June 2018 Moms

Twatwaffle Tuesday (1/23)

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Re: Twatwaffle Tuesday (1/23)

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    Can laundry be a TW? I have so much to do with no will to do it. 
    DD:3 | DS:1
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    @dinodna3 YES!! Laundry can definitely be a TW. I hate doing laundry. I dream of a day when I have my own washer and dryer and don't have to share with an entire building of idiot strangers. 
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    My mom- I know she usually means well but last night she was just straight up being a sh*t stirrer. 
    DH has 2 friends that flew in from out of state specifically to do some ice fishing with him. Understandably, they’ve been out doing so almost every day since they’ve been here. This is why they came. On the phone with my mom last night- “ So what’s (DH) up to today?” I told her he’s fishing. “*Dramatic gasp* Again? Aren’t you getting sick of that?” I told her no, it really doesn’t bother me, that’s why his friends flew up here. She still has to insert, “ I just don’t like it that you get stuck alone so much of the time”. 1) I’m a mostly SAHM so he’s usually not around too much during the day anyways. 2) I know this is a pregnancy thing because she’s constantly questioning me about everything when I’m pregnant...it’s not like I’m about to pop any day over here! I’m capable of taking care of DD on my own even while another small human is forming in my body! 

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    Pharmacies and insurance are my TW.

    DS had a yeast infection after a round of antibiotics for a double ear infection. Our pediatrician sent in a script for some magic butt cream, along with one for a different antibiotic. When I went to pick them up, Kroger told me they only had an order for the antibiotic. I forgot to call the pediatrician, but ended up going back there a few days later because I am a super worrywart and convinced myself both kids had some terrible ailments (both were perfectly fine-I just like giving our ped. $$$.) He re-sends the script for the butt cream. DH goes to pick it up that night and is told that they have to talk to the doctor. I call the pharmacy the next day to see what was up and turns out our insurance wouldn't pay for one of the four ingredients. I asked how much it would be w/out insurance. After he located a discount card, it dropped from $88 to $22, which is still RIDICULOUS.

    1- Why couldn't Kroger call to tell me BCBS is lame? At the least, why couldn't they tell us at least one of the two times we tried to get why we couldn't? I know it's not their job to call me, but a little customer service goes a long way.
    2- Why couldn't they omit the ingredient in question?
    3- $88 for butt cream? WTF?!?!?!
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    @lisa2589 Ugh, sorry you are dealing with that with your mom. For years my mom has asked me if I'm cooking dinner (I usually call her on my walk home from the office). If I ever say no, she acts shocked and doesn't understand how MH can eat. It is so irritating.

    @kfren Pharmaceutical prices are RIDIC! I have a prescription pre-natal and if I didn't have a discount coupon it would be $50 WITH insurance. No clue what it would cost without insurance...
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    @kfren sorry Kroger was such a TW. They should have called you and saved you thr nonsense. They can't omit an ingredient without doctor approval because that's changing a prescription, which pharmacists don't have prescribing authority in most states, although that would be super helpful if we did. Still. Should have communicated that. 

    Just a little tip for next time, check and see what the magic butt cream is supposed to contain (there are hundreds of formulations) Most of the time they are a combination of 3 or 4 over the counter creams anyways. You are literally just paying to have someone mix it up for you. I will most likely be whipping up my own magic butt cream in the future for at home use. 
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    @amys614 Thanks for clearing that up; it's kinda what I figured, but if they were waiting to talk to the pediatrician, it shouldn't have taken so long (nearly a week.) 
    I think the ingredients were Nystatin, Zinc Oxide, another anti-fungal and something else. I will definitely make it myself next time. 
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    @kfren I hear you. I'm trying to go without my Diclegis now because I have to meet my $3k deductible since it's the new year and it's now $550 (I'm taking OTC B6 and Unisom). One of MH meds is $800/mo, thankfully there are coupons that get it down to about $65/mo. And his is generic. Lame. 

