January 2018 Moms

Weekly Symptoms Thread: 10/28-11/3

DS1: Nov. 2013
DS2: Jan. 2016
DS3: Dec. 2017
Baby #4 on the way!

Re: Weekly Symptoms Thread: 10/28-11/3

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    After other ladies complaining about rib pain, and it being one of the topics of conversation at my Centering group, I had been thinking my lucky stars that I was not having any. Then BOOM. It hurts. :(

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    J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies!

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    EDD: 1/6/2018
    Eva Jane: 7/23/2014

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    I have also been fighting a cold that seems to come and go. I can't tell where one cold starts and the other starts. Ugh! And I just posted the following in last weeks symptoms thread so I'm going to copy paste it here bc this is my main symptom today...

    Can we discuss pelvic pain some more. Specifically, the pubic bone? I walked quite a bit yesterday and felt ok and today my pubic bone is pretty sore especially with walking. Not to mention my crotch varicose vein is making me feel lots of pressure in the same area. I can live with it but now I'm freaking out that by the time I get to the end I could be immobile! Eeek! 
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    Heartburn, racing heart - constant every day, extreme lower back pain and Braxton Hicks that make me have to catch my breath and sit down, fatigue, and itch and easily irritated skin.
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    @trudytudy I had really bad SPD last time around. By the end it was very hard to walk. I felt like a complete invalid waddling everywhere but I made it. It was just painful. This time around isn't quite so bad this time. I do have bad pelvic pain like I had super rough sex
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    @trudytudy I feel the same way. Everyone keeps asking me how I'm feeling and I feel fine, really. But this hip/pelvic pain is insane. I never share it though because everyone's asking about swelling and heartburn and I'm over here asking for a wheelchair. It's kind of discouraging because I like being active but I've found activity makes it barely possible to move.  
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    @trudytudy I feel like you just wrote my life story, minus the varicose veins part.  However, to add insult to all this I just woke up with pink eye.  Kill me now!  I really thought I was in the clear!  My son had it two weeks ago and it generally takes much less time for me to get it too. 

    For me, the SPD has bad days and not so bad days, but the worst is that laying on my side sucks and sleeping with a pillow between my legs almost makes it worse.  Sleeping on my back seems to be the best for the overall pain, but obviously not ideal for proper baby incubating. Oddly enough I seem to find that moving helps.  Getting up every so often keeps me from getting too stiff, but I don't walk too much either because that can have the opposite effect.  I noticed today that whatever is going on inside right now has pinched something that is connected right under my butt/hip towards the inside.  Not exactly sciatic.  I just keep telling myself only a few more weeks.
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    Man I know, it's going to get worse before it gets better.  I wish I knew of some exercise to help it, bc like @chellieblueray said I don't like to lay around all the time. I like to be active, plus I have to since I have small kids already. The good news is that it seems once the baby is born We can expect to put this symptom behind us. 
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    Anyone have recommendations to ease cramping? Not BH, more like period cramping. I assume it is probably just my uterus stretching, but geez. I need it to go away. (Not looking for medical advice, just personal experiences with heat/ice/anything else that has helped. Trying to drink a bunch of water at the moment.)
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    I've been getting period-like cramping every now and then too. When it happens I'm usually sleeping in bed or relaxing on the touch. I've tried getting up and walking around for a few minutes and it seems to help. I haven't tried anything else yet - I don't want to heat/freeze LO lol

    I use Hypnobabies! http://www.hypnobabies-store.com/link.cgi?affiliateID=472

    J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies!

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    EDD: 1/6/2018
    Eva Jane: 7/23/2014

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    Feeling super off today. I'm not sure if it's low BP or if I just didn't get enough sleep, but just all around feeling gross and dizzy.
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    @schaze I was feeling that way yesterday. My anxiety started going through the roof because I didn't feel well. I feel better today though.

    I use Hypnobabies! http://www.hypnobabies-store.com/link.cgi?affiliateID=472

    J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies!

