December 2017 Moms

Mom's of Multiples Weekly Thread 9/5

How far along are you? How big are the babies?

Any appointments this week/last? 

GTKY: Did you do anything fun over the Labor Day weekend?  

What rants/raves/questions/advice?  
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Re: Mom's of Multiples Weekly Thread 9/5

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    How far along are you? How big are the babies? 25w4d with one!

    Any appointments this week/last? Had a regular OB appointment today.  I actually felt like he spent some time with me today, normally I just feel rushed through the appointments. I said I would prefer to do at least another cervical length check and he said yes, we could do that around 30 weeks. So we scheduled one for my next appt on the 25th. Should be a busy appt. Ultrasound, regular OB appt, and labs for the fun glucola drink!  He said if everything looks good on this scan with the length they won't do anymore ultrasounds and we'll just take it as it goes.  Since I've been on progesterone since 17 weeks, he is pretty hopeful I'll go close to full term.  He did say if I wanted to schedule a C-Section (I do have the VBac option) that we could look at doing it around Dec. 8 at 39 weeks.  It seems so close thinking that it's already Sept now! 

    GTKY: Did you do anything fun over the Labor Day weekend?  Not really.  My SO had to work all weekend, so it was me and the twin tornados all weekend and it rained all day Saturday.  My mom and I took them to Target and they did pretty good.  It's so much easier when you have a helper with!  Then yesterday we did get to take them to the park for a little while to swing and play. Other than that, not a whole lot else went on!

    What rants/raves/questions/advice?  Anyone else dealing with headaches? I feel like they have picked back up again. Not sure if its allergies with the weather changing or a side effect from the shots or just pregnancy in general but I'm over it.  
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    How far along are you? How big are the babies? 24+1 (singleton) Hooray viability!

    Any appointments this week/last? I have a MW appointment on friday and a recheck ultrasound.

    GTKY: Did you do anything fun over the Labor Day weekend?  I had to work all weekend so DH was wrangling the twinnados... @tmk0325 some days its ok to have them both with just one parent and other days man you need 5 people! 

    What rants/raves/questions/advice?  This kid LOVES to sit deep in my pelivs on a nerve or kick the heck out of my cervix. The twins were so much higher and I did not have to deal with this.

    @tmk0325 time is going to fast.... I need it to slow down. Its scary how close december is getting. Have you decided which way your going to lean for delivery? I'm hoping for a Vbac but we will see what this little one has planned.
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    Hi all! I'm new here and @tmk0325 wanted me to introduce myself :) My name is Brittney, I'm 31- 32 this month but shh...- I'm married to my wonderful DH almost a year *Sept 25th* and he has a son from his first marriage whom is 6. This is my first pregnancy. We had a miscarriage in December of last year it ruined me but the Lord was good to us to give us TWO rainbow babies. Both girls, di/di! *My mom told DH 2 weeks after we were dating that the Lord gave her vision and it was two twin girls. I told DH he should run LOL* Here we are now and he's been shaking his head ever since......Our due date was Jan 11th so I've been in the Jan 2018 mommy feed for a while since Mothers Day morning! Dr said she will not let us go PAST 38 weeks, so December 28th is the final day! :) let's see how long they can go.. lol  

    How far along are you? How big are the babies? 22 wks tomorrow, they will be as big as a coconut! :) Oh goodness....time is flying. You're right ladies, December will be here before you know it!

    Any appointments this week/last? I have an OB appt on Friday to see them! It's been since August 16th..

    GTKY: Did you do anything fun over the Labor Day weekend?  I worked all weekend. Booo, but I did get my house and laundry caught up for the first time in months LOL 2nd Trimester definitely didn't start better with the exhaustion. It's getting better however....

