July 2018 Moms

Symptoms w/o Feb 5

We got aches....we got pains....we got cravings. What's going on this week?

Re: Symptoms w/o Feb 5

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    Selfishley started. Over the past week or so I've been having ridiculously annoying pain in my tail bone area. Of course I had to google this to see if this is normal and it 100% is. Anyone else dealing with this and how are you coping?
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    Starting to feel itchy :disappointed:
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    rangey1234rangey1234 member
    edited February 2018
    Hips/legs ache all night while sleeping. Also all I really want to eat is junk and I literally have to choke back my vegetables and pray they stay down. 

    Edited because half of it disappeared. 
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    @nimmle it's most likely your SI joint. I've had that pain in the very low back on my left side and occasionally it would affect my tailbone. Not much we can do...it's due to our pelvis shifting to make space for baby. If it consoles you, my came and went and it's still there on some days. I think I may have to live with it! It's less intense than before though, started at 15-16 weeks.
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    @rangey1234 me too- I have started just sleeping sitting up on the couch because sleeping on my side in my bed 1. kills whichever hip is on the bottom 2. SPD makes rolling over literally a pain and 3. I feel like no matter what I am half on my side and half on my stomach and I either feel like I am squishing one of the babies or end up mostly on my back trying to overcompensate. Basically sleep has been terrible and I don't expect it to get better :(
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    @nimmle I get this too - on top of the loosey goosey joints thanks to pregnancy I have EDS which means my joints are already naturally loose so my back goes out daily.  I recommend getting a SI pregnancy belt - can find them on amazon - to apply pressure across that area and keep things tight.  Pantyhose/tights help too. Also kinesiology tape can be awesome.  With my first I actually did physical therapy on an RX from OBGYN during 3rd trimester which helped with stretching out and making sure things were staying as aligned as possible.

    Anyone else having dizziness and racing heart? or is that just me?  DH wants me to call OB today - had issues at the grocery store yesterday, HR kept spiking to 130+, rushing in the ears and light headed - subsided with sitting and controlled breathing.  Happened again before bed.  I know increased HR is normal but the sudden spikes seem weird.
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    @nimmle I have had the tailbone pain for sure. I thought it was because i was slouching on the couch and that's where I would be putting pressure on my body while sitting in that position but it happens when I don't sit like that sometimes too. Our bodies are so weird with how they get ready to make space for baby!

    I have a headache this morning, and still don't care for a lot of food, which is disappointing because I often feel super gross if I haven't eaten but then there is nothing around I want to eat! Sigh. 
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    Sciatic nerve pain, especially in the evening. It causes my entire leg to hurt sometimes. I never had an issue with my other pregnancies. I actually aggravated it when we drove to Walt Disney World a few years ago. Migraines and headaches are my other symptoms, along with nausea that seemed to want to ruin my weekend. 
    Married since 5/23/09
    DS #1 born 1/25/10
    DS #2 born 4/25/12
    BFP 2/2016 M/C 3/2016 @ 5 weeks
    Trying for #4 since 11/2015
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    babyrojas2018babyrojas2018 member
    edited February 2018
    @gingerbride26 I have had that since the beginning of my pregnancy, at times nearly passing out (Black vision, weak legs and arms, no hearing). I am almost 18 weeks now and it's barely better. I talked to my OB about it and she said that it was normal and common, and that if a woman doesn't experience this at some point then she is very lucky! I must just be unlucky for having it happen so often  :D
    She told me to up my water intake (even though I was drinking a lot already) and eat small snacks throughout the day. Even though it doesn't seem to be sugar related at all, it does help me!

    Edited to spell "hearing" correctly
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    @devilcat139 oh no! I’m sure yours is much worse carrying twins! I too have found myself sleeping on the couch propped up with some cushions. Seems to be the most comfortable I can get lately. I have a pregnancy pillow to keep me from rolling to my back in bed but it’s so uncomfortable! Hope sleep gets better/easier for you mama! Its just training us to get used to no sleep earlier righhhhttt?? Lol 
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    @devilcat139 +1 for horrible sleep. I've found that napping in the recliner surrounded by pillows is the most restful sleep I can get. I have a snoogle for the bed but I still find myself waking up in pain every morning without fail. I can't even imagine how bad it would be carrying twins. I hope you get a much needed good night of sleep soon ♡
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    I’ve been getting morning headaches, and have been getting dizzy throughout the day. Sometimes it’s right after I wake up, and I’ve walked into a wall, and a chair. I’m not sure if I wasn’t paying attention or just didn’t see it. 

