March 2018 Moms

Fitness Check In 8/15

I went back to the gym today! I only took three days off because of a cold but I missed it so much.

I really struggled through the workout. My heart rate kept getting insanely high and I had to keep stopping. But I feel so much better that I went! It definitely effected my appetite though I was really really hungry all morning. I'm 10w3d.

What have you done in the past few days to get your fitness in? I didn't for three days but I'm trying to stick with my bootcamp classes!

have you struggled? Every day!

Hows your diet? I'm sticking to healthy. I have had small treats a cookie here and there and ice cream once or twice a week. 

Hows your waist? The past three days I feel like it's becoming apparent I've either gained only in my uterus lol. It's not huge but it's making certain clothes fit me differently and make me self conscious! 

Re: Fitness Check In 8/15

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    What have you done in the past few days to get your fitness in? I've had a cold since Friday, so aside from a low impact toning class and a stretching class, nothing. I was going to go to Zumba today, but I can't handle that level of cardio right now, but I'm going to try to power through a barre class since there's not really a cardio component.

    have you struggled? I feel like the past 1.5 weeks has REALLY been a struggle with working out. Especially the half with a cold. I feel like my regular 1st trimester symptoms have been magnified.

    Hows your diet? It's been fairly decent, except I bought sorbet when I went grocery shopping on Sunday. I've only had a little, but I know it won't last in the freezer all week.

    Hows your waist? There's no change - which is as expected at 8 weeks.

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    What have you done in the past few days to get your fitness in? Taught a yoga class on Sunday and have been taking walks nightly.

    have you struggled? Yeah I teach long yoga classes (75 min or so) and towards the end I was definitely feeling more tired than usual.

    Hows your diet? I mean I'm basically only eating what doesn't make me wanna vom at this point.  Though I have gotten lots of leafy greens in the past two days so I'm thankful for that.

    Hows your waist? Eh, I gave up on how bloated I am weeks ago.  IVF makes you super bloated so this is just how I've looked for months now.  I'm not really worried about it. I can still plank for days.
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    What have you done in the past few days to get your fitness in? I haven't' been to the gym in a few days. Feeling still weak and tummy is still queasy.

    Have you struggled? Yeah it's just not the same. The weights seem heavier and I feel so much slower and out of shape.

    How's your diet? CRAP.

    How's your waist? My hips look like they're starting to get a bit wider but that could also be me being self-conscious. My DH likes it, though... so I guess I got that going for me? :|
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    What have you done in the past few days to get your fitness in? I get up at 4-4:30am and workout at my local gym before work. If I don't get up(like this am), I'll go to the gym after work, which I hate because it's so crowded, or just go for a little run outside if it's nice.

    Have you struggled? I haven't struggled going because I've been feeling well, just tired sometimes. But I have noticed I'm fatigueing way sooner than I use to.

    How's your diet? Not absolutely horrible but not the greatest. I do paleo lifestyle and I've found myself letting non-paleo things 'not be a big deal because I'm pregnant'. I need to do better.. I know the bloating is mostly related to the pregnancy but I also have it pretty bad when I'm not eating well too.

    How's your waist? I feel like my midsection is already getting 'thicker' even though I'm only 8w2d with my first. Probably because my diet hasn't been too strict. Unfortunately, I have the body type that if I'm not eating clean almost all the time AND working out consistently, I can gain weight very easily. I need to get back on track!
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    I feel like each day I've been feeling better. I'll be 11w Saturday. I'm hoping this is why I'm feeling better. Workouts are still hard and yes I agree with whoever said the weights feel way heavier than they normally do. Since I'm moving closer to second trimester I'm allowing myself to lift what I normally lift and go a little harder. I always let my HR go back down I just don't like it up for long periods. Today was a good day and I felt pretty good. I feel like I have to prep more for the gym. I try to drink an entire bottle of water as soon as I wake up (I go to a 6am bootcamp) and like two sips of coffee to hopefully help me go number two lol. 

    My waist is definitely bigger. Jeans still fit but are uncomfortable when I sit. I haven't gained on the scale at all which I'm very proud of! I hope feeling better means I'll feel good my whole second trimester because I'm going to be very busy in my last semester of nursing school!
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    9 weeks today. After a smoky heat wave and horrible nausea kept me on the couch for 10 days, I finally got back into activity this past week. I have done some light core and Pilates work (no crunches or anything). I road biked about an hour per day this past week. It feels so good to be outside moving. Today I mountain biked for 1 hr 45 minutes (on familiar, easy trails, no risk of crashing). I only planned for the ride to be 1 hr 15 minutes but I went further than planned and I ran out of food! I felt pretty shaky and depleted at the end but was able to eat a good recovery meal right after. 

