March 2018 Moms

MoMs(Moms of multiples)weekly check in for the week of Nov 12th

Hi ladies - This is for all of us expecting more than one little blessing! How are you doing this week? I am going to keep the questions about the same this week because there are still some that haven't posted last week. I also will be adding a list with EDDs and such so everyone can know off hand.

OUR Multiple Mommies 

37wks cut off @Momma6angels11
38wks cut off @Mnddnvn@amanning2011
39wks cut off @awolfff

@awolfff EDD 3/8 B/G
@Momma6angels11 EDD 3/9 B/G
@vflux33 EDD 3/14 B/B
@Mnddnvn EDD 3/16 B/G
@Syssa-o EDD 3/21 B/G
@amanning2011 EDD 3/25
@Gingham EDD 3/26 B/B

1. How far along are you, and what is your due date? Do you have a cut off week?

2. How many multiples are you expecting? 

3. Any recent appointment updates

4. How are you feeling, symptoms, etc

5. Have you started a registry yet? Any registry items you're looking at, or any registry questions for the STM's?

6. Do you know what genders you are having? - Or are you still waiting to find out? 

7.  Any current cravings or aversions?

8. Anything else you want to share this week, or questions, concerns, etc?

QOTW: Has discovering you are having multiples affected your idea of how birth will  go?

Re: MoMs(Moms of multiples)weekly check in for the week of Nov 12th

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    I answered the q’s last week so I’m just going to bitch about how uncomfortable I am!!! Holy jeez I remember this discomfort around 30+ weeks with previous pregnancies. I don’t know how I’ll be getting socks and shoes on by the end. 

    Oh... and we’re moving in a few weeks. Joy!! Not...

    also, even though I’ve been hinting at it every appt, OB refuses to discuss induction dates yet. He says it’s too early to think about. Humph. 
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    @syssa-o i cant even imagine moving in this pregnancy so oh my i feel for you.. Yeah I know how you feel my back hurts, i cant get comfortable and i just feel like crap.. i dont know how im going to make it to 37wks...and definitely wonder how some have to go to 38/39wks! I would keep bugging your doctor at every appointment about a cut off date.. really its not too early..
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    @momma6angels11 he said in the coming weeks we would start talking about it - the way he approaches it leads me to think he likes little to no intervention. He *did* say if both twins are growing equally and well and there are no concerns we wouldn’t induce till I was overdue. Our hospital is quite the distance away especially in traffic which is pretty much around the clock lol.... so I’m pushing for an induction just so we can be there and not be rushing in and getting stuck on the highway (I have quick labours). 

    Re moving. I’m actually dreading it. I work the night before overnight (10-6) so I will be toast before we even start moving. H knows I may not be the most helpful person even though I will try because I’m stubborn soooo we’ve enlisted help at least. 
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    @syssa-o i would definitely push for an induction sooner than being overdue!! There are more risks with twins and going longer than 38wks. At least i do believe it was in the multiples pregnancy book i read. I really hope you get and induction date soon!!
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    1. How far along are you, and what is your due date? Do you have a cut off week?
    23+3  yes 37wks (FEBRUARY 16th)
    2. How many multiples are you expecting? 
    3. Any recent appointment updates
    Not this week!
    4. How are you feeling, symptoms, etc
    Still feeling miserable for the most part. Not easy to bend down, back aches, feeling huge.
    5. Have you started a registry yet? Any registry items you're looking at, or any registry questions for the STM's?
    Yes, am i the only one doing a crib with a divider?Anyone getting 2 rock n plays? Anyone thinking about the table for 2?
    6. Do you know what genders you are having? - Or are you still waiting to find out? 
    7.  Any current cravings or aversions?
    Ive been on a asiago spicy chicken club kick lately.
    8. Anything else you want to share this week, or questions, concerns, etc?
    How is everyones babies movements? For the longest time i mostly felt baby a on my right side, but once i hit 23 weeks they both started going crazy in there!
    QOTW: Has discovering you are having multiples affected your idea of how birth will  go?