    What rants/raves/questions/advice?
    Questions: When did you all take the glucose test? How is life with twins? How were sleeping arrangements at night in the beginning? That's one thing DH and I are torn about. He wants cradles, one on each side. And I want a pack n play.
    Raves: They're moving around like crazy!! It's such an amazing feeling. Wow!
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    @tmk0325 I got some headaches during the first trimester and when I had that awful cold a couple of weeks ago, but they've mostly worn off at this point. I try to just drink water and lie down (if I'm at home), but if they're really bad I'll take some Tylenol and that usually helps.

    @wabash15 I'm definitely going to steal the term "twinnadoes" lol.

    @breezybee I'm a little stressed over my shower too (which is happening after the babies are born since I'm Jewish and carrying twins brings out my superstitious side). My sister-in-law, who I'm not super close with, offered to help my mom and aunt plan the shower. My SIL has never once actually spoken to me about the shower though, the only reason I even know she's involved is because my mom and DH told me. And apparently she told my MIL that the entire shower was her idea, even though my mom had started planning months before she even got involved. Also, my mom keeps asking me about what we're going to do since we'll be getting most of the gifts after they're born and I've repeatedly explained to her that most of the stuff on our registry we can live without for a month and the stuff we do need we'll either just get ourselves or ask close family to get for us ahead of time. Oy!

    @britmanering73 I have a 6 year old stepdaughter and this is my first pregnancy as well. I'm at 24+4 so I suspect I'll be taking the glucose test very soon. I'm sure I'll find out exactly when at my OB appointment tomorrow. And we plan on getting the Joovy New Room2 Portable Playard with the Twin Nursery Center attachment that we'll keep next to my side of the bed since, at least at first, I plan to exclusively bf so it makes sense to have them both right next to me.

    How far along are you? How big are the babies?
    24+4, little chinchillas :smile:

    Any appointments this week/last? 
    OB appointment tomorrow. This will be my first time meeting with another doctor from the practice, so I'm a little nervous since I really love my primary OB.

    GTKY: Did you do anything fun over the Labor Day weekend?  
    We went to a Labor Day party on Sunday which was fun but a little weird because someone had brought edibles and my husband, myself, and just one other person were the only people at the whole party (besides the children) who weren't high. We also worked on nursery stuff on Saturday and Monday which isn't exactly "fun" but it's definitely exciting!

    What rants/raves/questions/advice?
    My rant was the baby shower issue in my mention above to @breezybee
    Rave: The nursery is totally empty except for the closet! It's really happening!
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    @breezybee sorry the shower thing is stressing you out. I hope your able to enjoy it. We had our shower after the twins were born because the ladies at church wanted to snuggle babies... (that and we moved across the country where we knew no one when I was 12 weeks... eep)
    @britmanering73 welcome! My MFM would not let me go beyond 38 either... actually we made it to 37+2 then he said they were too big and needed to come out! As for your questions I think a lot of it depends on how close to term you make it. for us we did a PNP... they  have some with a larger bassinet option (search back in some of the MOM threads I posted pics) my twins (Di/di) HAD to sleep together till nearly 9 months, @tmk0325 I think her twins (mo/di) did better in separate swings/bassinets. Our PNP also had a changing station attached so it was super convenient to have the twins and the diaper stuff all in one place in our cramped apartment and when sleep deprived. I think I took the glucose test sometime around 28-32 weeks with the twins and I think I'm scheduled to take it at 28 with this one. life with twins is crazy and amazing at the same time. Being that they are your first you don't really know any better (which sometimes is a good thing) I think the thing all MOM's master is you just make it happen, there isn't a choice, its not always pretty and its good to set your expectations low.. as in its a great day if the babies are fed, your fed and everyone is in somewhat clean cloths. The house work may not get done, showers are a bonus but as long as everyone is fed and semi clean thats a win. DH had to go back to work the day after the twins were born and we didn't have any family near by so I was by myself with the twins... it was hard and sometimes they have to cry while your dealing with one, but its also double the snuggles, seeing them interact is amazing... there is such a bond. I can not imagine my twins as singletons. They are very different children but they are so close it warms my heart to watch them, or hear them giggle and plot on the baby monitor... and there is nothing better than being bowled over by double hugs when you get home from work. Those moments make all the tough ones better.

    oh an exercise ball or in the case of twins two... they love being bounced on them and it was often the way I could sooth them both at the same time. 
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    How far along are you? How big are the babies? 25 + 3

    Any appointments this week/last?  Regular OB appt tomorrow afternoon.

