 2. Some friends, my mom and of course DH. I keep adding to my mental list of who I have told, due to work circumstances, excitement, or canceling future plans. 
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    @jennybean80 - wow, you're the 1% of the 1%! And I don't even know how many people have two sets of twins, but I suspect it's even less than that. CRAZY! Congrats!

    @ninji15 - Last time around we announced in stages, and I imagine we'll do the same again. Social media didn't hear until 25 weeks, and that seems about right. Only a couple of close friends know right now. My father-in-law is a bit of a prankster, so I think we'll tell family on April Fool's Day (as I said on the announcements thread, I would never do that publicly, but I feel okay about our immediate families). No idea about everyone else in our life, though I'm worried about keeping it a secret as long as I'd like. With twins I expect to show a lot sooner.
    DD born April 2015 after many rounds of IVF and losses.

    After much more of the same...

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    I also found Lucie's list the other day and I love it.  I will definitely be referring to her site.  Have you found any other helpful online resources. 

    This is my second pregnancy but my first pregnancy was a miscarriage.  I am very excited about the twins but also terrified I will lose one or both of them.  
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    Congrats to all you ladies! I have 2 year old twins, a 3 year old and a 5 year old - my older two were 1 and 3 when the twins were born (so it was 4 under 4
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    muchwantedmuchwanted member
    edited March 2018
    Also, do any of the twin moms have good books to recommend? That sort of purchase I might be able to handle. :) 

    jennybean80 @purplegoldfish2 knottie646eeab18fe9f924
    DD born April 2015 after many rounds of IVF and losses.

    After much more of the same...

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    @muchwanted I know I sound like a debbie downer with my response but I plan to wait until 25 weeks at least to even start seriously looking at swapping my vehicle or more. The second part you don't have to read, but its my reasoning.

    Mainly because *TW* I know 2 twin families that went into PTL at 20-23 weeks and lost their LOs. Its a huge part of the reason I am so anxious about this pregnancy, that and VTS is a possibility yet as well. I am trying to be as positive as possible but I have alllll the worries. 
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    @ninji15 makes sense to me. :'(
    DD born April 2015 after many rounds of IVF and losses.

    After much more of the same...

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    @muchwanted it never hurts to make a “wish list” of things early though in my opinion, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t checking prices and setting aside extra cash. I just plan to wait until a little later to actually commit to a purchase. 
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    @muchwanted The only books I read were Twinspiration by Cheryl Lage and Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Twins by Marc Weissbluth.

    Twinspiration was good and I read through the whole thing, but never really referred back to it, so maybe something to get from the library instead of buying.

    Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Twins I found incredibly boring.  I started it while pregnant and never finished it.  It does have some good information though, especially the chapter about sleep by baby age.  It is recommended by a lot of the mothers of multiples that I know and a lot of them love it.  Some of them have said if you already have Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, that the twin version doesn’t have much added info and some of the more detailed info from the singleton version wasn’t in the twin version.
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    @muchwanted I had this book on recommendation from another twin mama, and it was also the “text” for the twin prenatal class out of our high risk centre. 
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    Looks like we've got a good number of twin moms here! Should we make this a regular check-in? Weekly? Monthly?
    DD born April 2015 after many rounds of IVF and losses.

    After much more of the same...

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    @muchwanted. I am down for that! 
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    I’d be into a twin check-in. Don’t have a preference for weekly vs monthly. 
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