    Yes! I have never had a C-section so when i found out it was twins i heard alot about that being a big possibility. Then again when the MFM said i had a complete previa. Thank god that that complete previa has moved so there is still the possibility of a C-section if both babies are not head down .. im really hoping for a vaginal birth, but i now struggle with getting the epidural as i want to do it without meds.
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    @momma6angels11 I’m with you with wanting to have a vaginal birth. I have never had a c-section and have heard the recovery can be pretty rough! Though, i think if I end up needing one I won’t be heartbroken about it would just be one more thing about this experience that will be part of the unknown until it happens. This time I was really hoping to go to the local birth center, having twins risked us out. We also have different insurance than we did last time and don’t have many choices with where we deliver. We are at a hospital that has a pretty high c-section rate, but they also deliver more multiples and high risk pregnancies than anywhere in the county. They are also across the street from the children’s hospital as well as having their own level 3 nicu. So if I do end up needing a c-section at least I know they are well versed in that and if the babies need anything crazy when they are born, I feel we are in a good place!  We hired a doula again this time so I’m hoping whatever the outcome, the added support will help me feel good about it. 

    My ob told us that there is a good chance they will be born between 35-37 weeks but that as long as our pregnancy continues as lower risk twin pregnancy, without complications, the recommendation from acog is 38-39 weeks (according to the ob...haven’t fact checked any of it). With my son, I didn’t get induced, but I’m told pitocin intensifies labor. I’m hoping I just go into labor without induction ~38weeks...though being induced/scheduling a c-section has its perks (convenience and for us guaranteeing our ob will be the one delivering). 

    Baby on the right, I don’t feel moving nearly as much as baby on the left! When ever we go to the ob for an u/s you can definitely see him moving all over the place, I just can’t really feel him as much. The baby on the left is just all over the place! We have our next appt with MFM on weds...always enjoy seeing them but hopefully they don’t take too long. The last one took forever and the technician was skimpy on the gel so it dried up pretty quickly. This time we are getting the same technician we had the first time and she was awesome. Got lots of good pictures and didn’t take super long.
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    @awolfff I know we talked about the baby relax large glider last week, but FYI I found another wide one that I think looks nicer/gets better reviews (though it is more expensive) on Land of the Nod and Amazon:

    @momma6angels11 I don't remember reading about risks of going to 40 weeks with twins in my book, but maybe I missed it... do you remember any specifics on that? I'm seeing my OB tomorrow and would like to ask her about that.

    Heads up to those of you who haven't toured your birth center yet: I don't know how common this is, but I was told at my hospital at our tour yesterday that ALL twin births (including low risk ones) have to give birth in the OR and not in a regular L & D room. I was not aware of this, maybe you all were, or maybe it's just my hospital, but worth looking into. 

    As a FTM even though in general I'm into "natural" everything, I'm having fears of both vaginal deliveries and c-sections, and I'm super sketched by the potential of ending up with both. There seems no way to guarantee ahead of time that B will remain head down (IF he or she even starts that way at the beginning of A's birth). My OB is pushing vaginal even if B is breech or transverse because she is trained to reach in and turn B, but only some doctors are trained to reach in and turn B after A is born as you guys probably already know, and we don't know if my OB or another with this training will be on call when I go into labor. So I am strongly considering pushing for a c-section for both A and B because of not wanting to have to have a vaginal birth and a c-section just because I'm freaked out with the idea of doing both types of births at once and having to deal with both types of recovery. Anyone else feel this way? I'm not the only FTM here, right? Maybe for your STMs it's different because you've done (another version of) this before... 
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    1. How far along are you, and what is your due date? Do you have a cut off week? 21 weeks, EDD is March 25, with a cut off of 38 weeks 2. How many multiples are you expecting? Twins :) 3. Any recent appointment updates? Our AS was last Tuesday and we found out yesterday we are having girls!!! 4. How are you feeling, symptoms, etc? Feeling good. My back hates me, but we were expecting that. 5. Have you started a registry yet? Any registry items you're looking at, or any registry questions for the STM's? Started a few, but now we can finish them since we know what we're having. 6. Do you know what genders you are having? - Or are you still waiting to find out? Girls!! 7. Any current cravings or aversions? Not really, which feels weird to me. Just not a huge fan of sweets. 8. Anything else you want to share this week, or questions, concerns, etc? Nope :) QOTW: Has discovering you are having multiples affected your idea of how birth will go? We knew we were having twins almost done the beginning (IVF) so I didn't really have any preconceived ideas about it birth. The only thing I've been thinking about is if we can do vaginal whether or not to get an epidural to begin with. I'd rather have it in case of an emergency C-section, but I am concerned about potential complications.
    Met 2004, Married 2011, Trying since 2013. Info in spoiler:

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Me: 30
    Diagnosed with PCOS, later changed to unexplained anovulation due to high prolactin and normal testosterone levels
    Him: 31
    High sperm count (yay!) but also super high fluid volume (boo!)
    First IUI, Clomid and Follistim: 11/29-BFN
    Second IUI, Femara and Follistim: 12/29-BFN
    Third IUI, Femara and Gonal-F (and Follistim): 1/28 BFN
    Fourth IUI, Femara and Gonal-F: 7/23 BFN
    IVF 1: Femara and Gonal-F: 1/23/2017
    Beta Study:
    Beta #1: 1/28/2017 4.1
    Beta #2: 1/30/2017 34
    Beta #3: 2/1/2017 131
    Beta #4: 2/3/2017 476
    Ultrasound: 2/14/17-Twin Etopic Pregnancy, surgery to remove right fallopian tube on 2/17/2017
    FET 2: Femara, Gonal-F, and Clomid: Cycle Canceled due to low progesterone
    FET 3: July 7, Femara, Gonal-F, Clomid-BFP!!!!!! Due March 2018
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    @vflux33 I had heard that multiples are always delivered in an OR just to be prepared for an emergency CS if need be. I haven’t toured our birthing unit yet though. 

    I’m hoping for a vaginal delivery because I’ve had two that went very smoothly. If a CS is needed, so be it.... I just really don’t want to go through both. That’s recovery is likely a special sort of hell. 
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    @awolfff i wont be heartbroken if i have to have a C-section either..yeah 35 and a half weeks is the average for twins so that makes sense. 
    @vflux33 ive read several books on twin pregnancy so i cant remember where i read it. It was about the placenta starting to get old sooner and the risk of still birth. Yes most multiples will deliver in an OR.
    @amanning2011 2 girls!! That is so awesome!! I definitely dont want to be knocked out for an emergency C-section. So i most likely will be getting the epidural anyways..
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    @vflux33 That chair looks super comfy!! Thanks for sharing! Also, I too was told we would be in the OR. Hopefully it’s comfortable! Honestly though, with my son, once it came time to go to labor and delivery, they could have had me in the cafeteria and I probably wouldn’t have cared! In fact, I delivered him at a “learning” hospital and when he made his grand entrance I heard all this clapping and looked up to see that there were about 10 ppl other than our midwife, nurses and doula  :D
    Definitely don’t want to do both c-section and vaginal delivery. I just keep thinking how challenging it will be to recover from a c-section and have two new babies and a toddler. Can’t  imagine what it would be to have both deliveries....

    @amanning2011 I have been contemplating the same thing! I’m not thrilled on the idea of having an epidural...but also want to be prepared for a c-section if we need to have one.