    GTKY: Did you do anything fun over the Labor Day weekend?  Bought baby stuff at the Just between friends sale this past weekend in dfw. Got some more cloth diapers, thinking I'm up to about 42 or so. Bought a rocknplay used, works perfectly just need to clean it up a little bit. My mother-in-law made my FIL go with her the next day also to pick up a packnplay for their house. Then they went to buy, buy, baby and spent more. DH is an only child so they are beside themselves. We had a nice lunch at the secret tea garden in my fav antique mall. Picked up decorations for the baby shower in October, when most of the people planning your shower live out of town, guess who does most of the prep work? Grrrrrrrrr. FYI I'm not impressed with the ready made decorations in stores for twins but way too lazy to try and make them all. Except for my crocheting I'm not much of a crafter.

    So on their second trip through the sale they ran into a young couple that had just had twin girls, she went into labor at 35 weeks. That would be ten weeks from now. TEN WEEKS till twins possibly. Minor panicking ensued cause I'm not ready yet. 

    What rants/raves/questions/advice?  I've got some pressure pains in my hips that I think might be some additional stretching? Feeling like I've got a bowling ball wedged in between my hip bones right now. It made me walk funny yesterday. I feel better today but want to talk to the OB tomorrow about those pains. Trying to drink more today also. I hate water at this point.

    britmanering73 welcome to the group and congrats on the twins.

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    @stella_700 I learned in my Expecting Twins class that 50% of twins are born at 35 weeks! I suspect the majority of those are mo/mo or mo/di (I'm having di/di) but still! I freaked out too!
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    @wabash15 Your advice had me cracking up! DH will have to keep up with the laundry :D Thank you so much for the advice ladies. I just don't want cradles bc they may have to sleep close together. I guess we'll know shortly after they're born. We're starting them out with 1 crib for now. Then in a handful of months, get another one. I just feel so overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time!
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    @britmanering73 I think with multiples there can be some serious mom guilt that you can't give each baby all the attention a singleton would get and you may not be able to get done what a mom with one baby can, but that's ok. I give the same advice to new singleton moms... set those expectations low while you adjust to everything and go from there. Also the twins have each other, when they are itty bitties they may not interact a ton (but it was crazy I would lay them down on each side of the PNP and by the middle of the night they were ALWAYS in the middle touching,) but as they get older they are real companions. My twins did not move into their crib till 6mo then they shared the same one till 9-10 months, so you have time. really the only thing you HAVE to have 2 of are car seats.... later on as they get bigger you'll start needing 2 of things but you have time. 
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    @leilagphillips Glad I'm not the only one!  Although it sucks that I'm not the only one ;)
    It's amazing how people can make YOUR big life events (weddings, babies, etc) all about THEM. Your SIL sounds like a real peach lol. Hang in there!
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    How far along are you? How big are the babies?
    27+4, lettuce? Or a big bottle of sriracha (not sure I spelled that right) 

    Any appointments this week/last? 
    Last week had a quick check up at my OB, no US scheduled. Then discussed the frequency of my BH and did a transvaginal ton check cervical length, all was good. Also did my second 1hr glucose screen and just heard back that I failed it (148mg). I have my 3hr scheduled for Friday. @britmanering73 I had my first glucose screen at 16 weeks and passed just fine. 

    GTKY: Did you do anything fun over the Labor Day weekend?  
    I was in a close friend's wedding on Sat, so was my DD and DS. I over did it, stayed to the end to give the bride and groom a sober ride back to their hotel, which meant being up and active from 7am-11pm (after only about 5hrs of sleep). Had a contraction scare the next morning with about 50 minutes of 3 min apart contractions. They stopped on their own and I napped practically the rest of the day. Monday we finished our registry!

