May 2018 Moms


What are you bitching about today? 

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  • @suchaglencoco I reeeally want a frosty now
  • I want a damn bologna sandwich so bad just because I know I shouldn’t eat lunch meat. I never eat it when I’m not pregnant but GIVE ME ALL THE BOLOGNA 
  • ivyvines6 said:
    momo214 said:
    @ivyvines6 @DSDavison At least y'all had good reasons to still look pregnant. I was many years pre-pregnancy (and at one point in my life, thin!) at a vineyard on a wine tour with a crew of overseas tourists in my tour. After LOTS of wine I had to pee bad and had the classic bladder pooch. In the bathroom a women with limited English skills asked me if I was having a boy or a girl. Cmon! Not only are you calling me pregnant when I'm not... you're implying I'm at least 4 months along AND I'm consuming mass quantities of alcohol while pregnant! 
    To be fair most other countries don't focus on hating on alcohol consumption like we do here. :D 
    So true. I'm not sure how Asian countries feel about drinking while pregnant. Either way, I really want a bottle of wine and a margarita thanks to the earlier post. 
  • Clients are driving me mad.

    house is an effing mess but I'm not allowed to clean so that sucks.

    and it pisses me off that sometimes when I hit the love it button, instead of working, it sends me to the bottom of a post and I have to scroll my way back up until I find my place.
    When I post a gif it sends me to the top of the post and I have to scroll all the way back down just to hit the stupid post button. 
    Yes! This happens to me too!! Like whyyyyy?!
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