December 2017 Moms

MBF / MM 11-13-17

let's hear 'em, gals

                                   Met: September 2005  Married: October 2008   DS: 09/2014
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Re: MBF / MM 11-13-17

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    MM: Home visit from the midwife this morning!

    MBF: (totally ridiculous and I blame pregnancy hormones) DH Has had a cough for weeks... he coughs to loud and obnoxiously every time, I want to strangle him. He doesn't seem to comprehend that it is possible to cough and not hack like a smoker... it wakes the toddler up sometimes!
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    MBF: I have to drive from Portland to Seattle today (3.5-4 hours...ish). And then back tomorrow. (Our corporate office is in Seattle which is where all my team is and we have to go over all they’ll have to do while I’m on leave.)

    MM would be a night to myself, but my friend (who I love dearly and don’t see often) lives there and wants to meet up. And suggested this fancy restaurant. She’s one of our baby shower hostesses so it was over a week ago that we talked about this, and she’s ALWAYS busy so I’m kind of hoping she ends up being busy. Considering I just saw her and will see her over Thanksgiving!
    Me: 29 || DH: 29
    TTC #1 4/2016 || dx NIR PCOS 7/2016 || BFP 4/2017
    DD - 12/28/17 <3

    TTC #2 3/2019
    BFP 5/2019 || MC - D&C 5/2019
    BFP 2/2020 || EDD 10/10/2020
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    @anewadventure do we have the same coworker? I have a woman like that right outside of my office and I can hear her through a closed door. On top of being LOUD AS HELL, she is so obnoxious and condescending to everyone that she talks to. Can't stand it! At least we will have a long break from these asshats soon.
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    MBF- not a big deal... but I got my flu shot yesterday. and my arm is so SORE. I expected that with the TDAP...but not the flu shot. grr.
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    @balletnerd DH and I both agreed that the flu shot hurt a lot more than the TDAP! 
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    @balletnerd Same here! Tdap was a breeze, flu shot left a huge bruise. That's never happened to me before! 

    MM: Had a client that I was worried would call to meet with me at the last minute this morning but she didn't. Phew!  Also, a girl I don't like very much got married over the weekend and her dress was atrocious, so now I feel smug. (She's a pretty girl and would've looked fabulous in most dresses-- lucky for me she has terrible fashion sense, apparently.) 

    My MBF is myself. It occurred to me today browsing Xmas gift ideas that I spent $40 on a nice day planner for myself last year and haven't used it since February. WTF.  Just goes to show that no matter how hard I pretend, I will never be organized.

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    @elcd458 I don't even want to know how much money I've spent on planners that I've only used for like 6 weeks. I was all about planners when I was in school, but now I can't keep track of one for the life of me.

    MBF - I'm hosting a networking event tomorrow evening. My property manager has known about this for over a month. He sent me a list today of 40 people in the apartment he wants personal invitations sent to. Not gonna happen, sorry. 

    MM - I'm at 50% effaced! At this point last time, I was 15%, so come on baby!
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    MBF: I bruised the heck out of my leg doing my injection a few days ago and it still really hurts. I’m also regretting the date I chose for my induction because I’m done being pregnant. I went with 12/15 because it’s a Friday and it works out the best in terms of who will watch my kids and no one has to take time off work but now I’m wishing I had chosen 12/11 just to be done. 
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    MBF: I am just annoyed today. Everything is rubbing me the wrong way. I put a call in to early intervention which makes me feel like a failure of a parent (I know I am not, it just sucks). The heat isn't working in my office. I just need a reset button on this day. 

    MM: My BP was fabulous at my appointment Saturday. What a relief.

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

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    MM: my birthday was this weekend and my daughter was so excited. It was nice to see her get the feeling I get about her birthday!

    MBF: growth scan today has this baby measuring at 41 weeks. I am not even 37 weeks until Thursday.
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    @balletnerd -- I also thought the flu shot was so much worse than the tDap!