    What rants/raves/questions/advice?  
    Rants: back and rib pain continues on my right side. It honestly doesn't feel like Baby B is kicking me, but more so like he's wedged up in there. Laying on my left side helps temporarily, but I'm worried it could be more serious. 
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    @britmanering73 We used two rock n plays for 8 weeks for the babies and then switched to a pnp and a crib and eventually two cribs. I'd opt for two pack n plays over two bassinets because you can use them for a much longer time. I second getting st least one with the changing table option. We used that daily for months as well. Plus you could always set them up in different rooms if your house is large. Also welcome and congrats on the girls! 

    Try not to be to stressed about the showers ladies! It's only a couple of hours and it'll be over before you know it. 

    @wabash15 I really don't know which way I'm going to go. Part of me just wants to schedule the c section because I know what to expect and the other part of me wants to maybe try a vbac. My doc said if we are planning having anymore kids dontje vbac because once you do two csections they won't allow for a vbac after. I told him I'm 95% sure we are done after this! 

    @leilagphillips and @stella_700 My twins were born at 31 weeks. The majority that I know from others were also around 35/36 weeks. I would recommend having showers and maternity photos around 30 weeks (if you are doing showers prior) just in case you go early. It's a real possibility with twins. I had absolutely no issues throughout my pregnancy besides Braxton Hicks contractions and then I started leaking and my water broke a few days later. I don't want to burst anyone's bubbles but it's definitely a real possibility of going much earlier! 
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    @KathrynJ088 have you tried swimming (or really just floating) or soaking in a deep tub? that can help the babies shift around and relieve some of the pressure.  It was so helpful for me when I got larger just taking some of the weight off... 
    @stella_700 it is crazy that the average for twins is 35 weeks. it makes the timeline faster. I was in total denial and thankfully was a bit of a unicorn in that we made it to term. 37+2 when MFM said the babies were too big and needed to come out prior to our 38week induction. When he told me that I had a mini melt down because there were still so many things I needed to wrap up. I worked till 9 that night, DH and I went out for a late date night dinner. I was NPO after midnight at by 9am they were in my arms...
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    @wabash15 yes! I love going to the pool, just not a possibility during the week. I'm working from home today and have seriously thought about setting up an inflatable pool that we've had for a few weeks (months) sitting in the box.
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    Welcome, @britmanering73!  So glad you found us! 

    How far along are you? How big are the babies?  26w6d with di/di twin boys!

    Any appointments this week/last? We had a 4D ultrasound at the OB on Tuesday.  It was so neat seeing what the boys look like.  I'm sooo in love!  Today I met with the DAP (Diabetes and Pregnancy) Team with my high risk office.  I go back to them again on Monday and also have an ultrasound next Thursday and an appointment with my MFM and also my cardiologist next Thursday.  I am starting insulin tonight for GD, so hoping that works out well to lower my numbers.  My diet over the past week was perfect (according to the nutritionist) but my numbers are not reflecting that.  

    GTKY: Did you do anything fun over the Labor Day weekend?  I slept a lot and watched Football with some friends that came over to visit.  Nothing crazy! 

    What rants/raves/questions/advice?  Advice on bottles?  I plan to breastfeed, but I know I will need bottles.  I've heard that it's hard to find a type that your baby likes.  Should I get just a few of one type and then wait and see if they like them before purchasing another type?  
    About me:
    TTC#1: October 2015
    dx: PCOS & MFI
    IUI #1 w/Femara + Ovidrel June 2016 ~ BFP
    July 2016: Blighted Ovum
    IUI #2 w/Femara + Ovidrel September 2016 ~BFN
    IUI #3 w/Femara + Ovidrel October 2016 ~BFN
    IUI #4 w/Femara + Ovidrel November 2016 ~BFN
    IVF with ICSI January 2017 ~BFN
    FET February 2017 ~BFN
    IVF with ICSI March 2017 ~BFP--Twins Due 12/8/17
    Team Blue X 2!
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    Good question @beary67. I'd like to add to that - are we supposed to buy a bunch of different types of nipples, or just use the ones that come with the bottles?
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    How far along are you? How big are the babies?