    On our Cigna website, we can look up meds and see what costs might be depending on quantity and which pharmacy, etc. It helps me plan so I know which things to search out coupons for. 

    AFM my TW is one of my nurses....I made him go home yesterday, he was feeling awful, had chills, body aches, and finally checked his temp and had a fever. I told him to go get tested for the flu but I doubt he will. I hope I don't get sick.  He's an excellent coworker and our team relies heavily on him, so usually I love him. But he was being so stubborn yesterday and was acting like I was so awful for asking him to leave (and clarifying he had to with his clinic boss.) I'm a jerk, but I'm pregnant so I'm allowed to be.  And also MH is a Type 1 diabetic, so I don't want him to get the flu either. 
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    @bearmoons Yikes! My deductible is $2600, so I feel you there, but we are lucky to not have regular prescriptions for anything. I don't know that we would be able to afford any, even if we did have them. 
    As for your TW, as a nurse, you would think that he would realize the impact of his not leaving. You are totally not a jerk for asking him to leave. 
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    Can hormones be part of the TWT?

    I'm seriously sick of crying lmao! It's all happy tears but it's just like "omg get your shit together :') "
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    Re: being a nurse and staying home sick 

    I question it literally every time I'm sick because our attendance policy freaking SUCKS! I don't feel like I should have to make a choice between staying home when I'm sick or when my kid is sick and getting in trouble at work.  

    I have been to work feeling like complete crap sans fever to avoid an attendance occurrence so I can save the few I get in a year for 'when I really need them'.
    We are so excited to grow our family!
    DD #1 Born 10/3/2014

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    Ours is super strict too. More than 3 ill calls/year is a written reprimand. You’d think they’d want to keep sick staff away from already compromised patients...

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    @sabby2 and @lisa2589 That’s terrible! You should be able to stay home when you don’t feel good or when you have a sick little one to take care of. That sucks :( 

    Im volunteering for Project Homeless Connect/Point In Time Count tomorrow and my job is to coordinate intake surveys with our transient community. I usually love it, but since people have started touching my belly, the public congeniality I am required to exude for work makes me nervous haha. Wish me luck!! 

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    Sick time policies for health care workers tend to be a joke.
    We can call in once a quarter and any more than that we get a verbal reprimand. After that it's written, and then you're looking at possible suspension. With or without a doctor's note.

    It's all a crock, though, because if you come in when you aren't feeling well and someone tells the supervisor or manager, they send you home. And then it counts as a sick day, despite the fact that you came in and weren't the one requesting to leave.
    Most of the time if you have a cold or something, a mask will cover you for possible transmission, but even then, they prefer to send you home. And then you get in trouble.
    So you're damned if you do, damned if you dont.

    Me: 30 | DH: 34 | DSS: 14 | DS: 4
    PG #2, EDD 10/12/2023

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    Meanwhile I am home sick today. I have over 5 months of sick time accumulated from barely taking any over the last 12+ years and if I'm sick, I'm taking a day dammit. Sorry for those in the tough spot who get written up or are forced to come in. I never understood that.
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    @sabby2 The fever is what would concern me. I absolutely understand having bills to pay and not wanting to get docked for just feeling crappy. My thought is, if I'm not contagious and I'm gonna feel lousy anyway, I may as well be at work, provided I can still do my job. I work an office job though, so my circumstances are different, but I have family in the healthcare industry and the way that employee sick days are handled is baffling to me. I'm sorry that anyone in that field is in that situation.
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    Sick policies for healthcare workers are a joke. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. 

    They need to find a middle ground. I know doctors are busy, but why can't they have them take a look at you for 5 min at the start of yuour shift and make the determination if you should stay or go. If they decide you go, then you shouldn't be penalized for that. Probably not a feasible option but there has to be some better solution than getting in trouble for trying to keep your patients safe. 
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    I know it's Wednesday but my TW is the person who dragged their nasty burnt popcorn all the way upstairs and has been stinking up my office space for at least 40 minutes.
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