December 2017 Moms

As we get closer...


Re: As we get closer...

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    I hated using the nipple shield, a lactation consultant tried to help me use them when I was in the hospital with DD1... TMI, I have very flat nipples... i found the shields to be uncomfortable and frustrating. So i exclusively pumped with each baby. It's a lot of work, but I feel like it's more than worth it.

    My advice-- whether you pump, use a shield, or nurse your baby... I highly recommend having these soothies on hand... they will save your life! They cost around $10, and are worth every penny. I already have 3 pairs on hand. There are times when your nipples will feel on fire, sore,chapped, etc. Creams of course helped a lot. But the soothies put out the fire and made the most difficult moments bearable. It saved me from quitting more than once.
    They are resusable, vegan, 100% safe. When you're not wearing them, store them back on the plastic discs they come on, gel side down. The package says it's reusable for up to 3 days... but I found if you store them properly, and don't wear them constantly, you can get a good weeks worth out of them.

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    @eazybreezy225 yesssss to the gel pads!! They are a life saver.
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    @eazybreezy225 I'm so glad you posted about those! I was originally going to buy them but when I saw "3 uses" I started to wonder if they were really worth it. I'll be adding them back to my cart now. :)
    Me: 31 | DH: 31
    TTC #1 since 12/2015
    BFP 4/4/17, EDD 12/4/17

    Pregnancy Ticker

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

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    @Marley629 I'm not sure if they are the same company. I might give it till the end of the week and then call them if I haven't heard anything. I don't think the fax we sent even has my phone number or email on it.... so I don't know if they can even contact me..
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