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    EDD: 1/6/2018
    Eva Jane: 7/23/2014

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    cyanopecyanope member
    edited October 2017
    Okay, weird question...but I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced what I'm currently experiencing.
    So, LO is INCREDIBLY active, and his movements have never been what I experienced with DD. Her movements were what I expected: lots of kicking and rolling. She was very active too, but her movements seemed more lazy. 
    This LO's movements are much more "violent" for lack of a better term. At one point yesterday I kind of had a mini panic attack, because I swear he was having a seizure. The movements are localized, and I can tell he is kicking, but the kicks are VERY spastic. The only way I can describe it is it feels like how a cat will "bat" at something. Very quick, hard kicks in VERY rapid succession.
    Has anyone else had movements like this? Am I being weirdly paranoid? I only have my last pregnancy to compare the movements to, so I am making myself super nervous because they don't compare AT ALL. Please tell me I'm just being paranoid!
    ETA: I will definitely ask my OB about this at my appointment next week, I just wanted to see if anyone else has had a similar experience. 
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    @cyanope I have definitely been getting some movements I want to call speed bag practice. I don't remember it with DS either.

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    Jan 18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies

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    @cyanope I'm the opposite! DD was crazy and violent while this little guy, while definitely super active, is more lazy. As far as I know, it's totally normal-and definitely goes with her personality. She's still kind of a spaz!
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    @cyanope Yes, definitely getting a ton of spastic, violent movements. If it makes you feel any better, I clearly remember Googling "Can my baby be having a seizure in my belly?" last pregnancy. ;)

    I use Hypnobabies! http://www.hypnobabies-store.com/link.cgi?affiliateID=472

    J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies!

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    EDD: 1/6/2018
    Eva Jane: 7/23/2014

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    @cyanope DS was like that. Super aggressive and in fast succession. I was once sitting in a chair with uneven legs and his kicking was so strong the chair was wobbling. This LO is completely different, she's much calmer and more of the gentle movements. 
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    That's the perfect description, @bainidhedub! Way better than my cat analogy.
    Glad you have experienced the same thing, @schaze! Although DD is absolutely NUTS, so I hope that doesn't mean this kid is going to be even more active. Or else I'm kind of screwed! 
    Thanks for easing my mind a bit, ladies!
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    @cyanope I keep calling it "egg beater". Yeah, he goes just nuts in there sometimes. It's actually nauseating.

    @egirl1025 My pelvic pain is pretty much exactly what you're describing. Sleeping is the worst, movement seems to help a little. The thick tendons or whatever that connect the inside of my leg joints to my pelvis are the worst, but now I feel like my actual pubic bone is... IDK moving? There's a scrapey feeling that's downright unpleasant. I find lifting my legs is really difficult, not just painful but actively difficult. If it gets worse I'm going to be legit hobbling. 
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    Also, @missblaze...I totally Googled the EXACT same thing last night. DH was laughing at me, but I was seriously worried!
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    @cyanope I have the same thing -- some are nice and gentle and some are so violent and jerky that it feels like something must be wrong! Like, what could she possibly be in such a hurry about in there??? But I guess it's normal...

    On another note, has anyone else noticed a lot less movement when they're in the car? I'm not sure whether it's just that I can't feel it as much or that there's actually less, but whenever I've been driving for a while I realize I haven't felt any movement and get nervous (and then remember it happens every time I'm in the car so I should chill)...
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    @aleedee Well, I tend to think that the rocking motion of the car relaxes baby, just like moving around during the day does. That's why we feel baby most when we are not moving (at night in bed, sitting on the couch, etc).

    I use Hypnobabies! http://www.hypnobabies-store.com/link.cgi?affiliateID=472

    J18 December Siggy Challenge: Christmas Movies!

