July 2017 Moms

Weekly Randoms 9/11

Been a little slow lately. Figured I would start this up for the week. 

What dies everybody have going on? 

Re: Weekly Randoms 9/11

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    My husband's boss has decided to rent out his massive lake house, AirBnB style, and has redirected my husband two days a week to manage it. I am at the house supposed to be helping change the linens, but baby had different ideas, so I am currently sitting on the nicest, fluffiest leather couch I have ever seen while she sleeps and he works. Feeling a little guilty? Yes. Enjoying it a little? You bet!

    Also, my mom lives in West Palm Beach, and my sister lives in Jacksonville, so I spend most of the weekend worrying about them. They both lost power, but they and their husbands are okay otherwise. I was more than a little anxious.
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    @NutellaToast glad to hear your family is ok!

    DH left for a week long work trip this morning so I am flying solo with the kids and am trying not to pull my hair out. Luckily both kids individually are great... but it's still hard. Night time was the worst. LO has entered the 'I want to be held all day, don't you dare put me down' phase and gets over tired by the end of day. Trying to bathe and read books/tell stories to DS is hard when you are holding a 10 week old!
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    @MamaRN13 good to hear I'm not alone. FTM here so I was surprised when my 10 week old started getting over tired. Before she would just conk out when she was sleepy. Now I actually have to take certain steps to "put her down" to nap. 

    I've also noticed she's added a new cry to her repertoire. It sounds fake and doesn't come with tears. Usually happens when she's tired, bored or demanding to be held. 
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    DH goes out of town for work tomorrow and doesn't return until Friday afternoon. 

    Attempted to do do laundry today and realized we are out of laundry detergent. Should I take that as a sign I shouldn't do it? Ha 
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    My Grandmother evacuated Florida to Philly (he boyfriend has family there) which is only 2 hours from me. I decided to surprise her with a visit since she's never met my LO, I've never seen her so happy! Apparently it was also Grandparents Day so it was perfect timing. 

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    I also spent a lot of time watching hurricane info and waiting for update from friends and family down there. They all came through with little damage.

    @MamaRN13 @lanie1000 We are also experiencing over tired and having to figure out bedtime better. 

    I am in my 4th week of grad school. My classes are two nights a week. This has been quite an adjustment for all. 

    After getting the all clear to resume sex, I forgot to think birth control after so many months of not needing it (and was quite distracted/concerned with how I had healed). This caused me to freak out for a few minutes. I did some looking, decided to get plan B, and took it within 2 hrs. My milk supply took a hit for a couple days, but seems to be recovering.

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    @NutellaToast that's awesome! Those productive days are the best. I don't even know what it's like to spend non child time with my husband! 
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    @NutellaToast I love how she's smiling as she sleeps, too cute! My LO will only fall asleep in the stroller if I go "off roading", the bumpier the better. 
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    @jkbrownstein Oh for sure... the bumpier the better! It's the best watching their cheeks jiggle up and down!  ;)
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    Did any STM+'s kids go through a "mama my tummy hurts" phase? DS, 2 years old, has been saying it everyday for about 2 weeks now and I'm not sure if it's a phase because we've been paying more attention to DD as she's rolling over and smiling now (started happening right when she started smiling so maybe we were overly excited and he felt left out). I'm not sure if this is a kid thing or if I need to take him to the pediatrician...anyone else's kid go through this?
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    @nktrodden826 I believe our kids are the same age (June 15?) and dd has been complaining of that this past week. However, she has walking pneumonia as of this morning so who knows. Is he getting physically sick?
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    @alcrimmins yep, June ‘15! Nope, he’s not actually getting sick- just complaining that it hurts. I think I’ve finally figured out that he’s starting to feel his stomach- has pains, growling from hunger, bowels moving, etc. and he doesn’t know how to express it other than saying “my tummy hurts” I pretend to listen to his tummy and say “oh it doesn’t hurt- you’re just hungry” or something like that. 
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    Yep - DS says every night and morning, “I feel yucky, Mommy.” He knows it gets him attention and extra snuggles. I’m glad to hear it’s a Thing, which hadn’t crossed my mind.
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