January 2018 Moms

Pregnancy Questions and Concerns: Week of 1/1

Re: Pregnancy Questions and Concerns: Week of 1/1

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    I'm sure I could google this or revive an old thread, but yall are knowledgeable and experience outweighs google anyway, plus I'm bored at work and this board is slow...so
    At what point do you start pumping?  I'm assuming (FTM clearly) that you want to exclusively breast feed (if possible) for awhile with newborns for bonding and time factors but wasn't sure if you only wanted to pump when you would not be around the baby (obviously starting some beforehand so you have milk stored for daycare, etc) or if there was a time when it is best or advised to start adding pump sessions to your breast feeding?  Getting closer to D Day I'm feeling very unprepared...maybe just anxiety but I feel like we're just winging it here and maybe we shouldn't be
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    I for one have started pumping at the hospital with both my girls. 1. It helps establish your milk supply 2. I get a break once a night when DH takes a feed (allows me a solid 4 hour stretch of sleep)
    I have had 2 babies born at 37 weeks though, so they both have had a little trouble learning to suck  (I'm assuming more cooked babies do better right off the bat then my girls did). We are at 9 days old now and she is beginning to lack and suck everytime I put her to the breast
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    @conineml I may have a slightly different situation, but I'll share. My milk came in on the way home from the hospital, and DD (who had been awesome at nursing until that point) decided that she didn't want anything to do with the boob-she would scream and cry and it was incredibly stressful and upsetting. We supplemented with formula for a week before we could get in to see a LC, so until that point I was pumping to relieve the pressure. In that time I made enough for maybe two 4 oz bottles.

    I didn't start actually pumping to get a freezer stash until she was maybe 2 months old, a month before I went back to work. She had dropped a nighttime feeding, so I used that time to pump instead. When I went back to work, I pumped during my shift and dropped the nighttime pump. I'd get enough to replace the one bottle she would need during my shift for the next time I worked. I didn't get a good freezer stash going until she was maybe 6 months-so that was maybe 5 or 6 bottles worth of pumped milk.

    All that being said, I only worked part time so we didn't need much milk. Most of it went to ILs when DH and I would have date night or something. Sorry this got a big long! Hopefully other mommas can chime in too with what worked for them.
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    I started pumping in the hospital as directed by my lactation nurse.  Like @burnsmommy27 my little guy came just before 37 weeks, so they always wanted to know how much he was eating because of his jaundice and sugar levels.  I did supplement with formula occasionally at the direction of the pediatrician because it would help clear the jaundice better/quicker, not because I didn't have the breast milk. It really seemed to help my milk come in and helped me build a good supply up.  I probably ended up with an over supply, but I guess I would rather have that then under.  I would say I was exclusively pumping by 4 months mostly because I worked full time, but still did nighttime feedings off the breast.  He was pretty much done with that by 8 months and then was on strictly breast milk from a bottle until 1 year. 

    My main advice is to work with the lactation nurse at the hospital as much as you can.  My hospital also had a weekly breastfeeding support group where lactation nurses and RN's were there to answer questions, help with latches and even look at the baby developmentally.  It was a great overall experience and was nice to escape the house after the first couple of weeks.  I only went for about 4 weeks total, but was exactly what I needed at that time to build my confidence.
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    @burnsmommy27 and @egirl1025 so I'm assuming you took your pumps with you to the hospital or did you rent one?  I just ordered mine and have no idea when it will be here so I may not have it when we deliver (if we deliver early)  I do know they have LCs on call or in house so I'll be in touch with one before I leave the hospital.  I may call and check into that more before delivery...
    @schaze this was my initial thought process is I would just do it in enough time before going back to work to have enough for day care or nights out, but maybe since I'll be working full time I might need more...so many questions!  
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    @conineml I have my pump and I'm bringing it with me but last time I brought mine and they had me use a hospital grade pump because it was stronger than mine. My new one is a Spectra and I believe it's hospital grade as well, and I'm bringing it because last time they gave me the accessories to keep, which was really helpful because it included bottles, and larger flanges for my nipples. So I'm hoping that if I need it that they will provide those as well for the Spectra.

    J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @supercoolstephy hopefully mine comes in time then!  It would be awesome if you need a certain flange or something for your specific body if they just give it to you!  I looked up accessories and you can order them on amazon which is nice but only if you know what you need for sure...I feel like a total rookie looking at articles and thinking about it now when before I just thought it'll work or it won't, there was no point in spending a lot of time learning things if it didn't work.  I think I'm just freaking out since it could happen any day now (or at the most sometime this month!)
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    @conineml the hospital provided one to use while there along with everything I would need... Also sent home with all the parts that were outside the closed system.  It was really nice because I got larger phlanges too.
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    @conineml What kind of pump are you getting? Like @egirl1025 it was nice to you the hospital pump, they give you all the accessories (you're paying for it anyways might as well utilize it) so now I have 3 sets and don't have to wash nearly as often 

