June 2018 Moms

Due Date Check-in: First Week of June (week of Oct 26)

This is a weekly check in for people who are due the First Week of June (6/1-6/7)

As of today (Thursday), we should all be 8+__. The Bump says baby is the size of a raspberry. Have you found any other fun descriptions? (If responding after Thursday, feel free to update for 9 weeks if you’ve crossed over.)

What symptoms are you having? How are you feeling?


Any questions this week?

GTKY:  tell us about your first real kiss

Re: Due Date Check-in: First Week of June (week of Oct 26)

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    Ovia claims our babies are the side of a Denis's pygmy sea horse!

    What symptoms are you having? How are you feeling?  I called the doctor yesterday after the bleeding / cramping increased and insisted on coming in.  Everything checked out fine.  Baby is measuring on track, has hands and feet, and a great heartbeat.  No explanation for the bleeding except that it might be delayed implantation bleeding.  But she told me I should expect to bleed like this for the rest of pregnancy and to call back if it increases in amount or the clots are the size of a marble!  

    Other than that, I'm incredibly nauseated.  All day, every day.  It's getting harder to hide it at work.

    Rants/Raves: Tonight is my H's Halloween Party at his office for the kids. DS is a lion so I'm looking forward to that.  

    Any questions this week?

    GTKY:  tell us about your first real kiss.  We didn't really "date" in high school.  Freshman year, I had a "boyfriend" for about a week.  We shared on, closed mouth kiss.  Maybe that was why it didn't last long.  
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    Ovia says Lego piece! 

    What symptoms are you having? How are you feeling? Honestly I think I might be getting sick but I can’t tell. Like, sore throat and tired, weird taste in my mouth, but is that sickness or pregnancy? Everything feels 10x drier in pregnancy for me, even my skin. So could be that causing sore throat.  Womp. 

    Rants/Raves: told our close friends yesterday and they’re super excited 

    Any questions this week? Nope

    GTKY:  tell us about your first real kiss. 

    I was in 7th grade, and our whole class took a week long trip backpacking through Yosemite which is a longggg drive. I sat with my boyfriend on the bus, and the teachers fell asleep so we made out for the whole drive. We ended up being together for a year after that, and we’d go to the movies every week and makeout the entire time lol.  I miss making out!! 

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    because I'm that rule breaker and a may 31st girl. I'm 9 weeks today.

    Ovia says a southern pecan, a Canape, jacks (the game), or a eastern tailed blue butterfly

    what symptoms are you having? how are you feeling?
    its weird. I don't feel nauseous and all that. but absolutely nothing sounds good to eat. nothing. or else gives me awful tastes afterwards. and that part actually makes me feel kinda gross.

    rants/raves: excited to be in my last 'one digit' week.. lol. just praying all is well in there!

    any questions this week? nope

    GTKY: tell us about your first real kiss. it was up at our summer camp. I stayed up there with my fam most of the summer. But it was with a boy I was hanging out with on weekends when he came up. the 'bad boy' I shouldn't have been so infatuated with lol. But I had to go in for curfew and it just happened. super awkward lol.
    me:35 DH:34
    DS: born oct 2012
    TFAS: BFP #1 aug16. miscarriage sept16
              BFP #2 nov16 MMC dec16. d&c jan17
              BFP #3 sept17  EDD 5/31/18
    fingers crossed for our rainbow baby
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    edited October 2017

    Whatever my ticker app is says peanut M&M!  :)

    What symptoms are you having? How are you feeling? Nausea comes and goes.  I had a super bad headache earlier this week that added to the nausea I think, but I felt pretty good yesterday (after getting ready for work) and feel pretty good today.  A little dizzy ATM though. I just took my progesterone so thinking that may contributing to how I'm feeling right now.  

    Rants/Raves: Nothing atm

    Any questions this week? Does the progesterone worsen symptoms for you all too?  

