May 2018 Moms

TTGP Grad Check-in Week of 10/16

Hi TTGP Grads!  How is everyone doing?

How far along are you?

How are you feeling? 

GTKY: What TV family is most like your own?

Re: TTGP Grad Check-in Week of 10/16

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    How far along are you?
    How are you feeling? 
    I'm doing better than before. It used to be constant morning to night every day nausea but it's starting to come and go and not last all day. That's probably the worst symptom and everything else is manageable.
    GTKY: What TV family is most like your own?
    This is a difficult question as I don't watch a lot of TV but maybe the Tanners from Full House...we're extremely vanilla and like our after school specials.
  • Options
    How far along are you?
    How are you feeling? 
    I really don't want to jinx myself, but I think the nausea is finally starting to let up.  I kinda feel half human right now.  I was able to bathe the girls last night, which I haven't done in months.  Well, I mean, MH has been doing it, I haven't just let my girls go without baths for months  :D  I was also able to unload the dishwasher and reload some dirty dishes into it.  Now of course, start the hormone headaches.....I'll still take these over the nausea any day.  
    GTKY: What TV family is most like your own?
    Definitely the Hecks from The Middle, it's an ongoing joke between me and MH.  Not a ton of money, things don't always go our way, but in the end we love our little family and do the best we can with what we have.  

    Me, 35 Hubs, 32
    Married June 2012
    BFP June 2013- blighted ovum, D&C Aug 2013
    BFP Oct 2013- twins!  A&H born May 2014
    BFP Aug 2017- EDD 5/8/17

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