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    So many good comments on this thread! I was induced with my first, and though I don't have anything else to compare it to, I did think it was intense (to the point I was throwing up) and had to ask for an epidural almost right away. We have also been told that we we will deliver in the OR with two pediatric teams in the room, one for each baby. I get the impression my doctor would like me to have an epidural right away, in case a c-section is needed. I'm fine with an epidural and pitocin, but would prefer to have both babies vaginal but ultimately I want to avoid Vaginal and a c-section!

    I like the double-wide rockers you have been sharing. I have a different babyletto rocker that is okay but not very comfortable. I would advise looking at chairs that are tall enough in the back that you can rest your head.

    @amanning2011 congrats on the girls! The only person in this group having 2 girls!
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    We just got a minivan! The guy who sold us the car was a twin and the gal who helped us with the paperwork was a twin Mom!  She told me that:

    1. Be prepared for some really ridiculous comments from strangers (like over the top just weird/rude comments and questions). 

    2. When they start moving around, change the diaper of the fastest one first.

    3. Her experience with having a csection was NOT too bad at all and she was so overwhelmed by the twins, the incision didn’t really bother her 

    4. Costco for wipes and diapers 

    5. It worked out well for her to have the twins sleeping in the same bed/co-sleeper...they are four now and prefer to share a bed

    6. Twins are really so much fun and it will be hard, but the hard parts won’t last.


    I’m thinking amazon for diapers and wipes because they deliver but it will probably boil down to which is most cost effective.
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    @awolfff Already experiencing #1 and LOL to #2!

    We are waffling on the sleeping thing. We initially wanted to put them in the same crib for the first 4 months, but then I started reading stories about one twin accidentally suffocating another and got really sketched out. It doesn't happen to everyone, but I don't want to be the person who it happens too.... So after much debate, we're going to get bassinets for until we can put them in their own room at night. We're not happy with the extra expense and we have space issues that will make it tricky, and we did think it would be super cute to put them together at first as a kind of transition, but the suffocation/ SIDS fears won out in the end. 
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    @vflux33 Definitely thought the same about them sharing. So nerve wracking! Halo has a co-sleeper designed for twins but it’s 450...a little steep to only use the first few months. I’m wondering if they have a crib separator for co-sleepers? 
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    @awolfff Yeah I looked into that too--They do have crib separators but they're not recommended for the same reason that bumpers are no longer recommended (crib is supposed to be totally empty for SIDS prevention and the dividers are soft like bumpers, which is a no no). 

    Graco has a twin bassinet/pack n play combo, but I'm really paranoid about chemicals personally--if you're not as anti-chemical as me that may be a relatively inexpensive option for you... I'm thinking of getting 2 of the Lotus pack n plays with bassinet conversion kits. At least that way they can be used for something after a few months and the company is better about the chemical stuff than Graco is. But again, that option does cost a lot more and is less space-conscious if that's an issue for you. 
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    @awolfff what kind of van did you get? I love #2 on her advice! Im doing a crib and buying the divider for the first few months and if i can find 2 of those sleep position things so they wont slide into divider..
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    I also pretty much just came here to vent and I know you all will understand...I am sooooo uncomfortable already!  I'm not even 22 weeks :/  I got pretty huge with DS (he was 10.5 lbs) so I have to say that I'm a little stressed about how I'm gonna survive another 16+ weeks.  My doctor also hasn't really discussed an induction date and said there's no reason to have them early if everything looks fine with the babies.  This doctor delivered my boss' twins and let her go to 39.5 weeks. They were 8 lbs each...

    For those of you who work, how long do you plan on working?
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    @vflux33 thanks for the info!!