    GTKY:  tell us about your first real kiss. Our 9th grade class went on a "science day" and at the end of the day had to wait for the bus.  Me and the boy went for a walk and he stopped me along the way and he french kissed me!  Obviously NOT his first kiss.  lol  That boy also happens to be DH.  :open_mouth:   We dated for a week in 9th grade then not again until after our freshman year in college.  

    BFP #1 October 2008 | m/c Thanksgiving weekend | November 2008 | 7 weeks 2 days
    BFP #2 February 2009 | m/c March 2009 | 4 weeks 3 days
    Testing on mom and dad for possible reasons all came back normal.
    BFP #3 8/4/2009 | DD born 3/28/10 @ 38 weeks
    BFP #4 5/13/11 | m/c 6/15/11 | 8 weeks 6 days
    BFP #5 2/13/13 | CP 2/19/13 | 4 weeks 
    BFP #6 3/21/14 | Heard the HB on 4/16 | m/c 4/21/14 | 9 weeks
    Testing results all returned normal and baby was a GIRL.
    More testing on mom and dad for other issues all returned normal results.
    BFP #7 10/15 | DS born 6/4/16 @ 36 weeks 
    BFP #8 9/28/17 AHHH!!!  |  EDD 6/6/18

    "Dear Lord, I would have loved to have held my babies on my lap & tell them about you, but since I didn't get the chance, would you please hold them on your lap & tell them about me?"
    All are welcome!

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    momlyfe29momlyfe29 member
    edited October 2017
    Cute little seahorse. I like the ovia comparisons. 

    What symptoms are you having? How are you feeling?
    •Nausea. Terrible nausea and the worst leg aches EVER. Basically I feel miserable. 

    • my rant is someone stole a package off my doorstep. Eye roll. 

    Any questions this week?
    • leg aches normal??? I can’t remember this with my first until the 3rd tri. 

    GTKY:  tell us about your first real kiss
    • gosh I barely remember. I think it was on my doorstep with my first boyfriend. While my mom watched through the peep hole. What a weirdo hahaha
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    @boymama29 with the leg aches could it be due to dehydration?  I know with my own nausea that I am not getting enough water during the day (the thought of water makes my stomach churn).  I know when not pregnant I would get leg cramps at the gym when I wasn't drinking enough.  I'm not a doctor so this isn't medical advice, but drinking more water was always my OBs go to answer when I was pregnant with DD.

    What symptoms are you having? How are you feeling?
    Nauseous and tired.

    I had my first appointment today and saw the heart beating and the little bean wiggled around too.

    Any questions this week?

    GTKY:  tell us about your first real kiss
    I was hanging out with friends and he (middle school boyfriend) was hanging out with another group of friends.  All of us were behind the shopping center down the street from my house.  He had his friend tell me he liked me and we shared an awkward kiss while all of friends where hanging out a few feet away.  If I am remembering right, report cards came out the next week and he was grounded thus ending our "relationship".
    me 35/ DH 39
    married 8/22/2015
    BFP#1- 4/2014 edd 1/1/15 mmc/d&c 6/2014
    BFP#2- 10/2015 edd- 6/29/2016 mmc/ d&c 12/2015
    BFP#3- 4/30/2016 DD1 12/27/16
    BFP#4- 9/26 edd 6/5/18

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    What symptoms are you having? How are you feeling? nauseous all the time. exhausted. 

    Rants/Raves: Had our confirmation ultrasound today!!! Our 18m just stared at the screen. 
    My mom also flies in tonight and we're going to tell both sides of the family at dinner tomorrow. 

    Any questions this week? anyone see a chiropractor? 

    GTKY:  tell us about your first real kiss
    8th grade dance- after waiting for our parents to pick us up he bent down and kissed me. it was sweet. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    What symptoms are you having? How are you feeling?
    I have nausea coming and going, and I’m so so tired. 

    Rant: DS turns two tomorrow and is apparently so excited about it that he isn’t napping.  :|  I depend on those naps for some much needed rest time. 
    Rave: I took DS to his two year well visit this afternoon and when we pulled into the parking lot he said “Beebee,” he thought we were back for another ultrasound  <3

    Any questions this week?
    How does one get their partner to be better about scooping cat litter? My husband will come inside, say he can smell our cats recent poop, but not do anything about it. 