    24+3 with my little cantaloupes!

    Any appointments this week/last? 

    Two this week. One was the cervix check, and my first FFN test. Cervix looks good, FFN negative.

    The fetal echo-  :/. Baby A has a 2mm "pinhole" between her ventricles. I'm trying not to freak out about it. I was told it's common, and can potentially close on its own before birth or in the first year. Doing my best not to freak out about it. 

    GTKY: Did you do anything fun over the Labor Day weekend?  

    I slept, and it was amazing. Sick toddler and husband, plus crazy heat kind of put the kibosh on being out and running around! Thankfully everyone is feeling better, I somehow missed getting sick, and it's "only" in the 90's today! 

    What rants/raves/questions/advice?  

    Rants- my stupid insurance company contacted my husband about their weight loss plan offerings for me. I'm still ticked. It was just them calling because my names on some BMI list, but come on, people. 

    Raves: Nursery is almost together. Cribs arrived slightly damaged from Wayfair, they were awesome and promptly shipped replacements, which should be here tomorrow! Then all the basics will be done, and I can focus on decorating. And finishing my ridiculous amount of baby projects that need to get done. Sewing rocking chair pads and knitting a pouf for footrest, knitting two personalized Christmas stockings, putting together custom mobiles for each crib....yikes!

    Questions: Is anyone else doing a "Sip N' See" in lieu of a shower? My mom is very excited about this option, as I think she sees it as a "loophole". Traditionally, (this may just be an old school  Armenian thing?) since I had a shower for my son, typically there isn't one for the second baby, but people keep asking about it, because girls/twins.  I'm just concerned about potentially having preemies in a room full of very enthusiastic, kissy ladies! My son went to a family wedding at about 6 months, and we counted six or seven shades of lippie on his face after the fact. Armo ladies love their lipstick. And giving "bachigs" (kisses). 

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    wabash15wabash15 member
    edited September 2017
    @beary67 and @breezybee So I did a ton of research and decided on tommytippy brand... DS loved them and it was perfect... DD on the other hand refused to nurse from them... we had to buy several different types before we landed on the latch bottles. (she would also usually take the Dr. Browns which we liked but there are a ton of parts and cleaning was way more time consuming with the Dr.Browns). As for nipple types I would stick with the lowest flow possible.... so usually that is a stage 1. We stayed with the low flow the entire time. (this also helps some with the transition between boob and bottle because even stage 1 flows faster than the boob will (unless you are a lady with a super forceful letdown). We had to supplement the twins some at the beginning because we had some latch issues and it took a while getting my supply up enough for 2. So starting with a bottle right away we never really had any "nipple confusion" issues.... I will say for a week or so after starting day care and DS was getting more bottles than he was used to he was harder to get to nurse because the milk wasnt coming fast enough but we were able to work through it without a ton of issues. Kellymom is a great website for breastfeeding and paced bottle feeding for breast fed babies.

    eta: I would go straight for a hospital grade pump, do not even bother with a regular one. 
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    Yes to a hospital grade pump and to Kelly Mom website! We used Dr. Brown bottles, they had a ton of parts but my babies were gassy and it seemed to help. We actually started with the preemie nipples due to being in the NiCU and how small they were. After a few weeks home we went to size newborn and then size 1 and eventually size 2. I registered for newborn/size 1 nipples to go with the bottles and bought the rest as we went. If you do end up bottle feeding full time (I EPed) you'll probably want at least 10 bottles on hand during the day! 
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    Thanks @wabash15 and @tmk0325!  It's getting reallllllly real over here!
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    Oh @clovelyone that is so good to hear!! I'm so glad things look like they will be ok, that is a huge weight lifted!  Try to stay positive for the rest of the time being if you can! 
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    @clovelyone so many hugs. That is such stress to go through. Please know this is a safe space for you to let those fears out and have us help hold you up. I am so glad the follow-up looks ok. 
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    stella_700stella_700 member
    edited September 2017
    @cloverlyone I'm so glad that you got good news back on your baby girl's heart! I've got another scan on the 13th cause they aren't satisfied with the images that they are getting for baby b for us. What they can get is within the normal range they just aren't seeing very clearly through me.

