Trying to Get Pregnant

TTGP Grad Thread - Week of 1/1

madspunkmadspunk member
edited January 2018 in Trying to Get Pregnant
If you are a contributing member with a BFP this week, please share your success with us here. 

running man dancing GIF

How do you know if you're a contributing member?

1. Ask your heart if you have contributed positively here.
2. Do these people know you? Will they be happy about your pregnancy? 
3. Have you offered support to others or have you just blasted your own info out there?
4. Really, if you're a 1/1 or a 2/2, maybe just move on. Even if you have participated daily for one month and offered tons of support. Sometimes the silence is kindest. Those of us who lurk BMBs will see your intro and PM/comment/love tit.
5. Again, take a moment and step away from your excitement and ask your heart if posting would be potentially hurtful. 

This thread has mild restrictions - thread is primarily BFP announcements but doesn't allow for direct questions or lengthy/personalized congrats in the comments. Use the "Love It" button or "congrats!", "H&H 9 months!", "I was hoping this was your month!" and other short & sweet notes. 

Regular board rules apply - this is not the place to ask if you are pregnant based off your symptoms or for second opinions on your tests.  We do invite you to contribute in the daily TWW and WTO threads and discussions.  This community gives back tenfold what you put into it!

When you see somebody who has possibly violated a guideline of this thread, please quote the section of these guidelines and include a callout to the poster, but keep snark to a minimum.  If you have a post called out, please edit your offending post to add a note that you've been made aware of the rule and will keep it in mind in the future (if you are being asked to change wording due to unintentionally offensive phrasing, please remove that part of your post with a note of "EDIT: Removed offensive phrasing").  Remember: this thread is not a tribunal.  Continued arguments and defenses about a post have no place here and are considered off-topic.  If you would like to make an argument for or against a rule, please create or update a META thread to discuss.

CD/DPO of first BFP?

How many months/cycles had you been TTGP?

What did your chart look like?

What were you doing TGKU?

How was your timing?

What symptoms did you have, if any (CS & CD breakdowns welcome)?

How are you going to/did you tell your partner?

Anything else to add?

Re: TTGP Grad Thread - Week of 1/1

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    @adirat - I haven't been here long, but you have been such a great support in this community! I'm so happy for you. Wishing you a super happy and uneventful 9 months!

    Me: 38 DH: 41
    Married: 2016
    BFP #1 4/23/18, blighted ovum 5/29/18
    BFP#2 7/14/18, DS 4/5/19
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    Yes!!!! Congrats! Wishing you a boring and healthy 9 months. 
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    YAY!! Congrats!! H&H 9 months!

    Image result for green dog

    Me: 30 DH: 32
    BFP #1: 9/12/2015
    DD: 6/1/2016
    BFP #2: 1/16/2018 MC 2/2/2018
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    @adirat yaaaaasssss woman yasssss!!! So frigging excited for you!!! I totally agree with @kiwi2628 things will not be the same without you and @BusinessWife so friggin happy for you!!  Wishing you the healthiest 9 months!!!  So glad to see all of our IF warriors graduating and so excited for the future IF graduates to come with all those doing treatment the next few months!! 
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    @adirat Omg YES I have been waiting for this!! Happy tears all around! You have been such a good friend and supporter and all around amazing person, and I am so glad for you to have your long awaited BFP. Wishing you the happiest and healthiest 9 months!
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    @adirat I am SO HAPPY for you!! Trying to control my emotions at work and it is not working! Congratulations times a million! You’ve been such a great support to us on the IF thread but I’m so excited for you to be moving on! A happy and healthy 9 months to you! 
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    Congratulations, @adirat!!! I’ve been following the IF thread and knew when we didn’t get an update over the weekend that it was good news!!  I’m so happy for you! 
    About me:
    TTC#1: October 2015
    dx: PCOS & MFI
    IUI #1 w/Femara + Ovidrel June 2016 ~ BFP
    July 2016: Blighted Ovum
    IUI #2 w/Femara + Ovidrel September 2016 ~BFN
    IUI #3 w/Femara + Ovidrel October 2016 ~BFN
    IUI #4 w/Femara + Ovidrel November 2016 ~BFN
    IVF with ICSI January 2017 ~BFN
    FET February 2017 ~BFN
    IVF with ICSI March 2017 ~BFP--Twins Due 12/8/17
    Team Blue X 2!
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    Ahhhhhhhhhhh, so, so, so happy to see this GREAT news @adirat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to miss you like crazy, but I'm so incredibly happy for you and your little guy. Happiest, healthiest, most boring 9 months ever to you two (and YH, of course).

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    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh @adirat!! I was so hoping this thread was filling up for you and legit started crying when I saw your name as the first post. Fuck yesssss!!! I'm so so happy for you friend! I know it has been a long, hard road for you and I hope that this is the start of a brand new chapter of only good things to come. Snuggle up in there sweet baby boy!! All the sloppy, excited, ugly cry hugs from me to you momma!!  <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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    OMG @adirat I'm soooo frickin' happy to see this!!!

    I hope you have the most boring, uneventful, easy pregnancy ever!
    Me: late 30s | H: early 30s
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    RE Dx: Fibroids, surgery Jan 2016
    IUI #1 and #2, Nov/Dec 2016, BFN
    IVF March 2017: ER - 5R/3M/3F, 1 PGS normal
    Polyp removed May 2017
    FET May 2017 - BFP!
    Baby boy born 2/2/18

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    @adirat Such wonderful news! Congrats! Wishing you an uneventful 9 months ahead. 
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    @adirat Congrats!! H&H 9 Months!!  :)

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    @adirat CONGRATULATIONS!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!! (: (:
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    @adirat Congratulations!!!!! I'm so incredibly happy for you! Hope your pregnancy is so healthy and happy. 
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    @adirat Yes, girl, yesssss! This is the best news ever and I am just so so happy for you. So many happy tears. I wish you the happiest and healthiest of nine months. Thank you for all the support you've given here. Your knowledge and advice will be deeply missed, as will your epic responses to the drive bys. :) But as many others have said, you'd better not come back here until you're TFAS! Congratulations!!!!!

    Me: 31 | DH: 33
    DD1: 8/2014  <3
    TTC #2: 6/2017
    BFP 8/3/2017 | CP 8/4
    BFP 10/16/2017 | CP 10/21
    BFP 12/18/2017 | CP 12/28
    BFP 2/15/2018 | EDD: November 2nd | It's a girl!
    DD2: 10/2018  <3
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