    GTKY:  tell us about your first real kiss
    I think I was 15, my boyfriend and I were on the same team in a huge game of Jailbreak (team hide and seek). We snuck off and made out in some random backyard.. a friend told my mom.     I was immediately grounded. 
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    @Lilpenguin3 I saw a chiropractor with DD and DS.  My neck and hips would go out of place causing me major headaches and lower back pain...I had planned to get adjusted the couple weeks leading up to delivery but little man decided to come early so I couldn't.  
    BFP #1 October 2008 | m/c Thanksgiving weekend | November 2008 | 7 weeks 2 days
    BFP #2 February 2009 | m/c March 2009 | 4 weeks 3 days
    Testing on mom and dad for possible reasons all came back normal.
    BFP #3 8/4/2009 | DD born 3/28/10 @ 38 weeks
    BFP #4 5/13/11 | m/c 6/15/11 | 8 weeks 6 days
    BFP #5 2/13/13 | CP 2/19/13 | 4 weeks 
    BFP #6 3/21/14 | Heard the HB on 4/16 | m/c 4/21/14 | 9 weeks
    Testing results all returned normal and baby was a GIRL.
    More testing on mom and dad for other issues all returned normal results.
    BFP #7 10/15 | DS born 6/4/16 @ 36 weeks 
    BFP #8 9/28/17 AHHH!!!  |  EDD 6/6/18

    "Dear Lord, I would have loved to have held my babies on my lap & tell them about you, but since I didn't get the chance, would you please hold them on your lap & tell them about me?"
    All are welcome!

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    @napqueen I love that your DS said that!!  That's adorable!!! 
    BFP #1 October 2008 | m/c Thanksgiving weekend | November 2008 | 7 weeks 2 days
    BFP #2 February 2009 | m/c March 2009 | 4 weeks 3 days
    Testing on mom and dad for possible reasons all came back normal.
    BFP #3 8/4/2009 | DD born 3/28/10 @ 38 weeks
    BFP #4 5/13/11 | m/c 6/15/11 | 8 weeks 6 days
    BFP #5 2/13/13 | CP 2/19/13 | 4 weeks 
    BFP #6 3/21/14 | Heard the HB on 4/16 | m/c 4/21/14 | 9 weeks
    Testing results all returned normal and baby was a GIRL.
    More testing on mom and dad for other issues all returned normal results.
    BFP #7 10/15 | DS born 6/4/16 @ 36 weeks 
    BFP #8 9/28/17 AHHH!!!  |  EDD 6/6/18

    "Dear Lord, I would have loved to have held my babies on my lap & tell them about you, but since I didn't get the chance, would you please hold them on your lap & tell them about me?"
    All are welcome!

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    @Lilpenguin3 I didn't see a chiropractor with DD, but a friend of mine did during one of her pregnancies.  You want to make sure that the dr is qualified/ specialized in pregnant women.  Your OB might have some recommendations or other mommas in your area.  

    @napqueen I feel you on the nap time- I'm dying at work right now.  Why isn't there nap time for adults?  As for the cat box all I can say is nag.  It sucks having a full grown child but he needs to handle it.
    me 35/ DH 39
    married 8/22/2015
    BFP#1- 4/2014 edd 1/1/15 mmc/d&c 6/2014
    BFP#2- 10/2015 edd- 6/29/2016 mmc/ d&c 12/2015
    BFP#3- 4/30/2016 DD1 12/27/16
    BFP#4- 9/26 edd 6/5/18

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    What symptoms are you having? How are you feeling? 
    I'm just so darn tired and food is tasting off. Overall not too bad though. 

    Rant: Threenager
    Rave: My kids are so sweet with each other most of the time and I'm really excited to see them with the newbie. DD keeps asking me about "the baby in my belly" and it's so sweet. I look forward to watching her react through this pregnancy since she was too little to really grasp the concept last time. 

