September 2016 Moms

August Randoms


Re: August Randoms

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    @jenkar01 Ugh!! So sorry that you guys are sick. Summer colds suck!!! Hope you all start feeling better soon. 
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    We have made it through the summer without a cold so far....knock on wood. I was putting up Dylan's clothes this mourning and can't believe I was folding some 12 month clothes...they seem so big! Can time slow down please 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @drabong88 we just went through Xavier's closet and finally put away all his 6 months clothes. He still fits 9 months and just now starting to fit some 12 months. Although I swear the pants look ginormous for the 12 months. How is it possible in three weeks he will be a year old.l?! I'm so not ready.
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    Lol...yup my little bean is still wearing 6-9 month old stuff and its a little big....I recently put away all the older sleepers and couldn't believe how small the nb stuff was! How is she almost a year already!!
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    Ugh! How concerned would you be if your LO ate part of a paint sample swatch

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    @BabyBoyH92016 Hahahaha! My LO loves to chew on paper stuff too. She once ate a hole in the box of Kraft dinner I let her hold onto while grocery was a little awkward at the checkout....I'm just lucky that she tends to spit out the pieces or gives them to me if I put my hand out. 
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    My LO loves to eat toilet paper while I try to shower lol and sadly he ate a dead fly while my husband was watching him the other day
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    So summer cold turned into sinusitis and bilateral ear infection for mommy, left ear infection for Xavier, and right ear infection for daddy. Ugh I need to bleach my house.
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    @drabong88 the dead bug thing is a fear of mine. Ellie picks up every little thing she finds and quickly puts it in her mouth and turns and 'runs' away and laughs. I always wonder how many dead bugs she has eaten... hopefully none. 
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    @jenkar01 I'm sorry you are all sick! I can only imagine how hard that can be. I'm hoping for a speedy recovery for you all...and thank you for the reminder to disinfect!
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    @jenkar01 that sucks!!
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    When your baby eats table foods, does he/she eat with their hands, or do you feed them with a spoon/fork? LO hasn't had purees in a long time and he always uses his hands when eating meals. I've never thought twice about it, but im beginning to wonder if I should feed him with a spoon or fork on occasion so that he's familiar with utensils. I don't want him learning to use a fork/spoon in the future be a huge struggle because he's used to eating with his hands all the time. It was recently brought to my attention that this could be a possibility. I don't know if there is any merit to that claim  
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    I wouldn't put too much merit into right now. If anything you could give LO a spoon or fork to play with while they eat just to get use to it. Xavier won't let us feed him or say. He wants to feed himself with his fingers. If we do give him food from a spoon or fork, he likes to take it out of his mouth, look at it, and then put it back in his mouth. So we just put his food on a plate or on his tray and let him go at it. When he is done he'll either push his plate away or push the food into a corner on his tray. The LOs won't master utensils until they are a bit older anyways so I'm not worried about it right now.
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    I have always fed her the oatmeal at breakfast with a spoon just because I don't want to clean up that mess! Every other meal or snack she eats with her hands. I also give her a spoon to play with sometimes and she likes it. I wouldn't worry though ( lol,  like we can actually stop worrying about everything...) there's lots of time to master the spoon. 
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    Same as above. I usually load the spoon and let LO put it in her mouth. But for finger foods, she just does it herself. 
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    We only recently started giving B utensils. We use the spoons below and he kind of understands to dip it in what he is eating, but sometimes it's just a fun toy to throw. I showed him how to use a fork on some pasta and he did try to stab at it but his hand eye coordination is not there yet. I think utensils are mostly for fun right now so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

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    I was going to suggest those spoons too!
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    My LO has finally started to sign back...I was kinda giving up on it too! She had been doing 'puppy' for a while now but nothing else. Then this week she started doing 'milk' 'more' and 'food'. Now if I can just figure out how to get her to touch her own mouth for 'food' and not least it is a touch now and not a slap! Lol,  no wonder I had been missing that sign!  
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    That's awesome on the signing!
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    Congrats!! That's exciting. I only do "all done" but need to start signing other things now that lo seems to understand more. 
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    There's an air and water show near me this weekend. The pilots are practicing today and tomorrow for the show and the jets are SO LOUD when they fly over. I had to leave the park because LO was shaking and crying. Poor guy was so scared. Now i feel trapped. We spend a few hours a day strolling and playing at the park but I'm nervous to go outside with him. 
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    Aw poor babe!!
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    Ugh a little TMI but I just got my first post baby period
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Bummer on period @drabong88! I got mine back 3 mo or so ago.
    @BabyBoyH92016 you could try dropping that last pump and see what happens. Peppermint tea can help dry things up too. Awesome on your friend!! Hope it goes well for her!
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    I'll try the peppermint tea! It happens to be one of my favorites. Thanks for the tip. 