    Who knows maybe i am just clutsey. I am going to mention it to my OB at my check up next week. 
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    Headaches, and fatigue is back. Maybe it's all the ice cream I've been eating... hmm. 
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    I've been getting headaches in the afternoon. Not sure if it's pregnancy related or if it is because of the weird weather we've been having here.
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    Definitely all the headaches I did not get in the first tri, I'm getting now. And yes, add me to the tail bone pain, but it's usually if I've been sitting on an uncomfortable surface. I get restless leg on the couch, but thankfully not in bed. And for the first time, my shoes felt tight today. :( is this the part where my feet swell and I need to size up on my shoes?? Also, I'm turned on all the time, anyone else? 
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    Okay ladies, so I have been having an extremely hard time breathing lately. That's actually what I'm doing up at 5am, I woke up with trouble breathing. It's starting to get overwhelming, it's just like out of nowhere I can't catch my breath, even when I've been lying/standing still. And then with every deep breath I take it either gets worse or it takes forever to go back to normal. I'm 18w tomorrow, is this normal for anyone else? :(
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    Restless Leg Syndrome. I used to get it on and off before pregnancy, but it's like non stop this week!
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    The heartburn is so real for the last week or so. My mom said all she ever had was fatigue and heartburn and I'm definitely feeling that!
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    I have a weird symptom. I googled it, and it looks like it happens to other people too, but I couldn't find a reason why so I'll ask at my appointment Friday.

    When I bend to the front really far, or stretch in certain directions, it feels like a weird electric shock from the inside in one particular spot, above my belly button on the right (so it's definitely not a kick)

    It doesn't hurt, it's just really uncomfortable and for lack of better words, shocking. Like I jump and yell and it's usually something like "oh fuck!" And my toddler will repeat it. Bizarre. Anyone?
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    My eyes are messing with me. Idk if it’s just too bright in here or what but sometimes things look blotchy even with my glasses.
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    @mamabird18 so weird! I have not experienced that! 

    I have been getting neck aches in at night in recent days. Someone DH knows said recently that they got changed from the anxiety meds they had because they were giving them high BP, and it was caught because she was getting neckaches and headaches all the time, which can be a sign of high blood pressure.

    I've never had high blood pressure, and its usually low while preggo, but now, of course, i am worried, lol!
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    +1 for aches after sleeping...my hips are so sore!

    Also, I feel like my spider veins are getting worse.  I read that you can develop them more in pregnancy (I've always had them), but ughhhh not feeling my cutest!
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    @julybabybear +1 on the spider veins. I always have them, and they really stand out because I'm pale, but mine are getting even more noticeable too. :'(  I try all the things they say to do to keep them from getting worse, but no avoiding it for me. Just like me with stretchmarks, I do what I can, but I've had a few pop up, at least those fade a little with time!
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    @mamabird18 I have this. I attribute most of my "electric shock" sensation to my c-section which was only 7 months ago. I suspect it both weakened my abdominal muscles and damaged some nerves (I also still have a relatively large area below my belly button that is still numb). The first time I felt it PP, i thought my DH poked my side...but I was alone in the kitchen. It's increased since I've become pregnant again. No other answers for you but curious to see if mine goes away after giving birth and having more time to heal this go around.
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    @TalesOfASocialIntrovert you just reminded me about my numb spot which is the left side of my crotch. Omg it was so numb pp that it burned and i had to use an ice pack to feel relief. It’s been 1.5 years and it’s better and no longer burns but still partially numb. Couldn’t go back to waxing because of it. Right now I occasionally feel a shock near my lower pelvic/hip area. Not sure if it’s related. 
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    Ugh so I guess my new symptom is to wake up randomly with stomach cramps and a massive need to go to the bathroom, right around 2am on random days. It happened a couple days in a row, then stopped, and started again today. No food similarities, in fact the first day it didn't happen was Sunday and I had pizza at a Super Bowl party, and last night is the first day it happened since Saturday night and I had pizza for dinner then!  The only thing I can think of different between last night and SB is I drank a lot of water on Sunday and last night I was a bit lacking.  But really who knows!
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    16 weeks here and sleeping is awful. Still very vivid dreams and I like to be up from 1-4am for some reason. Achy back too. I’m feeling better nausea wise though and using my snoogle to feel like I’m also not squishing a twin @devilcat139
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    @babyrojas2018 I have not experienced that.  If you haven't already, maybe call your OB and see what they think about it.  