    Any questions this week?

    GTKY:  tell us about your first real kiss
    I was 15, this guy and I both liked each other but were being weenies about it. I was giving him a hug in the car (passenger side) and he went for a kiss on the cheek but I moved my head too fast. It was super freaking akwkard. We dated for a few month after. 
    DD:3 | DS:1
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    What symptoms are you having? How are you feeling?
    Sore boobs. Mild cramps. Nothing major, but fatigue hit me hard today!

    Nothing too exciting. Feeling extra affectionate towards DH lately as I'm noticing he is taking extra steps to make sure I'm comfortable (little things like tip-toeing around in the early morning so as not to wake me). Love him so much. <3

    Any questions this week?
    Nothing that comes to mind.

    GTKY:  tell us about your first real kiss
    I was 16. It was my first year attending a school with boys. He asked me to follow him up the highest outdoor stairwell he could find at our school and asked me to be his girlfriend. When I said yes, he swooped in for the kiss. He wanted us to be high up somewhere. I think he was wanting to re-enact the "infinite abyss" scene from Garden State, which was his fav movie.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @doxiemoxie212 yes! I miss making out too! so fun!
    @Lilpenguin3 I saw one through most of my pregnancy with DD, but wish I would've gone closer to the end! I've been seeing one now too. 

    1. Sore boobs. Constipation and all the gas. Dry mouth and nose. Nausea has been gone these past few days, but I've also been snacking more which might help. And also heartburn is back. 

    2. Finally got my first ultrasound scheduled for next week. Already so nervous

    3. None at the moment.

    4. Grade 8. My first boyfriend. We had a school ski trip and had to bribe one of the teachers to let us sit next to each other on the bus. He warmed himself up on the way there by sneaking in a kiss on the cheek before we said goodnight. On the ride back suddenly there was this tension and he leaned in and kissed me in the dark. Super quick, but gave me alll the butterflies. We dated for almost a year after that. Got lots of kissing experience from my time with him LOL
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    What symptoms are you having? How are you feeling?
     Nausea is kicking my butt. My sense of smell seems to have quadrupled this week. I almost barfed when DH was feeding the dogs their dog food. Feeling bloated, tired, nauseas, cranky, etc. Lol

    Got my blood results back. Everything is all good! I was worried for a little bit when doc couldn't initially find baby in sac. But she was there!

    Any questions this week?
    Not really. 

    GTKY:  tell us about your first real kiss
    My husband was my first real kiss on our first date. It was very romantic. Then we went and sat at the beach and he wanted to keep going. lol 
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    As of today Ovia days baby is the size of a canapé! Yum! 

    What symptoms are you having? Omg the headaches are tearing me up right now. I really don't understand how people live with chronic migraines. I have never had this symptom before.. But I'd take it over the vomitorium I went through with DD2. I am also feeling queasy but only in the evenings and a glass of this stuff called Andrew's salt is like a godsend. 

    How are you feeling? Today emotionally I'm a Rollercoaster of a hot mess. I had great news at the u/s. And am soooo happy @doxiemoxie212 convinced me to go. Yep girl that was all you. Tee hee. :blush:

    Rants/Raves: My DH is driving me up the wall. Don't get me wrong he is fantastic for how he provides for us and builds for us, etc. But the way he talks to me is not helping my emotional dysfunction. On a totally different subject I'm over the moon with the u/s today and finding out the cost of using the hospital here!! 

    Any questions this week? Any stm+ have uterus measuring a week ahead? I heard it's normal with subsequent pgs and since I never had an u/s this early with my previous 2DDs I'm wondering what others experienced. 

