July 2018 Moms

FFFC 12/22


Re: FFFC 12/22

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    @tarheelgirl8 I hear you! Don't even start me with Despacito, lol! It's on Just Dance and so much fun to dance to! Haha.
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    @christycalifornia I am having major wine envy! I absolutely am on board with a small and slow glass here and there... trouble is, my husband just isn't into wine, so we never have it on hand anymore. Good for you for treating yourself. You deserve it! 

    Side note: French woman are often encouraged to have a couple ounces of wine each day, but mayonnaise is a huge no, no... I'd gladly take the wine, lol. 
    Ziggy       <3 07/2018-08/2018 <3
    Micah      <3 10/2015
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    @christycalifornia good for you and no judging here! I have not been wanting wine at all, otherwise I would not mind a sip ;)@d_marie_23 I've been having mayo with my fries, major craving for me(also odd because I don't care about mayo normally)
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    My confession is that we have had frozen meals for dinner literally every day this week because I didn't want to deal with all the dishes and cleaning out of foods before we travel. 

    @adventuresawait1 excuse me while I go pop in a couple thick and fluffy, blueberry cobbler eggos...
    Ziggy       <3 07/2018-08/2018 <3
    Micah      <3 10/2015
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    @emsnedds you lived on the wine trail? We use to go up there at least once per year. Our favorite was Von Jakob.  Their german food was great and they had wine slushies!  
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I'm horrible with words, my social skills are getting better. I am not good at conversations that are not health/work related.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @myfairbump yeah! I only lived there 3 years, but we spent most of our summers on the wine trail lol! I never got around to going to Von Jakob, but we went to Starview all the time because they had wine slushees too! They were so good  :p  
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    @pretzellover sorry but I disagree if you have time to post a selfie or an US you have time to pop in to literally any other thread and comment. I'm not asking for novel's but a quick check-in or comment really isn't that hard.  also I definitely participated on threads as a ftm asking questions, lending empathy/support.

    I work 7 days a week and yeah there are definitely days I am not as active but if someone ONLY ever posts in hdbd and US or announcement thread yes I side eye and I question if they are here for attention or to join a community.  I think it always a good philosophy to try and give support/engagement if you want it in return. 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    @tarheelgirl8 I couldn't do prenatal most of first tri, so now it's hard to make it a habit. And I think I forgot most of third tri with my last, and she's a genius, so... ;) You do your best, and the kiddo will be fine. 

    @paytonpedro yes! That's exactly it! I'm not sad for what we're having, I'm momentarily sad for what we're not having. Thank you for putting it that way, that really helped frame it in my head. <3

    @adventuresawait1 were you always 1? I felt like you were 3 at one point? Preg brain. Anyway! You and I are first tri twins! I haven't eaten eggos since college and I've gone through three boxes in the last few weeks. They're my 9pm JAM and have kept me eating when I couldn't keep anything down. Must be all the preservatives. :disappointed:

    @emsnedds Thanks! Lol. I honestly don't worry too much about it, but I know it's a hard no for a lot of moms, so thought it belonged here. And in general I'm much more careful in the first tri, but I definitely decided some self-medicating was in order. By third tri last time around my friend's doc was prescribing her two glasses of wine a night for severe preexlampsia (she preferred that treatment over heavy sedatives) so I was like "who cares?" third tri. The look on the waiters' faces when I'd order a glass of wine 9 months pregnant. :D Sipped over a few hours, even I don't feel that lol. 

    @runsomewhere girl, if my parents could afford anything, you can be sure I'd let them treat me! If it makes them happy, it can't be that bad. :)
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    edited December 2017
    @tarheelgirl8 I couldn't do prenatal most of first tri, so now it's hard to make it a habit. And I think I forgot most of third tri with my last, and she's a genius, so... ;) You do your best, and the kiddo will be fine. 

    @paytonpedro yes! That's exactly it! I'm not sad for what we're having, I'm momentarily sad for what we're not having. Thank you for putting it that way, that really helped frame it in my head. <3

    @adventuresawait1 were you always 1? I felt like you were 3 at one point? Preg brain. Anyway! You and I are first tri twins! I haven't eaten eggos since college and I've gone through three boxes in the last few weeks. They're my 9pm JAM and have kept me eating when I couldn't keep anything down. Must be all the preservatives. :disappointed:

    @emsnedds Thanks! Lol. I honestly don't worry too much about it, but I know it's a hard no for a lot of moms, so thought it belonged here. And in general I'm much more careful in the first tri, but I definitely decided some self-medicating was in order. By third tri last time around my friend's doc was prescribing her two glasses of wine a night for severe preexlampsia (she preferred that treatment over heavy sedatives) so I was like "who cares?" third tri. The look on the waiters' faces when I'd order a glass of wine 9 months pregnant. :D Sipped over a few hours, even I don't feel that lol. 