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    EDD: 1/6/2018
    Eva Jane: 7/23/2014

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    @missblaze That's what I figured -- I also hope it's a sign this baby will like riding in the car once she's out!
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    @cyanope yes, this child is A LOT worse than my DD, maybe my placenta is in a different place and now I can feel everything more? I’m not sure but this baby moves so much and feels so strong already, I’m afraid what the last couple of weeks will feel like!!
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    @trudytudy Well, I haven't been diagnosed with SPD. I plan to discuss it with my midwives tomorrow. I've been dealing with it since 16 weeks but I don't like to complain but it's gotten so bad that it's brought me to tears. 

    In an effort to find relief for myself, I've done a bit of reading. To ease the pain, I've learned you can take your to fists, put them end to end between your knees, and then use your knees to squeeze your fists. Supposedly, it's supposed to help strengthen your pelvis. And of course, kegels. Kegels are the answer to everything I look up when you're a woman. "Oh, you're arm fell off? Make sure to practice your kegels." Anywho, it's supposed to help and at the very least it's also supposed to help with delivery so I've made it a point to do them more often. Really, I've only noticed that it helps to move often but not over do it. Like, dancing, birthing ball, and walking a mile in one day is too much for me so I pick something to do, usually using my ball and walking if possible, and do those. I might have to rest the next day. Also, heat has been very helpful for me and I tried swimming yesterday. The water was nice but it was 55 degrees outside. I don't recommend that, lol. 

    Finally, I just try to keep my legs together. Indian style sitting is gone and so is much else that requires leg spreading. I try to keep my knees together because sometimes it eases the pain but, ultimately, I've heard that delivery is all that helps. 

    Sorry for the book! Hope something helps you. We're almost done!
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    @chellieblueray I appreciate your testimony! I've been trying to move but not overdo it. Ugh and yes the kegels advice... it's like... enough already! Haha! 
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    Cramp in my left leg just below the back of my leg. So annoying and uncomfortable. Also had a weird racing heart thing this morning (no caffeine). I had to go lay down for 30 min or so.
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    Anyone else experience chest pain around 31 weeks this time or last?  I literally could not fall asleep last night.  I can barely take a deep breath and when I do, it feels like someone is stabbing me.  Totally uncharted territory for me and I can't tell if it is reallllly bad heartburn or something else.  Not cool if this is what I have to look forward to for the next 9 weeks.  I also have an insanely terrible cough and sneezing my head off.  This has been a fun week so far.
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    @jaclyn0405 Earlier this pregnancy I had heartburn so bad that I thought I was having a heart attack. I went to the ER and they confirmed it was just heartburn and gave me some meds to help with it. I'm guessing that shortness of breath from baby pushing on everything could contribute as well. Hopefully it's minor, but you may want to mention it to your doctor. 
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    jaclyn0405jaclyn0405 member
    edited October 2017
    @maueraa07 thanks love! I just gave them a call and they said most likely heartburn as well.  Mine feels like I am having a heart attack too so I am glad (but not really) that you experienced the same thing for my peace of mind.  I am going to switch from Zantac to Prilosec tonight.  I also have a terrible cough that could be resulting in inflamed bronchial tubes since it is a super dry cough so I was given the okay for regular Robitussin as well.  I feel like I turned (31) weeks and everything went down the proverbial shi*ter! Lol!

    Edited: spelling
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    Does anyone have any good stretches for lower back and hips? My lower right side of my back has been cramping and locking up when I try to stand up.
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    @jaclyn0405 Hopefully the change helps! It's such a horrible feeling. They also had me taking mylanta, which was good for some instant relief during particularly bad moments. Hope you feel better soon!
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    edited October 2017
    @jaclyn0405 I have had a heart attack before, and sometimes the heartburn confuses me and I really should know the difference! Hang in there, it's no fun at all.
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    Aww @auntieraindrop thank you so much! It is definitely no fun, I am just hoping for a baby girl with lots of hair for all the pain! 
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    @maueraa07 I do some of these for my hips-figure 4 in particular feels ah-mazing.

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    So exhausted. I have some energy early in the day but it's gone by lunchtime and doesn't come back. I also have crazy heartburn! I had a ton of heartburn with DS and he has always had A TON of hair haha! It'll be interesting to see how much hair this little boy will have!
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