    MBF - turns out our local fire department only inspects car seats during working hours.  So that means I'll need to take off to go get our seats inspected.  Lame.  

    ** December BMB Siggy Challenge - Animals in Pools **

    Me: 31+ H: 32
    TTC Since 11/2015
    #1 - MMC 6.5 weeks (2/16); #2 - MC due to cystic hygroma at 20 weeks (10/16); #3 CP (2/17); #4 - Due 12.16.17
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    MM- only 11 more days until I meet baby!

    MBF- how hard is it to stand in the shower for an extra minute to let the water run off you before stepping out? DH immediately steps out, and it causes my bath mat to get soaked, which takes the whole damn day to dry.. and my bathroom is small, which means you step on the mat to use the toilet, and then your socks get wet.. and that's just annoying.
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    @eazybreezy225 Omg, my DH does the SAME THING. It's one of the most simple concepts, just let the water drain off you a little before you step out of the shower. Every time I step in the giant puddle that is the bath mat, I swear I lose a few minutes off my life. 

    MBF- It's my last week of work and I don't get my usual day from home (wicked FWP), but it's because...

    MM- ...the temp (who was supposed to start next Monday) can actually come in for 2 days this week so I can train her in person, woohoo! 

    Happy Birthday @oldersis and @hellothere47!!

    Me: 31 | DH: 31
    TTC #1 since 12/2015
    BFP 4/4/17, EDD 12/4/17

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    DH is in the middle of doing several loads of laundry... and started the dishwasher. WTF. How many hot water heaters do you think we have, dude?
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    @oldersis me too girl. me too. At my 36 week appt last week I measured 41 weeks. I have another growth US next Monday unless I deliver beforehand.

    MBF - literally almost EVERYONE in my life thinks they are welcome to the hospital when I deliver.  I want no visitors. ZERO. ZILTCH. This is such a crazy adjustment period and SO has never had children and has no clue how taxing that 2-4 day stay is.  I told him he'll have to advocate for me and stand up to at least his family on this because, just no. They can wait a few days to see the baby. In my mind there are no drastic changes that take place from baby coming out to them being 4 or so days old.  Just leave me and my little family alone and let us adjust before you barge through the doors.
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    @jesrude i have been dealing with this my entire pregnancy with his side of the family and they refuse to listen and still bring it up and try to bully me into giving details anytime i talk with them. I have told my SO why i want the two people there i do want and the reasons why and he feels the same way so we have it to where the hospital will not release any information and were not telling anyone about her birth to his family until we are home and settled. After what happened last time and what they have done this pregnancy, they are very lucky they even get to see LO at all. 
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    MBF -- clinical auditors showed up at 230p, stayed until 4p, made everyone's life hell and will be back tomorrow at 8a.  Basically they accomplished nothing today beyond getting everyone upset and ruining the productivity of the afternoon. And one of them is basically the living embodiment of "well, actually" cat.  He's so smug that I think he might actually break his face from smug-smiling so much.  Pregnancy rage is CLEARLY the correct response to (asshole) authority figures, amirite? (I am not right? Well, damn.)
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    @elvenchick92686 ugh, I'm sorry.  Luckily, I don't see his extended family often at all. But his mom thinks she's going to be in the room while i'm delivering.  Um no no no nope!  isn't family the best?... eye roll emoji
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    edited November 2017
    @jesrude we only see his mom when we "have to" (ie holidays) and she only lives 30 minutes away if that tells you anything about that situation/relationship. The only reason she is doing this is because we let it slip we were thinking of having his sister (not biological but still like his sisyer) there, whom his mother is currently not speaking to, so now every conversation results in that topic and/or fake tears. She feels since she was there first time with lucas which was a totally different sotuation, and she is "first time grandma" (that statement alone justifies mine and SO reasoning) and that she "deserves to be there/at the hospital". *insert eye rolls*. Once she knows my mother is staying with us the first little while will be an even bigger argument than the delivery room has been. *insert mental middle fingers to this women since i dont care about her feelings*. 