    I officially have a little walker! LO has been taking steps for a few weeks now, but not super frequently. All of a sudden these last two days he's walking small distances everywhere! 
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    @BabyBoyH92016 I am slowly weaning my pumping. I just decrease the length of time I pump. I'm down to getting 3-4 oz per pump. I only pump in the morning and before bed. I will be done pumping in two weeks when Xavier turns one.
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    Anyone have awful mother in laws? My MIL has been helping out after our nanny situation. Found out she hit our formerly-abused shelter dog on Wednesday for getting too close to the baby. First off, our dog loves the baby and is always close to him. Second, we do not hit our animals ever, for any reason. Then I found out she locked out dog outside all day yesterday with no, food or water or bed (our back yard is all pavers). Our dog is a mostly indoor dog, so I am sure she was not happy about that.

    Then today when I got home from work, saw she fed our kid rice cereal and pre packaged gerber baby food after I explicitly told her this morning that we do not feed him that kind of stuff. We do baby led weaning and he eats real food. She had to go out and buy baby food because we do not have anything like that in the house. I know that's a dumb thing to be uptight about, but everyone has their idiosyncrasies and mine is his food. I've been really good about feeding him a well balanced diet of fresh, organic, natural, and preservative free foods. Am I disillusioned and think my kid is going to eat like that forever? No. It's mostly that she did it after I told her not to. And I haven't even touched upon the multitude of racist things she's the past couple of days. I cannot wait for her to leave!
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    BabyBoyH92016BabyBoyH92016 member
    edited August 2017
    Oh no @Laraeq that's terrible. Poor puppy.

    I cannot relate, but my mom comes over about twice a week to visit lo and help out while I run errands and work out. She feeds and takes care of lo the way I instruct her to, but she definitely throws her 2 cents in on what she thinks I should/should not be doing. I try and bite my tongue as much as possible, because although it's annoying, she is very helpful. However, your MIL is on a different level. Hope you find childcare soon. 
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    Do you throw out baby bottles/nipples or can you save to use for next baby? 

    Packing and I need to deceide what to toss or pack.

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    @Laraeq you have every right to be upset. You are raising your child the way you see fit. And if she had to go to the store to buy baby food then she should have known that was wrong since you didn't have it in the house. I have heard from friends horror stories about their MILs and grateful that I am lucky in that department. As for the dog thing, let me just say "Oh hell no". My dogs are my fur babies and I would have gone off on her if she had done that to my dogs. Hope your situation gets better.

    @BabyBoyH92016 I would throw out the nipples and get fresh ones when the next LO is born. The bottles should be fine though. I know pacifiers are suppose to be swapped out every month, not sure about nipples. And wouldn't think keeping them for over an extended period of time would be good. Best to just start fresh. 
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    @Laraeq ugh that sucks! I'm anal about the food too, so I totally hear ya. Blows my mind she'd go through that much trouble to feed the baby when I'm sure you had plenty of options there!
    i second tossing nipples/paci, keep the bottles though.
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    My poor kid can't catch a break. Xavier went 11 months without getting sick but a month ago got a cold. Well it has been one thing after another. First the cold, then the ear infection, and now he has 6th disease aka Roseala. Poor thing looks like a speckled hyena right now. Luckily he doesn't have a fever with it or seem phased by it but geez it is like he is playing catch up with all the illnesses.
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    Agh! Poor X!! That sucks!
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    So total lurker here, but what are you guys feeding your little ones?? My DD is becoming less interested in the bottle during the day, but I am so afraid to feed her "real" food because I think she will choke! I feed her purées and puffs and things like that, but she's constantly interested in what we are eating and I'm so afraid to give it to her. Help! 
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    Poor little guy. Im so sorry, that sucks! 
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    Of course 2 weeks before I move the most amazing pizza place opens up within walking distance from me  :(
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    @jenkar01 I'm so sorry he is going through that! Hang in there.

    @allthingssparkly you didn't mention how old your LO is. Ours are all coming up on a year so I think most of them are eating finger foods. It was hard to get over the fear of her choking but start with soft ripe fruits and go from there. Try and lurk some more in the feeding threads as someone posted a good link to an article that made me more comfortable with gagging as well. Good luck! 
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    BabyBoyH92016BabyBoyH92016 member
    edited August 2017
    @allthingssparkly are you on FB? Join the group "Feeding the Littles". It's good food inspiration and people are always posting questions and pictures about appropriate food sizes. 

    Edited to add: "Baby Led, Combo and Traditional Weaning" is another good food Facebook group.
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