    @runsomewhere girl, if my parents could afford anything, you can be sure I'd let them treat me! If it makes them happy, it can't be that bad. :)

    @d_marie_23 I bought one of those Sofia Coppola 4-pack boxes that has four tiny cans of sparkling wine in them with teeny tiny straws. That way I can have the small single serving, put the rest away for a rainy day, and not worry about a bottle going bad because my husband's similar, he'll drink but usually only if I am. Then it's on hand! I'm such an enabler... ;)
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    I don't have a confession but now I have a craving for champagne.

    DH and I have a tradition of splitting a bottle of Dom every NYE since we got married. It's actually kind of a superstition that if we start the new year with luxury we will have a healthy happy prosperous year. 

    @christycalifornia sorry to hear you had a rough week. Hope things turn around for you. 
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    @tarheelgirl8 I struggled to keep my prenatal down with my first but I ended up using my shakeology with a folic acid pill per my dr okay since I could keep the shake down and just blended in the folic acid.  you do your best and that's all you can do :) 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    @amylu914 thanks. And I like that tradition! I'm stealing it! Plus, I've always wanted an excuse to splurge on Dom. Our spluge has always been Vuerve, because a normal bottle is under $20 for regular days. 
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    I sympathize with those still having nausea. Mine comes in the evenings mostly, so I’m lucky with my prenatal. 

    Frozen meals and waffles, I love it.  :) I had a day off work today and forgot about lunch, and didn’t want to go out in the snow so I had Top Ramen. I read the label—it has no nutritional value at all, all nutrients are at 0%. So I supplemented with an apple—at least that was something!
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    @tarheelgirl8 I hear you! Don't even start me with Despacito, lol! It's on Just Dance and so much fun to dance to! Haha.
    Have you see the video of a rubber chicken singing it^^ makes me laugh each time.

    My FFFCs - i hate cooking and rarely cook. When i do it’s typically just for DS and I because DH is so freaking picky he won’t eat most of what i like. I also hate holiday hams- baked hams in general. I also give DS more “tastes” of sweets than DH. Not like sugar rush crazy but just to reward and let him live a little lol. 
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    @christycalifornia That's a smart idea. 

    @kissableviv Yummm. That's how I've always eaten my fries, my family hates it, but it's so good. I like mixing yellow curry powder into the mayo. Granted... I'd still rather have the wine, lol. 
    Ziggy       <3 07/2018-08/2018 <3
    Micah      <3 10/2015
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    babybakie said:
    @beanship I just read the first sentence of your post several times in a row, and thought you were saying you bought your 11 year old child a 5 lbs box of dog treats. Lol I was so confused. I love that I can blame my stupidity now on "pregnancy brain." What kind of dog do you have? 
    Same!! I had to reread it like 5 times. And I actually read through to see why you were buying your kid dog treats hahaha!!! 
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    @d_marie_23 Yum. Enjoy! 

    @christycalifornia I've always been adventuresawait1, as far as I know.  :) And for a sec i thought you were asking me if I was having 3 babies haha. Hurray for preservatives! Also now I really want sparkling wine. Maybe for NYE. 
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    @babybakie Haha that's hilarious! Yeah that was some bad sentence structure on my part. She's a rescue mutt, but she's definitely part chihuahua and we think maybe some rat terrier.
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    @beanship mutts rule  <3
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    @d_marie_23 why are French women told to avoid mayo? I never heard this one before. Is it just about weight gain?

    I’m dreading driving the 8 hours to my inlaws this week. We are only going for two days and it feels like we spend more time in the car getting back and forth than we are there. Add in the awful nonstop nausea and I almost find myself wishing I were sick to get out of going. 



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    Idk if it’s hormones but my bf’s mom and sister have been bugging me lately to the point that I don’t want to be around them at all, which is problematic because we are visiting family out of town right now and he wants to spend most of his time seeing his sister because they are really close. Honestly, I really like his whole family. Just little things have been bugging me. 

    Another is that I’m really done with people telling me they are concerned about my health during this pregnancy. It’s just unnecessary to remind me of the risks. Believe me, I know! I told my mom last night that if anyone mentions my health to her again, to not mention it to me. She seemed kind of bent out of shape and said “I’m sorry that people caring about you upsets you.” Lol
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    @kissableviv I don’t think dipping in mayo is weird! I dip my fries in mustard lol! 
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