    @kyrwyn i say prego rage is the totally right response!!!!! Middle finger to them!!! Lol
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    @jesrude at least we're not alone with our enormous babies. Stay strong on the visitor thing. I don't know why people think birth is a spectator sport!
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    What the hell is your mom thinking? She obviously lacks consideration for you and the fact you will have JUST had a baby... that is insane. I'm sorry she's being selfish.
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    @Piccola1988  That's so weird! Was she genuinely upset or was it more like a brain fart?  (Like how my MIL was trying to keep our car seat for a Christmas gift for our baby that's due uhhhh... before Christmas?)
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    @rainbowdashh is it too late to ask for the 11th instead? Hopefully the few days difference won't bother you too much in the end. 
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    @oldersis yep. in this together ;) And thank you. I raged out about earlier today to a coworker and she totally backed me up too, sometimes all we need is the support from other awesome ladies in our life.

    @Piccola1988 ugh. I'm sorry.  That stinks. I'm with you on all of it. Holidays are draining and families can be draining and when you're already maxed out in that regard, you save what you can and be damned the rest. We all have a BIG change coming up and deserve to rest when we can.  It's a marathon not a sprint; pacing is required at this point.

    @rainbowdashh I agree with @jlemons-2 maybe talk it out with those it pertains to, i.e. childcare and your doctors office.  Most offices are very amenable and understanding. I have to work a surgery scheduler to schedule mine and she is super sweet. Also, when I worked in L&D; we had C/S's and inductions get changed around ALL the time, if dates weren't already booked. 
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    @elvenchick92686 whoa! that is A LOT going on. I am sorry you are having to deal with all this at this stage, but it sounds like you are pretty firm and have a great support system in your SO. I don't understand why external people, i.e. everyone but you and your SO, think this event is about THEM. Literally there hasn't been a day that is less about anyone else aside from the two people who created a person and said person, EVER.   The only people that matter are you and your little family and little baby(ies).  At least that's my opinion; I know mommas want special people there too, but if they are going to be selfish or unsupportive, there is no need.

    Sorry that got vent-y this clearly hits a nerve with me. No offense meant whatsoever.
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    @jesrude thanks. We got into another argument about it today Since his mom called him (i ignore all her calls for obvious reasons) so i pretty much told SO to fuck off that im holding firm on what i want to happen. So we will see what actually happens. I spent all day crying and upset so now i just want it all to be over and home with my mom and little one. We did agree on a few things so i guess thats okay *shrugs*. 
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    @elcd458 she definitely reacted like it was a brain fart, mainly because I pointed out that I might not even be home by then, but yeah it’s a really odd thing to even come up with!
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    @elvenchick92686 :( sending you lots of hugs and love. 
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    @Piccola1988 WTAF to your mom! the whole "you owe them" thing aside (news flash: you don't), you sure as hell don't need to host anyone at all, let alone extended family, for a holiday that is right after / around when you give birth to a new child. HELLO. get a grip. 

    i'm so flabbergasted by this. 
                                       Met: September 2005  Married: October 2008   DS: 09/2014
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    Doing my mbf on a wed because I need to vent/cry. DD was sick with a nasty cold, got me sick...we were all better up until last week. Now DD is sick again with a terrible cough and runny nose. She coughed so hard she vomited all over her bed last night. I feel bad for her but c’mon universe! Give us a break! 
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    @sjis So much sympathy for you and your family. That sounds awful. And like way more than you need to deal with right now.

    My Wed BF is: There's a confirmed case of pertussis at the local high school. NBD, I don't have a high schooler. Except my coworker's kid (who is at that high school) has been hanging around the office every afternoon for the last week. So that's one more thing to talk to my OB about tomorrow.
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