    @momma6angels11 we ended up with a Honda Odyssey
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    Ugh. Wrote way more and it didn’t post!!!
    @momma6angels11 let me know what you find because we are trying to figure something out and I’m not sure what we will do. May end up caving on the halo twin. It’s just so much money! 
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    You guys, I just talked to a friend on the phone who is 3 weeks behind me with a singleton. She's only gained 7 pounds. I've already gained TWENTY (23 weeks). Where are you all at with the weight gain? My doctor said I'm in the normal range, but having some body image issues and kinda freaked out about all the weight I'm supposed to gain on top of what I already have. It feels like it happened so quickly, and I'm not having a side of cheesecake with every meal or anything like that (I swear!) I keep telling myself this is what it's supposed to look like with twins, but man, it just feels like... A LOT. If you feel this way too, please commiserate with me!
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    @vflux33 Don't feel bad... I'm up 25 lbs at 21 weeks! I read at this point 20 -30 lbs for twins is normal so I guess we're on track. It's kind of hard to believe, though, since the babies are only about a pound each.  And it's painful gaining so much weight so quickly
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    I’m up about 20lbs. I definitely gained with my son...after he was born. Lack of sleep and new Mom hormones...this time I’m absolutely expecting it again and it was really difficult for me to be happy with my new Mom bod. Kind of freaks me out about this time around because not only did I never lose all the weight from my first, but now I’m gonna gain more! Doesn’t help that this time I want all the junk food and don’t feel like doing any form of exercise. I keep reminding myself that these days are short lived and someday, I’ll have the energy to lose the weight I’m gaining and get into my running again. In the meantime, I’m just trying to eat healthier, do some light yoga and hoping for the best! 
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    @Gingham @awolfff Thanks, guys, that does make me feel better. Obviously I'm gonna gain whatever is the heathy amount for these little guys, but it's nice to feel I'm not alone gaining this much so rapidly.
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    @Gingham i think we All feel you on being so uncomfortable!!
    @Vflux33 I have gained 27lbs at 24wks today. It seems that its starting to slow down as i basically only gained a pound in the last 2 weeks ( knock on wood) i never lost the baby weight from my soon to be 11mth old so i started about 20lbs up from where i was before my last pregnancy. Im just telling my self this is for these babies and when im chasing 3 of them around im bound to take it off but i really dont feel like doing anything these days. So the same as @awolfff
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    @Gingham I'm planning on working (from home because I'm close to not fitting behind my steering wheel lol) until either my doctor tells me not to or I go into labor.

    @vflux33 I had only gained 13 pounds at my 20 week appointment (2 days shy of 22 weeks now) but my doctor is concerned about my lack of weight gain and wants me eating more protein to try and gain more weight.
    Met 2004, Married 2011, Trying since 2013. Info in spoiler:

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Me: 30
    Diagnosed with PCOS, later changed to unexplained anovulation due to high prolactin and normal testosterone levels
    Him: 31
    High sperm count (yay!) but also super high fluid volume (boo!)
    First IUI, Clomid and Follistim: 11/29-BFN
    Second IUI, Femara and Follistim: 12/29-BFN
    Third IUI, Femara and Gonal-F (and Follistim): 1/28 BFN
    Fourth IUI, Femara and Gonal-F: 7/23 BFN
    IVF 1: Femara and Gonal-F: 1/23/2017
    Beta Study:
    Beta #1: 1/28/2017 4.1
    Beta #2: 1/30/2017 34
    Beta #3: 2/1/2017 131
    Beta #4: 2/3/2017 476
    Ultrasound: 2/14/17-Twin Etopic Pregnancy, surgery to remove right fallopian tube on 2/17/2017
    FET 2: Femara, Gonal-F, and Clomid: Cycle Canceled due to low progesterone
    FET 3: July 7, Femara, Gonal-F, Clomid-BFP!!!!!! Due March 2018
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    I remembered the question I had (last week) but forgot!!!

    Husband and I are trying to figure out the best way to position the three car seats- 2 in 2nd row, one in 3rd or one in 2nd and two in third or?? We don’t really want to do three across because reaching over a car seat to buckle the middle one in/help them out seems like it would be annoying to me.
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    @ awolfff we are planning on putting one car seat (bigger car seat) in the third row probably in the middle but we will see..then the twins in the second row one on each side.. let me know what you all decide..
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