    I don't know why this has started so early, but all of the sudden (19 weeks), I have to pee CONSTANTLY.  
    <3 Married 6.12.10 <3
    DS 11.8.12
     Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
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    @stlmegs Yeah, I called yesterday after hours and left a voicemail, just waiting on a nurse to call me back and let me know if I should be concerned! 
    But yes, I'm 18 weeks today and the same has happened for me, I all the sudden have to pee all the time! A million times a night included. It's frustrating! Lol
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    @stlmegs @babyrojas2018 I’m 18w and finally don’t have to pee nonstop... but from week 10-17 it was insane. Kept getting tested for UTIs and all negative. 
    Oddly, I’ve been forcing myself to drink at least 2 liters of water at work now, and thats helped with evening dehydration and in bed water chugging, which has cut down on middle of night peeing from 3-4x a night to 1.
    But, who knows... maybe it’s just where my ute is currently sitting.
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    @babyrojas2018 is this your first  baby?  It very well could be the "normal" way that your body has rearranged all of your organs to make room for baby.  But I think a call to your OB to look into it definitely the right thing to do!  Hope everything checks out ok.  

    @pretzellover there was one night a couple of weeks ago that I woke up and had to pee so bad and could NOT.  It was awful.  I almost drove myself to the ER to get a cath placed. I guess it was baby's position because eventually I was able to go.  But it was scary!  Apparently it's somewhat normal with a tilted uterus (which I have), so now I am super afraid it's going to happen again!
    <3 Married 6.12.10 <3
    DS 11.8.12
     Baby GIRL! due 7.4.18
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    @SmashJam - I had that with my first pregnancy and mine was 100% related to constipation.  If I hadn't gone for 1-3 days I would inevitably wake up in the middle of the night with horrible cramps and go.  I had that a couple times early in this pregnancy so I've tried to up my water intake.  Hoping it doesn't come back.

    I've got 2 annoying symptoms.  First - the nosebleeds.  One started 5 minutes before I had to give a presentation (luckily online) to over 50 people!  Second - last night I kept getting random shooting pains throughout my hips and legs.  So of course, I slept like crap and couldn't get comfortable.  Ah, pregnancy.
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    So I know it's kind of taboo to talk about weight gain here but I'm panicking a little. I gained a lot of weight with my first pregnancy so I have been trying to track my food intake and continue my exercise routine to keep the weight gain at a minimum this time around. I'm not perfect (who is?) but for the most part I have been making mostly healthy choices (with a few treats here or there) and I have been consistently exercising at least 5 days a week. I weigh myself every week first thing in the morning before I get in the shower and this morning the scale said I had gained 3.5lbs ......in ONE week?! Last week it said I had gained 2.3lbs.....

    This brings my (embarrassing) total up to 16lbs. I am currently 19 weeks pregnant. WTH???

    I know everyone is different, I'm just so upset. I've been working really hard to keep myself at the "normal range". I've always struggled with weight issues and self esteem. I was overweight as a child so in my adult life I've worked really hard to keep myself at a healthy weight.I guess I'm just reaching out for support...I feel so out of control of my body right now.
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    @foxbaby2016 you're not alone, I packed on more than I wanted in first tri because I didn't eat well. But I've been back to much cleaner eating and back to regular exercise since second tri started. I'm up about 15lbs, which sucks, but I figure I'm doing the right things and eating well, so trying (not always succeeding) to not stress about it too much. But I think half my weight gain has gone straight to my boobs, if I could find a way to share that wealth with others, I definitely would! LOL! I know a few of us use MyFitnessPal to track intake, and it really is a helpful tool. If you're not already participating in the Fit Mom Friday thread, come join us!  And to be honest, I flipped my scale off this morning and called it a bitch, so there's that.
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    @foxbaby2016 i try to focus on the fact that if my doctor is not concerned i shouldn’t be either. I’ve always been skinny and when i put on almost 50 lbs with DS it hurt my self esteem a bit. I don’t go around eating crappy all time either. It’s a life and body changing event. It’s normal to have these concerns. I’m nearing 18 wks and also on the higher end weight gain. Hang in there and at least your doing what you can to remain healthy. I would also recommend checking in with your doctor if you have any weight concerns.
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    @foxbaby2016 my girlfriend is a very health contious exercise loving girl who stuck to her routines during both pregnancies and gain 80 lbs for both!  The body will do what it needs to do!  She dropped all the weight after nursing and is back to her prepregnancy weight...   try not to stress.  Sounds like you're taking good care of your body and the baby - that's what really matters!
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    +1 for the horrible sleep

    also anyone else constantly feel out of breath lately?
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    @lindsayleigh1989 +1 for out of breath. I also work in NYC so I walk everywhere and take stairs every day for the subway. Man it's tough!
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