    As far as pumping the biggest thing I learned is, suction strength DOES NOT equal amount of milk. I cranked my way up thinking it would mean more milk, all I ended up with was a painful milk blister.
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    @burnsmommy27 I'm getting the Medela Pump in Style.  And Yikes that sounds awful!  Good to know they will provide one then send all the goodies home with you!
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    Don't get your hopes up about the hospital 1. Having pumps and 2. Giving you supplies. My hospital didn't have pumps and I was super upset I hadn't brought mine. They made me hand express colostrum into a spoon to feed my baby. Like... ow! And super annoying. As far as pumping (FTM here also so not speaking from a whole lot of experience) but I started pumping pretty much right away. I read that after baby nurses, you should pump anything that's left. So I have been. Also she doesn't always take both breasts per feeding, so sometimes I pump the other one. I hate the newborn nipples though for bottle feeding. She scarfs them down so fast! So I recommend the preemie nipples if you do bottle feed.
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    Finally getting around to packing my hospital bag today. I feel like there’s tons I’m forgetting. What stuff did you guys find most helpful to bring to the hospital. I’m sure I’m over packing things I don’t need and forgetting the necessities. 
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    @steph30032 Mine has been packed for a couple weeks now. I found last time, I didn't use any of the makeup I brought (but I rarely wear it anyways), but it was SO nice to have my own shampoo/conditioner/lotion. All I'm bringing for necessities are my shower stuff, comfy clothes, phone charger, fully charged camera, a couple outfits for DH including some flannels (easier for skin-to-skin!), 2 going home outfits for DS in different sizes, warm blanket, some pjs and fuzzy socks, baby book for footprints, nursing bra, and a comfy going home outfit. Last time I didn't need much more than that! I brought so much crap with me when we had DD and barely touched any of it.
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    PhillymommaX2PhillymommaX2 member
    edited January 2018
    TTM here:
    I packed a pair of pjs, a pair of sweats and a short sleeve shirt and long sleeve T-shirt, robe and slippers and comfy socks. Samples of shampoo, conditioner and body wash that I got in the mail lol, face soap, toothbrush, paste, brush, little makeup, deodorant and phone charger 
    For LO two going home outfits in different sizes, hat, paci, bibs, blanket
    Im formula feeding so not bringing any supplies. 
    I think that’s about it. DH will be going home to shower and bring my girls up so if I forgot or need anything he will bring it back.  
    DD1: 2/28/12
    DD2: 9/12/13
    Baby #3: Due January 2018

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    Anyone else considering trying to induce labor naturally? I’ve been researching using a breast pump to induce labor. 
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    @steph30032 I've been doing raspberry leaf tea, eating dates, lots of sex, and I just started pumping as well. Everything I've read says to do it no more than 3 days. One side at a time for 15 minutes and pause during any contractions. I did day 2 yesterday so i only have today left, but I've been cramping since I started and had another episode of false labor last night.
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    So this is not pregnancy related- I had my daughter on the Dec 29th. This is my second and Am breastfeed again. How do you know if they are sensitive to dairy? This girl poops after every nursing session. I just started to cut it out today because I started wondering last night if that is what is going on. She doesn’t spit up. I have a Pediatrician appointment coming up but was just wondering if anyone had experience with that. 
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    @sdheft619 with my first he pooped with almost every feeding for the first 8-12 weeks.  From what I have read that is pretty normal with breastfed babies.  I think fussiness, gas and reflux would be greater indicators of a dairy sensitivity.
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    @sdheft619 I don't have personal experience but my neighbor is wondering about a dairy intolerance with her LO because of gas/tummy issues, reflux, etc after every feed.  You should be able to tell shortly if the difference is dairy though if you are eliminating it from your diet.
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    Thanks @egirl1025 & @conineml

    sounds normal than for what you are saying. It just seems like such a tiny thing shouldn’t poop that much!  :). I guess I don’t remember my first pooping that much. And Alexis is not having reflux/gas/etc. so that’s good!
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    @sdheft619 I remember my now 18 month old pooping after every nursing session as a newborn, I think it’s normal! I forgot how many poops/wet diapers is the norm but I remember going through about 10-12 a day in the early days. So many diapers! You can always call your pediatrician for their advice! 
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    @sdheft619 DS pooped after almost every feeding too! As long as she doesn’t seem to be uncomfortable in any way I wouldn’t worry about food sensitivities. Those are fairly obvious for the most part. DS still can poop 3-4 times a day at 2 depending on how much he’s been eating (child is going through a growth spurt right now and it’s ridiculous).
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    @sdheft619 It's normal. I remember the pediatrician saying that it's almost a reflex for them to poop during or after nursing. 

    I use Hypnobabies! http://www.hypnobabies-store.com/link.cgi?affiliateID=472

    J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies!

    Pregnancy Ticker

    EDD: 1/6/2018
    Eva Jane: 7/23/2014

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    With ds, dairy allergy was a really bad rash.
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

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    My doctors have all said the more poop the better (as long as it's healthy looking poop). But I've been a mom for 3 weeks so... no substantial experience to share. My little nugget definitely poops a whole lot too though.
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