    My appt was fine, kinda got yelled at a bit cause I've not put on any weight this month. Holding steady at this point, its frustrating to fight weight all your life and then not be able to gain it when you need to. Monday is the one hour GD test. Also got everything I need to preregister at the hospital that we will be delivering at. Our multiples class is this Sunday. Things are super getting real and the nursery isn't ready yet. I've got to crack the whip a bit I think.

    @breezybee I picked up several different bottles and nipples at the used sale I went to so that I have a variety to offer the babies before really investing in one type or another. Bottles, even used, aren't cheap and I've yet to see what I consider a reasonably priced sample pack.

    edit spelling
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    Thanks, ladies!

    @stella_700 I just realized I've been tagging your name wrong. Doh! I'm glad your appointment went well and FX crossed they can get all of the perfect measurements they need for baby b next time. 
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    great news, @clovelyone!!  What a relief for you!
    About me:
    TTC#1: October 2015
    dx: PCOS & MFI
    IUI #1 w/Femara + Ovidrel June 2016 ~ BFP
    July 2016: Blighted Ovum
    IUI #2 w/Femara + Ovidrel September 2016 ~BFN
    IUI #3 w/Femara + Ovidrel October 2016 ~BFN
    IUI #4 w/Femara + Ovidrel November 2016 ~BFN
    IVF with ICSI January 2017 ~BFN
    FET February 2017 ~BFN
    IVF with ICSI March 2017 ~BFP--Twins Due 12/8/17
    Team Blue X 2!
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    this morning was an amazing twin morning (please read heavy sarcasm) they slept great I woke them up at the usual time... we are trying to potty train so I tried to get DD to sit on the potty (she peed successfully 2 times in a row last night) que melt down #1... getting dressed... she picks out a shirt and leggings but needs shorts over her diaper... que melt down #2 as we go through her entire collection of shorts/skirts 3 times and she won't pick so mom picks... 
        DS happily sits on potty, and for diaper but wants pants (heavy winter pants) its supposed to be 90 today... no you cant wear pants... Melt down #1, worsened when mom picks cloths because he wont...  
        Dual melt downs last for 20 min as we get them out the door (including throwing toys, laying on the floor kicking and screaming, DD screaming bloody murder as we take her out to the car and attempt to get her into the car seat kicking, screaming and flailing in any manor she possibly can...)
       Bless the daycare ladies today because clearly it is an emotional day. Life is hard as a 2 year old... so many emotions and such a hard time expressing them....

    sorry I just had to vent... yesterday they were sweet, polite helpful babies....
    TTC 1/2012
    Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
    6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
    TTC #3 5/2016
    Restarted Fertility tx
    IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17

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    clovelyoneclovelyone member
    edited September 2017
    Aww, @wabash15, that's the type of mornings I'm dreading, but it sounds like you got things together despite the meltdowns.

    @beary67 Thank you! 
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    @wabash15 I feel your pain, we aren't even two but changing diapers, putting on clothes, and getting into carseats cause epic meltdowns already at 14 months old. As does most things...  The carseat battles have been the worst. I can't even handle it half the time I made SO do it. Usually it's just one and the other will go in, but lately they both have been and it takes me a good 10 minutes when I pick them up at daycare to buckle them in (for our 1 mile car ride).  
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    Just one of those days @wabash15!  Hopefully, they'll be in a better mood when you pick them up - oy!
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    Oh the joys we have to look forward to!  :D
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    Sorry ladies, I've been MIA for a bit. Thank you for all the wonderful advice!
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