    GTKY:  tell us about your first real kiss

    First real kiss... Well I'm not sure exactly when it happened or what I felt about it really but I have a super vivid memory of this boy and the back of a school bus when I was like idk 10 maybe?? I think we might have seen a movie or something at summer camp that initiated the "reinactment" and it was like just mouth but lots of pressing.. Lmao. My first French kiss... Hmmm I honestly am not sure. But for tmi I do remember my first O. And running upstairs a few hours later to tell my mom about it. Hahahahhaha I was around 17 at the time. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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    Court11152325Court11152325 member
    edited October 2017
    Deleted because oops, pregnancy brain. :)
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    @Dashaina I'm so happy you got good news at your ultrasound! ;)
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    1. 8+2
    2. 22 months 
    3. Symtoms: all food sounds gross except carbs. Constant hunger that is painful. Sore boobs. Exhaustion.
    4. Y’all, how do you parent two kids?? I’m nervous. Dd bedshares with me. Not sure how I can do it with 2. I will have to go back to teaching with a 9 week old. Yikes.
    5. First real kiss was in 8th grade with my neighbor. It wasn’t sweet or anything. Mostly I just wanted to kiss someone already!! 
    Did you mean this for the STM thread? I just ask because I don't know what the 22 months is in reference to and that's my only guess. ;) You are in the right thread based on due date, though...
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    What symptoms are you having? How are you feeling?
    I'm still struggling a bit with nausea. The diclegis is helping a little bit, but I'm still not really able to eat full meals. Hopefully this goes away soon because I'm still losing weight. Also @boymama29 I've been getting leg cramps all day today. Not sure what to think of it. 

    Rants/Raves: Not really anything. Still too tired from giving 10 vials of blood today. 

    Any questions this week? Nope

    GTKY:  tell us about your first real kiss
    I would say first real kiss was in the 9th grade making out in the back row of a movie theater. Couldn't be more cliche and I can't even remember the movie. 
    Me 30 Him 30
     August 2015
    DS born 5/23/2018
    TTC #2 July 2020

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    What symptoms are you having? How are you feeling? I've b*tched enough on the symptoms board about all the nausea, exhaustion, and metal mouth taste. Ewwie. 

    Rants/Raves: Bought concert tickets 2 months ago for a show tonight. SO and I are supposed to drive an hour away, check in to the hotel, walk to the show, then stay overnight and do a few botanical garden tours tomorrow before driving back for another show tomorrow night. 2 months ago I was all about it. Now I am exhausted at work and I feel like a whiny brat because I sleep 3 hours a night and I don't want to be a stick in the mud. I look forward to alone time and enjoying ourselves---I just hope I can do it!

    Any questions this week? When does everyone start stocking up on products? Is it ever too early? I doubt I'll have a shower as most of my family is gone and we are 700 miles from the family we have left. So I wanted to start making purchases in the 2nd trimester. Any advice?

    GTKY:  tell us about your first real kiss ...I was in 7th grade I think. Painfully awkward,shy Catholic school kid. My older sister was having a birthday party. She had already started high school and her friends were over. They were getting ready to play this game where someone would shut the lights off and you were supposed to grab a random person and kiss. I put my hand on the door knob to quietly escape the room but one of her friends grabbed me and kissed me before I could leave. They didn't know I didn't want to play because I barely spoke back in those days. I was so embarrassed I ran in the bathroom without saying a word before the lights came on. He and I are still friends lol.  
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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    @doxiemoxie212 yes, my bad! 
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    Coming in a little late this week. Oops! 

    9 weeks today, so The Bump tells me baby is as big as a cherry!

    What symptoms are you having? How are you feeling?  Nasal and ear congestion. I remember the stuffy nose throughout my first pregnancy but the stuffy ear is new and driving me bonkers. Have had some bleeding presumably from my SCH this week that makes me nervous but trying not to let it get me down. I might buy a Doppler this week. 

    Rants/Raves: I just wish I could enjoy some morning coffee with DH! The other day it sounded so good so he made me a cup, and after a few sips I had to get rid of it because it made my morning sickness go from 0 to 10 in no time.

    Any questions this week? Not right now

    GTKY:  tell us about your first real kiss. After a middle school dance with my first boyfriend, right as my mom was driving up pick me up, it was super awkward!

    Pregnancy Ticker
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