    Little or no weight gain so far, but I've got a high metabolism and haven't been eating a ton, due to nausea. A bit of extra firmness low on my tummy where the uterus is growing. Bloating. Had to buy bigger bras.
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    What have you done in the past few days to get your fitness in? It has been hard to stay motivated but still trying to do scaled CrossFit 3-4 times a week and 1 run a week. However, running has been a bit painful so it has hindered longer distances. Need to invest in sturdier sports bras.

    have you struggled? It has been hard to get motivated. I have missed a couple morning classes because of nausea and it is easy to lose motivation for evening classes because I'm so tired after work. Luckily I have half an hour to lie down to rest beforehand.

    Hows your diet? It's been the same as before but snacking at work now with nuts and dried fruit. Strangely, I have been craving sweets, which is abnormal for me.

    Hows your waist? Some jeans are feeling a little snug, but thinking that's more bloating that baby.
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    edited August 2017
    What have you done to get your fitness in? I've essentially kept my same routine, just with more pregnancy friendly versions. Every morning before work I get up and either do an ab workout (no more crunches for me though!) and then jog/walk (only for about 15 min) OR I do some arm workouts with bands and/or modified push-ups, then hip flexor & butt exercises (with bands) and then sumo-squats, and then go for a 15 min walk. That's all! Well, and because I sit at a desk all day for work, I walk for 15 min on a break and for 25-30 min on my lunch. This is all somewhat less than what I was doing before finding out we were pregnant. 

    How have you struggled? It's been hard doing less activity either because of nausea, fatigue, or just being careful in general. I'm definitely not as trim although it's only the 7th week for me. I'm hoping to gain a healthy 25-30 lbs during this pregnancy, but hopefully not much more!

    How's your diet? As much whole foods and organics as possible. Trying to stay away from too many carbs (although they're the easiest to eat when nauseous) and bulk up on my veggies. 
    Just got the "Whole 9 Months" cookbook and made Cod and Mango tacos. So good! 

    How's your waist? A little bigger than I expected by now. My sister wasn't this big at least 7 weeks (she's due in January). Either I'm overdoing the carbs or I'm having twins. First ultrasound on 8/30 (finally! )
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    I did my bootcamp today and struggled the entire time. I'm taking tomorrow off the gym I can't wait lol. Been doing 5 days a week. No weight gain get but feel bloated!
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    Any ladies still working out? 
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    @maureenbioni yes! But I was lazy yesterday and didn't go and came home with a migraine today so didn't go today either. I hate missing multiple days in a row! You still going?
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    Any ladies still working out? 
    YEP! I'm a creature of habit and do the Fitness Friday Check-in. :smile: It's good to see people staying active!
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    3x a week...Thank you LA Fitness for paying me to teach water aerobics or else I don't think I would be working out at all!!
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    What have you done in the past few days to get your fitness in? 

    I put my FitBit back on for the first time in over three weeks today. Does that count? 

    have you struggled?

    I struggle walking up the stairs. But I've noticed at 9 weeks the fatigue is starting to subside little by little, so I'm going to stay walking again until I regain enough energy to do more strenuous activity. 

    Hows your diet?

    Pretty lousy (I mostly only want carbs), but I'm not eating a ton so weight gain has been minimal

    Hows your waist? 

    Rounded and bloaty, pretty much as it has been since week 5.
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    I seriously wish I could exercise, but my body is a wreck.
    If we lived near each other, we could do a water aerobics class together and laugh. 
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    What have you done in the past few days to get your fitness in? It has been hard to stay motivated but I ran yesterday. I ran 3 miles and it felt like 10.

    have you struggled? Runs feel harder, have to stop more often to get HR down and I am a lot slower so it's taking longer. 

    Hows your diet? I'm trying to get better... I've been eating what is appealing to me, thankfully salads and fruits but plenty if carbs are getting in!

    Hows your waist? BLOAT
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    God bless you all.
    Me: 39 <3  DP: 49
    TTC since Jan 2017
    BFP #2 7/11/17 | EDD 3/24/18
    BFP #1 5/2/17 | EDD 1/12/18 | MC 5/18/17

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    I have been sticking to 5 days a week at bootcamp! Today I had a funny pain at my belly button (I'm 12w) and I slowed down and it stopped. It was mostly when I changed positions which made me wonder if it was deferred round ligament pain. 

    My nausea is back and I'm not eating very well.  I really need summer to end because the late night boardwalk trips for ice cream and different summer day trips are horrible for eating right! And when will my taste for vegetables return!?
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    I know this is not about foods...but @maureenbioni, I hate veggies right now and that makes me sad!
    Me: 39 <3  DP: 49
    TTC since Jan 2017
    BFP #2 7/11/17 | EDD 3/24/18
    BFP #1 5/2/17 | EDD 1/12/18 | MC 5/18/17

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    I went for a walk this morning. It felt like it was going to kill me, but I did it. It wasn't very long or brisk, but it's better than nothing.
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